It was a chilly 32 degrees this morning when I put out the flag. The sun was just coming up and the wind was blowing. I didn't dilly dally on the porch for long...

After putting out the flag, I heard the Sand Hill Cranes making their morning noises as they flew over the house from their nesting spot in Still Waters Pond to go wherever they go for the day. If you look just above the head of the rooster on the weathervane in this picture, you can see one of the cranes flying in the sky. There were only two of them! I've noticed in the past week that Mom and Dad Crane no longer have young Abe following them around. That means it's time for them to start building their nest for this spring's nesting time. (and I have proof that they are doing stay tuned and follow along in these pictures as I am trying to keep them in chronological order for how this day went). About a week ago I witnessed Daddy crane literally charging after young Abe to push him seemed cruel to me, but it is their nature. It's time for Abe to "leave the nest" and strike out on his own. He will most likely join up with some other emancipated youthful cranes and eventually will find his own mate for the future.

Next I noticed that Mr. and Mrs. Canada Goose were paddling around close to shore, having a nice peaceful breakfast...
But suddenly there were these two ducks racing in and around them, back and forth, diving under the water and scooting by really quickly. They weren't our usual Ring Necked Ducks, because they are black and white, and these appeared to be more brown with a reddish brown head, the best I could tell, but they were definitely diving ducks. I haven't figured out what they are yet. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!
Even though they were quick and hard to keep track of, I managed to get some interesting photos of them as they raced back and forth in front of us...the reflections on the pond were amazingly beautiful today, and so you will see a lot of that in the pictures below...
I won't attempt to describe everything, but just let you enjoy the views...
Even though it was still early morning and the sun wasn't fully up so there was a kind of low light, making it hard to get really clear pictures, these turned out rather interesting anyway:
The little ducks seemed to like being near Mr. and Mrs. Goose, but I'm not sure the geese were all that happy to have them buzzing around them while they were trying to have their peaceful breakfast. It wasn't long before the geese sailed across to the other side of the pond, and the ducks swam away to who knows where...but I'm glad I was able to enjoy them for a while.

My title today is "Friday Reflections", because that is what was so apparent in these pictures today...when the sun did start coming up, the reflections of the trees upon the pond were just beautiful! Even hubby noticed it and commented about how beautiful they were. I actually took these photos from inside the house looking out through the glass doors. It was still too cold to go stand out on the porch, so I think they turned out pretty good considering I haven't washed that window in a while! LOL. And again, I am thankful that my camera is working. It seems to have a little short in the on/off switch, making it difficult to turn on and stay on, but I figured out if I press on the button a little harder and hold it in place for a second, it will stay on and work just fine! So as long as that works, I'm happy. It's too old of a camera to send anywhere for repairs.
Anyway, let's just enjoy the beauty of God's artistry on Still Waters Pond, shall we?
As a matter of fact, the reflections were so good today, I wonder if you can tell anything different about this picture?
If you guessed that it was upside down, you would be right. What was the giveaway? The birdfeeder and teapot hanging upside down? Yep, I figured that would give it away, but still I think this picture is amazing!
Oh, just so you know, it was so cold this morning that the bird baths were frozen over with ice:
I thought this was interesting with the leaf frozen under the water
Just for some added colorful beauty today...we took a little ride to the church because I had something to drop off, and the camellia bushes were blooming! This is a once a year event well worth documenting, don't you agree?
I was so happy to see them blooming, because last year they installed some new air conditioning units nearby and they had to remove several camellia bushes. Sadly I think they just threw them away. If I'd known, I would've rescued some and brought them home. But at least there are some still blooming there for everyone to enjoy.
Later in the day I took a walk around the shore of the pond (across the next door new house shoreline, which by the way, is still for sale and the price has been reduced considerably, if anyone is interested); if you look below, where I walked from would be about the center of this photo, following the shore line around the bend on the left of the picture to where I took this picture from, but I didn't walk all the way along the shore as the recent rains made it too wet, so I kind of went up and around, but anyway, the island that I call "goose island" is on the right...
And when I got around to where I could see on the other side of that island I wanted to see if I could tell whether or not Mother and Dad Sand Hill Crane have started building their new nest.
