Here we are already on the first Saturday of the New Year, 2025! The New Year is only four days old, and it is already proving to be very special in so many least here in my little old world. For now, let's just not think about all the sad and terrible stuff that is going on in the rest of the world, and let's just focus on some sweet and happy thoughts for a little while, okay?
Like this Robin Redbreast, who flew into the yard looking for holly berries, and landed himself on the back of my newly refurbished bench in "Mom's Secret Garden."
I found this particularly significant, because if you've ever read the story, "The Secret Garden", you will remember that a Robin Redbreast played a very "key" (pun intended) role in the story.
I asked Google for more information since I couldn't remember the details of the story, and here is the response I got from "AI":
"Yes, a robin plays a significant role in "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett; it is a friendly robin redbreast that befriends Mary and essentially leads her to discover the hidden secret garden by drawing her attention to the
key's location through its behavior around disturbed soil.
Key points about the robin in "The Secret Garden":
Symbolic importance:The robin represents new life, hope, and connection to nature, helping Mary overcome her loneliness and isolation.
Interaction with Mary:The robin often appears near Mary, particularly around the area where the
key to the secret garden is buried."
So, yes, wouldn't you agree that a Robin Redbreast, who just happened to be flying through our yard on its way south for the winter (they don't stay here for the winter), landed on the one place that could be significant in creating this little intro to my post today? I found it very interesting, and I look forward to all the other special little things that God has in store for me and you! in this new year.
Wisdom is my "One Word" for 2025, and I particularly like these verses from Proverbs 3...interesting that 'wisdom' is spoken of as a woman...and especially I like that "She (wisdom) is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her." Seeking wisdom is certainly a worthwhile pursuit, and I pray that this year God will lead me on this journey of discovering all of the "treasures" wisdom will provide for me. My prayer is that I will become "rich" with wisdom. Not speaking of the monetary kind of richness, but the kind of riches that money cannot buy. So here we go...
Proverbs 3:13-18
"13 Happy is the man who finds wisdom,
And the man who gains understanding;
14 For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver,
And her gain than fine gold.
15 She is more precious than rubies,
And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.
16 Length of days is in her right hand,
In her left hand riches and honor.
17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
And all her paths are peace.
18 She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her,
And happy are all who retain her."
So I promised you and update after we visited with our extended family yesterday for a belated Christmas time. We met my hubby's brother and wife and their kids at an old favorite restaurant about an hour south of us, "The Mason Jar", where you can get good country cooking. It was wonderful that both of their kids could make it, since they are both college students now and you know how that goes...getting everyone together can be challenging. And yes, sadly, my sister and her hubby and their daughter and her family couldn't come due to illness, but my sister sent some gifts for us with my brother in law since they live in the same general direction and were able to make a connection before they came to meet us. And I sent some gifts for them back with my brother in law, and they will connect again sometime soon to deliver! LOL. Sometimes it seems like these get togethers are getting harder and harder as we get older, but we keep trying!

This mirror was in the entrance to the restaurant, and it said "Strawberry Cream Pie". Oh My! But we brought our own dessert with us, as we were also celebrating Rose's birthday with the family...just some Publix cupcakes, but they were so good. Anyway, that's Peggy, Me with the camera, Rose and Benton in the mirror. LOL.
That's our nephew Nicholaus, cozying up to the bear...LOL.
And here's a couple of "deers", brothers Billy and John, and one deer photo bomber! LOL
I'm still waiting to be seated on this rocking horse...LOL. Oh, that's not what they meant! LOL.
This is my sister in law Peggy and their daughter Shannon...
Rose was totally surprised by the wait staff coming out and singing Happy Birthday to her, and bringing that delicious chocolate brownie pie. We didn't even ask them to do that, but our waitress (see standing behind my hubby in these pictures), noticed that we had some cards for Rose on the table in front of her, and so she went ahead and did the birthday song thing for Rose as a total surprise for all of us!
I think Rose was really touched by that (and maybe a little embarrassed, as she is really quite shy). It was all good fun, and our waitress got a very nice tip.
Brother and sister laughing over something...oh, I know, they were looking at old pictures of themselves and their family on their mother's phone and having a good time. A good time was had by all!

