Welcome to my "Open Window"...a place of hope, encouragement, and adventure as we journey down the road from "Closed Doors" to the new opportunities God places in our pathway. I hope you will take the time to go back and follow the trail of mixed blessings and fears, failures and triumphs from the past and side-trips in the present. Perhaps it will conjure up some of your own special memories, and be an invitation for you to share with others. I look forward to spending this time with you!
What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Tuesday 4~ Your Weekend
Your Weekend!
Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. It seems that everyone loves the weekend. What about you?
Personal Note: Funny thing about the alarm picture: This past week we had to set the alarm to get to hubby's surgery appointment on time. After pushing all the buttons, I couldn't figure out how to set the alarm on the clock beside hubby's side of the bed, so I set another simpler to operate alarm clock. Thankfully that one worked fine and we got up on time. However, the one beside the bed that I didn't think I had set...well apparently it was set for 12:00 noon and I didn't know it. When we came home from the hospital it was blaring away. I thought I figured out how to stop it from going off again, but the next day it did the same thing at noon (when we actually had just laid down to take a nap after another early appointment and we were very tired). I still couldn't figure out how it was set. I disconnected it, took out the back up batteries, and then put it all back together again, and FINALLY it stopped going off at noon. I still don't know how I ever set it for noon in the first place, but at least it is no longer going off! LOL.
1. Do you feel happier as the weekend approaches? Just how do you feel about weekends?
Well, back when I was still working, I always looked forward to the weekends so I could be off from work. However, now that I am retired, except for Sunday, all the days seem pretty much the same.
2. What are your weekends usually like and do you do anything special? Do you attend a church/synagogue?
Yes, for us Sunday has always been a very special day. My hubby was a minister for about 30 years, so our life revolved around the church. It wasn't just on Sunday...we had various other activities throughout the week. Even now that we are retired from the ministry we still have a lot church related activities each week. For a little church, our congregation stays very busy!
Besides going to church on Sunday, we often do some family oriented activities on the weekends with our kids or extended family, if they are available. But actually, since we are retired, hubby and I try to do our other extracurricular kinds of activities during the week so that we can avoid the crowds and traffic on the weekends at the stores, etc.
3. Do you sleep later on the weekend or do you stay up later at all? Are weekends for catching up on sleep? No, we don't sleep later on the weekend or any time. We pretty much get up early all week long. Actually on Sunday morning we have to be at church around 8:00 a.m. for the Sunday School class that hubby teaches, so we get up and get moving even earlier on Sundays. And we go to bed at night about the same time all the time...we try to be in bed before 10:00 p.m. and up between 5:30 and 6:00 a.m. I always say you miss the best part of the day if you sleep in. You'd never get to see the sunrise! To me, that would be very sad!
4. Do you read or watch more movies/TV on the weekends or catch up on things missed during the week?
Not really. Hubby watches football in season, and hockey and baseball also in season. Sometimes he also watches basketball, but he's not as into that as he is the other sports. I pretty much do what I always do...cook, clean, wash clothes, read, write, take pictures of birds and things in the yard. We sometimes take rides to see interesting places where I can take more pictures...but we do that mostly during the week. Again, once you are retired, there's really no need to do so much more on the weekends. We prefer to stay off the roads on the weekends as much as possible.
I was sorry that we ended up missing church yesterday. We did go to Sunday School, and hubby taught the adult class as usual, except that he was not doing very well. He was having some difficulty putting his words and thoughts together, and just generally wasn't quite up to par. By the end of the class we realized that he really needed to go home and get some rest. We think it was an after effect of the anesthesia he had on Thursday for his cataract surgery. But then last night he had chills and a headache during the night, so we ended up staying home today (writing this on Monday) and not going to Bible Study either. If he's not a LOT better tomorrow I am taking him to the doctor. He doesn't want to go, but I may have to strongly encourage him. We will see how things go. (Update: It's now Tuesday morning, and I want to report that hubby slept very well last night (better than I did!) and he says he feels much better today! Praise God!!!)
It's nice that our church pre-records the message and the choir anthem and puts it on the website for those who can't attend church. Below is the video from this past Sunday. I was disappointed that I didn't get to sing this song in church Sunday morning, but I was happy that I was there for practice when we recorded it. If you watch the video you will notice that I (and some others) made a kind of grimace face at the beginning of the song. What happened was that our choir director, who is also the Pastor's wife, was setting up the camera to record us singing because the Pastor, who usually does this, couldn't be there that night. Just before we started to sing, she stepped back toward the camera one more time to check something, and almost tripped over the tripod, and we all collectively gasped thinking she was going to trip and fall and that the camera would go flying across the room. Thankfully she recovered quickly and no harm was done, but the camera was recording and the music was playing and so "the show must go on". Rather than start all over she just left the recording as it was, and it is pretty funny if you look at our faces. I think also something was wrong with the microphones, because she's the only one you can really hear in this recording. The rest of us are way in the background, but I hope you will listen to the words of the song because it was so beautiful.
Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Nothing much else to share today...a few pictures from this morning's activity on Still Waters Pond:
Here's Blackie with a front row seat to watch the Canada Geese enjoying a peaceful morning:
Now you see why Blackie likes to camp out on our porch...He LOVES to watch the birds and geese...
Also the Ring Necked ducks were popping up and down in the water...
I don't mind Blackie watching the birds, just so long as he doesn't go after them!
I think Blackie finally just got bored because the geese weren't doing anything all that exciting, and eventually he just went back to the chairs on the porch and slept for most of the day.
Thank you for joining in for this episode of Tuesday 4. If you'd like to participate, you can link up HERE
Now here's some real excitement! LOL. I seldom (if ever) sit up at the Breakfast Bar in our kitchen. I'm usually on the other side at the sink or the stove...
But today I wanted to eat a grapefruit for a snack, and I didn't feel like taking it to the dining room table, or stand at the sink and eat it to keep from getting drips all over the place when I squeeze out the juice,
So I decided to just sit at the bar and enjoy looking at the kitchen from a different perspective for a change. So there you go! This is the kind of excitement I find to do! LOL. Sometimes it's fun to sit in a different spot and see things from another point of view! You may discover things you never noticed before!
And yes, that stone trivet says it best: "Thankful, Grateful & Blessed". Amen!
And the grapefruit was really good too. While grapefruit is in season and I can find some good ones, I'm going to eat them!
Some thoughts about wisdom for today:
Proverbs 19:8 NIV
8 The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.
So, "get wisdom" my friend, and you will "love life...and prosper!"
I love seeing Blackie and his bird TV.. I am thinking he romes and hunts all night and sleeps in his 2nd home during the day. he might not have a home.. like you, retired means one day goes into another and another and what we used to do on week ends is a thing of the past. I am a lot like you, i can entertain myself, reading, writing, creating, drawing, read/comment on blogs, follow Beau around watching him go potty, cook/clean/etc on house work.. and any or all of that can be done on any or all or no days.. ahhhh retirement. wish I had your yard to follow Beau around in...
I don't think Blackie has a home, but our neighbor feeds him morning and evening. He is a free spirit, doing whatever he pleases all night and sleeping most of the day. I didn't think he was here this morning, and now I just looked out there on the porch and there he was, sound asleep in chair #2. We'll see how many times he changes chairs during the day. I used to keep cushions in those chairs, but he kind of "ruined" them by not being very tidy all the time about his cleanliness, and so I had to get rid of those cushions and decided not to replace them. If we ever "entertain" on the porch I will get some new ones at the Dollar General. I don't mind him being out there as long as he leaves our birds alone. So far he just looks and stalks but I've never seen him have any success in his hunting out there. I would not be happy if he did!
Our schedule is very similar to yours but I don't wake until 7! The song was very encouraging, thank you! My grief over the loss of my grandson is very raw. Tears fill my eyes so often-I have never been much of a crier before but I rarely stop now. God is my comfort and stay....
I am so very sorry for the great loss you have suffered. I do understand the grief, having lost a precious son to cancer, but for you it was such a shock and unexpected tragedy. It's okay to cry...it's God's way of cleansing your heart in your grief and helping to bring healing to your wounded soul. Yes, God is our comfort and stay...and He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. You can rely on Him to be there for you always. Continuing in prayer for you.
We do sleep in on Sat, usually till about 8. But like you we are up early on Sunday as my husband also teaches Sunday School. I'm so happy your hubby is doing better today and will be praying that continues. I haven't had a grapefruit for some time and seeing yours makes me want one!
Thank you, Mari. So far so good, but we made a trip to Walmart this morning and that may have been a mistake. He's back in bed now napping. We shall see what develops.
Danny loves to sleep late in the morning, but my body won't allow me to do so; I'm up by 7:00 or before every day. I hope John is doing better after your trip to Walmart. He's really had a tough week, so maybe all he needs is the rest he's getting now. Give Blackie a pat for me. Blessings, Pamela!