First, I noticed that little Phoebe Fly Catcher bird sitting on that old dock post in the middle:
It was very busily catching flies:
The pictures weren't as clear because the sun was shining toward me and I had to keep fighting to find some shade
Anyway, look below and just behind that post you will see a little stretch of marshy land with some straw looking material being built up...Ah Ha! The new Sand Hill Crane Nest!
A few weeks ago I was looking at this same spot, and all that was on that little bit of ground was some old junk that apparently had washed up on this spot. It's very weird, but these little scraps of "land" in the pond are constantly on the move. They are not attached to the ground, but are floating "barges" of dirt and grasses,...and this may have actually been the same piece of ground the cranes nested on last year, but it has shifted to around behind the island now so I can't see it from our house, but only from when I come around the edge of the pond to see it from the other side.

This is a closer view of how it looked a few weeks ago. It looks like some old pipes or car parts or something on there. People throw things in the pond from the highway on the other side, so no telling what's in there. Also, that stretch of vegetation just beyond that one is no longer out there. It has gotten covered over with water from the recent rains. So the landscape of the pond just keeps changing all the time.
So here it is again today...and it looks like the Cranes have started covering the land with nesting material, so I guess I'll have to keep a close watch on this to see what develops!

Meanwhile, the Ring necked ducks were swimming around in the background...Never a dull moment on Still Waters Pond. Maybe it isn't so "STILL" after all! LOL.
All the while I was taking pictures of the water and the nesting ground, etc., that little Phoeble Fly Catcher bird was flying back and forth, catching bugs and then landing on a different post. He didn't mind me watching and kept taking care of business! Fine with me! You can catch as many bugs as you wish, Mr. Phoebe Flycatcher!
Okay, just a moment for something a little different...have you ever seen a $66.00 light bulb? Well you have now:

This is the replacement LED bulb for our refrigerator!! Yes, you heard that right! No more can you just put a little appliance bulb in the fridge...oh no! It must be this fancy LED light bulb that costs actually over $66.00 plus shipping (of course they wouldn't have it at any local store!) By the time I paid shipping and tax, it was over $84.00!!! For a tiny little LIGHT BULB!!! And, it was so complicated to install, I had to ask Rose to do it for me last night when they came over for supper. She's very good with things like that since she's worked for Home Depot for so many years in just about every department and she's just smart. It needed a special kind of socket wrench to undo the cover for the bulb in the fridge. Thank the Lord Rose knew just what to do! It "pays" to have a smart daughter in law! I sure hope this bulb lasts a long time. The refrigerator is only a few years old! (and no longer under warranty, but this wouldn't be covered under warranty anyway). On the positive side, I do like how bright it is inside the refrigerator. LOL.
Meanwhile, on a happier note, hubby said he'd like a custard pie tonight, and I just so happened to have one pie crust left that needed to be used, (those Pillsbury roll out kind in a box), and so here it is...It was so good...we couldn't wait for it to totally cool so we ate some while it was warm.
No, that's not my hubby...LOL. But I saw this on Facebook this morning, and since Wisdom is my One Word for the year, I saved it...
And this one too!
Okay, it's almost time for I'd better wrap this up. The "reflections" from today continued all the way through sunset:
Just couldn't resist taking these last photos. What a "picture perfect day" this was!!
Here's some more words of wisdom from God's Word about "Reflections":
Proverbs 27:19 NKJV
19 As in water face reflects face,
So a man’s heart reveals the man.
ames 1:22-25 NKJV
22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.
1 Corinthians 13:12 NKJV
12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
I pray that as we reflect on these words and on this day, we will see God working in our own hearts and lives in ways beyond what we ever imagined.
Good Night dear friends!
Just beautiful photos! And it's never boring on the pond, is it? Always something to watch. I think someone would be smart to move next to you. Beautiful views and wonderful neighbors!
ReplyDeleteI would love the recipe for that pie. I think my husband would really like it.
come on down!! Would love to have you as a neighbor! And I sent you the pie recipe via Messenger. I will post it in my next blog post for everyone else!
