What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday 4~ Foody Questions

This picture reminds me of my mother in her 
kitchen...her mixer looked a lot like that too!

Foody Questions

Welcome to Toni's Tuesday 4..
Can we talk about food ?

1. What was your favorite suppertime meal when you were a kid or a teen? How about fav breakfast and lunch while you're at it.

I'm trying to remember...that was such a LONG time ago! LOL.  My mother was an excellent cook, but she also worked a full time job from the time I entered first grade. (I was the baby of the family).  So anything she cooked had to be done after 5:00 p.m. No such thing as Crock Pots back then.  I remember her Salisbury Steaks and Mashed Potatoes and gravy, and we probably had green peas for a vegetable.  Her salisbury steaks were really like hamburgers with onions and egg/bread mixed up like you would for a meat loaf. She would brown them in her electric skillet, which she used for almost every meal, Drain off the grease, and then add water and cover them and let them simmer until done, then make the gravy with the pan dippings. Her mashed potatoes were always good, and she used frozen peas, never canned unless they were those little LeSeur peas once in a while.  I still like to make this meal, but hubby prefers green beans instead of the peas.  Oh, and my mother used to make us "salads" of things like canned pears with cottage cheese or also a pear half with a dollop of "Miracle Whip" and some shredded cheese on top, on a bed of lettuce.   Or we'd have canned peaches or fruit cocktail or some other kind of fruit. Tossed salads were rare back then, but sometimes we'd get a wedge of lettuce with homemade French Dressing (Miracle Whip mixed with Ketchup). My mother always used Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise.  I never had mayonnaise until I met my husband, and he did not like Miracle Whip, so I switched to mayonnaise.

Here's a picture of my mother in her kitchen, cooking up one of her wonderful meals!
Do you see the mixer in the corner?  Isn't this a lot like the picture of that young woman above in her kitchen? Just maybe a little more modern.

Breakfast when I was growing up was usually cereal because we didn't have time to cook breakfast before school.  Pancakes and eggs, bacon, etc., would be a special treat sometimes on the weekends, or sometimes for supper!  

Lunch...well, of course I ate in the school cafeteria, and we had really good "home-cooked" meals back then, with home made yeast rolls that you could smell baking when we walked down the walkway to the cafeteria.  I remember spaghetti probably more than anything else at school.  At home for lunch we would have sandwiches like ham salad or egg salad or peanut butter and banana. (I never remember having jelly with my peanut butter when I was growing up).  
2. How about now? What is your favorite dinnertime meal? And for breakfast and lunchtime?j
Dinnertime now?  Favorite?  Hmmm, I like to keep it simple...hubby likes one-pot meals, like different kinds of meat or chicken/rice or noodles (he doesn't realize it takes two pots to do that usually, plus a vegetable or salad).   Or soups or stews with beef or chicken, carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, etc. 

For lunch I usually have a tossed salad with lettuce and fresh spinach and some shredded cheese and maybe some deli ham or chicken if I have any left over. I also usually eat an apple with my lunch.  

Breakfast, we rotate things around. I don't eat cereal nowadays. I don't like milk.  I sometimes eat yogurt with granola and fresh fruit like strawberries or blueberries in season. I cook eggs and toast and grits or make omelettes and sometimes we have sausage or ham or "Spam" with our eggs/toast. Hubby likes biscuits or waffles once in a while. I try to avoid anything with syrup or jelly anymore. I can't eat the sweets, but occasionally I will splurge and have pancakes or waffles or french toast, but I have to have a good helping of eggs or meat to balance out the starches.

3. How has your taste in food changed over the years.
I've learned to like a lot of new things over the years that we never had when I was a kid at home.  Things like Mexican food, Pizza, Lasagna, and seafood.  And I eat a lot more salads now.  And I can't eat hardly any sweets anymore.  I rarely want to eat dessert, and if I do, I regret it usually.

4. What's for supper at your house tonight?
Well, I am writing this on Monday night, and we had chili for supper.  Here's a picture of the leftovers: 
And we'll probably have more of it tomorrow night...sometimes I like to put it over lettuce and tortilla chips with some shredded cheese and make it like a taco salad, except it's chili instead of taco seasoning. Still pretty much the same thing. Or we will have chili dogs (hot dogs with chili on top).  

