What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Afternoon Tea Time

Just needed a little extra tea break this afternoon. Won't you join me? 
Some days are just like that, you know?  Most summer days I am content with my morning hot cup of Lipton regular black tea at breakfast. (although for this afternoon tea I chose Twining's Lady Grey Tea, because this is an extra special tea time).

Just a note: the glass tray that this tea set is sitting on has one of my favorite passages of Scripture written all around the edges:

Galatians 5:22-23  NKJV
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
(A good reminder for us at any time)

And speaking of "fruit", 

I usually have 1/2 glass unsweetened iced tea combined with 1/2 glass of ice-cold unsweetened cranberry juice with my lunch. Very refreshing! You should try it!  Make sure it's the 100% juice, with no sugar added! It's a good source of vitamin C, and a whole cup of fruit. It's also very good for the urinary tract, which for ladies of most of our ages out there, that's crucial.
That's my PSA for this post. LOL.  When I find something that works for me, I like to pass it along, just in case you wanted to know about that!

And isn't that what tea time is supposed to be all about? Sitting down together with a friend (or friends), and sharing our hearts with one another? I look at our blogging like that.  It's a time of sitting down with dear friends and sharing whatever is on our hearts and minds, encouraging one another in our faith, lifting each other up when one is down or feeling alone. Sometimes we just talk about silly things or funny stuff that is going on around us...and then other times we pour out our hearts and let it all hang out. That's what friends are for.  To help share each other's burdens, and to be there during the good times as well.

It's also what Jesus said He is there for; He said in Matthew 11:28-30

28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Isn't that a comforting thought? Jesus wants to carry our burdens for us. He wants us to come to Him, and find rest for our souls. He promises that His "yoke is easy, and (His) burden is light." When I picture a "Yoke", I think of this:

It is usually used to guide two oxen together, so that they will be able to walk together and not pull away each to his own way.  That is what I think about when I picture taking up the yoke of Jesus...I picture Him walking with me, helping to carry the load, as well as keeping me in line and guiding me into the best possible direction I should go.  I also picture Him carrying the heaviest part of the load on His shoulders. He does that for me, willingly and lovingly, because He knows how weak I am on my own.
And again, I thank Him for doing this for me, and also for you. And together, with Jesus, we can carry one another's burdens and not feel so alone or weighed down from the heavy loads of our lives.
You don't have to carry it alone...and neither do I! 
We've got Jesus on our team!

And now on to some other things from around the home front:
Ever since Hurricane Debby blew through here a couple of weeks ago, we haven't seen much of the neighborhood kitty, "Blackie", who up until the storm would sleep on the comfortable cushioned chairs of our covered back porch every day and/or night.  The last time I saw him he was out there that night, curled up in a black ball on some old rugs.  Come morning, he was no where to be seen.  We thought we saw him at a distance a few times, but he never came back to our porch. Not sure if something scared him that night during the storm, or what happened, but at any rate, he didn't seem to want to come back here.  And then, just the other evening I stepped out onto the front deck to bring in our flag for the night, and I looked over at my little wicker plant stand, and there he was!

Just as lazy and handsome as you please, sleeping on the shelf of the wicker plant stand!

At first he wouldn't even look at me, like either he was embarrassed to be caught out there, or maybe he was mad at me for something! 

Maybe he got wind of the fact that this OTHER black and white Tuxedo kitty cat was lounging around on our back porch while he was gone!  

I didn't invite him there...he just showed up one evening and acted like he owned the place for a while, and then he was gone again...

He does look rather comfortable, doesn't he?

He was watching either some lizard or mole or birds or something out there in the yard:
And then he saw me looking at him through the glass door:

That was the last look Mr. Tuxedo gave us before he departed for parts unknown:

Anyway, back to "Blackie", 
I don't know, but I spoke lovingly to him and told him how happy I was to see him again...

And pretty soon he turned his eyes my way and looked at me as if he was unhappy that I woken him up from his nap! LOL.
However, in a moment he stretched himself out and got down from his perch and came over to me and rubbed my legs and let me know that he still loved me and I told him that I still loved him, and then he went over to the front of the deck 
and decided to watch the neighborhood activities from that vantage point.

And that's the last I've seen of him for a few days.  Neighborhood Cats sure can be fickle! LOL.
Thankfully there is a kind neighbor who feeds him. Not sure about the Tuxedo cat. He may belong to someone.

