Well, this week certainly has been one for the books when it comes to weather! Not so much here in our neighborhood, but in our upper parts of the state of Florida, specifically the Panhandle, where they got up to 8" of snow in some places! We were definitely cold here where I live (and still are), and we were under a winter storm watch, but no snow was found in our yard...just a lot of rain the night before, leaving everything quite soaked. Still Waters Pond was happy for the added water, and our winter visitors, the Ring Necked Ducks, took full advantage of the deeper pond and even ventured closer to our shore so we could see them better:
By the way, I took these pictures with my "old good camera". It decided to work again most of the time. It still has some issues, but as long as I keep the batteries charged really well, it does a lot better, so I did take back the other camera and got my money back! I am very thankful that it is still working, because it really does take much better pictures than the new camera did, and is much easier for this amateur photographer to use!The ring-necked duck is a diving duck from North America commonly found in freshwater ponds and lakes. We have enjoyed having them come down every winter since we've been here on Still Waters Pond. Usually there are a lot more than just these two males. I'm not sure where the rest of the "family" is this winter. But they seem to keep themselves entertained, bobbing up and down, diving down for whatever it is they like so well down under the water. They are are a lot of fun to watch.
It's hard to get good pictures of them both above water at the same time. They seem to take turns diving, and they are quite quick about it, so if you aren't watching they will dive down before you can click the camera!
Even though it was about 33 degrees when I took these pictures, they didn't seem to mind the cold air. I expect the water was a lot warmer than the air. Maybe that's why they dive down under so much! LOL.
I hope you don't mind so many pictures...they just make me happy to see them this close. Usually they stay on the far side of the pond where I think the water is a little deeper, but the rainstorms we've had recently have not only added more water, but they have helped to knock the lily pads further under the water, which makes for smoother 'sailing' across the pond for them I guess. Also I think the freezing temperatures we've had have killed off some of the lily pads, so they are dropping down to the bottom of the pond. No worries, they will send up plenty of new ones in the spring and summer.
That's why the bottom of our pond is so mucky. It is many many years worth of layers of dead lily pad decomposition. You definitely do NOT want to try to walk on the bottom of this pond! You will sink up to your knees in muck immediately. Trust me, I know!! Yuck!!
But it provides a rich feeding ground for the birds and turtles and fish, which is why we have a pond in the first place...to enjoy what creatures God provides for us to enjoy!
I forgot to take pictures of it in our bowls, so these pictures were taken when I was putting the leftovers away after supper.
And the next thing I know, they are all converging upon the bird feeder at once:
And then there were more on the ground, finding the seeds that spilled over when I was refilling the bird feeder yesterday afternoon: Can you see them? They are quite well camouflaged on the ground:
I copied this information from the internet when I asked it "what does the Bible say about Sparrows":
"In the Bible, sparrows are mentioned in Matthew 10:29-31 and Luke 12:6. These passages describe how God cares for sparrows and how people should not be afraid.
Matthew 10:29-31
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care"
"And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered"
"So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows"
Luke 12:6
"And not one of them is forgotten before God"
What do these passages mean?
God cares for every sparrow, even the smallest creatures
God knows everything about people, including how many hairs are on their head
People should not be afraid because they are worth more than sparrows
Sparrows can serve as a reminder of God's faithfulness
Sparrows symbolize God's care and provision, the importance of humility, and the idea that God loves even the smallest creatures."
I enjoyed your post and bird pictures today. Unfortunately, our woodpeckers seem to think the siding on our house tastes better than whatever bugs live in our trees!
ReplyDeleteI have not heard his eyes is on the sparrow in many many years. your sparrow house reminds me of your doll house and all your dolls, only sparrows.. I love your pond and if I lived there I would invest in a DSLR because you live in photographers heaven.. the cardinale on the feeder is priceless. have you ever seen gators in your pond? its such a lovely bird sanctuary. and you have so many of our Florida birds. it has been so cold and dreary and no sun for 3 days, each time i go out with Beau I freeze, and the next 3 days are going to be colder. my neighbor said a few minutes ago, it might as well snow. there is a mist and high winds and the cold temps make the wind icy and the mist feels like snow on the face
ReplyDeleteNo gators here, thank the Lord! Maybe it's too shallow, I don't know, but so far we've not seen any evidence of a gator here.
DeleteYou've got some great bird photos today! I really like those little sparrows.
ReplyDeleteYour pond pictures are always so pretty and I'm glad your camera is working again.
Brilliant idea to split your soup and make some stew!
Such gorgeous wildlife in your kingdom. Both waterfowl and birds. I love it. They know that you will feed them and take good care of them.
ReplyDeleteThe soup and stew look delicious and will definitely warm you up on the chilly days. We have bright sunshine today and it is quite deceiving. I walked to the clubhouse to pick up a package from Amazon and with the cold north wind, I about froze my nose off! I wasn't expecting that even though the thermometer only said 21F.
Isn't that like Satan too? He makes you think things are great because they're bright and pretty and full of surface beauty. But when you actually experience it, it's not so great. Usually harmful if you're exposed to it for too long.
Take care and stay warm!
Great pictures and I love that song!
ReplyDeleteYou are so blessed to have all the birds around your place. In spring the sparrows and ducks will show up here, but I have only seen a Red-Bellied Woodpecker twice in my life and about the same for a Cardinal. Have beautiful day.
ReplyDeleteHow great that your old camera has decided to make a come-back for you! Your photos are always brilliant. The sparrows look all puffed up, trying to stay warm. I am covered up with a throw as I type this. I am ready for this cold spell to be over!! xo
ReplyDeleteWow! I have never heard Ethel Waters sing before. That was amazing. Keep the nature pictures coming, they're wonderful too. 😃
ReplyDeleteYeay for the resurrection (?) of your old camera!
ReplyDeleteOh, how I love this song. Ms. Waters does it so beautifully, doesn't she? As much as I love Winter, I'm always concerned about the tiny birds' welfare. And yet, they sing!
Your veggie beef stew looks so yummy; I may have to make a big old crock-pot full soon before this cold weather bids us adieu.
Haven't heard Ethel Waters in a long time. Lovely photos. Birds have been coming to the frozen pond to drink from the place where the heater is. It doesnt heat a lot just enough to keep the pond open in that spot for gas exchange but it helps because everything is frozen solid. Nice to see all the birds.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, Pamela, your photos and scriptures here spoke to my heart. What a blessings you have where you live between family visits and the wonderful wildlife you enjoy all around you. I'm so glad, too, that you "old" camera came back to life with its new batteries. That's a savings to celebrate. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteWoodpeckers did their best to make my house look like Swiss cheese 1988-1995 in a forested valley of Colorado. We tried all manner of remedies to discourage them. I can't say they (any variety of them) have a good place in my affections.
ReplyDeleteBut sparrows, I have no problem with them. Your words about them are comforting.
Hi Pamela! You have some amazing pictures in this post. You are making good use of that new camera! Your soup looks really delicious. I hope that you and your husband enjoy the weekend. See you again soon!
ReplyDeleteI love all the birds. Especially the diving ducks.