What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Everyday Images #54 January/February

 Hello  Again!  I thought I'd better get this done before things get extra busy around here again!  Remember a couple of weeks ago I did this new photo link up here?  Well, apparently it's time for another one, and here's the link up for this week with the new prompts for the photos:

January/February Prompts - Everyday Images #54 from "A Fresh Cup of Coffee"

at home (monthly)
on my plate (quarterly)

So here I go!  This is kind of like going on a scavenger hunt, looking for the items to meet the criteria for the prompts.  You are welcome to join in the fun by going to that link above for "Everyday Images #54".  

1.  Blanket
You've seen this set up on our sofa since Christmas time.  The blankets each have a story.

This red and black buffalo plaid flannel blanket was made by my mother many many years ago for our youngest son Scott, when he was probably a young teenager and we lived up north where it was cold and "Grandma" thought he could use a nice warm blanket.  Not only is it made of flannel, but on the back side she attached a thick brown fleecy blanket, to make it like a 'bear rug'.  Actually, that was supposed to be the top, I think.  Anyway, Scott loved his blanket and all the love Grandma put into it. However, when we moved to Florida he didn't need it so much anymore, and so I claimed it to put on the couch in the winter time. Our couch is old, with a very dated upholstery (think mauve and blue flowers), so I now keep a beige slipcover over it and then use accent blankets and pillows to change the colors with the seasons.  The couch is too good still to get rid of, and it's too expensive to have it reupholstered, so this works for me!

The other blanket that you saw on the back of the couch is one that "Santa Claus" brought me for Christmas this year.  (Actually, it was Mrs. Santa Claus, because she does the shopping and knew I would love it!)

I make no apologies for the fact that we take a nap most every afternoon after lunch. It's not a long nap, but long enough to recharge our batteries and keep going for the rest of the day. Because it has been so cold here this winter, this blanket has become my nap blanket:

And I place it over this little flannel blanket, which is over the bedspread, so I don't have pull down the bedspread and remake the bed.  The bear/moose/elk blanket has a fleecy sherpa lining, and it is SO soft and warm and cozy, I sometimes find it difficult to wake up after my allotted 30 minute nap! LOL. And yes, that is my teddy bear...a gift from hubby the last time I was in the hospital.
(BTW, Hubby has his own special "nap blankies", but we'll have to hold that for another time. LOL).

2.  Moon

Here's the last shot of the full moon I took earlier this month, early in the morning when it was "descending" into the trees.

3.  Square

These are individual coasters, which are each squares, and put together make another square. I have been picking these up at our local Ace Hardware store (Yes! They have lovely gift items!) and I like to give them to people as a little gift of encouragement. They cost about the same as a card, but so much more permanent!  Oh, the one that says "She is clothed in Strength..." is mine to keep, since "Strength" was my "One Word" for 2024.  I haven't found one that says anything about wisdom yet, but I am watching for it!

4.  Logo

These are my husband's Tervis insulated glasses.  The UCF one is for his Alma Mater. He graduated from UCF before it was named UCF (University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL). It was originally called FTU, "Florida Technological University", and he was in the charter graduating class. (1970)  They later renamed it to UCF, and he had to get his diploma reprinted to show the new name!  
The other one is for the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team, which he follows. We don't live too terribly far away from them, about 2 hours drive, but he's never yet been to a game. I hope we can go sometime.

5.  At home (monthly)

I just stepped out on the back porch to take a picture for this category, and was surprised to find "Blackie", our neighborhood kitty, making himself "at home",  sitting in a chair taking an afternoon nap in the sunshine.  Of  course I woke him up and he wanted to run away...

But he stopped and didn't go any further.  I went back inside the house and looked out the window, and saw why he froze...the Sand Hill Cranes had come into the yard and I didn't even know it! I took this picture through the window, so it's not very clear, but that's what's "at home" right now!

6.  On my plate (quarterly)

I know this probably means "what's on my plate", as far as FOOD goes! Or it could mean, "what do you have on your plate, like what kind of stuff are you having to deal with right now?"

Well, I didn't have anything interesting to show you "on my plate" in regards to food...I mean, we're having fish sticks for supper tonight because I'm in a hurry to get to choir practice and I'm writing this post when I should be cooking a good meal! LOL.

So I decided to take a picture of a pretty plate instead! "What's on my plate",...I've been getting the rest of the Christmas/winter dishes and cups put away, and am starting to think Valentine's and springtime in the decor.
This plate was a thrift store purchase a few years ago. I have two dinner plates and a couple of saucers and a vegetable bowl in this pattern.  Isn't it pretty? I love vintage dishes. It's fun to set the table with mix-matched vintage type plates and cups and saucers once in a while...just for the fun of it!

Okay, so that's the "Everyday Images #54 for this week. This was fun to do, and gives you something to blog about when you might be running out of things!  So feel free to join in and link up with the others! Oh, and don't forget to mention Kym's "A Fresh Cup of Coffee" in your post.

Some words of wisdom from God's Word for today:

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says:

"11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."

Be blessed my friends!


  1. I'm over to visit via The Simple Life of a Queen. I can't wait to read up on your posts. We can all use encouragement in life.