I didn't get around to doing a Monday post. It was a busy day. We went to the grocery store in the morning and then we had Bible Study in the afternoon, and then I made this chili.  Plus I am continuing the little walk across the street twice a day to feed the neighborhood cats  at my neighbor's house.  That may become a regular thing as I don't see her being able to keep it up. Eventually we may have to lead the cats over here to our house for feeding time, but one thing at a time. 

We had a nice weekend...nothing too major.  Our youngest son Scott came over yesterday after we got home from church and had lunch with us and got to use our new washing machine to get his laundry caught up!  He was pretty pleased with it too! LOL. Then he left and went back home over an hour's drive and realized he'd left his cell phone here.  We had found it, but had no way to contact him to let him know we had it. (He doesn't have a computer...just his phone!) Thankfully he had another old phone at home that he could turn on and connect it with his wifi and send us a message on Messenger. Couldn't call us, but we got the message and told him that his phone was here. He said he'd be back to get it today when he got off work.  Poor guy, had to drive another hour + to get here. Thankfully he works early hours and gets off by noon usually, so he didn't have to fight too much rush hour traffic.  We were at Bible study when he got here so we didn't get to see him, but that's okay. He'll be back on Friday because we plan to celebrate my hubby's birthday here on Friday with the family. My sister and her hubby are driving up almost two hours to be here, and then they will go back home that evening. I invited them to spend the night, but sometimes that's harder than just driving home.  I may just go ahead and prepare the guest room just in case they change their minds.  Oh, and Tuesday, today! (the 11th) is their 59th Wedding Anniversary, so we will be wishing them a Happy Anniversary too!!  

Just to change the mood a bit...it's time to gather "Fairy Bouquets" again from the yard:

I love to gather these delicate little purple wildflowers now before we have to start mowing the grass again, because once that happens, they will be gone.

And the Carolina Jessamine vine is starting to bloom again along the fence row and in the tree tops.

Oh, and I discovered something unusual happening in our yard:

What on earth?  
Oh! It really IS a Gnome Home!

And it looks like it is inhabited!

And this fella is ready to welcome us to come in and sit a spell...

Oh! What fun!! 
"Gnome Sweet Gnome"....LOL.

Looks like the Woodpeckers may have been helping to build some more rooms in this "Gnome Home".

This looks mysterious and interesting...I wonder where that crevice leads to?  Wouldn't you like to be tiny enough to find out?  
So fascinating to discover this little place out there in "Fairyland"!  I expect there will be more activities and adventures there in the future. We'll have to wait and see.

I love this verse:

Isaiah 55:12  NKJV

12 “For you shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."

Can't you just picture that in your mind?  When we follow the Lord, we do have joy and peace, and we cn actually feel the joy of all of God's Creation around us breaking forth into singing...and yes, even the trees of the field shall clap their hands!

These are some of the verses that precede that passage above, to give it more clarity:

"6 Seek the Lord while He may be found,
Call upon Him while He is near.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.

8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

10“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

Some wonderful words to ponder as we settle down for the day and rest of the week.  Read them and then look for the ways God's Word is being accomplished  in and around you as you go through your days.  You may be amazed!!

Okay, friends, that's all for this post.  If you want to join in for the "Tuesday 4 Foody Questions",  click HERE and go see what good things are cooking with our other friends.  Be Blessed my friends!!


  1. My mom also made the best meatloaf and mashed potatoes and frozen peas too, smiles. Yes, my hair is white and have been since I was like 21-22 yrs old, lol (its heredity my paternal grandmother was also white). Wishing you a beautiful day, Pam.

  2. your first answer is exactly how my mother cooked, and so is the chili a picture of hers and mine because I cook like she cooked. the only difference is daddy grew what we ate until I move out at 19 years old.we had every veggie under the sun and Mother and Daddy ate salads every day. I despised salad and did not eat them and would not eat the burger that had the bread and onions stuff, she would make just plain burger for me. daddy used to fuss because she made mine without STUFF in it. I still do not eat Stuff in my burger . cute little gnomes. poor son having to make another trip for the phone.
    all your food is the way I was raised, just add sweet taters and Irish taters that daddy grew. and collards and mustard greens and turnips with turnup greens

  3. Food is such a wonderful subject, isn't it. I like whatever's in front of me and I'm hungry. Guess I'm not picky when my tummy is rumbling. I can't remember how or what my adopted Mom cooked because she died when I was 10. All that memory of her has been erased. I do remember my 2nd step-mom's delicious meals, though. She was a fantastic cook and she always made lots of it.
    Such a sweet post. Now I'm hungry. lol
    Blessings. 🥰

  4. I grew up on a farm and we always had beef in the freezer. We often had meat and potatoes along with veggies and fruit my mom canned. Now I make a lot of soup, chili and like you do, we like things over rice or noodles.
    I really like the little gnome settlement at your place!

