As I sat here in front of my little window from my "Room with a View" and started to write this post, my thoughts were directed to the sign above the window, and the view of Still Waters Pond early on this Advent morning. This is kind of like opening a window on the Advent Calendar, if you will! You never know what may be there to surprise or bless you!
The Christmas carol "Joy to the World" came to mind, especially the first verse, which is where this words for this sign came from:
"Joy to the world the Lord is come
Let earth receive her king!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and nature sing
And heaven and Heaven and nature sing!"
If you've been reading my blog for a long time, you may remember that this picture below used to be the banner photo for my blog, which was at my kitchen window in our last house in Salt Springs, FL., in the middle of the Ocala National Forest.
(Click HERE to read a post about this window sill and more)
But today I wanted to focus on the beauty of God's "wild kingdom" right outside our current window, here on Still Waters Pond. I love this time of year because it is the time when the migrating ducks and geese and other birds start arriving...some to stay around all winter, and others to just pass through, but all are a delight to see even if for a moment! They sing their songs and flap their wings and it seems to me that they are a part of the heralding in of the Babe born in the manger, the King of kings, and Lord of all creation!
Colossians 1:15-17 says:
"15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.
All things were created through Him and for Him.
17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist."
Psalm 24:1 says:
24 The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness,
The world and those who dwell therein.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas,
And established it upon the waters.
So it is only fitting that today we will focus upon the beauty and wonders of God's kingdom right here on Still Waters Pond!
I was so excited yesterday morning to look out the window and find a wonderful surprise!
Not just one or two, but a whole family of Black Bellied Whistling Ducks had arrived to our pond!
I know this picture isn't very clear, but I like it. It was early morning, and the sun wasn't fully up yet, so some of these pictures may be a little blurry.
If you remember HERE in September, a couple of these ducks showed up and stayed around for a little while, and then they disappeared again. And now look! I believe this may be the same couple, and they've brought back their whole brood to visit here! I feel like a proud Grandma of quintuplets! As best I can count, there are five youngsters and the two parents! What a wonderful surprise!
They stayed around for quite a while. There must be something really good for them to eat there along the mucky shore of the pond.
Of course I took pictures for as long as they stayed in close enough range for me to watch them. I knew you'd want to see them too!
My statement at the top of this blog, under my cover photo says this: Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!
When God closed the door on our previous home in Salt Springs and brought us here to this house on Still Waters Pond, we had no idea what might be out there waiting for us. I was afraid I'd really miss seeing our bears and deer and other critters from the forest (and I do miss them), but God has provided abundant beauty for us to behold here. I am so very thankful for this open window from my little "Room with a View". There's always something out there to enjoy if I just open my eyes and look!
Here's a few pictures from the day before the ducks arrived:
Our Canada Goose couple continues to show up most every day. I am hoping they will decide to nest here again this winter/spring and that this time they will be successful. Last year didn't turn out too well for them, but maybe they were too immature yet and needed a year to 'grow up' before starting their own family? Who knows? God knows. Time will tell.

This morning there was no sign of the ducks, but the geese were out there on the pond again, however, you really can't see them in these pictures below. I was mainly focusing on how pretty pond looks in this late fall "early winter" season we are encountering. It was rather overcast this morning, and these pictures were from my cell phone, so they aren't quite as clear, but maybe you'll get the "picture".
As you can see, we still have some autumn leaves on the maple trees around the pond, but with the windy days we've been having lately, they are really starting to fall.
Here's some added color from around the house and yard! The geraniums are loving this cooler weather, and the Christmas Cactus is starting to really bloom!
This geranium is blooming under the back porch! I put it there to protect it from the bright sun (and frost whenever we get any) , and it seems to like it under there! And it still gets plenty of sun and rain and has survived there for a while. Maybe next spring I will bring it back up to the porch.
I don't think I've shown you a picture of the grapevine tree in the daytime that is on the front porch. And a couple of little poinsettia plants beside it.
The little pinecone on the shelf of the table (above) has a story. One day when I went out to get the mail from the mailbox, I noticed this little pinecone just sitting there on the lawn, upright just like you see it above. I looked all around and thought, "where did that come from? There are no pine trees right over it or near by, and even if they were, they seldom land upright like that!" I decided it must be a little gift from either a squirrel or maybe God just wanted me to notice it because it is special. So there it is!
Here's our shed "decorated" for Christmas. Those wreaths do have lights on them, but they are battery operated and it's too much trouble to keep remembering to go outside at night and turn them on and then go back again in the dark to turn them off, so this year they are just greenery by day to decorate.
