What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, August 16, 2024

55 Years and Counting!

 Some of you "old timers" like me will remember when there was a slogan, "Drive 55 and Stay Alive" or something like that.  I looked it up, and it was back in 1974, when the national speed limit was 55 MPH.  I don't think it lasted long, but anyway, I digress...

I woke up this morning and told my hubby  "we arrived at 55 and stayed alive", (or something like that).  Yes, today is our 55th Wedding anniversary!  If you are a Facebook friend, you are already well aware of that from all the pictures I posted.  Here is a link to a few pictures from the past anniversaries so I don't need to post them again.  

Anyway, this morning I took a look at our dresser in our bedroom and thought to myself, "there's the result of 55 years of marriage":  

I poured myself a cup of tea, using the teacup and saucer from our "good wedding china", Noritake "Thea" pattern...and enjoyed looking at our family...

This picture on the left was taken in 2014, the last family portrait where our whole immediate family was still together: Front: John, Pam, and my MIL "Nanny Steiner", Back: Our grandson Noah, our son Benton, son Scott, and son Matthew, and his wife Nicole.  Matthew would leave us for heaven's gates just three months later after a 4 year battle with cancer.  He was 41.  This picture was on his birthday.  Of course the picture on the right is on our wedding day, cutting the cake...55 years ago today!

A few years later our family was blessed to add a new member, our sweet daughter in law Rose. Here below is our current family, although this was taken on their wedding day in 2017: 
Our daughter in law Nicole, grandson Noah, our son Benton and his wife Rose, yours truly, hubby John, and our son Scott.

And here's an oldie picture of our three sons, taken way back before they all went their separate ways to college, marriage, work... (excuse the reflections in this picture).

We are blessed and thankful for the life God has given us over the past 55 years, even with all of the heartaches and sorrows, trials and tribulations and sometimes downright disappointments...but God kept us together...

Ecclesiastes 4:12 says:

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken."

I have often heard this verse used in regards to marriage.  I looked up the significance of it to help explain it better:  (You can check on this link for more information from Tassel Depot.com)

"What Is the Cord of Three Strands Ceremony?

The Cord of Three Strands ceremony is based on a verse from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible, which says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." This verse speaks about the strength of numbers and how the bond between two people can become even stronger with God at the center of their relationship.

The Cord of Three Strands represents God, the groom, and the bride. It symbolizes the joining of one man, one woman, and God in marriage. By keeping the Lord at the center of their relationship, the couple believes that their love will continue to grow and bind them together."

I do believe this to be very true.  Without the Lord in our marriage over these past 55 years, I don't know how we would have withstood all the trials that came our way.  We truly give God the glory for  our "arriving alive at 55".  

So, what else did we do today?  Well, we went out to eat lunch at our favorite restaurant in the next town, "Corky Bells" on the St. John's River.  Here's a few pictures from our day:

We asked our waitress to take our picture:

And then John took mine...yes, the wind was blowing my way too short hair. That is the result of a "bad haircut" about 2 weeks ago.  They say it will grow. But I was not happy because I had finally gotten my hair to a length and style that I liked, and even though I told that to the stylist, and even though she was the one who had cut it that way in the first place, she still basically just cut my hair whatever way she wanted. I don't think I'll be back, but meanwhile I deal with it.  

Here's hubby.  He sure is handsome!

Our view from the table:

More view from the table:
And more view from the table:

After we finished eating I took a little walk down on the dock, even though I wasn't supervised: 

And from a distance I wasn't too sure what this funny looking thing was:
I guess this is how a turtle sun bathes!  Look at those hind legs! That was just so funny to me!

Uh Oh, someone's dock collapsed!
It's so peaceful and calm and beautiful...

Hey! Wait a minute! What's this I see swimming along in the water???

It looks like an alligator!!!

It IS an alligator!  (No wonder the turtle was keeping his feet up out of the water! LOL)
Hello there Mr. Gator!
He was just a cruising along...
I really wasn't this close to him, trust me.  I have a good zoom lens on my camera...
Now you know why children have to be supervised on the dock!!  And feeding these guys is a definite NO-NO!

However, I think he was hopeful...
He's really just a "baby"...maybe 4' long...
He kept coming closer and closer... 
Why, Hello Mr. Gator!  So nice to see you there!  I'm glad I'm actually way up on top of the dock where you can't reach me!!
I talked to him for a while, but I think when he realized I wasn't going to feed him...
He basically decided to just go on his way...
And this was the last I saw of him before he dove down under the water and swam away.
Sure made for an interesting anniversary dinner!

Later this evening the "kids" came over and we ordered PIZZA for supper, and then we played that "Deer in the Headlights" Game again.  Meanwhile, The Sand Hill Crane Family came on shore of Still Waters Pond and serenaded us and sang "Happy Anniversary"...at least that is how I interpreted their loud raucous singing!  LOL.

