What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

December 1st: The First Sunday of Advent! Let the Christmas Advent(ure) Begin!

Today is the First Sunday of Advent...the time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 

(this photo is from a previous year. I didn't think to take a picture this morning!)

"This morning we light the first candle, the candle of hope.  This candle reminds us that God's promises give us reason to be filled with hope~hope for unity in a world of division, hope for healing in a world of pain, and hope for peace in a world filled with anger and strife.  We remember that Christ is our light and the source of our hope." 

(each of these links helps to explain more about Advent and why we celebrate it each year)

Here is a video of today's choir anthem and our Pastor's sermon about the Annunciation of Jesus' Birth...His Birth Announcement, if you will.  (Luke 1:26-45).  The song the choir is singing is entitled "Christmas is a Time of Joy", and it was written by two of our own church members, which makes it even more beautiful and special.

It was a beautiful service, and something else made it even more wonderful! We had some very special guests visiting our church today, someone especially that some of you may know: Barbara and Gary from My Journal Memories

Here they are across the table from us as we went out to eat at one of our favorite places after church, "Hog Wild Country Cafe'"

And here we are across the table from them:
And here's our handsome guys after a delicious lunch...
And here is Barbara and myself, also after enjoying a great time of good food and wonderful conversation.

It's really nice that Barbara and Gary live only about an hour's drive away from us, so it made it possible for them to make this trip this morning in time for church and then to stay for lunch and get back to their home at a reasonable time. If they are anything like us, maybe even in time to take a nap!  LOL.
This is not our first meeting together, and I hope it will certainly not be the last. I love it when "cyber friends" become "real friends in person".  We have found that the things that drew us together through our blogs have been only enhanced by having an in person friendship as well.  I am very thankful for Barbara and her gift of writing. She has truly been a blessing to me over the past several years that we've known each other. I look forward to that friendship continuing in the years to come.

Today was a rather chilly, but sunny and beautiful day! After our afternoon nap and then a light supper,  hubby and I went outside and took a little walk around our yard. The first thing we noticed was that there were some Canada Geese sitting in Still Waters Pond just off shore.  So of course you know what I did for the next few minutes before the sun went down...yes, I took as many pictures as I could without disturbing the geese too much.

The above photos were all taken with my "real camera", hence the quality is a bit better, until it started getting too dark. Then I switched to my cell phone camera, and the pictures aren't quite as good of quality because it doesn't have as good of a zoom lens, but the lighting is better for a little longer so we can still watch them.

It was a very peaceful evening...a perfect way to end the First Day of December...

The temperature had only reached the low 60's today, after starting out around 36!
Tomorrow morning we actually have a freeze warning! So things might be a bit too cold for me to go out and watch the geese on the pond! (If they are even out there).

The geese were starting to get into a bit of a "face off" in these below, which means  that the "bull goose" was starting to tell the others who's the boss around here. LOL.

After that they swam off into the sunset and I don't know if they will stay here on the pond over night or leave and come back tomorrow.  They have their own routine and schedule...and we are just spectators who are blessed to be able to watch them as they go about their daily lives on Still Waters Pond.

I know that today being December 1st, I should be doing the calendar roll call for the new month. But I think you've seen enough photos already. I will close with just this one from the Thomas Kincade calendar:

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of His government and peace
there will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
to order it and establish it with judgment and justice
from that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

Those verses are very fitting for today being the first day of Advent!

Okay, let us go share the "Advent(ure)" of Advent with others! Christmas is all about the birth of a very special baby boy...Jesus...the "Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace".  That's very good news!


  1. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you got to spend time with Barbara and Gary. I really appreciate her blogging as well, and it's a joy when people who are both my blog friends meet in person.
    I enjoyed your pond photos today too. It's always a pretty sight!

    1. Thank you, Mari. Yes, it is a real joy when we blogging friends can meet. It's like we really know each other because we share things here that sometimes our regular in person friends really don't know about us because they don't get to read what is truly in our hearts and minds (unless they read our blogs, which most of my in person friends and/or family Do NOT read my blog. If they do, they never tell me so! LOL Maybe that's a good thing!).

  2. We did our Advent yesterday too. Steve & I light a candle next Sunday. I always enjoy this part of Christmas as we remember what Christ has done for us.
    Wonderful photos as always. Maybe someday we all can meet, if not, we'll have to look for each other when we're rejoicing at the feet of Jesus. xx

    1. I would love to meet you and Steve someday. You really aren't that far away! If you can make it to Jacksonville, it's only another hour and a half to Interlachen! LOL. And besides, wasn't Steve's great grandfather or someone the former mayor here or at Palatka or something? You should come see this place someday! We would have such a fun time. Oh, I am happy you and Steve are participating in the Advent service. I love this time of year too. So full of the REAL meaning of Christmas!! And I do hope we'll meet before we get to heaven, but if not, then yes, we will look for each other day. What a day that will be...!!!

  3. the photos of the geese you took with your camera are spectacular. I love the one with her back turned to us. a work of art. I have had the pleasure of meeting 3 different bloggers over the years and it was always great, like meeting old friends we have know forever. the song you sung at church is beautiful and I am impressed it was written by a member. that is pretty awesome...