Oh, the Sand Hill Crane family still flies in and out every so often:

This was this afternoon! They were actually putting on quite a show for us!

And I know some of you may be wondering what's happening with the new house that's going in next door?  Yeah, I've been wondering too. Not a thing has happened over there since the hurricane. I think whoever is supposed to be setting it up must have gotten behind in their schedule, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of them in about 3 weeks.  
And then today this happened:

Not just one, but two big dump truck loads of more dirt arrived.  They still haven't covered up the huge septic/drain field that was installed over a month ago.  They still haven't finished putting the two sections of the manufactured home together, but they brought more dirt!

And none too soon. You can see how black the sky was behind there...yes, about the time the truck was finished dumping his load, the skies opened up and dumped their load of heavy rain on top of it all!

And now this is what it looks like out there on Still Waters Pond:

Well, I hope you enjoyed this little tea time together this afternoon (and now it is evening).  I feel refreshed, just like you have actually been here chatting with me. Maybe it is because we are sitting here beside "Still Waters Pond"...
"He leads me beside the still waters.
 He restores my soul;"

and just maybe Jesus has been here with us, lifting our heavy burdens and giving us "rest for our souls". 

Matthew 18:20 NKJV
"For where two or three are gathered together in My name, 
I am there in the midst of them.”

 Yeah, just maybe He has...

Thank you for sharing this tea time with me. I hope you will come again soon! Have a pleasant rest of your evening and weekend ahead. 


  1. I'm so glad your Blackie Cat came back. I have a little black cat that I feed in my backyard. He's a neighborhood stray, but he stays at our house mostly. He's been here since he was a tiny kitten. I just love him!

    1. How sweet that one of our Blackie's cousins is living up by you! I think these Black cats have cousins everywhere!! Yours is a blessed one to have found YOU!

  2. I am almost home from all my travels. Two more days!
    I love my tea time, too. My tea of choice is Earl Grey. (or an herbal tea)
    Glad your black kitty is back and happy.

    1. You have certainly been a traveling lady this summer! I hope you are having a wonderful time. I need to go read what you just wrote and get caught up! Thank you for popping in. Yes, I love Earl Grey as well! But Lady Grey is kind of nice for a lady's tea time too. Enjoy your last days of travel. I imagine home and your own bed will be looking pretty good!

  3. What a relief that Blackie is back. I'm sure you were concerned for him. I enjoyed our tea time together with Jesus. He is with us in everything we do and say. Sometimes I really need that reminder. :-) I won the door prize at our Jane Austen book club two weeks ago. In the bag was a new teapot! Since I had gotten rid of all of my teapots in our big cross-country move, I was happy to have another one. I have lots of teas that I like. Plaine Lipton, and also many fruity ones. I always have English Breakfast tea on hand for our English daughter-in-love for when she visits. She is a true Brit and drinks lots and lots of tea. Their teapot is always plugged in at home.
    Your friendship is such a blessing to me dear Pam.
    Love and hugs,

    1. Thank you, Betsy. You've made my morning sweeter with your kind thoughts. Your friendship is a wonderful blessing to me as well. Perhaps someday we will meet and have a real tea party together! Oh, I'd love to see your new teapot! Please share a picture with us! What a great door prize that would be!! Well, I'd best go as my morning cup of Lipton is getting cold! Ta Ta! See you later!

  4. Such interesting surrounds! Yours sure beats city life, doesn't it? I think you know, I've never developed a 'taste' for hot tea, but have little doubt if/when we share a cup you'd change my mind. I love Ocean Spray diet cranberry, but never thought to try it with unsweet ice tea. That's definitely on this weekend's agenda!
    Okay, I'm off to hear Jennifer Rothschild speak. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  5. Thanks for the smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, friend. smiles

  6. Things are really progressing over at your place! And I love Mr. Tuxedo!
    Your tea set is so lovely. I do enjoy a cup of afternoon tea although I'm usually a coffee in the morning kind of gal.
    Friendship is so important, isn't it? And to be able to get together is especially nice. I still have in the back of my mind to come visit you when I get down to Florida again. Wouldn't that be fun!
    Have a blessed weekend!

  7. What a lovely post taking time for tea is a good.idea in this crazy world.I am glad your visiting kitty has found a safe spot to chill. We have several that show up on camera every morning one my husband has named bootsie as he or she has white "socks" on each foot. Most likely the septic system on the lot had to be inspected, the one next door to us remained open until the county inspector reviewed which is actually a good thing. As I mentioned before the mfg. Of that home is very slow at setting up maybe a lack of workers but for whatever reason it will most likely take a while.

