Two days after Christmas...are these the "Twelve Days of Christmas"? I believe they are, from December 25th until January 6th.
Regardless of what we believe or don't believe about the 12 days of Christmas and what they represent, these twelve days are special and somehow I just can't shut down "Christmas" too quickly. I am still enjoying the sweetness of the moments shared with loved ones and the happy memories made and the smiles on each face as we enjoyed the day together.
Today I didn't do a whole lot...just continuing to kind of clean up and put away things, washing up the new gifts that need washing...(any clothing articles, etc.) and simply enjoying the beauty of the twinkling lights on the tree and around the house. It was a rather dark and gloomy day, and we even had some light drizzly rain this afternoon. I was thinking to myself that we haven't seen much of the sun or a sunset recently as the days have been rather cloudy. And then I looked out the window in my "room with a view" as I sat down to write...and this is what I saw:
The evening sun was breaking through the clouds and casting its reflection upon Still Waters Pond, brightening up the horizon and bringing a feeling of peace along with it.
One last look before the sun slipped down behind the trees and the clouds overtook it once again.
Thank You, Lord, for smiling down upon us for a few brief moments. Sometimes we just need to see that!
I looked on my desk and saw this new coaster that I received as a little reminds me of my "One Word" for 2024..."Strength"...
And I was reminded that I also received this little card with this verse on it from a dear friend in Minnesota who sent some thoughtful gifts...I called her up when I opened this and asked her if she realized that strength was my "One Word" for 2024, and she said, "yes, I've read that in your blog". (I didn't know she read my blog...she's not one of our blogging friends, but the sister of our dear daughter in law Rose, and a dear friend to us as well.) That really touched my heart. It reminded me also that we do not know who all reads our blogs and just how far our words may be reaching! I know of a couple of dear blogging friends from the Netherlands area, and one from New Zealand, but beyond that I am not sure. But we just never know who is reading and what speaks to them. A good reminder to always speak truth and life and light.

Going back to the coaster with Proverbs 31:25, "She is clothed in Strength and dignity..." made me think about this very precious gift I received from my sweet daughter in law Rose...Bless her dear heart, she crocheted this for me! I asked her when did she have the time? She's been working long full time hours for the past several weeks, and I know she also has so much to do at home for their home business of creating and painting items that they sell on Etsy, etc. ...when did she find the time? I am so blessed to have this dear girl for my daughter in love...
This is the back of it. Isn't it beautiful? And it feels so nice and warm on my shoulders on these chilly, cloudy days. What a thoughtful and beautiful gift from our thoughtful and beautiful daughter in love.

Back to special gifts...Here's another one created lovingly from our son and daughter in love:
I had seen a sign like that in a store and took a picture of it and told them that I liked it, and lo! and behold! They made it for me!
The "cozy up" theme seems to be catching on...
They also gave me this "cup of cozy" tea mug to go along with the sign and the cabin theme I am kind of developing here little by little.
(the plate was something I found at our local flea market last year).
In my post
HERE yesterday, I told you about the gift of the restored garden bench. I thought there were some pictures taken of the boys with me after they set the bench down in the garden. They weren't in my camera, so I asked Benton and Rose if they had them in their camera, and sure enough they did.
Thanks to Rose, who was standing up on the back porch taking these pictures, we do have them!
She was snapping pictures of Scott taking pictures of me on the bench: (LOL, look at him having fun with this)
Oh, we just discovered she was taking pictures...
Hi Rose! Come on down and join us!
I'm so thankful for these kids!

