Happy New Year! We've turned the page onto a brand new year: 2025! We are already one quarter of the way through this new century! And it is also the year that I will reach my three quarters of a century mark, but not until September, so let's don't rush things too much! LOL.
Were you awake at midnight last night when the New Year rolled in? We were sound asleep in our beds, until we were awakened by the booming of fireworks somewhere out there, so we both woke up at the same time and said "Happy New Year", and then we promptly went right back to sleep! Sounds like a perfect way to usher in the New Year to me! LOL.
So I woke up this morning bright and early and ready to embrace a brand new day and a brand new year! As I started to prepare my cup of tea and come sit down here at the computer to write this first post of the new year, I thought, wait, I need to open up our new calendars! Well, I did manage to open up this one, and it got me off on a little trail to set the stage just right for this new day...
(This Susan Branch calendar has become an annual gift from a dear friend! Thank you dear friend! You know who you are!)
And as I read this sweet little story on the first page for the month of January, I thought to myself, "Oh, I love that scene and scenario! I think I need to do just that right now!"
And although I don't have any snowfall to watch outside my window, and it is still dark outside anyway as I am writing this, I set up the best "window" to my world that I could for now...A great blue heron out on Still Waters Pond...
And I found a beloved old chipped blue china teapot, and poured my steaming tea into a pink and white flowered cup, but I didn't add any honey or cream...just a scant teaspoon of sugar, and I carried it to the smallest room of the house, my "Room With a View", and I settled by the window to watch the...well, darkness outside right now, but to watch the pictures of birds on Still Waters Pond scroll by on my computer "window"...
"When little things are so nice, she thought, they become big things."
I like that thought, and so now I want to think about another little thing that is also a big thing...
It started out yesterday by reading this daily devotional for December 31. Look at the title:
And in the last paragraph, it says, "Solomon's advice is that we listen to wisdom, apply it, and lear as we go. Then we will have understanding; we will find the right path with wisdom in our hearts and joy from knowledge."
Proverbs 2:1-11 NKJV
"The Value of Wisdom"
"1 My son, if you receive my words,
And treasure my commands within you,
2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,
And apply your heart to understanding;
3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,
And lift up your voice for understanding,
4 If you seek her as silver,
And search for her as for hidden treasures;
5 Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
And find the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;
8 He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.
9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice,
Equity and every good path.
10 When wisdom enters your heart,
And knowledge is pleasant to your soul,
11 Discretion will preserve you;
Understanding will keep you..."
And then I noticed this little devotional calendar that my sweet DIL Rose gave me last year, and I flipped it over to the front cover in preparation for starting it over for the new year, and what did I see???
There is also a companion daily devotional booklet that comes in the mail every month (this is free of charge, but donations are always welcome) from the same place, "In Touch Ministries", from the writings of the Rev. Charles F. Stanley, who passed on to glory a year or so ago...
And this is the reading for December 31, 2024:
And let's pay attention to the last couple of paragraphs:
Do you see it?
"Looking at the past year, can you see His wisdom in leading you to make right decisions? Make 2025 a year of obedience. Choose to trust Him, and receive the blessings He wants to give you."
Like, being blessed by looking out the window to see what beauties God has in store for me to see, and there's this family of the Black Bellied Whistling Ducks...they just landed in this tree out on the island of Still Waters Pond just as I looked out the window! (this was yesterday)
Not that this a great example of "wisdom", but it is an example of lifting up my eyes to see what God wants me to see each day, and not going around with blinders on!!
It is a reminder to me to pay attention to the details of life going on around me all the time...we may be missing so many blessings by not opening our eyes and ears to see and hear all that God has in store for us, to bless us and give us His joy and love and peace...

I told you that God would lead me to whatever the new "One Word" for 2025 would be, and that He would do it by January 1st. To tell the truth, I've been scrambling and wondering and nothing seemed to be coming together until last night when I read those verses in that little book, and then I discovered that same word "WISDOM", popping up in everything I touched. Suddenly it was as if it had bright flashing lights all over it and it seemed to be calling out to me and saying, "Here I am! Please pay attention! I've been here all along, but you just weren't paying close enough attention to what clues I was giving you!" Wisdom! Of course! Oh how I need this word in my life! And not just the word itself, but its full depth of meaning...I need wisdom! You'd think at my age I'd have plenty of wisdom to go around, but I have found that the older I get the more situations come up in which I need more and more wisdom. There are health concerns, financial, physical and mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. And not just for me, but for my spouse and my family as well. We are all connected in one way or another and I need wisdom to deal with all of the above. I need God's wisdom...I need to seek His wisdom and not just try to figure out things on my own, which I am prone to do.