DeleteYour "old" camera is doing a great job! Lovely photos, and how fun that the cranes are nesting again. Perhaps Abe will bring his lady crane to the pond one of these days. Kudos to Rose for knowing just what to do with the new fridge light! Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteI love all the pretty pictures, Pam.The reflections on the water turned out so nice. Oh I LOVE camellias! We have two, planted last spring, we have buds but no blooms yet. They may be plum FROZEN by now, 😆 🤣. Cannot BELIEVE the price on that bulb!!!--- MERCY!! That is outrageous. So glad Rose could help--she is a treasure. Enjoyed the activities at the Pond today, yall live in such a lovely spot! God is good! ❤ Hugs. Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous lol 😆 😂 🤣
ReplyDeleteSome of our friends at Church raise their own ducks. She offered to bring us some of their eggs tomorrow to give them a try. I've never had duck eggs. I hear they're rich and tasty.
ReplyDeleteThe lights in our new whiz-bang refrigerator went out several months ago. It's costs hundreds (YES!, hundreds!) to have had that fixed by a "professional", so, I let it go and did without. Steve looked up the fix on YouTube, ordered the recommended replacement lights or component from Amazon, popped the replacement into the 'frig and fixed the problem for less than $50. It now works like a charm. He da man! I'm so sick of these new overpriced appliances with electronics. I wish I could have my old refrigerator back. Never had a moments heartache from it. Now the almost brand new Nissan Frontier radio has quit working ... thank the LORD that we had the presence of mind to get a bumper-to-bumper warranty on this one. Otherwise, the fix would have cost us almost $2,000. Ouch. Thanks to the warranty it's "free". My old Nissan Frontier (2010) has never had any problems. And some people want electric cars ... yeah, good luck with that.
Our ground is still frozen here in SE Georgia but at least we can get out now. I'm ready for Spring.
Hope y'all have a lovely day. ✨
if I lived where you live, I would never be bored, never not have anything to post about, and would have snapped myself silly with a new DSLR camera by now..
ReplyDeleteI especially LOVE the set of photos from inside your warm home, and think the railings of your wonderful and maybe coveted porch, make the photos even more beautiful.
wish I could afford to buy that house next door.
I once watched for an hour, at Jungle Gardens, the actions of the flamingos building there mud nests in the ponds there. it was amazing...
you also live in a place it is easy to find things to praise the Lord for, nature, I do love it
I bet if you sold your home you could buy three of this house here! You might be surprised what you can afford...however I'm not sure you'd like climbing steps to get in this manufactured home. I know eventually we will need to add a ramp if we stay here that long. I have to look up what a DSLR camera is. I don't know the lingo. We would sure have fun if we were neighbors...just saying...
DeleteGood Morning Pam! Ice in your birdbath? Oh my goodness. Who would have thought it would be that cold in Florida? I really enjoyed all of the bird photos today and I've never heard of a Phoebe Flycatcher bird before. I think I could watch him all day. Get those bug's Mr. Bird! :-) It's a bit sad about poor, young Abe, but as you said, it's the cycle of nature and God made it perfect. Now you'll get to watch another baby or two grow up on Stillwater Pond.
ReplyDeleteThat is a doozy of a lightbulb. I cannot believe how cheaply made appliances are these days. I had an appliance repair company I worked closely with back in my working days. One of the ladies there told me that they are made to break down after five to six years. The manufacturers consider them "disposable" appliances. They cost so much to repair, it's almost cheaper to buy a new one. And they cost so much to buy! It seems no one takes pride in their work any more. I'm sure glad you have sweet Rose to help you with things when you need help. Everyone needs a "Rose" in their lives.
Take care my dear friend. Hopefully it will begin warming up for you again soon.
Blessings and hugs,
Oh, poor Abe! I wonder if birds get their feelings hurt? I do hope he stops by every now and then.
ReplyDeleteI do wish my windows were as clear as yours. Wow, the pond's ripples captured in time are something. Mesmerizing!
That leaf in the frozen bird bath looks like a piece of art. Sure wish I could have a slice of that warm custard pie. That was my father's and my favorite, but Tom's not so fond so it wouldn't pay to make who pie.