And because they were being so sweet to sing to us on our Anniversary, I did throw out a little bit of bird seed for them. I know, I broke my own rule, but it's our anniversary and they did sing to us...

And with that I will say good night!
The party isn't over yet.
Tomorrow we will be traveling to meet up with our extended family to celebrate all the August birthdays and Anniversaries.  There are a few. So stay tuned for the next episode of family celebrations!

Here's the words to an old hymn that perhaps you may know and can sing along with me:

1. Happy the home when God is there,
And love fills every breast;
When one their wish, and one their prayer,
And one their heav’nly rest.

2. Happy the home where Jesus’ name
Is sweet to every ear;
Where children early speak His fame,
And parents hold Him dear.

3. Happy the home where prayer is heard,
And praise is wont to rise;
Where parents love the sacred Word
And all its wisdom prize.

4. Lord, let us in our homes agree
This blessed peace to gain;
Unite our hearts in love to Thee,
And love to all will reign.



  1. Happy Anniversary. Quite the achievement! Seeing that alligator- what a treat! Have fun celebrating tomorrow.

  2. Happy Anniversary you two! 55 years is a wonderful accomplishment, and also a great gift from our Lord. I enjoyed all the pictures of family and also your wonderful day.
    We're a few years behind you; our 43rd anniversary is on the 21st!

    1. You didn't say who this is! But Happy upcoming 43rd Anniversary to you, whoever you are! LOL. Thank you for your kind words!! Have a lovely day.

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both. God bless you with many more years!

  4. Happy Anniversary to a wonderful couple!!! Safe travels, Pamela, as you all journey to see extended family. Blessings!

  5. Happy Anniversary! It sounds like you had lots of fun that day...turtles, gators, and sand hill cranes...How lovely! Glad you had time with family and have even more coming up. Take care and have fun!

  6. Happy Anniversary and what a lovely place to eat, like that view and some of those gator shots are really good, I like the close up eye shots and the swirling water shots best. I would have fed the cranes too. have fun at the family celebrations, my brother will be 76 next wed, the 21st. I just had to use my fingers to figure out his age, he is 4 years younger than I am . his wife, my husband, my sons wife all have Oct 1st as there birthday and I fit in on Sept 5th.. Have a wonder day.... giggled out loud at the turtle and never have I seen one do that.. maybe it was the gator

  7. What a nice day that must have been! Happy belated Anniversary and MANY more. 💙💙

  8. The two of you are precious! (So much better than Barbie and Ken, lol)
    My eyes immediately went to that pretty teacup on your dresser. Would you believe, not a couple of week's ago I resurrected one of the cups from my parent's wedding china and set on my dresser. Just because! (Great minds!)
    Gosh, that gator's pictures give me chills; imagine what I'd be like if I saw him/her in real life?! Normally I don't think turtles have much personality, but this guy made me laugh out loud.
    Many Happy Anniversary blessings!

  9. Happy, happy anniversary!! Keep celebrating all month!! I loved the photos you took of the turtle and the gator in the river and how fun to see the cranes still visiting your pond! Enjoy your time with family celebrating August birthdays and anniversaries! Looking forward to the pictures!! xo

  10. Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed all of your photos on Facebook. That is a sweet photo of your boys. ((HUGS)) Love the turtle, they are my favorite. Oh my on the alligator!!!!

  11. Oh Pam, Happy Anniversary again. What a wonderful, full of precious memories blog post. We have beat you by 5 1/2 years and the things you say about marriage are Right On for us too. the Good the Bad, the Highs the lows, the fun and not so, the work and the enjoyment, the give and the take...
    Yes your Hubby is so handsome and quite the keeper.
    I'm thinking we have to do an over night "escape" to our favorite place Lake Tahoe. Can't really afford to do it but sometimes the time away is worth the sacrifice.
    I NEED a place like your Still Waters Pond!

  12. This is a wonderful post, Pam. I love every word, every picture (even the gator), tell your story so well. You have handsome men in your family and all the gals are pretty, too. Such blessed memories. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Pam: Happy Anniversary to you and John. Your encounter with the alligator was interesting. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  14. It looks like a perfect anniversary to me and a great family you have.

  15. Happy 55th Anniversary to you both!!! I am glad you survived the years together! I enjoyed the pictures you shared. I sleeve of your wedding dress reminds me of the wedding dress I had almost 47 years ago. Alligator looked interesting. I would what would have happened if you feed him a bit of food>>!!!!!! We had thunder and lightning on Sat. and it lasted longer than normal. Good to have rain again and hopefully it put out alot of fires in our state of Oregon. God bless you both in the rest of your lives together!!---Becky


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