July 1, 2013: I really haven't updated this page in quite a while, because at some point something happened and lot of my pictures disappeared and I got discouraged! But now I have some new pictures to share with you on this page, so I will attempt to bring it up to date! God is always showing me something new outside my Open Window...every day is a new adventure! Even if you don't live in the woods like I do, perhaps you might see something new outside YOUR open window each day...you just have to look! And sometimes we need to ask God to open our eyes to see what HE wants us to see! I know that for certain!
So here a few things you might enjoy:
This is our "guard" lizard! He stays outside our front door and challenges anyone who comes near! Never fear! Guard Lizard is near!
Ruby Throated Hummingbird way up in the tip top of a tree!
Hello there! I'm the resident Mr. Rabbit!
Love my daylilies...Mr. Deer did too until I put bars of Ivory Soap around them.
What are YOU looking at?
The Lizard got religion!! |
The Twisted Tea Tree...not a pretty sight.
Mr. Ruby Throat
Good Morning Mr. Bear!
A little thirsty are we?
Bye bye Mr. Bear
Buzz Buzz Bumblebee!
Beware of Big Foot! Ok, this is where I left off....I'll add more sometime later! Enjoy!!
Today I was enjoying watching some butterflies doing the freedom dance, and I also tried to avoid getting stung by a bumblebee! Thankfully, I was successful! Beautiful Spring Day in the Forest!

Bear tracks in the road in front of our house 3/12/12 |
close up of bear tracks |
Now that we have moved to our "Camp in the Woods" House in the Ocala National Forest, I expect to see many more interesting things outside my open window. Since we moved here a little over a month ago, we know that we have bears tracking through our property, since they already attacked our bird feeders the first week we were here...and my son actually saw the mother bear and her 3 cubs one night around 3 a.m. walking down the road in front of our house. We haven't seen them since, but tonight on our evening walk before sundown, I saw some new fresh tracks in the road:
Right next to the bear tracks and all the way down both sides of the road we also saw deer tracks:
deer tracks in the road in front of our house
But just so you know we also have some beautiful things outside of our new home in the woods, here are a few pictures of my surprise azalea bushes (surprise, because I didn't know we had them when we bought the house!)
And they are so beautiful!!
We also have gorgeous purple wisteria blossoms...more are popping out every day!
And then tonight I enjoyed seeing a beautiful sunset going down behind the trees on the western front of our home. These pictures don't do it justice...but it was beautiful:
Of course, we already had a beautiful rainbow one morning at dawn:
Yes, we are expecting many wonderful new things here at our new home in the woods. Please stay tuned for new developments!
The following is the original post from our previous home on the south side of the county. We weren't quite as deep in the woods there as we are now, and yet we had such interesting visitors there too. You know, God has beauty everywhere around us, if we will just take the time to stop and look and listen! You may be surprised to see what is outside of YOUR open window!!!
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6
I thought I would share some of the things I see outside my window here at our home in the country...I love all the interesting creatures God has placed within our view for our entertainment and enjoyment. In addition to the myriads of birds who daily frequent our feeders and bird baths, we have seen large hawks, giant pileated woodpeckers, foxes, raccoons, rabbits, feral kittens, coyotes, armadillos, opossoms, a very thirsty snake, frogs, lizards, golden silk orb spiders, Black Widow Spiders, scorpions, and most especially our Barred Owl families. I don't have pictures of everything yet...but when the opportunity arises, I try to capture the moment as quickly as possible. (Double Click on the pictures to get a close up view, then back arrow to return to blog)
A very thirsty snake....Never have seen this before in my whole life!!! He drank from that bowl for at least 10 minutes! |
A Cardinal in the bushes in my front yard |
Golden Web Spider
A thirsty raccoon |
One of the two adult barred owls who live in our back woodsy lot.
The owls love to sleep in our trees all day long waiting for darkness to fall so they can hunt.
The first Robin of spring taking an early bath...
A raccoon checking out the "pool"... |
Amazing details in this Golden Web! |
This was "Callie", a little feral kitten who wrapped herself around my heart and then disappeared. She had 4 other siblings who were very sick and did not survive...Callie was very special. I still miss her. |
This is how the baby owl looked the first time we ever saw it as it first appeared to us from the nest is the hollow tree.
The first year we were here there was only one baby. Two years later the same parent owls had twin babies! They returned to the same nest every winter and mate, but it seems as though they only have babies every other year. It is quite fascinating to watch! The Barred Owls are very tolerant of our frequent photos and curiosity. |
Mama and her baby |
Mama Owl coming in for a landing |
Feeding Time!! |
This water tastes SOOOOOO good!!! |
Curious Birdwatcher (my brother in law Art) watching the owls |
What are YOOOOOUUUU looking at? |
Baby Owl Learning to fly! What a privilege to see these acts of creation right before our very eyes!! |
Can't an owl even take a bath in private?
Who Who Who Cooks for YOU? |
Hello Peeping Tom! |
One of the many Cardinals in our woods |
Flicker (Woodpecker) having a snack
Pileated Woodpecker |
"All creatures of our God and King, Lift up your voice and with us sing,
Alleluia! Alleluia!
(photo courtesy of Rhonda Hoffman, Tavares, FL) |
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
(Photo via internet-not my back yard) |
Thou silver moon with softer gleam!
Oh, Praise Him, Oh, Praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
("All Creatures of Our God and King", by St. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226)
"Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens;
Praise Him in the heights!
Praise Him, all His angels;
Praise Him, all His hosts!
Praise Him, sun and moon;
Praise Him, all you stars of light!
Praise the Lord from the earth,
You great sea creatures and all the depths;...
Beasts and all cattle;
Creeping things and flying fowl;
Let them praise the name of the Lord,
For His name alone is exatlted;
His glory is above the earth and heaven.
Praise the Lord!"
(Excerpts from Psalm 148)
What a wonderful post Pamela! I loved it! How could anyone question a Great Creator?
ReplyDeleteI loved this post Pamela! So wonderful! How could anyone question a Great Creator?
ReplyDeleteAmen, Susie! I agree wholeheartedly!! We are so blessed to be witnesses to God's marvelous creation...and to recognize from where it has come , or should I say, from "WHO" it has come? "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!"
ReplyDeletePoor Callie was underfed. She looked as if she was starving. Makes me cry.
ReplyDeleteThat was quite a few years ago in our previous home. Callie was feral, but she was the only one of the litter of 5 kittens who actually allowed me to hold her. The others would not come close...and they all had upper respiratory infections. Callie was the last of the group to survive, and I had high hopes for making her my own...but one day she just disappeared and I never saw her again. It broke my heart. I was trying to feed her...but she was not healthy. I truly grieved over her. I haven't looked at this page in a long time. Thank you for bringing her back to my memory. She was a very sweet little kitty in spite of her issues.
Deleteloved it !! a great read x