What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday 4 ~ A Little Tea Party

A Little Tea Party


Welcome back to another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

For my southern friends.. I pray the weather lightens up on you all. I know it's been a very rough summer heat wise. Let's pray together for a solution.

This week could we talk about your personal thoughts?

1. Do you find yourself day dreaming about your situation and things you would love to do if only...?
Sometimes...but I try not to think about the "if only" part so much, because I've learned in life that it is best to live in the present and do the very best you can with what you have. Day dreaming about what you would do "if only" can lead to wishing you could change your situation and sometimes that can get you into trouble.  I mean, it is okay to have dreams and goals that are positive and uplifting, but the best thing to do is make the best of what you have and be thankful.  Sometimes we have to be careful that we might get what we wish for and find out that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but not necessarily as wonderful as what you already have.

2. If you are having tea/coffee, a little break in the day does your mind wander off to other thoughts and meditations.
I think it is good to allow yourself to take little breaks during the day and rest from whatever you have been doing and let your body totally relax and be refreshed. Our minds and bodies need times of pure calm and restoration, and then our meditations will be sweeter than if we are always stressed out over things.  These are times when I find God speaking to me the most, if I will only pay attention.  
I used to make it a practice to go to my "Secret Garden" and just sit and meditate on God's Word, and perhaps find an old hymn from the hymnbook and let the words speak to me.  Here is an example of that from the Secret Garden Chronicles.  I really need to get back into that habit.

3. Do you find yourself meditating or revisiting in your mind a scripture, verse from a book you've read and it's impact on you?

My life verse: 

Psalm 19:14 NKJV
14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."

HERE is a post I wrote about how I discovered this verse. You may find it an interesting and happy little post.

4. Do you find yourself sometimes replaying conversations with others? Are there books or movies that stay vivid in your mind?

It depends on the type of conversations...sometimes I may wander into ruminating over old conversations that I probably shouldn't revisit. And then I need to refocus my thoughts on the present and get back into God's Word so I won't become distracted by things that may have hurt me in the past. It is best to keep looking upward and onward to the wonderful things God has in store for those who love Him.    

1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV

9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

And with that, I will close this post while I go have a little tea party with the fairies....

Lily Grace is already having her summertime picnic tea party with her little fairy friends.  Kind of the last hurrah of the summer before going back to school...which actually our kids in our town/county have already done yesterday!  Seems too soon to me, but maybe not for the parents or the kids LOL.

Let's go see what others are saying about this today!  Thank's Annie for a great Tuesday 4!


  1. It is always nice to see Lily Grace! Love her cute umbrella, smiles. Have a beautiful day, Pamela.

  2. A sweet post. I live in my mind, I think! Always thinking! I've been one of those "if only" and "what if" ladies for a long time and, like you, I'm trying to wean myself from that and live in the present, thankful for the blessings I have. I've been trying to memorize large chunks of scripture lately which keeps my mind busy. It's amazing how God will remind me of scripture, just when I need it. Have a blessed day.

  3. I am a fretter and a scenario player and find it impossible to meditate. I stop my mind from all that by reading or drawing on my iPad or creating post and playing with photos. the only conversations I can remember are the ones that hurt me the most. no memories of good conversations.

  4. School here always begins after Labor Day when it cools down a bit more. Thanks for joining in. I think what if and if only but then I always think how I would not have the situation or people in my life that I have and I wouldn't want that at all.

  5. My three granddaughters start school today. It will be the first day of high school for Virginia, and I can't believe it! I've had butterflies all morning just thinking about all of them adjusting to schedules and new schools since they moved over the summer. Believe me, Pamela, there are lots of prayers being said at our home today.
    I loved your thoughtful answers here today, too. Blessings!

  6. I enjoyed reading your answers today. Hope you are having a wonderful day.

  7. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your post today and enjoyed the pictures. I learned Psalm 19:14 as a child at Release Time Education. I think I was in 5th grade. I have to work harder to stay focused now days. Enjoy your tea party!

  8. Delightful as always. I really have to think on your post today.. haha, now that sounds funny while wanting to write about the different types of thinking. I will return later with my rendition. Love the Tea Party.

  9. I love the scriptures you chose for this post. I go to Ps. 51:10 a lot, Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Amen! It was nice to see Lily Grace having her little tea party, she made me smile. Hope your day is happy and blessed☺♥

  10. I so needed to read your response to #1! I love my life here in the slow lane, but recently I've found myself perusing cruise offerings, dreaming of "far-away places with strange sounding names, far-away over the sea." Instead of thinking about what we can't do (b/c of Tom's health), I need to focus on what blessings exist Right Now.
    Yes. I oftentimes get to replaying and taking myself to task about ordinary conversations, second-guessing what I should have said. Or, why I said so much.

    As ever, "Hostess" Lily Grace looks charming.

  11. A beautiful posting. I would LOVE to invite you to a tea. I generally do the cooking, but this group of ladies love to chip in, esp, the lovely white haired. She brought some amazing yummies last time.

  12. Your answers are spot on, Pamela!! I had trouble with this today. Loved seeing Lily Grace having fun with her 'friends'!! Wishing you and John blessings through the rest of the week and beyond!

  13. Lovely post and thoughts. Your setting for tea looks inviting.

  14. I needed to see this verses today. Thank you.

  15. Wow, Myra's answer sounds a whole lot like mine. I really try to be positive and filled with hope but sometimes things come flooding back and I rehearse them forever. Then those verses come to mind and I must let go and let God...

  16. You and Lily Grace are sure having fun. I love tea alone or with my kids and husband or friends. Anytime and anywhere. I do miss the tea cup exchanges we use to have frequently here in the blog world. sigh....Enjoy the rest of the week and stay safe and praying the weather lightens up for all of us.


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