We waited until we got back home to open the gifts that were exchanged, and it felt like having Christmas all over again. Our loved ones really go overboard with thoughtful gifts, and even though we keep trying to say let's don't exchange gifts anymore...let's just get together and enjoy being together...well, some people just enjoy shopping and giving special gifts and that's their way of expressing their love for us, and so we are just very very thankful. I won't go into all the gifts that we received, but hit the highlights that are especially fun and/or meaningful.

My hubby received this fun gift from his brother and sister in law. It is what's called a "Yes, Dear" button. When you hit the button, it has a different response that is supposed to be what the husband should be saying to his wife when she asks him to do something. He has had more fun with this than anything. He likes to keep making up questions and pretending that I'm the one answering...and he just thinks this is hilarious. It is. Here are the responses that you might get when you hit the button:
"Why didn't I think of that?"
"I couldn't agree more."
"I'd love to."
"What a wonderful idea."
"Whatever you say."
"Yes, Dear."
"Surely it's my turn."
"If you're happy, I'm happy."
Anyway, if you want to make a hubby have fun with something silly, give him this button. Of course, if he's creative like my husband is, there's no telling what kinds of questions he might be thinking up to get these responses. It's all in good fun.
He also loved this little metal gift card box that is from that Christmas Story movie, the "Major Award" leg lamp. He did get a nice gift card inside. But he loved the box too.

I also received some very nice gifts, and one is this beautiful sweatshirt, which I am modeling for you here. And even though it is supposedly a "Christmas" sweatshirt, this week week it is going to be cold enough to need to wear it, and it is pretty enough that I am going to wear it rather than wait until next Christmas. That's the problem with not getting together until after Christmas to exchange gifts, things that we give each other that are Christmas oriented sometimes don't get used until next year, but we still do it because that's what's out there when we are shopping! We decided that maybe next year we will try to get together before Christmas to exchange gifts so we can enjoy those special Christmas items throughout the Christmas season. My problem is that I seldom get my shopping/wrapping done much before Christmas. I am going to set a goal for next year and GET IT DONE ahead of time! Help!

Oh, one thing that "Aunt Peggy" always does is remember to give a gift to Lily Grace! Lily Grace is blessed to have such sweet Aunties who like to give her special gifts.
Would you look at this adorable outfit? This is a beautiful little coat, hat, boots, and scarf ensemble!
Now she is all decked out and ready for this cold weather that we are expecting this next week!
All of her friends approve and are happy for Lily Grace to have a nice new winter outfit!
Now, I know you are waiting to hear if I received the new Teapot Calendar from my sister Doris as per usual! Yes, indeed she did get it for me and it is so very lovely:
Each month pictures a different tea pot from many different eras and countries. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.
And here is the calendar for January:
There's usually a story about the history of the that design, and sometimes even some recipes for tea time desserts.
And then there's usually some kind of quote about tea time...
I expect I shall too. I do enjoy having a cup of tea in the afternoon, especially during these chilly winter days. Yes, even here in Florida it gets chilly and sometimes kind of dark and gloomy in the afternoons, and a cup of hot tea is always a welcome respite from whatever I am doing. I don't go all out with special desserts and sweets, etc., with my tea, (unless I just happen to have something irresistible) but it's the calming effect of sitting and relaxing with a cup of hot tea, sometimes reading while I sip, and oftentimes just sitting and staring out at the pond and watching the birds, or rocking in a rocking chair in the corner of the kitchen and sipping tea while I wait for supper to cook. If the weather isn't too chilly or windy or rainy, I take my tea outside and go sit in the "Secret Memorial Garden", as it is now called.
Wherever I go, it's the idea of embracing the moment and spending that time allowing myself to wind down and put aside the cares of the day and just relax and spend time with the Lord. Those are the moments when He speaks to me and I try to listen rather than being distracted by the noises of the world around me. Those are my "wisdom gathering" moments. I need to make myself do it more often.
And yes, my sister gave me some other sweet and very special little gifts too, but I think I am going to save them for another day. Why? Well, because the sharing of these little gifts will lead to more story-telling and I'd rather devote a whole post to it than to share it with this post when I know you are probably already tired of reading and are most likely saying, "Enough, Already!" LOL. And these particular gifts deserve their own unique post. Besides, it's almost bedtime and I'm getting tired. So please stay tuned and keep watching for the next post.
