What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day and more!!

 Here it is Friday night, Valentine's Day evening.  And I am plumb tuckered out! LOL.  Thank you all for your sweet comments the past few days.  Many of you wanted to hear more about how things went today, as we celebrated my hubby's birthday along with Valentine's Day and also my sister and her hubby's 59th anniversary.  So here you go...We'll start with the fun stuff...Well, it was ALL fun stuff!

Here we are all gathered around the table, and of course I say, "Wait! We have to get a picture before you start eating!"  Well, Some people couldn't wait...but thanks to son Scott, who knows how to do the timer thingy on my cell phone to take a picture and jump into it himself before the actual picture snaps...here we are, all smiling and happy and hungry!
After we finished our wonderful lunch of hamburgers, hotdogs, and/or chicken thighs, potato salad, cole slaw, beans and deviled eggs, it was time for the family tradition of singing Happy Birthday to the Birthday boy:

And then of course he had to blow the candles out:

Oh, there were so many candles! LOL! But he made it, so his wish will come true! LOL.

I think he was wishing we'd quit taking pictures and get on with the cutting of the cake! There were actually two cakes...one Devil's Food with Cream Cheese/Whipped Cream frosting, and a Strawberry Cake with whipped cream topping and fresh strawberries on top. They were both good, if I do say so myself. (I baked them). LOL.

Here's some before pictures of the table, and there were Valentine's Cards, Birthday Cards, Anniversary Cards,  and Valentine candy for everyone.  
Lily Grace may have had something to do with all the little Valentines and Candy hearts for everyone...
and she and her friends sure had a nice party too!

Remember getting these kinds of Candy Hearts for Valentine's Day?

My sister Doris brought these beautiful "High Fragrance Camellias" from her garden to share with us! 

They definitely smelled so good!

After we were done eating, we girls walked around looking at the flora and fauna..here's Rose and Doris now...

And here's Doris taking a picture of some of the "flora"  (yes, we both do this...)
She was trying to identify the plant and also we were both looking at the bumblebees all over it! (and trying not to get stung!)
Come to find out it is a "Wild Radish" plant, which grows wild all over the area.  

Oh, and you remember my favorite little "Fairy Flowers", as I call them, that are growing in our yard right now?

That is what is growing in the "yard" of our Gnome Home...and now there is a "Mr. Toad" sitting there pretty as you please, and he said, "I Toad You so!"   LOL.

Soon we two sisters got tired of walking and sat down in the Secret Memorial Garden on the bench to take a little break, and sweet Rose took our picture:

Some people like to say we look like twins, and I expect there will be some here who see this and will wonder. But no...we're definitely not. There were "several years" between our births, and growing up we didn't look much alike at all. Somehow over the years we have kind of melded into each other...

Here we are as children, many years ago:   I'm the "little redhead" on the end, looking up at Doris, who is the cute brunette child standing next to me, holding a bouquet of flowers. I think she was born with flowers in her hand. She's the one with the green thumb in the family.  I like to take pictures of flowers, but I don't do a very good job of growing them, so I depend on God to do that for me! LOL. That's why I love wildflowers so much.  BTW, I love this photo of my family. It is rare to find color photos from way back when, but my Grandfather loved to take "Slide" photos, and they were always in color, so this picture actually was developed from a slide.  L to R, my brothers Russell (RIP), Clifford, Doris, and Me. My parents Bill and Dorothea Mursch on the back row. (RIP for both of them too).

Speaking of wildflowers, I went looking for these Wild Plum trees the other day to see if they were blooming. I found one in the area where we used to walk all the time, but I apparently was too late for some of the trees that I usually watch for them to bloom. I was happy to find these:

So I brought some home to make a bouquet for today, but they don't look quite as good as I'd hoped, plus they keep dropping petals.
But here's one pretty photo before they totally droop and die:

Speaking of drooping...I am about to droop now...so I think I will call it a night. It was a wonderful day, and I am SO thankful for our family, and especially for my sister and her hubby Art to drive all the way up to be with us today. They live almost two hours away, so that is a long trip to make round trip in one day. I tried to talk them into spending the night, but you know how we all like to sleep in our own beds at this stage in life...and thankfully I've already heard that they arrived back home safely.

And now this verse speaks to my heart...

Psalm 4:8 NKJV

8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

Good Night everyone! "Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite".   LOL.  


