What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday Treasures

 How can it be Wednesday again already? These days and weeks are just flying by!  What's interesting is that last week it felt like spring and almost summer, and now this week we are right back to what feels like winter for us!  Today has been rainy and cloudy and chilly, and we have a freeze warning in effect by Friday. So I am back to wearing my flannels and sweaters and using the extra blanket again...and here's my scene now:

Here's a look at Still Waters Pond at 1:52 p.m.   It just started raining again, so it's the kind of day to stay curled up inside our cozy house and be thankful we don't have anywhere we absolutely have to go!

Earlier this morning, after we made a trip to Walmart to get haircuts and do some shopping (in the rain!, but it wasn't raining when we made the hair appointments yesterday afternoon for this morning...), when we got home it was time for me to go across the street to feed the neighborhood cats:
"Sunshine" and "Blackie", enjoying their Meow Mix

And on my way back home I met up with these folks...Mr. and Mrs.  Canada Goose, out for a stroll...
I believe they were on their way back to Still Waters Pond...not sure why they didn't just fly there. I guess they needed some exercise. LOL.

It appears that they have taken up residence at the new house that is next door to us 

It is still waiting for some special people to come purchase it! "Won't you be my neighbor??", which BTW, when my sister was here last week I took her over to peek in all the windows and walk all around the property with me, and I tried my best to "sell" it to her, but they are too settled in their home of almost 50 years in a much more suburban kind of neighborhood near Orlando. Her hubby said he couldn't survive here because we don't even have a Starbucks! LOL I tried to convince him that we are really coming up in the world, because they are building a new Dunkin' Donuts here in our little town:
But somehow that didn't convince him or her. Oh well, I tried.

Also last week when they were here I had tentatively planned for us girls to have a little tea-party out in the Secret Memorial Garden.  Benton had moved this table off the porch for me so we'd have a place to set it up, but it was actually a bit too windy and chilly on that day for a tea-party in the garden.

My thoughts were to model it after this photo that my sister had actually posted on her Facebook page earlier in the week. Of course, I don't have all those flowers around, or a little stone cottage in the background, but we could always pretend like we used to do as little girls.  Can't you just imagine it?  It was a wonderful idea, but just not practical for this particular time.
Maybe we'll try again in April, perhaps for Doris' birthday! I may have to borrow some flowers from her garden! LOL.

Now here is some exciting news! Remember on Tuesday (yesterday!) when I showed you pictures of the Sand Hill Crane building her nest?  Well, later yesterday afternoon I went back over to check and see what was going on over there, and this is what I found:

YES!!  Mrs. Sand Hill Crane is sitting on her nest!!! Hooray!! That means there must be at least one egg!  I will have to keep checking on them to see if I can catch her standing up and tending to the egg(s) to determine if there is more than one.

And what is neat is this is exactly the same time as last year, right around President's Day, when they laid their two eggs...one on Abraham Lincoln's birthday (Feb. 12) and one on George Washington's birthday (Feb. 22), so this year they decided to make the appearance on President's Day, so I guess I will have to name this colt (or colts) after another President.  We'll wait and see how many and then the decision will be made as to what to name it/them, and I think I will make it a surprise and not announce any name until the colt makes it's debut.
I wish I could see this nest from our house, but I have to walk around the pond to see it over behind the island, so there probably won't be as many updates as in times past.

Also, we will need to keep an eye on that Mr. and Mrs. Canada Goose, because they usually build their nest not long after the cranes. It's kind of like "keeping up with the Joneses between the two rivaling creatures! LOL.  Never a dull moment here on Still Waters Pond, that's for sure!

Oh, thank you all for your prayers for us yesterday as we made that trip to the eye doctor again for hubby's eye. There was no fog, thank the Lord, only bright sunshine all the way.  And the doctor said his eye is healing nicely, and the irritation could be either from the drops, or just the fact that the tissue around the new lens is still healing, but everything appeared to be normal. He made some adjustments in the kind of drops he is using, and today the eye actually feels much better! So that is a relief and worth the trip up there and back! Praise the Lord!

1 John 5:14-15 NKJV

"14 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, 
that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 
15 And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, 
we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him."

Okay, one more thing before I go.  I wanted to mention a nifty gift that hubby received for his birthday from Benton and Rose:

Have you ever seen one of these before?  I hadn't, and it was quite an interesting surprise:

It is a fan and an LED light, that screws into any ceiling light socket like a light bulb!

I think Benton intended for hubby to put it in his workshop out in the shed, but he decided he'd rather have it here inside, and guess what! He wanted me to have it here in my little "room with a view"! 