  5. I’ve seen this verse many times recently. God is speaking to me.

  6. My mom used Miracle whip and Dad liked real Mayo so we had 2 jars in the fridge. I prefer Mayonnaise.I like Salisbury steak and meatloaf still. And Yes on cafeteria school lunches where fresh food was prepared. My mom worked in the cafeteria once a week in Fridays. It was always fun to see her there! A touch if home at school. I made a big pot of chili and we had 3 meals from it. I do the same - tortilla chips and then chili and cheese. Sometimes I’ll serve it over jasmine rice. I no longer use beans…just because. 😉

    While the book of Isaiah 55 was written to Israel, it can be encouragement for believers today, to reflect on their desires and to choose to follow God's path as you stated.

    God is so Good.

  7. I love your sense of wisdom with those gnomes, Pamela. They made me smile! I have to avoid sweets, too, at this juncture in life, but I do recall my mother's great cooking and her made-from-scratch apple pie. No, we never had Miracle Whip in our home, just mayo.

  8. The gnomes are adorable, they look so cute around their little house!! AND the old tree is a perfect place for them. Fairy bouquets are so dainty, new growth has started, and spring will be here soon, especially for us in the south. God has given us so much beauty to enjoy♥ Chili dogs sound great, Mr D and I love them. Wishing you a very happy day.

  9. You really got me to thinking about meals when I was growing up. Being an only child living in the suburbs we didn't grow much of our own food. We did have a garden with tomatoes, peas lettuce and artichokes. I think there were carrots too. Mom and Dad were more into the flower garden.
    I really disliked breakfast and so my Mom would make me soup Veggie or what ever so I would have a good start for my school days. She did make bread too so I'm sure there were sandwiches. When meals were so every day things its hard to remember specialities. Both Mom and Dad were terrific cooks and Daddy made the most glorious Shish Kabobs all marinated in wine and herbs. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it. We would often scrape some money together and go out for Chinese food after church on Sundays. That was a real treat. Mostly we had wonderful home cooked meals with friends over after church. Those were the best. Out would come the china and nice silver. We could be having just hamburgers and it would feel like a special occasion. We had so many wonderful meals with friends that were like family. All of our relatives lived in Minnesota and we were in California so the church and the people in it were our family. Such wonderful memories.

  10. This is such a fun and fully packed post . . . let me see. When I was a child I loved meatloaf and baked potatoes or ham and baked potatoes. I guess I've always loved crabs, LOL . I always carried a peanut butter sandwich in my school lunch pail, not with jelly or banana but with butter. That is probably where my love of fat started, LOL. Then breakfast was almost always a bowl of any sugary cereal that promised to have a prized toy in the bottom of the package. Looking back at that I can see why American are over weight and in bad health. We didn't realize the effect that these foods had on your bodies. Our dinner table always had meat, potatoes and bread and butter on the table (not potatoes or bread). By the time I came along my mother and father both held down jobs with at least a 40 hour week (Dad probably 60) and Mom always used Saturday to bake bread and cookies to last the week, She was a busy lady.
    To the honor of my parents, they were young parents when the Great Depression hit and my older brothers and sisters did without as all Americans did. I was a change of life baby and came along much later in their lives and one thing they primed themselves in, was that there would always be a warm and cozy home, clothes and shoes that were not wore out and plenty of food on the table. Once the Depression was over they pulled themselves back up and was determine that their family would never be in need again. They worked hard and always provided for their family. They raised us to be strong independent adults and to be savers and not wasters. For this I am very grateful.
    Wow! I did not mean for all of this to come out when I started my comment.