  1. Looks like a wonderful celebration for everyone. Your sister is very beautiful. I see the family resemblance- you look like sisters. 👯‍♀️ Wow you really outdid yourself with two cakes. 🎂 I love strawberries.!🍓 Enjoyed the video and all the photos. Happy Birthday to your husband. 🥳

    Happy Valentines Day 🌹

  2. Happy Birthday to your beloved John, Pamela! He is 77 years young, and is in amazing health for which I know you all are grateful. Yes, I can tell that Doris and you are sisters, but I see it mostly in your eyes. You are both such beautiful women, inside and out. I'm so glad that Doris and Art were able to be with you for this wonderful celebration of John's birthday and Valentine's Day, too. May your weekend be blessed, dear friend!

  3. What a wonderful day! I thoroughly enjoyed all the celebrating and the photos. You and your sister look a lot alike, both were so cute in the older picture and beautiful now.
    Glad John had a nice birthday. It's our daughter Heather's birthday today too, she turned 39! So, you and I both have some sweet Valentines in our lives.

    1. Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter Heather!! Oh, to be 39 again! LOL. Actually, John's birthday is on the 16th (Sunday), but this was the only day we could all be together, so we are celebrating all weekend, although tomorrow (Sunday), we will be going to church and then probably just coming home after and crashing. Unless hubby wants to go out to lunch. We shall see what develops.

  4. That's so sweet. More happy memories from a happy day. May the good days continue.
    Blessings. 🙏💖

  5. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary...wishing you a lovely day, Pamela.

  6. Love that verse. How does anyone do anything without the Lord. Happy Birthday to your husbabd!!

  7. What a wonderful time you all were blessed to share! The table setting looks so inviting and those cakes ... oh my! Your image of the camillias in that pretty glass bowl took me right back to my mother's home in Port Charlotte. She used to do the same thing with clippings from her gardenia bush and oh(!) how that wonderful aroma filled her home. Thank you for sharing your joy, and I hope y'all are still smiling. Hugs!

  8. your visits looks as happy as my visit on this past Sunday with Dan and Michelle. just less people for us. the family around the table shouts JOY JOY JOY... love it.
    you and your sister look very much alike, I am wondering if your mother looked like you when she got older. I don't have a sister, and the bad news is, I look just like my dad and my brother, my brother acts like mother, I am daddy Mini Me... I giggled long and hard at sister crouching in front of weeds. you know I love weeds and taking photos of them... you will never lack for cut flowers in your home... glad they got home safe

  9. That sure looks like a delightful time was had by all of you.
    Happiness is family and your sister Doris is just as lovely as you. Love the slide photo of the entire family.
    Great captures of the wildflowers. I rather like the droopy ones in the blue vase. It has a lot of character.
    Hope you had a good nights sleep and feel refreshed today.

  10. Happy birthday to John. Wonderful picture of you and your sister. Love all the pictures. Marty's day turned 90 yesterday. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. Pam: I am thankful that you had a wonderful Valentines Day celebration with your family. Be blessed.

  12. So glad you had such a wonderful time!!! The decorations were gorgeous! Our wild plum is in full bloom, too! The bees love it!

  13. What a wonderful party for your dear hubby you had! The menu sounded wonderful and the cakes…oh my! You and your sister really do look alike. What a fun time you both have together. I wish my sister and I lived close, but we talk everyday. 😊

  14. What an awesome party you had. Happy 77th birthday to your husband. I love the picture with you and your sister. You too definitely look alike. Take care and have a great week ahead.

  15. I enjoyed seeing your birthday, anniversary, valentine's party all together. It loks like such a fun and wonderful day. And wonderful that both boys and Rose could be there too. You are very blessed. I also enjoyed hearing your voice singing. How Fun!!
    I agree that you and your sister look very much alike. Your mother was gorgeous and so is her name. Dorothea. I've never known anyone with that name before and it suits her beauty.
    I hope your weekend has been wonderful. I have been offline and enjoyed every moment of it!

    1. Thank you, Betsy! It's good to hear from you! My mother's name, "Dorothea", was a combination name...she is named after two of her great-aunts, Aunt Dora, whom they lovingly called "Aunt Dode", who was my maternal grandmother's aunt and when she died she left her house to my grandmother and so my mother actually lived in that house during all of her high school years, and then the "Thea" part of her name was for her father's Aunt Althea, but I don't know much about her. She must've been special if they wanted to name my mother after her! Thank you for saying my mother was gorgeous. She truly was in every way. Hope you are doing well!!! I will be wearing your sweater again this week as it is turning real cold again (for us!). Thank you so much. I will think of you every time I put it on.

  16. A perfect verse as you drift off to sleep. Such a beautiful post with your wonderful family!


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