This room didn't have a ceiling fan already, just a small ceiling light fixture that really didn't give off much light.  So we replaced it with this new-fangled fan/light, and it is really nice!

Now I can see when I am sitting here working, and also cool off with the fan when things get too hot! 
And the best part is it has a remote control, so I don't even have to get up and down to turn it on or off! The light and the fan can be adjusted individually from the remote! What a nice gift!
I feel badly that hubby doesn't really get to use it here in my little room, but he said he was happy for me to use it here because he doesn't spend that much time out in his shop anyway.
So this is a new "treasure" for this Wednesday! It's so nice, we may get one to put in each of the other two bedrooms because they don't have ceiling fans either.

Let's end this post with some words of wisdom found in this little daily devotional calendar:

Here are a few Scripture references that would go nicely with that exhortation above:

Ecclesiastes 9:10: "Whatever you do, do it well"

Colossians 3:23-24: "Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men"

Philippians 3:13-14
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

And those are my Wednesday Treasures for this week!  I hope you are having a blessed and wonderful week. Thank you for so many kind comments on my previous posts.  I am trying to get around to visiting with you all to see what is going on in your part of the world.  You are each a treasure to me.


  1. The cats are looking well fed and happy.
    I'm back to warm woolen's, hot drinks, and running the heat as well. For awhile there I forgot it's Winter.
    Hope y'all get good neighbors there at Still Waters. I couldn't survive there because it's too built up. Not rural enough. Never happy, are we?! lol
    I did see an advert for those Socket Fan Lights. Been wondering if they're reliable.
    Blessings. 😊

  2. I love that new fan/light/remote control thingy. That is a true treasure from Rose and Benton. so happy to read that things are going well for your husbands eyes. The adjustment of meds sounds like the answer.
    Happy Eggs in the nest. Hope the others will be doing their thing too.
    Stay warm and cozy.

  3. nope this is my first fan socket light. and wow. love it. to bad they can't move in the new house. I could be very happy in it, but no chance of us moving now. 40 years hear and bob is planted like a rock. hope you get new and nice neighbors and YAYYYYY for the sitting Sand Crane. its hard to believe its time again for babies. I loved seeing the others grow up... so happy you can feed the cats, I know your neighbor loves you for doing it.

  4. I adore those fan lights, Pamela, and how kind of John to want you to have it in your special room. So happy that his eye is healing well and the new drops are helping, too. And there seems to be no end to the excitement on Still Waters Pond, does there? I'm anxious to know if Mrs. Sand Hill Crane has laid one egg or two, and I'll be looking forward to any news you might have for us later. Maybe, if it's just one, you could name it Donald - LOL! Blessings!

    1. I like your name choice, but time will tell. I may have to think about it. What if it's a girl? I really couldn't tell if it was or wasn't. LOL.

  5. I'm happy to hear the good report on John.
    Exciting news from the pond too! It'll be fun to follow along with you.
    I think your sister should buy that house. Who needs Starbucks when your sister is next door? :)

    1. That's what I said! LOL. But they are quite well settled where they are, plus their kids are much closer to them there, and here they would have to depend on us and our kids, which could become overwhelming for all of us at our great ages! LOL.

  6. Living in the 'country' isn't for everyone! So exciting to see Mrs Crane sitting on her nest!

    1. That is so true! And this is really "country" compared to where they live!

  7. That first photo with the fireplace and your cup of tea looks so cozy. A great place to sit and put your feet up.
    I'm intrigued by that light socket fan. My mudroom has a plain old light bulb in it and I think something like that would be perfect for it unless it hangs down very far. I have 9 ft ceilings in the house but only a 7 ft ceiling in the mud room. I think I'm going to Google that and see what I can find, thanks for sharing.

    1. The drop from ceiling to bottom of the light is about 9". It also comes with another extension piece that can make it hang lower if needed. Unless you are very tall, I would think the 9" drop from 7' should be adequate for you. The light has three different wattages of brightness, and the fan has 3 speeds. It is an LED light, which is bright white, not soft light. That's probably the only thing I don't like about it. Too bright white for me, but if I'm looking for something, it's good.

  8. I can't wait to see the new crane baby, Calvin Coolidge. 😄 Did I guess the name?

    1. LOL!! I don't think I had thought of that one yet. But it's a good suggestion. We shall see how many there are and what name just seems to fit!

  9. Seems your cranes and my eagles lay eggs around the same time. Except Liberty still hasn’t and it’s now past the historical timeframe she usually lays. There’s been some variables - a new nest and some juvenile offspring who have been hanging around harassing their parents! Trust the eagles - they know what they’re doing, after all, their Creator has given them their natural instinct. It will happen sooner or later.
    I’m so pleased you are feeding these 2 beautiful cats.
    That one photo of the house next door, with the Canada geese in yard - looks like the geese are not proportionate to the house. lol. Those are some really big geese!

