"Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la la la la la! 'Tis the season to be jolly!
There's the "finished product", but still some tweaking to do on a few things on the village.
Hello Friends! I know, it's Friday already, and I haven't written anything since Tuesday! What's this world coming to? LOL. Yes, I am still alive and kicking...but I've been quite preoccupied with getting our Christmas tree decorated and all of the trimmings around the house. I managed to squeeze what should have been at least a week's job into three days. My goal was to have it all done by Thursday evening, when our "kids" (a.k.a. Benton and Rose and the grandpups) were coming over to have supper and help set up the train and village under the tree. (Our new family tradition over the past three or four years, except this time Rose actually brought the food!! Yay!)
We started out on Tuesday when Benton came over to help bring all the plastic totes of decor and the very heavy box with the tree into the house for us. That was a wonderful help.
I wish it was still this simple:
Those were simpler, happier days...
This is how far I had gotten on the tree on Tuesday: Our tree is 20+ years old, and is the kind you have to insert every branch into the pole manually, and of course add your own lights. Every year I say we are going to get a new tree that is easier to work with, but every year we put this same tree back up. It still looks beautiful once it is put together, but the manual labor involved is becoming more than my back can handle, and it just never has been something hubby was involved in...so the days of doing this every year may be numbered...plus it is dropping as many needles as a dead pine tree...
I didn't get much else done on Tuesday as I had choir practice that night, and we are practicing for our Christmas Cantata, so that took care of that night as far as having any energy to do anything else goes!
Our carolers are practicing their Christmas songs...
"Joy to the World, The Lord is Come, Let earth receive her King!"...Let Heaven and Nature Sing...Let Heaven and Nature sing, Let Heaven, let heaven and nature sing!"
I did take this picture in the narthex of the church Tuesday night. Isn't this display beautiful? That is a manger at the foot of the cross, and on Christmas Eve the "Baby Jesus" will be placed in the manger.
I'm especially "proud" of this display because our son Benton built that cross for the church a few years ago so they would have it to use for displays at Christmas and Easter. So that makes it extra special to me to see it there. Our church secretary does an excellent job of decorating the church each year.
Our Baby Jesus in our Nativity scene at home is already in the manger...I guess some people don't put the baby in the manger until Christmas Eve, but I like having Him there to remind us that "Jesus is the Heart of the Holiday".
Wednesday morning I still didn't get much done on decorating at home as we both had lab appointments and that always means we go out to breakfast afterwards. We ended up at a "deli/cafe'" in Palatka, but it wasn't our first choice of place because the one we wanted was packed and no place to park. This place was also busy, but we did find a parking place, so in we went.
Hubby was happy with his breakfast...especially the biscuits.
I wish I'd gotten what he ordered. My potatoes were very dry and tasteless, the eggs were overcooked, and the toast really wasn't all that great either. And the place was freezing!
(It was a rather chilly day for us here in Florida)
I sound like I'm really a complainer, don't I? I guess I was on this subject...the breakfast just wasn't very satisfying and it cost more than we wanted to spend. Next time we will come back to our own little town and eat at our local cafe'. Their food is always good!! And the price is better too!
However, I am thankful we were able to do this at all. I realize my problems are 1st world problems. I am also thankful to have my hubby to sit across the table from me and lovingly listen to my complaints without criticism. I am blessed to have him, and blessed to live in a place where we have these kinds of choices and places to go (or not go!) And also, the tea was nice and hot and holding the cup warmed my freezing hands! So that was a good thing to be thankful for.
Thinking about hot tea...This chrome (no it's not silver) tea set belonged to hubby's grandmother and was a special gift to her many years ago. I feel very blessed to have this, among many other things that belonged to her. She was a dear and precious Christian woman who had a profound impact on my hubby as well as on my life in the short time that I was privileged to know her.
It usually sits on the buffet, which also belonged to her (Nanny Martin), but has been moved to the kitchen so that the Nativity Set could be placed on the buffet.
Oh hello! I see I made a cameo appearance on this picture! LOL.
Speaking further about tea cups, here's the tea cup tree set up, along with some angels singing and little nativities and churches.
I had to move this lamp that usually sits on that table above to the guest room temporarily while the Christmas decorations are set up. It looks nice there, but I can't see it unless I go in there to look at it, so it will get moved back to the kitchen window after the holidays.
But meanwhile, it makes me want to "visit" the guest room more often and just enjoy the view. However, very soon this room will be taken over with gifts waiting to be wrapped! The guest room becomes gift wrapping central in the weeks before Christmas!
Speaking of churches...Among those many totes of decorations was this beautiful little white church that lights up and has "snow" swirling around inside. It was a gift a couple of years ago. Isn't it lovely?
So finally we make our way to Thursday:
The "kids" came to help set up the train set and village. The grandpups Sugar and Spice are supervising Benton setting up the train tracks.
Hubby "Daddy" is also supervising: (Remember, when you get old, you can't get down on the floor like you used to be able to, and if you DO get down on the floor, you may not get back up, so it's better to have some "younger folks" come do the on the floor stuff for us while they are still young enough to do it.
