When asked if she could remember the recipe, she could only remember that they had oatmeal and eggs...so I decided to get out some of her mother's old cookbooks and look for Oatmeal Cookie recipes
So here we go:
This one looks interesting...but I don't know if this is THE recipe. I love this old cookbook...there is no copyright date, but it's definitely from an age that did not have modern ovens.
This Metropolitan Life Insurance Company cookbook is dated 1925.
And this old Rumford Southern Recipes cookbook doesn't have a date either, but again, it is definitely ancient!
I have not personally tried any of these recipes, as I have my own favorite oatmeal cookie recipe
All this talk about baking cookies makes me want some...but it's too late for today. I need to get started on supper...but maybe this will inspire you to pull out some old favorite family recipes or cookbooks and try something new (or OLD!)
Happy Baking!