Our weeks are very similar to yours. We do our errands, etc., during the week to avoid the crowds at the stores. Dennis is in bed by 9:00 but it's usually midnight or later for me. Of course he's at the mission on Tuesday and Wednesday and I have ladies Bible study on Wednesday and crochet mats for the mission on Tuesday afternoon. We're not meeting this week because apparently many of the group are down with either covid and influenza A. I'm glad to know that your Hubby is feeling better, (if he didn't overdo it at Walmart.) Maybe he just needs extra rest. Take care my dear friend. Blessings and hugs, Betsy
Oh I pray that your sweet hubby feels better after his rest. There is so much icky stuff going around. Maybe it will be good for him to see the dr. since he just had surgery . I love all of your photos of Blackie and the geese too. Since being retired days kind of roll into each other, especially when we have missed so many Sundays and church because of illness. Dave and I often say to each other is this Monday or Tuesday? Retirement and old age...what a combination !! Sue
I need to have cataract surgery on both eyes in the future. I use my iPhone for my alarm clock. It works out really well. I am a night owl, and hubby is an early to bed, early to rise. I know you love your photography, and we get to see you great nature pictures!
Hi Pam. I am glad that your husband is feeling better. I am glad that he was able to get his cataract surgery done. I will need to have that done one day too. I am glad that you are part of an active church community. I think that is so important. I always love your nature pictures. The sunrise with the flag is especially nice. i hope your week is going well. See you again soon.
Funny enough, I usually enjoyed working Back In The Day. Except for Sunday's the days are all starting to run together lately. I miss what I used to do (accounting) and the interesting people I met along the way. Looks like y'all have a cat now. Blessings. ❤️
Oh, that's funny about the alarm clock with a 'mind of its own'! To tell the truth, I'd be at a loss to try and program one of those anymore. Thankfully, our 'girls' are my tried-and-true alarm; sleeping past 5:30 would be a real luxury. Then again, you're right about early dawn being the best part of the day. Like you, we try and get all our errands done during the week, leaving weekends for working folks. I pray whatever's messing with John's well being takes a hike. Soon! I'm saying a prayer right now.
I am so glad John is feeling better!! These questions were harder for me to answer since I'm retired. Six Saturdays and one Sunday for me!! LOL I always love your photos!! xo
No surgery is a walk in the park and anesthesia can be harsh on the body. I am glad to hear he is feeling better. Why are men so stubborn to seek help? Exasperating isn't it. Thank you for joining in!
I agree, the days seem the same when you are retired. Obviously I look forward to the weekends if we are seeing James. We sleep the same each day unless we have some early appointment to go to. Us too, we watch TV about the same way each day except for football season. Normally we watch movies or shows we are following in the evening. Blackie has a nice view from there. Looks like a nice place to eat breakfast. Hope your week is going well.
Hi Pam, you always have beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Hubs is looking forward to the Super Bowl and that is about all the football that I watch. I love grapefruit but I'm on a statin drug for cholesterol so I can't have one. It does something to the meds. I haven't eaten one in about 9 years and I used to eat them all the time. I agree that our day's seem to roll one into the other after retirement. So glad your hubby is feeling better. Take care. And your little visitor, Blackie, is so pretty. ~ Carol Talbot Smith
Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.
We had a spontaneous weekend, and although we had to change course, it was refreshing for us to have some fun.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing Blackie and his bird TV.. I am thinking he romes and hunts all night and sleeps in his 2nd home during the day. he might not have a home..
ReplyDeletelike you, retired means one day goes into another and another and what we used to do on week ends is a thing of the past. I am a lot like you, i can entertain myself, reading, writing, creating, drawing, read/comment on blogs, follow Beau around watching him go potty, cook/clean/etc on house work.. and any or all of that can be done on any or all or no days.. ahhhh retirement. wish I had your yard to follow Beau around in...
I don't think Blackie has a home, but our neighbor feeds him morning and evening. He is a free spirit, doing whatever he pleases all night and sleeping most of the day. I didn't think he was here this morning, and now I just looked out there on the porch and there he was, sound asleep in chair #2. We'll see how many times he changes chairs during the day. I used to keep cushions in those chairs, but he kind of "ruined" them by not being very tidy all the time about his cleanliness, and so I had to get rid of those cushions and decided not to replace them. If we ever "entertain" on the porch I will get some new ones at the Dollar General. I don't mind him being out there as long as he leaves our birds alone. So far he just looks and stalks but I've never seen him have any success in his hunting out there. I would not be happy if he did!
DeleteOur schedule is very similar to yours but I don't wake until 7! The song was very encouraging, thank you! My grief over the loss of my grandson is very raw. Tears fill my eyes so often-I have never been much of a crier before but I rarely stop now. God is my comfort and stay....