And this is the wreath on the front door.
So that's the tour of the outside right now that you haven't already seen. And now I must close this door and open the window of the kitchen to get to work on cooking supper! LOL.
"Joyful, joyful we adore Thee
God of glory, Lord of love
And hearts unfold like flowers before Thee
Opening to the sun above"
Happy 14th Day of Advent. I hope you enjoyed opening this Advent window today!
I love the story about finding the little pine cone in a most unexpected place. Yes, I believe you were meant to find it, Pamela, and I'm glad you displayed it here. Your outdoor tree and wreaths exude the joy and festivities of the season, and the ducks and geese are delectable icing on the cake. Like you, I hope they will all spend the winter at Still Waters Pond so you can enjoy them day in and day out. Have a blessed Sunday!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Martha. I know you understand about interesting things found in nature. God wants to bless us in unexpected ways...we just have to pay attention! I hope you and Danny have a blessed and wonderful Sunday today also.
DeleteI get so happy from your blog, Pamela. It’s surprising and also a bit hopeful (that you didn’t know what it would bring, but that God provides in everything, even in the beautiful nature surprises).
ReplyDeleteAnd how lovely to see the sun in that picture with the geranium. That gives me some courage. My Christmas cactus has lots of buds. It’s a pink one. Warm greetings and a blessed Sunday in advance (it’s 22:52 here).
You can see the cactus a bit on:
I went and saw the cactus on your post, and enjoyed the whole post so much. You and I see things much the same is a blessing to have eyes to see what God has provided for us! Have a blessed and wonderful day. You are probably already far into the day...trying to figure how far ahead of us you are in time. I think I am figuring you are about 6 hours ahead of us. So you are having lunch when we are having breakfast, so to speak. So enjoy your day! I'm just getting up.
DeleteOh how I love seeing the world through your window. You have such wonderful critters to enjoy different times of the year. Love your wreath and all the simple and tasteful decorations.
ReplyDeleteYes, Heaven and Nature Sing.
To answer your question about the berries...I haven't a clue what they are called. I believe they are in the Pyracantha family, but the leaf is much more delicate.
I just call them God's ornaments to go with the rain drop crystals.
I love it when God provides His own beautiful ornaments for us to enjoy!! And thank you for coming along and visiting with me here today. God always has something out there for us to enjoy! WE just have to look!!
DeleteThanks for the tour, Pam, and we also have battery lights on the tree outside our apartment entry, which I keep forgetting to turn on...maybe for Chritmas Eve if the batteries are still good! Glad to see the ducks having a good swi on Stillwater Pond.
ReplyDeleteYes, our intentions are good, but sometimes our bodies and minds don't remember to follow along with the plan! At least your little tree is right outside your door. My wreaths on the shed are a good little walk away, and I don't like to do that in the dark, so I gave up on it. I don't think anyone out there really cares that much one way or the other! LOL. Maybe the raccoons and possums miss the extra light at night. LOL.
DeleteI've always liked that phrase because Heaven and Nature do sing! I appreciate the open eyes you have to see His glory in nature and the way you share it with us.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mari. I thank God for eyes to see His creation all around us, and also for a camera to capture it so I can share it with you!! Double blessings.
DeleteThat's one of my top favorite Christmas songs ever! Smiling big about the pinecone, because I have one of its 'relatives' on a stand in the sun room. On a whim, I picked it off the lawn of an Air B&B where we once stayed ... who knows why, but I'm glad I did. We've no outdoor decorations, but thankfully City workers came by yesterday hanging lights on the light pole in our front yard. Wish they'd leave it up all year ... like a night light.
ReplyDeleteLOL on the pinecone relative! Aren't we funny? I love that you and I think so much a like on a whim! Hey, been praying for you and Tom. Hope he is feeling much better. (((hugs))) Oh, how nice of the city to give you some Christmas lights in your yard! Take a picture! It'll last longer that way! LOL.
DeleteThank you, now I am humming the song, for those drones, I see them every morning on the way to work-our drones (I say our like its mine, LOL) look like they are manning I-75. Nevertheless, its unnerving. Smiles
ReplyDeleteWe saw one up in the skies here this past week too. I think they are everywhere and we are just now waking up to the fact!
DeleteI hadn’t realized you lived in the middle of the forest. Now that’s where I’d love to be. Tell me, is it true you can’t see the forest for the trees?? lol - couldn’t resist.
ReplyDeleteGod has you where you need to be in this chapter of your life. I’d love to sit and watch all the birds at your place - I’d probably never get any work done. Love your shed and all your photos.