Why am I tired, you may ask? Well today I decided to make a ham loaf and invite the kids over for supper. Some of you may not know what a "ham loaf" is. I've shared the recipe before.
HERE is a link to step by step directions for making it. I baked a ham on New Year's Day, and even though I gave almost half of it to the kids, I still had a lot left over, so decided to use it up by making a ham loaf. Hubby snapped a couple of pictures of me doing the grinding of the ham, using the 1950's era meat grinder that belonged to my mother! It is as old as I am, but still works good considering how OLD it is! LOL.
And there's a picture of the final product (after being cut!)
And here's my plate, never mind the "hands" on the other side of the table belonging to Rose and Benton! LOL. Rose made the scalloped potatoes and I did the broccoli and carrots. It was all very tasty! And we had plenty of leftovers for both of our families to use tomorrow for sandwiches, which are really good either cold, or grilled with some swiss cheese or American if you prefer.
Well, with that delicious looking food in front of us, I think I will close this post and say good night! Tomorrow is Sunday, and that's always a busy day.
Good night my friends...and remember to seek Wisdom from God...
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
It looks like you have a loving extended family to share holidays with. They must love you, too, by those nice gifts. Wonderful photos. We had a meat grinder like that when I was a kid. The finished recipe looks so good! I'm in the right place to read about wisdom on your blog; as a widow, I ask the Lord for wisdom all the time! It makes me feel so close to Him! God bless.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind comment. Yes, we are blessed and thankful to have such a wonderful extended family, and that they are close enough (well, within 2 hours of us) to be able to get together for special holidays, etc. We are all getting older and it isn't always easy to make those little trips, so that's why we meet at a place half way between. We are thankful for accommodating restaurants who give us space to enjoy one another while we dine, and even join in the fun! And yes, I can well imagine how much wisdom is needed in your present situation. I know especially as we get older how much more wisdom is needed as we face health concerns and even financial and other more practical issues of life. We are so thankful that God is always there for us, ready to answer our questions and provide what we need to get us through. I know He is always there for you...and He will never let you down. May God bless you today as well. (((hugs)))
DeleteI enjoyed reading about your meet-up with family and love the story of the button. I'm afraid Dennis would have as much fun with it as John does. :-) Rose looks so happy with her birthday dinner. That was really nice of the waitress to arrange that surprise.
ReplyDeleteThe calendar is really sweet. I liked the dressmaker story.
I have never heard of ham loaf, but I have to admit, that looks delicious. I can almost taste it. Yum! I love how you two and Rose and Benton spend so much time together. We used to be like that with Dennis' parents before our move to Spokane. Now that we're back, Dad' gone to Heaven and Mom knows who we are, but doesn't know where she is most of the time. I miss the days of cooking together and even cleaning up the kitchen. Time changes all things and not always in a pleasant way. I'm looking forward to Heaven when we'll be reunited with those who have gone before and those who are sick here on earth will be whole again. God is so amazing. He only wants what is best for each one of us, but we don't always see things the same as He does.
We're in a "possible" blizzard warning tonight. We're right on the very northern edge. We could get 1 inch of snow or 13 inches. The wind is blowing and the temperature is 13 with a wind chill of -3 and only supposed to get colder over night. The problem isn't the snow really, it's the freezing rain that is supposed to fall first. I don't imagine many people will make it to church or the baby shower tomorrow if the freezing rain is bad.
Much love to you and yours my friend.
Oh, please be careful and stay safe and warm inside. I don't imagine many people would or should venture out on such a day as that. The freezing rain is SO dangerous!! Baby Showers can be postponed to a safer date (even if the baby decides to come sooner than that!), but people need to stay safe. I know what you mean about those pleasant memories of doing things together with our loved ones who are now gone on before us. I miss that too. My MIL used to spend a LOT of time with us before we had to put her in a nursing home and then her eventual passing on to heaven. But I loved those days when she'd come into the kitchen with me and help me with the dishes or even just sit and watch me baking or cooking. She LOVED being there with us and I'm so glad we were able to do it for as long as we could, and I often think about those days and miss her. So yes, I am happy that our DIL Rose enjoys being here with us and we do have a good time together in the kitchen and beyond. God has truly blessed us with her in our family. Have a safe and warm day...please???