    1. I enjoyed reading your comments...I love it when people feel free to share whatever comes to mind. Sounds like you had a wonderful family and a good home. I know many of us had parents who grew up during the depression, and it had a profound effect on how they did th ings and raised their families. Thankfully, we've never had to suffer what that generation suffered. We've been very blessed, even in our most difficult times. We can be thankful for parents who worked hard to help bring our country back to what it is now. And hopefully it is going to keep getting better! Thank you for visiting and writing. I enjoyed it!

  11. Hi Pam. I love the little fairy bouquet and the fun gnomes in your yard. You have a fun yard. Your chili looks so good. I made chili on Sunday for dinner and we have enough for left overs as well. I hope that your week is going well. It's always fun to hear what you are up to. See you again soon.

  12. I answered the food questions on Schotzy's blog On Wings of Eagles if you want to see them. I really enjoyed all of your answers. My tastes have changed in the same way yours have. We used to just have rather plain food but now I like all different kinds, Japanese, Chinese, Morrocan, Italian and on and on. Gee, I wonder why I need to ose weight? Ha!
    Your flowers are so pretty. My favorite color. We have no flowers and everything is pretty grey right now. We're in a winter storm warning for tonight through tomorrow night. Depending on who you listen to, we will get between 5-10 inchs of snow. And it's COLD! Feels like temp was -16F when I took the trash out this morning. I forgot to put a sweater on and even I was cold.
    My endrinolgist results came back and I don't have to go back until next year and repeat everything to see if there are any changes. My sodium was low but she didn't seem concerned about it. I go to the neurosurgeon the end of the month and I'll let you know those results then. You are such a sweetheart to be concerned about me. Sisters in Christ are very special people. We love each other and haven't even met here on earth.
    Take care and enjoy your evening.

  13. What a cute way to decorate the old stump! love the cute flowers, too.

  14. Oh yes, I remember those canned peaches ... how my mother made them seem so elegant served with that pretty dollop of Miracle Whip atop a bed of lettuce. Because my father worked his second shift job more days than not, mother and I mostly enjoyed pot pies and/or TV dinners. Salisbury was my favorite!
    Nowadays a late breakfast/early lunch is my favorite (main) meal of the day ... usually protein and eggs. Now that the weather's about to warm, however, I'll be incorporating more salads. In the evening I usually just opt for yogurt with walnut pieces.
    Have you ever enjoyed chili with eggs and cheese? That was something I learned while living in Texas. It sounds weird, but is really delicious.
    The gnomes are adorable. Do they have names?

    1. I loved it when we had TV dinner night, and yes, I loved the Salisbury and/or meatloaf ones the best too...and chicken pot pies...actually, hubby and I ended up having Marie Callender's Chicken Pot Pies last night for supper. Didn't feel like eating chili two days in a row, especially since I had to go to choir practice and chili can be a bit disrupting of my system and I don't want to be around people in close quarters when that happens! LOL. TMI.

  15. Your chili looks yummy! I always enjoy your photos, Pam, and the verses you use to compliment them. The gnomes are so cute!! You have some great celebrations to look forward to!! Happy birthday to John and happy anniversary to your sister and BIL!!

  16. What a fun post today! I've written before about meals from my childhood, but I'll throw in my 2¢ worth. My mother was a fantastic cook and some of my favorite main dishes were meat loaf, creamed chipped beef, and Swiss steak. She usually served any of these with baked potatoes. You really brought back a memory I'd forgotten about with your mention of canned fruit and miracle whip or mayo as a "salad". My mother would put a canned peach half in a bowl cut side up, fill it with cottage cheese and top it with a dab or miracle whip and a sprinkle of paprika. So good!

    1. Oh, I loved creamed chipped beef and Swiss Steak! Yes, my mother made those as well as a great meat loaf, and baked potatoes were always special too, baked in the oven and not in the microwave! She also used to do those "twice baked potatoes", where you scoop out the potato from the shell and mash them and but them back in and put some cheese on top and put them back in the oven for a few minutes! That was really great, but I'm afraid I'm too lazy to do all of that! LOL. And yes, don't forget the sprinkle of paprika on the cottage cheese, and on scalloped potatoes (another favorite she made), and on anything that needs a little bit of 'color'. Thank you for chiming in on this. I enjoyed your answers and they brought up other good memories. How about creamed tuna or salmon over a biscuit?

  17. My mom used to make salisbury steak...it was always good but not a favorite. I think my mom used miracle whip and I loved it. Now I don't like it at all...lol.Love the pic of your mom in the kitchen.


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