LOL, yes, I believe it IS true that "you can't see the forest for the trees!" They just get in the way!! LOL. But I loved them. I truly enjoyed living there and do miss the excitement of having bears and deer and bobcats and coyotes walking through our yard (mostly at night, but sometimes in broad daylight too). It was an adventure that I am thankful to have had. But it was getting too far from civilization for us as we got older, and so we moved to the big "city", which is really just a little town, but it's closer to things we need, like the doctor, hospitals, groceries, and my own Dollar General store one block away. LOL. And our kids. When Benton and Rose got married he moved here to this town, and it was about 30 miles from where we were living. We just wanted to be closer to them also in "our old age". So God blessed us with a lovely pond to enjoy watching new kinds of wildlife, and that keeps me busy with my camera. Also we were blessed to find the church we now are a part of and we can be more actively involved in than what we had in the forest. So all's well that ends well. Thank you for your kind words.
DeleteYou had a lot of activity at Stillwaters Pond today. Oh I hope the goose family has a baby or two. Last year was just too sad. And maybe the herons will have another, or two babies. You have such a beautiful place to watch the world. And to have lived in the forest too! How wonderful. God has provided you beautiful places to have homes. Thank you for all of the Bible verses you post. You're such an inspiration to me. Your cheerful outlook and ways to care for others teach me more about the person I would love to be. I pray your Advent Sunday tomorrow is a blessed day to celebrate Him.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and love,
Oh, thank you, Betsy. You are a blessing to me. I've enjoyed our friendship via blogging. You are also an inspiration to me! Stay warm and feel better!!
Deleteour squirrels Carry pine cones around the yard. we have one pine tree left and I keep finding cones on the other side of the yard that is nothing but dirt now.. they used to sit on the pine tree that is gone and always on the branches over the pool deck, nibble the cones down to a tiny con with no pointy points and walking barefoot of the deck was a challenge. I miss that tree and apologized to the squirrel I saw this week for the lack of places to eat.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a kitchen window or any window that looked out on your old view of the Forrest or you now view. wow... I might not ever finish the dishes....
LOL. i know what you mean about never finishing the dishes! When we lived at the other house I would stand there and watch the birds outside the window and sometimes a bear would walk by looking for birdseed. I had to move the bird feeders inside a fenced area after the bears cleaned them out a few times, and then they still tried to tear down the privacy fence to get to them. There was always something exciting going on there. Here my kitchen windows face the street in front of the house, and I don't open those blinds because I don't want people driving by and staring at me in the kitchen, and trust me, they would. So I am thankful for this window on the back/pond side of the house where I have my computer and can sit and watch what's happening out on the pond while I write. That's worked out much better! Regarding the squirrels, I know what you mean about them and pine cones...yes, they leave the core and they can really hurt if you step on them. Our squirrels are cleaning out the holly berries on the holly trees because I don't allow them to get to the bird feeders. They have PLENTY of acorns and pine cones and holly berries and all kinds of other berries back here in the wooded areas around the pond. They do NOT need to eat my expensive bird seed! So there! So if a squirrel left that pine cone as a "gift" in the front yard, I'm not sure why he would. I've not been particularly overly kind to them. I mainly just ignore them unless they figure out how to get to the Trust me, they get plenty to eat around here.
DeleteI love all your photos and words! God is so good to all of us in supplying our every need!
ReplyDeleteYes, He certainly is good to us. We are surely blessed and very very thankful!
DeletePamela, I love the view out your window, it must be lovely to watch nature and all the changes with the seasons . I'm sure you have a lot of animals visiting and coming for a cool clear drink and well at those that live in the water. It must be very calming to look out there and watch the wild life.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas and God bless you and your family :)
Thank you, Connie. Yes, it is very calming to look at the pond, hence the name "Still Waters Pond", named after the 23rd Psalm, 'He leads me beside the still waters, He restores my soul..." We are very thankful for this gift from God.
DeleteHi Pam! I love your Christmas decorations - especially the wreaths on your shed doors. Yes, heaven and nature surely sang at the birth of our Lord, as they will when He returns again! I hope you have a great week. See you again soon!
ReplyDeleteHow festive it all looks! Your place is really lovely. The lilies on the pond almost look like snow in the photo, don't they. That's neat. "They" are saying it may snow a little here by Christmas! That would be fun. Guess I'd better make sure we have enough supplies so we won't have to go out for a day or two.
ReplyDeleteBlessings. 🎄