And not only did Rose cook an amazing beef stew for our supper, she came and helped me "build" all these houses and buildings for the train village:
Even that is a labor of love, let me tell you! These "Plasticville" buildings are probably older than I am, and they don't snap together anymore like they are supposed to do, (much like my old body! LOL) so we end up taping them to hold them in place. We could glue them, but then they would be harder to store and would get broken more easily. So we do the best we can with them. It's a "family tradition" passed down to us from my father from his father...a train village was always under their trees when my dad grew up. He collected Lionel trains and had quite an elaborate display at their house until he got too old to play with it anymore and sold most of it to collectors so the family wouldn't have to deal with it. I have mixed emotions about that, but it was for the best...

We finally got the village all set up, but for some reason Benton couldn't get the train to work properly. So we set it aside for now until Scott comes home on the weekend, and hopefully he can figure out what the problem is. He seems to have the electrical gene to figure things out.
I still have some tweaking to do on the village, trying to get the lights inside the buildings without destroying the buildings, things like that. It's hard to do when you can't get down on the floor and have an even harder time getting back up...but we already discussed that. LOL.
Finally all the decorating is done. Sure, there will be little things here and there that get changed or moved around as needed, but the main work is done and now I can sit back and just enjoy the beauty of the lights and the little scenes of Christmas everywhere, and prepare my heart for the celebration of the birth of our Savior and Lord...
As we said good bye to the kids last night on the front porch, I took pictures of the little grapevine tree that we put out there each year...
We don't go all out with lots of outdoor decorations because we just don't have the energy, the electricity connections out front, and besides, we prefer to keep it the simple real message of Christmas:
Tonight I went back outside to look at the lights, and saw a great light up in the sky above:
It's a crescent moon, but you can also see a star or planet off in the distance, and it is really beautiful.
I took this picture from the back porch:
Made me think about the Star of David over Bethlehem that led the Magi to find the child Jesus and bring him gifts.
"O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight
For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim thy holy birth
And praises sing to God the King
And peace to men on earth
O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight"
Now, just for the fun of it, these are some "outtakes" of pictures that I accidentally took or blurred or something while trying to take all these pictures...mostly the ones outside. Not sure what was going on, but thought you'd enjoy seeing them anyway. Especially I thought our friend Sandra, "MadSnapper" would appreciate them. She loves crazy stuff like this, right Sandra? LOL.
The Angel Appeared to the Shepherds to announce Jesus' Birth, and they were "sore afraid".
The Heavenly Host of Angels singing Glory to God in the Highest!
Use your own imagination to figure them out!
The Three Wise Men traveling across the desert for two years to find the Baby King that was born in Bethlehem
They followed the star to Bethlehem, and the star stood above the house where the child Jesus was, and they brought Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh:
"God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
In Bethlehem, in Israel
This blessed Babe was born
And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn
The which His Mother Mary
Did nothing take in scorn
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Fear not then, said the Angel
Let nothing you affright
This day is born a Savior
Of a pure Virgin bright
To free all those who trust in Him
From Satan's pow'r and might
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
God rest ye merry gentlemen
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray
Oh tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Oh tidings of comfort and joy"
Songwriters: Avriel Kaplan / Ben Bram / Kevin Olusola / Kirstin Maldonado / Mitchell Grassi / Scott Hoying / Traditional
So from our house to yours, Have blessed and beautiful Christmas/Advent season!
Everything looks beautiful! I really like the train set and village under the tree.
ReplyDeleteWe got a new tree a few years ago. It's about 6 1/2 feet tall but is skinny because our living room isn't too big. But it's easier than our last tree which had to be all assembled.
I love that Benton and Rose come over and help!
Your decorations are lovely, Pam!! I'm sure Scott will get the trains working! Rose and Ben are beautiful blessings!! Sorry your breakfast was so bad. John's does look yummy! Happy weekend!! xo
ReplyDeleteI love your Christmas decorations, I love Christmas. Tomorrow I will get to church to see the 2nd (I think its the 2nd or is it the 3rd, I've lost track with all the busyness of the past few weeks) advent candle lit, I missed last week with having covid. And I've just enjoyed singing along to God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 😃 Have a blessed week
ReplyDeleteYour tree looks so pretty! Good that you had help with it. Our grandkids helped decorate ours. I like your outside decoration too. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteYour tree is beautiful. Love the trains. My husband has his grandfathers train set and I have one that was given to my son Michael when he was born - an old Lionel. I’ve always had cats and they kept knocking the trains off the tracks and our big dogs would pounce and bark at it. So I don’t display them. Too much work.
ReplyDeleteYou are blessed with Benton and Rose who help out so much.
My tree this year is naked! 😁 well not completely. Lights and the angel on top. It already has pine cones. We have the lights on all day on it while we’re home. I figure it’s for 3-4 weeks! No biggie.