    1. Thank you for your kind words about the photos, especially the one you mentioned. That's my favorite too! And yes, the song we sang (music and chorus and 1st verse) was written by our church pianist, and another lady who is now 92 years old, wrote the last three verses. We are blessed with wonderful gifted people in such a small church! Maybe we can meet someday! Never say never!

  4. How wonderful to break bread with good friends! I missed witnessing the first candle lighting yesterday because Tom and I were both limping around like a couple of 'crips.' Who'd guess this c-c-cold weather would do such a number on our arthritis!
    I, too, am loving these images of the geese. But right this minute, I want to walk into that cozy stone cottage on your calendar. Delicious brrrr!

    1. Yes, I love that stone cottage too! Love the lights shining out of the windows! Thomas Kincade was a marvelous artist! And yes, I understand about arthritis. I am spending more time wrapped up in my electric blanket/throw these days. It really helps a lot! I hope you and Tom feel better soon!! Getting old isn't much fun when the old arthritis kicks up! (((hugs)))

  5. What a blessing for you all to have Barbara and Gary drive up to attend church and go out for lunch after. They are such a sweet and special couple, just as John and you are, Pamela. I can't believe how cold Florida has gotten as of late, either. We expect those types of temps here in Georgia at this time of year, but Florida??? Hope that doesn't mess up the geese's migratory clock! Great photos as always. Blessings!

    1. We did have such a great time together. I've been blessed to meet the nicest people here, and I would LOVE to meet you and Danny some day too! I know that would be a very special meeting indeed! Yes, it's been pretty chilly here lately, but really it isn't that unusual. We do get winter weather, just not in the extreme like they do a little further north. No snow here, but occasional frost and freezes that do a lot of harm to crops if they dip too low and stay too long! Hopefully that won't happen right now. It's the citrus industry that usually gets hurt the most, but so much of our citrus has had to move farther and farther south over the years because of the freezes that have dipped so far south. The geese seem to be right on time here and are acting just like they normally do at this time of year. I love to see them and hear them honking at each other! LOL. Have a blessed week my friend.

  6. My first non-denominational Bible teaching church that I went to for 25-30 years never observed Advent. The new church we joined which is called an Evangelical Free Church does observe advent. I mean I knew what it was, from occasionally attending a Catholic Church with friends during this season.
    Love the photos, as always of your pond and the Canada Geese.

    1. I understand where you are coming from. We actually pastored churches that had never before observed Advent. I always thought that was so sad! To me, it is the most beautiful way to prepare the way for celebrating the birthday of our Savior and Lord! It truly focuses on the real meaning of Christmas, starting with the fulfillment of the prophecies from the Old Testament, and showing the miraculous work of the Angels in preparing the way for Mary and Joseph, and also announcing His birth to the Shepherds, and helping us to share the joy with the world that Christ has come! So much true theology in the stories that are being told each week as we light the candles and read the scriptures. It really just floors me that many evangelical churches never have done this! I have found that many such churches tend to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" in their efforts to not appear to be something else. They often miss the beauty of such a wonderful opportunity for teaching God's Word to children as well as adults in this simple and meaningful part of worship during the Christmas season. I'm glad you are experiencing this now in your new church. I've always heard good things about the Evangelical Free Church. I hope you enjoy the Christmas "Advent-ure".

  7. Beautiful song written by your friends and what a way to celebrate the first day of advent.
    Terrific photos of the geese too.

  8. I am jealous that Barb and Gary got to visit with you!! I wish Lakeland was closer! We need to work on another reunion, including Linda and Dave, too (am me!!)! I always love your photos, Pam. Beautiful!! Hugs!

  9. Hi Pamela! Yes, meeting up with blogging friends is always fun. Sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday with a good church service and lunch with friends. I hope that the coming week is a good one for you! See you again soon!

  10. Always lovely photos. How great that you got to meet up at church and have a lovely lunch! I hope you can get together more often in the future too.

  11. love the geese pictures, especially the 4th one down, great shot! Glad Barbara and Gary got to come visit, looks like y'all had a fun visit! I've started decking the halls here, and its sure slow going. We do have a Christmas tree up and even have lights on it, LOL! It's been chilly here, very welcome and refreshing. There was actually FROST!! LOL. We had to get our sweaters out to wear to church Sunday and it was a chilly but sunny and beautiful day. Like y'all, we also went out to eat after church this week, with friends. As do y'all, we do observe Advent at our church. Hope y'all are having a good week so far. Any news on John's eye procedure yet? thinking of you, HUGS!

  12. Hello Pam! Gary and I enjoyed our visit with you and John, the church service, and the wonderful lunch at Hog Wild Cafe. Thank you for inviting us. Not only did both of you make us to feel welcome, but so many at your church did the same. It was a good experience!

  13. Our church observes Advent because it leads up to Christmas. I can't think of one without the other. I love the Thomas Kincade calendar. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  14. How wonderful that you and your hubby have become friends in real life with Barbara and Gary. I love all of your pictures - of friends and geese. What a lovely spot outside your window!


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