What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Tuesday 4~ New Year's Eve

 New Year's Eve

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and the eve of 2025. (Per Annie, our hostess:)
"Growing up New Years Eve was one of my favorite times of the year. Everyone would come to our home for snacks and drinks before heading out to parties. And I do mean nearly everyone we knew.
All dressed up in formal clothing they would join in the fun.
My father would play ragtime on the piano, our German friends played German music and everyone would dance to it.
My mother made hors d'oeuvres on tiny bread rounds and crackers... bayberry candles burned down for luck. Guy Lombardo was on the TV in the background."

1.What memories of New Years Eve do you have?
To be honest, I don't really have too many special memories of New Year's Eve.  We may have had some church "Watch Night" parties in the past, where we had a fun time at the church with snacks and games and ringing in the New Year together with prayer at midnight for the New Year.  But that has been a long time ago.   You mentioned Guy Lombardo. I remember my parents watching him on TV too. But I just can't remember doing anything very special very often.  When you have little children and not much money, you tend to just stay home! And being in the ministry did not lend itself to going "out on the town".  LOL.
2. Do you go to bed early or stay up until midnight to ring in the new year?
We usually are in bed at our normal hour, but we may wake up at midnight and say Happy New Year, especially if there are fireworks going off all around us!
3. Do you have special foods or customs for the New Year?
In the south, where we live, the custom is to eat black eyed peas on New Year's Day. The real southerners eat them with hog jowl. We might have them with ham, or a dish called "Hoppin' John".
Sometimes our families get together for New Years and we have this special dinner all together. This year we will be meeting with our extended family on Friday at a restaurant in a half-way point for all of us, and we will celebrate New Years, Christmas and Rose's birthday!  Pray that we are all feeling 100%. So far hubby and I are fine, but with the kids both having had this virus thing, we are being very cautious.
4. Will football and New Year parades be on your agenda for New Years Day?
Football, yes, for hubby.  He will probably be watching football all day long.  Maybe I can catch a little bit of the Rose Bowl Parade.  We don't have any special plans for the day since Rose has to work and also since we are all going to get together on Friday. So it will probably be a quiet day, unless something develops between now and then to change that!  (something good, I hope! LOL). 

Here's some thoughts to ponder as we head into the New Year, and as we entrust another year to God, to guide, protect and care for us as we face uncertain times in our world 

Proverbs 2:1-9
1 My son (daughter!), if you receive my words,
And treasure my commands within you,
2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,
And apply your heart to understanding;
3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,
And lift up your voice for understanding,
4 If you seek her as silver,
And search for her as for hidden treasures;
5 Then you will understand the fear of the Lord,
And find the knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord gives wisdom;
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;
He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;
8 He guards the paths of justice,
And preserves the way of His saints.
9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice,
Equity and every good path.


Happy New Year!

Here's where I'll be for New Year's Eve...

Sitting right here snuggled up by our cozy fireplace "Beside Still Waters Pond".  


  1. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend. Smiles

  2. What a pretty place to start out the new year. I will probably be in a similar comfy spot in my home. Happy New Year, Pam!!

  3. Like you, I've no special childhood memories of New Years Eve. Oh wow, however, did I ever make up for it in my 20's and 30's ... dressed in cocktail (or sometimes) formalwear and dancing. No regrets, but happier these days to welcome the new year from my usual spot on the couch under a blanket. Like John, my Tom will be glued to TV football coverage; maybe I'll start a new book.
    Wishing all y'all a blessed New Year!

  4. When I was old enough the babysit, I spent many New Years Eve babysitting. Long hours! Drunk parents coming home 3am. Fortunately they lived down the street and I would walk home. Then when I was working in the City, there were the New Years Eves parties. Those were my BC days. But after my first child was born, no more parties. Instead we got together with our best friends who also had a baby and we’d have dinner and stay up, with babies sleeping in the other room. No rowdy behavior!
    New Years Eve and Day are my least favorite holidays. I just want to get on with the new year!

    Blog with you, next year! 😉

  5. We have no special plans for tonight or tomorrow other than to possibly go to a movie this evening with friends. Barb hasn't been feeling well lately though so it depends on how she's feeling. Usually we just stay home. Sometimes when the kids were home we would have a movie marathon of lord of the rings or other multiple movie series. Now it tends to be just another day. Neither of us are big football watchers either.
    Happy New Year my friend,

  6. I don't really have special memories of New Year's Eve either. I hope you will be able to see your family on New Year's Day! Loved your answers! Have a Happy New Year 2025!


  7. I don't have any particular memories of New Year's either, Pamela, and I'll be going to bed at my usual time just to keep on schedule. Yes, the fireworks might rouse us up at midnight, but I'll try my best not to get up then. Blessings for a healthy and happy New Year!

  8. Proverbs is my favorite. It contains every piece of wisdom and advice you need in life. My parents made so many things special. All the holidays were made magical so we would have great memories. Everyone in the family and out were included in my mothers hospitality. It was her great gift. We were never rich by any means but she found ways to make everything special. I think you are also a woman who makes things special too. No matter what you do for the New Year I hope it is special for you and I pray the New Year brings health, peace and prosperity to you and your family. Hugs.

  9. Happy New Years Eve to you Pamela.
    I do have lots of good memories of New Years Eve for the past 60 years.
    Since we were first married we always had our friends over for a big potluck party. We were about 10 couples that got together all the time and for any excuse. Plenty of great food and fun games to play.
    The best excuse was Dave's birthday on Jan. 1st...new years day.
    As our group became less because of moving away and issues we would try to have a family get together to do different things. Now we just get together on New Years Day for some dinner and birthday cake.
    Dave enjoys watching the bowl games "all day long".
    For about 5 years we were tour directors and had the alumni from the 2 Rose Bowl game colleges that were playing that year. We got the people checked into their hotel, took them to the Rose Parade and then on to the game. Tours of the Los Angeles area were also included. The alumni always had special priveleges and got grandstand seats for the parade. Some times it was a lot like herding cats to get the hundreds of people where they needed to go. We were part of a team and there were 200 buses to coordinate and we had special parking spaces. That's a team of 200 tour directors and bus loads of people. Great memories but this old gray mare she ain't what she used to be and I'm glad to not do it any more.

  10. Happy New Year, Pam. The celebration of Rose's birthday was wonderful. Hope everyone is still well.

  11. We expect our New Year's Eve (this evening) to be relatively quiet, like yours. And that is fine. Safer, too. Happy New Year, dear friend!

  12. Happy New Year sweet friend. May the Lord bless you and your family. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Your Friday gathering sounds great!! I may or may not be awake at midnight. Just me and the cats here this year. I do plan to watch the Rose Parade!! See you soon, Pam!! Looking forward to our little reunion in Ocala!

  14. I plan to make a ham and bean soup tomorrow. I love that mug with the cabin on it.


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