  8. Cranberry juice is really good for us. It's also good for kidney health, or, so I read.
    Cute kittie. Guess he's taken up with y'all. I do like cats as long as they stay outside, off my vehicles (they'll destroy the paint on top), and don't kill the birds.
    Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. 💙

  9. I love your two visitors, and so happy you love black cats. we had one that came twice but never again. probably a neighbor cat. I am happy to know blackie survived the storm and is still around. Friday we did the 4 inch in one hour thing that Florida does, and it killed our pool pump. waiting till Monday for repair person.
    our pool is full of green stuff. I am thinking maybe it has been to wet for them to work on the house next door, can't wait to see what it looks like when finished

  10. What a sweet kitty Blackie is, Pamela. I'm so glad he survived the storm and is now paying you all regular visits again. I sure miss having a cat, but no more pets!
    I saw this morning that Florida is in for lots of rain this weekend. Stay safe, stay dry and enjoy a cup of tea!

  11. We used to have a neighborhood cat come visiting our back yard practically every evening. We called him Panther, he was so sleek. Haven't seen him for ages. Maybe its just been too hot and the little flitter birds aren't as prevalent now. We have no pets so the cats think its their private spa place. I don't like when they catch the birds and use some of the area for their cat box...but they are fun to watch.
    I sure wish I could have tea with you and those delightful cups to drink it.
    You have such a wonderful way of including photos and verses. They were my perfect devotion this morning.
    By the way, I LOVE your portrait that comes up when you comment. That smile is electric!!

    1. Oh, bless you, Sue! You do make me smile! And that picture of me here on the comments is a picture of me with my first digital camera! I never knew how wonderful that was going to be and how much it would change my life! I was very excited to be able to take as many pictures as I want and not have to pay for developing them! The only problem is, I never develop pictures anymore and someday my family will wonder what happened to all of those pictures I took! I do try to save them on flash drives, but who knows if those will work in the future? But I am enjoying the picture taking now. Tomorrow will have to take care of itself. Oh, I would love to sit down and have a cup of tea with you in person someday. Who knows? It might happen! Have a blessed and beautiful rest of your weekend.

  12. Pam: A wonderful blog post. I will try to remember the pointer about cranberry juice and hot tea. Sounds very good. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. Actually, I drink the cranberry juice with iced tea, not hot tea, but it might be good as a hot drink as well! I've never tried it that way. I just enjoy it ice cold right now in the summertime when it is so hot. It's very refreshing! Peace to you and your as well!

  13. Yes, I enjoyed this tea moment. It was very pleasant, and you have such an engaging way of talking through the photos. Thank you very much.

    1. Thank you, Aritha. That was a very kind thing to say. I think some people think I talk a bit too much, but that's just who I am. Actually, I talk more here in writing than I do in person...well...maybe that might not be totally accurate...it just depends on who's listening! Ha Ha. Thank you again. I always enjoy visiting with you.

  14. You know I love reading about and seeing your porch cats!! I miss my tuxies and my black cats (Inky, Cookie, and Onyx). The Sandhill Cranes are loving your pond. Love them too!! Happy weekend, Pam!! Have a blessed week ahead! xo

  15. I enjoyed our afternoon tea, I'm a tea girl now. For some reason coffee has become a trigger for migraines so don't go near it. The pond looks so peaceful, a lovely place to sit and relax.

  16. I loved this post! And I feel the same way, like we all get together and just chat for a while. Why thank you, I'd love some Lipton tea! Loved those two black cats. It's funny that they come by to hang out, so sweet! I absolutely believe the Lord is always with us. Even when we're blogging! Enjoy your day!

  17. As I came to this post, I was (still am) drinking my usual mid-afternoon mug of de-caf green tea. I enjoyed having my tea with you!

    Those cats!

  18. I loved reading about Blackie, in the beginning I thought something bad may have happened to him, was so glad to see him back at your place if only for a visit! And of course, I always enjoy the Sand Hill Cranes, such great entertainment they provide for you. We're having rainy days this week, so refreshing as I'm sure the rain was there. Your tea set is so nice, I think I may have my coffee in a teacup today.♥ Sending ((hugs)) across the miles.

  19. Thank you for the good cranberry advice.


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