Yeay for Rose to the rescue!
"A whole pie", I mean.
DeleteAnother reflection upon reflections in the books! I do love all the photos, Pamela, and am glad to see the Sand Hill Cranes coming back to their original locale to build their new nest. I hope you are seeing some thawing today, too. That birdbath frozen was, I"m sure, a shock to any bird who wished to visit and get a drink. Glad to know that Rose could come to the rescue when you were trying to install that light - she is a wonder! LED lights can be so expensive, but they should last longer than your fridge as they rarely need to be replaced. Have a blessed weekend!
ReplyDeleteAs always, pictures are great! I think it's wonderful that you have so much nature around you to enjoy. Ahhhh, NATURE, as beautiful as it is, it can also seem so very cruel. It's the cycle of life among animals, the way God made them, I understand that but sometimes it's too hard for me to watch. So, I do a lot of editing in my mind, keep the good things and push away the things I don't like to see.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful reflections. Those ducks you were not sure of are Mergansers.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ruth, for that information. That is what I was thinking too, but wasn't sure because it was really hard to see them very well in these pictures. That was the closest thing I could find when looking online at different diving ducks. Thank you for verifying that for me!
DeleteThose floating islands in Still Waters Pond -- how interesting!! The scene behind your home is ever-changing and in surprising ways. It certainly makes for a fascinating study as the seasons (and weather) come and go.
ReplyDeleteSo very beautiful Pam! Such amazing beauty you captured. Thanks for sharing them with us.
ReplyDeletePS That last comment got away from me before I was done. Your adventure with the refrigerator light bulb is shocking!! Thanks for telling us about that. We bought a new refrigerator this past year. I hope it's not got the kind of bulb you have. Why is technology, which is supposed to be such an improvement, often so complicated?!!
ReplyDeleteOur Camelia bushes, same color as yours, are blooming, too, but not as profusely as yours. So pretty!
The photos are truly so pretty. Always fun to watch what is going out there on the pond. Camellias are just the prize of winter I always say.
ReplyDeleteI can’t even imagine a lightbulb like that for a fridge. I have a very old fridge which I just hope keeps on working. I guess I won’t be surprised when I do have to buy a new one at all the changes.
How much for the lightbulb? Wow. You always make me smile, thanks Pam. Wishing you a lovely day, my friend.
ReplyDeleteYour pond is so beautiful and you certainly have a large community of wildlife to watch and enjoy. It must bring you so much pleasure.
ReplyDeleteNow when it comes to spending that much on a light bulb I might just have to have a dark refrigerator. That is absolutely ridiculous I cannot understand why the price would be that high. They've been putting appliance light bulbs in refrigerators for over 70 years, so why all of a sudden are they the price of precious gems?
Always lovely photos. I hope you are warming up a bit down there. We are in a heat wave and tonight (1AM) its 18°. I am off to bed a bit late but now you made me want some of that lovely pie!!
ReplyDeleteLove, love, love all the pond pictures. Nothing like having a pond. We had quite a bit of rain while Marty and I were away and it was good because it brought our pond back up to where it needs to be. GIRL.....My mercy the cost of that little tiny bulb! They don't make nothing cheap any more and nothing you buy in way of appliances last any more. I am sitting here chuckling though because I went on a rampage about cost of eggs! LOL! Lord help us all. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteThese photos are gorgeous.
Ummm, yumm, now I want some custard pie. Dave's mom used to make the most delicious custard pie..
ReplyDeleteYour photos of the pond are gorgeous..God sure gives you beautiful devotions every day. I do love the way you match the bible verses and old hymns to your scenery.
As many have already commented, Pam, you do live with some beautiful views of the pond and the skies. Of course, we are also fortunate to have some very nice views of the Nashua River from our apartment, Like yourself, I could watch from my windows endlessly and often do. Glad that Rose was able to get the fix done for the rfefrigerator lightbulb. We do not have any fancy high-tech applainces here and thankful for that. But, at least if something did fail, we would simply contact management for a fix.The custard pie looked good and I would most likely include cocanut in one I made, but it's not my husband's favorite, not even Mounds candy.