Oh, Lord, I have a feeling we are going on another adventure this year, and I am going to need to be relying on YOUR wisdom more and more. This aging process is a big deal, and it takes wisdom to navigate so many decisions and issues that come up. It takes wisdom to know when to act and when to stop and just wait and listen for Your guidance along the way. I pray that You will give me wisdom for each step of the way, and help me to be patient and wait on YOU for the right direction to go before I ever take the first step. Thank You, Lord, for I believe that You are always right there ready to share Your wisdom and knowledge with us. We just have to pay attention and then obey. Help me, Lord! Amen.
Here are some links to my previous years of "One Words", in case you are interested, or are still looking for that special word for yourself this year. Feel free to use one of mine! You may learn some things from it that I never discovered, and you can share them with us!
One Word 2024: Strength2013: Presence, 2014: Strengthen, 2015: Focus, 2016: Grace, 2017: Rest, 2018: Renew
On the other side of the pond yesterday morning was this big flock of buzzards, sunning themselves in the tops of the tree. Maybe they are waiting to clean up the messes that are left over from 2024 and help give us a clean slate to begin our journey into 2025.
Maybe they are a reminder to us to let go of the past and start off fresh...a brand new day, a brand new year. Don't look back, we aren't going that way! Look forward, and fix your eyes on Jesus,
Hebrews 12:1-2 NKJV
The Race of Faith
"1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
Happy New Year my friends!
May it be a year of great wisdom, joy, and peace for all.
(BTW, I will do the rest of the new calendars for 2025 roll call in the next post)
Love your new word. Wisdom, which we all need, smiles. Hae a beautiful day friend.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning and Happy New Year! You are right on the ball already!! Hope you all have a beautiful day as well!!
Delete✨ Happy New Year!🌴
ReplyDeleteI have read In Touch Devotionals for years.
Could you explain how you use your word of the year ? I've seen others picking a word too.
Blessings, Linda
Hi Linda, and Happy New Year! Thank you for visiting today. Regarding my "One Word" for the year...the way I use it is I look for how God is applying it to my life in every situation...I look for Bible verses that speak of the word, and this year wisdom should be one that there will be ample verses to read and ponder and grow from. It seems to me that when I select (or God selects for me) a word for the year, it is something that God really wants me to learn more about and it is usually an area of my life that needs some fine tuning or pruning. I never know just how God is going to use it in my life, but if you read back through the years and look for those key words in the search bar, you may find many different posts throughout each year where the word of the year is being applied in one way or another. I guess I use it as a learning tool, to grow in whatever area that word may imply. You may want to pray about it and ask God if there is a particular word He is wanting to teach you more about this year. You may be surprised at what shows up! Blessings to you my friend.
DeleteGood morning Pam! I love this post and all the "wisdom" you shared with us. Thank you and I really mean that. I don't have a word yet and I'm not sure I will, but wisdom from God is the very best to ask for. Where else can we learn all we need, than from the Creator of everything!!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to choose a One Word this year but God told me different. Simplify dropped into my spirit a few days ago. I tend to make life so complicated and God wants me to slow down and just seek Him. I love your word - Wisdom. We all need more wisdom - the kind that comes from the Father and not the world. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteWisdom is a marvelous word for your year that God has given you, Pamela. That's how it works for me, too. I think I know, but God . . . And His choices are always best! As I read through your words for previous years, I actually saw the one the Lord has given me for 2025. I'll be sharing with all of you next Tuesday! Blessings always, my wisdom-seeking friend!
ReplyDeleteWe need to look for Gods wisdom in all that we do and say. That means getting out of His way! It’s not as difficult as we may believe. He’s always made Himself assessable to us, yet we complicate the process. I pray several times in a day for His wisdom - during these times we surely need it don’t we?