  2. LOVE that fur blanket and i have a red plaid that goes on top of the bed, with a fleecy burgundy one to cover me for Nap Time. I read, and most times get the nap that the head keeps falling down and dozing... we eat at noon, i clean up kitchen, go out with dog, stay on my feet for 30 minutes because the gall bladder surgeon told me to, then head for my blankies. this is fun.. I love seeing all your blankets and the black cat is an added bonus... thanks for all your support the last few days. 3 hours to GO time. oh, forgot, already did that. ha ha... I did a post this morning, Always Be Kind and that shoe fits you and you always where it

  3. This is such a fun meme and new to me!! I'll be joining in soon. Enjoyed all the pictures and the story with them. Seeing the black cat sunning himself on the porch gave me the urge to do the same, but it's still a little cool outside for porch sitting and it's rained everyday this week. Spring will be here soon enough and like the black kitty, I'll be sunning myself on the porch! ☺☺

  4. They are saying now that a nap in the afternoon prolongs your life as you get older. Kids and adults need naps. In Japan everyone takes a little nap in the afternoon even at work. I painted in a little house on the shore of Lake Pamela on the header. I named the lake for you since you want to live there. It's tiny to fit with the perspective of the picture but, its a nice home with your own path to the beach. I am not sure if it's what you had in mind but, let me know.

    1. OH Annie! I just went over and looked at the picture, and I LOVE it so much!! What a blessing and honor to have your beautiful little lake named "Lake Pamela", and to give me my own little cabin beside the little church in the wildwood. I love it and would LOVE to live there. Of course, my hubby would be the pastor of the little church and we would live there beside it and never want to go anywhere else! LOL. I love it so much, and feel so humbled that you would do this for me! I actually saved the picture so I can enlarge it and see it up close better! I LOVE it. Thank you thank you thank you! You made my day!

  5. LOL yes my husband and I have our favorite “blankies” for nap or for the sofa. I don’t take a nap anymore because I would sleep hard and it made me rummy, for the rest of the day. My husband would forget to wake me! Now I lay on the sofa and close my eyes 👀
    It’s good to see Blackie, the cat! 🐈‍⬛ I enjoy the neighborhood cats and dogs but when they come into our yards, Laydee doesn’t like it.
    I like vintage plates too. Don’t ever buy Corelle plates - they never break so you are stuck with them for 40+ years. I’d like new everyday dishes because I’m so bored with the Corelle but can’t find anything I like.
    What a fun link up - I’ll have to check it out.
    God Bless Pamela.

  6. I love those cozy blankets, Pamela, and they are perfect for afternoon naps. I like your new photo "hookup" blogging, too. You always have such interesting pictures to share and great stories, too. Blessings!

  7. Pam: I also love those blankets. They all would work well up here in Indiana. Roger was here overnight and has just gotten back to his apartment. It was great seeing him. Peace and blessings to all.

  8. I love everything about this post and the glimpses it gives about you. It really is a scavenger hunt type of link. I used to belong to a photo group called ABC Wednesday. We would go through the alphabet one letter each week. It really fine tunes the observation skills. Lots of fun. I took a break and just never got back into it.
    Who knows what my future blog posts will be.

  9. Like you, Pam, I take a nap most days right after lunch. I’ll be sitting my recliner watching the local news and before it’s over, I will have slept really good for about 15-20 minutes. Helps me get through the rest of the day (and re-charges my body from the after-breakfast bike ride).

  10. That was a fun post. I don't take a scheduled namp but I do tend to fall asleep either in the afternoon or evening while sitting in my recliner.
    I enjoyed reading about all of your prompts. It helps to get to know others in ways you normally wouldn't write about. I like mis-matched dinnerware too but Dennis didn't seem to fond of it.
    I hope you're having a lovely day. It's 53F here right now! Wow! I have the door propped open for some fresh air inside.

  11. This is definitely blanket weather, isn't it!? It's warmed up to 70* here today though. Very nice.
    I think the cat has adopted y'all. It's a pretty cat. When we lived in Jax we had one we called Tasha. She was an Oriental Shorthair and very vocal. She sounded like a haunted house. lol Sweet kittie.
    Blessings. 💞

  12. Loved your post, sweet friend! You always share such lovely thoughts and pieces of your life. Like the idea of photographing things around your home, what fun! Loved your nap stories, and story behind your blankets. It certainly has been a cold winter everywhere this year! Enjoy the rest of your day dear friend!

  13. Hi Pamela. I love your "nap blanket." I am an afternoon napper myself, especially since I have been getting up before 5 a.m. to teach an early morning class. Fortunately, that ends this week! I like fish sticks too - sounds like a good thing to have for dinner. I hope you have a good day and I will see you again soon!

  14. That 'Grandma' blanket sounds so wonderfully indulgent ... ummmm! And Mrs. Claus did such a great job. They both make me dread (a little bit) the coming warm weather. I don't know that I could even do a 30-minute nap... mine are either 60 or 90 minutes on the love seat. Some of the best sleep ever!
    I, too, love the idea of mix-and-match tableware. I've none at the moment, but that's gonna change. Simple pleasures!

  15. That was fun, Pam. and no apologies needed for taking a nap! Good for you both. Your nap blanket looks comfy and warm!! I love black cats and miss mine! Sending a hug!

  16. So glad you've joined me for Everyday Images again, and I love all your photos. The blankets all look so cozy and perfect for napping, and I love the story behind the red one. Great photos of the moon and the things going on at home. How lucky to have cranes right in your yard! That plate is gorgeous as well. Thanks for linking up and I look forward to seeing you again!


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