DeleteSuch a great time with your family. I just love Ms. Lily Grace's new outfit, smiles. Wishing you a great day, smiles.
ReplyDeleteThe get together with family looks like so much fun. The "Yes Dear" button and the "Major Award" made me giggle too. So cute. Nice sweatshirt. Bet that feels good right now with these freezing temps. It's 28* here! Yipes. I've had to bundle to go to Church. I'm already tired of Winter.
ReplyDeleteIt's been Donkey's years since I've had a ham loaf. We bought a smoked ham from a local merchant for New Year's and I'm already tired of it. It's too much for us. Gonna give the frozen part that we'll never to our neighbor. He's a carnivore like us.
Blessings. ✨
Such a festive time for everyone, Pamela! Even Lily Grace was remembered. :) I so loved reading The Secret Garden when I was young and I'm sure I read it several times. Maybe, it's one I should plan to reread in the new year. Your robin is delightful, too. I recall from "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" that Peter thought it was perfectly fine to follow the robin that appeared to the children because in all the books he had read, the robin was always on the side of the good. May seeing this bird in winter bless you with all good things in this new year!
ReplyDeleteThe little robin said to his friends, "I can't go worm hunting right now. I am on a special mission from the Lord. He is sending me to pose on Pamela's bench," then paused before adding, "Blog thing." And they all understood and repeated knowingly, "Blog thing."
That's hilarious, Sandi! You are so creative in your writing! I can just imagine the Robins all nodding and agreeing with the special Robin, and repeating, "Blog Thing." LOL. It's probably what our husbands and families do too, when we say, "Oh, I've got to write about that in my blog..." I think they probably get it by now, either that or their totally oblivious to all the fun we are having here in Blogland. LOL.
DeleteWhat a wonderful blog post Pamela. Your words just flow.
ReplyDeleteLove the new outfit for Lily Grace (I love that name) She is so ready for what ever will come.!
Seeing you with the grinder made me very nostalgic. My Mom and Dave's mom used theirs all the time. I can remember yummy hash from the left overs..makes my mouth water now.
I do still have my folks grinder somewhere in our garage.
Thanks for the memories.
I never read the Secret Garden, but now you make me want to! While Cardinals are so elegant, probably my favorites are robins.
ReplyDeleteAgain, your funny and frivolous family makes me smile all over. That button of John's is a hoot and you look positively fetching in your new sweater ... work it, girl!
I just realized I've my mother's meat grinder boxed up 'somewhere.' You know, I've never used it; perhaps I should see if there's any demand online.
"Hi and Happy New Year!" to Lily Grace!
The bird pictures never cease to impress this bird loving girl. I also love the reference to the book.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy seeing the family and all the pics and Lily Grace's new outfit is adorable.
Pam, I really enjoyed your post and am so glad you had such a fun family get-together AND you got to see the teens, too! My grandma used to make ham loaf often. She would buy one of the two pound canned hams and grind it up. I remember it was quite good and I know I have her recipe in my recipe box. I will try to remember to compare hers with yours. I was so disappointed with the spiral ham I had for Christmas this year. It was dry and not very good. I'm done with spiral-sliced hams. I am so excited to see you this coming Saturday!!
ReplyDeleteHi Pam. Sounds like you had a very nice time with your extended family. They gave you some fun gifts. Honestly, I've never had a ham loaf, but yours looks really good. I hope that the upcoming week is a good one for you. See you again soon!
ReplyDeleteWow, you have had a very busy week. It is always wonderful to spend time celebrating with friends and family.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
Wisdom - I ask Him often for more wisdom! Our family (Me, Chuck, three grown daughters, and one SIL, decided last year to only buy gifts for the two grandkids. It makes shopping easier, saves money, and helps us to remember the real reason for the season. (Of course, I still buy one or two small things for the adults, but there's no pressure and that's so nice!) It looks like you had a great Christmas.
ReplyDeleteI loved this post - filled with fun and joyful things. The Yes Dear button sounds hilarious. And your Christmas sweatshirt is very pretty, Pam. The tea calendar looks pretty special, too. I've never had ham loaf before, but that actually looks very tasty. I hope 2025 is a good year for you and all your family!