ReplyDeleteYears ago I used to listen to Charles Stanley on the radio. I have some of his books. What a dear man.
Well I’m ready for the day, and the new year. ( as ready as I can be) For the first time, I actually slept through midnight - apparently there were some firecrackers from a distance and Laydee was panicked. I slept through it all.
Happy happy New year. So excited to get going on this new journey God has in store for us.
Hi Pam! I love how these illustrations of WISDOM dovetail with my own! Like you, I was waiting (v. searching) for a word and rejoiced when it 'found' me. I pray that WISDOM accompanies me, as well, in these days of our lives.
ReplyDeleteAs ever, I'm looking forward to your parade of calenders!
Thank you for always being an Encourager and Friend.
Happy New Year! We were up until 1am. "WISDOM" is a great choice. May God Bless You.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed learning what your word for the year is. One thing we all need is wisdom from the Lord. Don't you wish we could get the entire world to search for His wisdom? His love for us is overwhelming and only wants what He knows is best for us, but we constantly think we know best. I know I need to listen more to His voice.
ReplyDeleteI love how you replicated the page from the calendar almost perfectly and look forward to seeing the other calendars soon.
Happy New Year to you, John and the rest of the family.
Blessings and love,
Pam, sending our best wishes to you and John and your family members for a happy and healthy New Year.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year! Wisdom is a good word for 2025.
ReplyDeleteGreat word . . . I have been praying for wisdom and discernment for years, we need this each and everyday because life is filled with crossroads and decisions. The Lord is faithful if we ask with a pure and open heart.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year sweet friend.
What an interesting thought you had regarding that flock of buzzards across Still Waters Pond -- to clean up the messes of 2024 so we can start fresh in 2025. That's a great word picture. Wisdom is showing up already!!! Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteThat is a whole bunch of buzzards!! Wow!! I would have been just a little scared!! I like your word and how it showed itself to you, Pam!! As you know, mine is Mindfulness. I wish you and all a blessed and very happy new year. I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!!
ReplyDeleteHi Pamela. Wisdom is an excellent word for the year. I love that Charles Stanley devotional book. He certainly was a man with wisdom. I hope that you and yours have a good 2025. God bless you all in the new year!
ReplyDeleteHi, Pam: I enjoyed reading your post and looking out your window and enjoying the birds! Wisdom is a beautiful word and I like the way you featured it in Scripture. I think Charles Stanley was a man of wisdom too. Myra told me to check out your blog today after I told her my word for the year is "Secret Place!" Happy New Year! Mary
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Mary "Saleslady"! It's always so nice to meet new people and make new friends! I love your word for the year, "Secret Place". I will interested to hear how God uses that word in your life this year. I must go check out your blog and get acquainted! Happy New Year!!
Deletethere have been several devotions in the past few weeks about wisdom and making decisions that please God and from this post and those I am going to choose Patience, of which I have little. Praying now I will have the wisdom to choose Patience this year.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE LOVE all the photos of the ducks in the trees and your teapot by the duck pond is wonderful... I think and hope I am back to stay, Happy New Year..
It sounds like you found your just right word. As I was reading the first calendar I was immediately thinking this was just a perfect description of what I imagine you doing each morning. Love it. May He guide you all year and give you wisdom for each little thing that comes your way.
ReplyDeleteThank you for such a beautiful post♥ I always find blessings here at Closed Doors, Open Windows. I also receive In Touch magazine, it has great daily devotions to fill your heart and mind. Isn't it great that you had a blue teapot to go along with that sweet story?! Maegan gave me a box of flavored teas for Christmas, we're supposedly going to have a hard cold spell soon, the hot tea will be so enjoyable on those very cold days. We all should seek the wisdom of God, His way is the best way. Sending ((hugs)) across the miles.
ReplyDeletePamela, Thank You for this post. I have to read it over and over. You say a lot of the things that are rolling around in my head right now. Perhaps Wisdom is my word too. We will have to see, it may also be Persistence... Right now my mind is going around and around..fear wants to creep in and I needed to read your post.
ReplyDeleteSo it's going to be on my rewind button for a while to see where I am going.
You really have a way with words.