  10. What a guy (your John), giving up his birthday gift to ensure you "keep your cool" (lol). Such a relief to hear his eye irritation isn't anything to be overly concerned about!
    Now I'm excited about the pending new arrival. I'm going to second Martha's idea. And if it's a girl? How about another long-legged beauty, Melania.

  11. I enjoyed your post, Pam, and am trying to catch up a bit here. Still enjoying my company!! That light/fan is pretty awesome!! I love seeing the crane sitting on her nest! I know you will keep us posted!! xo

  12. Lots of "good" in this post Pam. I really think the tea garden set up is adorably pretty and I hope you can do it for Doris's birthday. That would be so fun. The fan/light fixture is a brilliant idea. It's so nice of John to let you use it in your room where you must spend a lot of time.
    Mama Crane is expecting! How exciting-a new baby, (or two), to watch grow up. And the other babies that may appear on Stillwaters Pond.
    I would absolutely love to be your neighbor but I fear it isn't to be. We're still needed here to care for Mom.
    It's supposed to be -24F here tonight with a "feels like" of at least. -40F. They've canceled school for tomorrow for the third time this week so Piper gets to spend the night with us tonight. Usually her schedule is much too busy with school and activities.
    The best news is about John's eyes. I'm so glad that they're feeling better with different drops. I hope you have a wonderful Thursday.
    Blessing and hugs,

  13. What a nice little light for your room! That will be nice in the summer for sure. I hope it works out nicely for you. I hope your new neighbors will be wonderful for you. It would be lovely to have more family around or even a good friend. The crane looks like a swan in her nest. Great to hear your hubby's eye is healing. I hope he has no more trouble with it. I hope you are doing okay too.

  14. Beautiful post. Love the sandhill cranes are back and have laid some eggs or egg. I'm so glad you husbands eyes are doing well. I really like that fan too and I hope you get many hours of enjoyment in your room with the fan and light.

  15. You have some beautiful scenery there for sure. We are in the depth of a winter deep freeze here. We are really getting a winter so to speak. We would love to have a winter place down south after this winter. We don't have a pond or birds like that around here, but I have been feeding the birds this winter.

  16. Pssss.....the price they want for the house, wowsers...anyways, wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

  17. Do you see the lady in the new house? ..LOL! The second window from The left She has an old fashioned up-do hair do. A long black skirt and a blue shirt waist blouse with long sleeves. She's busy doing something . Ha ha ha 😂 Just a neat reflection I'm sure. So glad to see the crane on its new nest!! 🥚 🥚 Doris's garden is lovely!!--- pretty blooms and table. SO GLAD John's eye feels better! Debbi at debbisfrontporch ❤

    1. First, yes, I DO see the lady in the new house! I wondered if anyone else could see her in the window! LOL. I think she's waving to us and wants us to come inside and visit. LOL. As far as the picture of the garden tea party...that is not in Doris' garden...it's just a picture she posted on Facebook of a tea party in a garden that she loved, and I did too, so I wanted to try and copy it in my yard, except I don't have any flowers like that. If she had a garden and spot like that in her yard, we'd go have the tea party there! LOL. She does have a lot of flowers in her yard, however. Many are still in pots. So she COULD bring them here LOL. Happy to see you out and about in blogland!

  18. Regarding that ceiling fan, I've seen it advertised on TV quite a bit and wondered how well it works. It sounds like the perfect solution for your special room. No, it's not in John's work shop, however the simplicity of this light fan has saved John from having to buy and install something himself in your room.

    I am sooo glad to see that the recovery from John's eye surgery has gone well. What a relief and a blessing!

    The weather doesn't always cooperate with our outdoor entertainment plans, does it (thinking of the family wedding you attended a few months ago....). That picture Doris had posted of a garden tea is absolutely delightful.

  19. It looks so beautiful there! So fun to see the pictures. It has still been pretty cold where we are but I am anxiously awaiting spring time. I am thinking about starting up the spring cleaning to get it to come faster haha. We are having our carpets cleaned this week so I have that to look forward to. So glad to hear about John's recovery from surgery. Such good news!

  20. Hi Pam. It is so fun to see the Sand Hill cranes adding to their family! Those little screw-in ceiling fans look interesting for sure. I will have to keep those in mind for a small room. It's so good that John got a good report from his eye doctor. I hope your weather warms up a bit. Have a good day!


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