And thank you for praying for Rose. She is much better today finally, and hopefully will be able to go back to work tomorrow. And thankfully, none of the rest of us have gotten whatever bug she had. Praise God for that!! She was pretty sick!
And I'm thankful for these "kids" too, happily playing with their new toys...
Talking about cozy, I took this picture looking inside the glass doors from out on the porch while I was watching the sunset. I love how cozy the little train village looks beneath the tree...
Speaking of the train village, hubby and I received a couple of vintage Plasticville buildings to add to our little village from "Santa". They are circa 1952 buildings, in their original very old and fragile boxes. Thankfully the buildings themselves are in excellent condition...
Hubby wanted the school house, and I do remember having that same building as a child in my parents' train village...
And this is a replacement for our train station building, because ours had a very badly cracked roof and the building was patched together with scotch tape and glue to keep it from falling apart.
Here are the new buildings set up in the village:
The little red school house:
And the new train station:
Since I was down on the floor anyway, I decided to take a few more closeups of the other buildings in the village. I had to scoot my way around the tree/village on the floor on my behind to get to all the places, and then, well, we won't talk about how much "FUN" it was for me to get back up again. Thankfully hubby wasn't holding the camera...
You can see some of these old buildings are still in need of some repair...but most of these are probably almost as old as I am, and I am in need of some repair too! LOL.
All is calm...all is bright...
I can almost see myself enjoying walking around in that peaceful little village. Wouldn't it be so nice?
"O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight
For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim thy holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to men on earth
O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight"
Well, that's all for this third day of Christmas. Tomorrow is another day, and maybe if I have time there will be something else interesting to share with you. I've been enjoying getting around to reading what many of you have been sharing about your Christmas day. We are a blessed people. Very, very thankful, and praying for others who are struggling right now...the people in the mountains of the Carolinas and Tennessee especially. May we not forget them, and do whatever we are able to do to help financially or whatever we can.
I sure enjoyed my visit with you today Pamela. The photos of the pond, the gorgeous shawl from Rose, the boys with you and the train village. Of course my favorite building was the log house! :-) It sounds as if you are very much enjoying the memories made with your kids on Christmas day. I'm SO glad that Rose is feeling better. Mandy still is sick and working LONG hours, even tomorrow. It's good that she works from home, but there is some sort of crisis so she has to work a full day tomorrow too. Now Piper is running a fever so I guess it's good that she didn't stay with us last night but I sure missed her.
ReplyDeleteI finished my baby blanket this evening and we ran a few errands. Tomorrow Dennis is helping my niece and her husband move things from storage into their new house that they just closed on Monday. They are very excited at having a house to decorate and make their own.
Take care my dear friend and I'll look forward to our next visit.
Blessings and hugs,
Oh I didn't know dear Rose was sick. I'm happy to hear she is feeling much better. It's no fun being sick at any time but especially over the holiday season. You certainly sound as if you've thoroughly enjoyed Christmas. Praise the Lord! Your post is cosy and warm as is your home I'm sure. Looking through to the beautiful tree from the outside is lovely. Enjoy the rest of the Christmas season.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad Rose is feeling better and that no one else fell ill. It was nice of her to take the brunt of it and keep it from the rest of you!! I always enjoy your posts and the great photos you share! The train village is a precious tradition!! The photos of you all and the refurbished bench in your garden are so fun!! Memories fill our hearts, don't they!! (Not really a question!) Now, on to the new year!! How blessed are we to look forward to 2025. Wow!!
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord for Rose's bounce-back!
ReplyDeleteHow will you be able to dismantle that beautiful Christmas village, Pam?! How warm and cozy your home! Yep, that sign says it all, and the shawl's colors look wonderful on you. What a treasured labor of love. I cracked up watching your 'boys' earnest photography while you and Rose pose ... good sports!
We're experiencing some of the same grey weather up here, plus there's a 50/50 chance for severe storms tonight (*sigh*) -- so I've no intentions to accomplish much. Please take good care and keep warm!
Pam: We have had rainy weather for several days. We both have been sick since mid-December. I am just beginning to feel almost normal. Roger won't be with us until Jan ,4th weekend, we think. God got us through the holiday. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the view of your back deck with Rose. I don’t recall seeing that part of your “cabin” before. I’d love sitting out there - there’s just something about sitting on a high deck overlooking nature. Very nice.
ReplyDeleteGlad Rose is doing much better - proving prayer works! Enjoyed the photos of you sitting on your bench with your boys watching you and taking photos.
I also enjoyed looking at your little town under the tree. I’ve always found fascination in miniature villages and town set around a train set.
I really like the shawl Rose made for you. All I really need is my shoulders and neck covered and I’m fine. I use a crocheted shawl in the house, during the colder months that my mom crocheted back in the 70’s. She had made me a poncho using the same pattern using earth tones and long fringes. I wish I still had that poncho - it’s in style now!
I hear ya about getting up off the floor! Whoa be if there's not a person or a sturdy piece of furniture close by to grab onto! Ha-ha! You are not alone on that one, Pam!
ReplyDeleteYour train village is wonderful and holds such memories for you. I had to chuckle at your comment about needing some repairs for yourself -- you were right there close to Plasticville Hospital!
Yes, we've put away Christmas but circumstances were such that one thing just led to another, and in the blink of an eye, it was all packed away. I do enjoy seeing all of your decor!
You're a lot braver than I to get down on the floor, Pamela - LOL! I did love the photos of your beautiful village and the new additions you got on Christmas Day. And I'm so, so glad that Rose is feeling better and able to go back to work so soon. I mentioned to Barbara at her most recent post that while we were able to sing at church on Christmas Eve, Danny knew he was coming down with what he thought was a cold. Turns out, it is Covid! No, I don't have it, and I'm praying that I won't, but I'm so glad we were able to go to Urgent Care for his diagnosis. I'm so happy, too, that whatever "bug" Rose had didn't infect the rest of the family. Enjoy every moment of the 12 Days!
ReplyDeleteOh I am happy to see your log cabin plate, Pam! You had asked me to remind you to get those out this year!
ReplyDeleteSo happy Rose is feeling better! The shawl, the cozy mug and sign -- all three are such cozy gifts.
And the Plasticville buildings! Isn't it amazing what one can find on the internet. Those are wonderful.
Your photos are all so amazing. Looks like a wonderful time. Glad rose is feeling better. That mug is interesting and I love the train station. The train set is lovely. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and Happy New Year!