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry for the great loss you have suffered. I do understand the grief, having lost a precious son to cancer, but for you it was such a shock and unexpected tragedy. It's okay to cry...it's God's way of cleansing your heart in your grief and helping to bring healing to your wounded soul. Yes, God is our comfort and stay...and He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. You can rely on Him to be there for you always. Continuing in prayer for you.
DeleteWe do sleep in on Sat, usually till about 8. But like you we are up early on Sunday as my husband also teaches Sunday School.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy your hubby is doing better today and will be praying that continues.
I haven't had a grapefruit for some time and seeing yours makes me want one!
Thank you, Mari. So far so good, but we made a trip to Walmart this morning and that may have been a mistake. He's back in bed now napping. We shall see what develops.
DeleteDanny loves to sleep late in the morning, but my body won't allow me to do so; I'm up by 7:00 or before every day. I hope John is doing better after your trip to Walmart. He's really had a tough week, so maybe all he needs is the rest he's getting now. Give Blackie a pat for me. Blessings, Pamela!
ReplyDeleteOur weeks are very similar to yours. We do our errands, etc., during the week to avoid the crowds at the stores. Dennis is in bed by 9:00 but it's usually midnight or later for me. Of course he's at the mission on Tuesday and Wednesday and I have ladies Bible study on Wednesday and crochet mats for the mission on Tuesday afternoon. We're not meeting this week because apparently many of the group are down with either covid and influenza A.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to know that your Hubby is feeling better, (if he didn't overdo it at Walmart.) Maybe he just needs extra rest.
Take care my dear friend.
Blessings and hugs,
Oh I pray that your sweet hubby feels better after his rest. There is so much icky stuff going around. Maybe it will be good for him to see the dr. since he just had surgery .
ReplyDeleteI love all of your photos of Blackie and the geese too. Since being retired days kind of roll into each other, especially when we have missed so many Sundays and church because of illness.
Dave and I often say to each other is this Monday or Tuesday? Retirement and old age...what a combination !!
I need to have cataract surgery on both eyes in the future. I use my iPhone for my alarm clock. It works out really well. I am a night owl, and hubby is an early to bed, early to rise. I know you love your photography, and we get to see you great nature pictures!
ReplyDeleteHi Pam. I am glad that your husband is feeling better. I am glad that he was able to get his cataract surgery done. I will need to have that done one day too. I am glad that you are part of an active church community. I think that is so important. I always love your nature pictures. The sunrise with the flag is especially nice. i hope your week is going well. See you again soon.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFunny enough, I usually enjoyed working Back In The Day. Except for Sunday's the days are all starting to run together lately. I miss what I used to do (accounting) and the interesting people I met along the way.
ReplyDeleteLooks like y'all have a cat now.
Blessings. ❤️
Oh, that's funny about the alarm clock with a 'mind of its own'! To tell the truth, I'd be at a loss to try and program one of those anymore. Thankfully, our 'girls' are my tried-and-true alarm; sleeping past 5:30 would be a real luxury. Then again, you're right about early dawn being the best part of the day.
ReplyDeleteLike you, we try and get all our errands done during the week, leaving weekends for working folks.
I pray whatever's messing with John's well being takes a hike. Soon! I'm saying a prayer right now.
That grapefruit looks so good!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad John is feeling better!! These questions were harder for me to answer since I'm retired. Six Saturdays and one Sunday for me!! LOL I always love your photos!! xo
ReplyDeleteNo surgery is a walk in the park and anesthesia can be harsh on the body. I am glad to hear he is feeling better. Why are men so stubborn to seek help? Exasperating isn't it.
ReplyDeleteThank you for joining in!
I agree, the days seem the same when you are retired. Obviously I look forward to the weekends if we are seeing James. We sleep the same each day unless we have some early appointment to go to. Us too, we watch TV about the same way each day except for football season. Normally we watch movies or shows we are following in the evening. Blackie has a nice view from there. Looks like a nice place to eat breakfast. Hope your week is going well.
ReplyDeleteHi Pam, you always have beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Hubs is looking forward to the Super Bowl and that is about all the football that I watch. I love grapefruit but I'm on a statin drug for cholesterol so I can't have one. It does something to the meds. I haven't eaten one in about 9 years and I used to eat them all the time. I agree that our day's seem to roll one into the other after retirement. So glad your hubby is feeling better. Take care. And your little visitor, Blackie, is so pretty. ~ Carol Talbot Smith
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your answers and your views. Hope hubby is feeling better.