Have a nice relaxing weekend
Your decorations are all so beautiful. The tree is so pretty and I love the train tradition. I gave our train to our middle son Jamie, when he got married. Mandy got the family tree skirt that she loved and I crocheted a new one for our tree.
ReplyDeleteI'm still not feeling up to par but now have antibiotics for ten days so I hope to improve soon. Tomorrow we were supposed to be going with our pastor, his wife and and couple of other friends and decorate gingerbread houses like we did pumpkins in October. I guess it will depend on how I'm feeling tomorrow as I shouldn't be contagious anymore after 48 hours on the antibiotic. I still have no voice and I'm coughing though.
All that to say, I got our our mini tree that we used the year we lived in the camper and I think that will do for this year. I just don't have the energy to put up the big one.
Your tree is so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Wishing you a lovely day my friend.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a Benton and Rose! your home is beautiful and festive and full of beauty and true Christmas beauty. you are right. I LOVE LOVE the poopsies... all of them especailly the star over your home... hope the train will run, I love trains but we never had one, my brother was into little men, soldiers and cowboys and Indians, and we were so poor there was no money for trains. I like Real trains and love to ride them.
ReplyDeleteyour out door is perfect, and just enough to spread the joy.
Oh, how I'd love to stand in the middle of your family room and absorb all the warmth and joy you've achieved. With a little help, that is. Yesterday I got a wild thought to lay on my back under the tree and take photos looking up through the branches. The girls thought it great fun, but were of no help when I tried to get back up. 'Twasn't pretty, lol. Everything looks so pretty -- but my heart goes out to the olden tea set.
ReplyDeleteI seriously hate having to pay good money for food that doesn't even taste good. John's plate, on the other hand, has my mouth watering! On that note, I'm going to throw some Conecuh sausage in the InstaPot. Bye now!
We finally bought a new tree, with the lights already on it, two years ago, as the old one was simply too big. It's too much for us to put lots of decorations up each year, and getting down on the floor? That only happened in Christmases past - LOL! Your home looks so cozy and inviting for the holidays, Pamela. Enjoy each day of Advent!
ReplyDeleteI'm with Sandra...I love those crazy photos when the light makes neat images. You have everything so pretty and festive! Happy holidays my friend!
ReplyDeletePam, you really made my day. I think this is my favorite post since I began reading your blog. You have such a way with words.
ReplyDeleteI love all of your decorations and the stories behind them. Traditions are big in our family too. I sure hope we can get some decorations up this year..it definitely is harder with Dave not moving so well..so true about getting down on the floor...never to get back up again.
I think we have the same tree as you do..every branch put in individually and all the lights are put on too. Its so much work but so beautiful after it is done. I think our tree is over 25 years old and yes it does drop a boat load of "needles" every year.. What a pain.
I do love your crazy photos and I know Sandra loves them too.
There is a model train display at the college here in town Dec 21 - Jan 2. I guess they do that every year, but we've managed to miss it. This year it's on our calendar. Your train under the tree looks delightful -- even if it's not running yet.
ReplyDeleteFor that matter, your entire home looks wonderful, full of homey charm and memories. I enjoy seeing it all!
We have a small train in our living room on a table next to the tree. Not all of our decorations are up yet. Our schedule just has been too busy. Hopefully, tomorrow afternoon I can do a bit more.
ReplyDeleteWe finally bought a 'fake' tree when we moved here to Ohio. The fresh real ones were just too messy.
Have a good weekend!
Hi there Pam, I sang along with the songs! I love singing all the old hymns/carols at church this time of year, don't you? Love this post and all the fun pictures. Wow, your finished tree with the train beneath it looks amazing, love it! Y'all did a great job and I'm so glad you had the extra help! I also think that silver tea service is so so pretty, It definetly has a good home! Did Scott get home and did he have any luck getting the train to run again? Love your nativity scene too, it's the FIRST thing we always put up. We put ours on the mantel in the hallway. I love all your carolers too. All your Christmas decorations are so pretty, your home is very "Christmasy". And the cross display with the manger at your church is beautiful. I love that picture of the old fashioned city scene too, is that at your house? It sure looks just like Charleston to me, in the old days. On a rainy/snowswept night outside one of the bustling hotels. Never mind the previous question, I went back to look and can now see the picture IS AT your house. LOL . Love ya, hope your Sunday is wonderful. HUGS. Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous, ha ha LOL!!!
ReplyDeletePam: You are so very far ahead of me in getting ready for Christmas. We won't see Roger until the 28th. This is our choice. Don't seem to have the energy to get things started. Stayed home from church yesterday; didn't feel well and very little sleep on Saturday night. I did manage to order Roger's and Jim's Christmas presents online.
ReplyDeletePeace and blessings to you and yours.
Way to go on the tree. It looks beautiful. Your decorations are all so lovely. Hope your lab work went well. We recently went out to breakfast. Haven't done that in years.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice tradition you have in assembling that train and village set, Pam. We used to always put a simple train track (and train) under our Christmas tree but haven't done that for years. You're making me want to check and see if we still have that train set. Not that I want to put it together, but I'm suddenly hoping it's still around. 😄