What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday Thankfulness/Friday Foto Friends

 Here it is Thursday evening, and it's been a beautiful day! We had some wonderful rain showers earlier and it cooled things off a bit. I can't believe it's actually only 79 degrees at 6:00 p.m.  We haven't seen that in a while!  So hubby and I were able to take a much needed walk. It's been so hot and humid lately that we've had to forego our daily walks, except for a jaunt to Walmart to walk around where it is cool. (plus needed to buy a few things as well).  So #1, I am very thankful for this little bit of cooler weather while it lasts!

#2.  Actually, now that I think about it, it was quite lovely this morning when I first got up. So lovely, in fact, that I couldn't restrain myself from going outside and watching the "moonrise".  I know, you think the moon rises at night! Well, this morning it seemed like there was more of a "moonrise" than a sunrise. 

Psalm 19:1-6 is one of my favorite passages...Thought it would go along nicely with these pictures that I took while I was running around enjoying the morning "moonrise".
Here it is, in order of its appearance this morning:

1. The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2. Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3. There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
4. Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.

In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
5. Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
6. Its rising is from one end of heaven,

In this photo if you look above the trees, you can actually see the sunrise in the east and the sunbeams rising up from behind the trees.

And its circuit to the other end;
And there is nothing hidden from its heat.

(And also from Psalm 19, my life verse:)

14. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

What a beautiful way to start the day. I'm sorry I didn't get it posted until tonight, but it's also a good way to end the day, right?  God's beauty is everywhere around us if we just take the time to look and appreciate all that He has given us to enjoy.

#3. Thankfulness:  Yesterday afternoon I had the joy and privilege of spending some time with a young lady that I am pleased to know.  You'll never guess what we were doing!  

It has something to do with these pine needles:

Actually we were gathering them up and putting them into bags. Why? Well, because this dear lady does something very special with them. And she prefers to remain anonymous, so I will honor her wishes.

The hurricane a couple of weeks ago knocked down a lot of big pine branches on the lot next door, and these pine needles were just laying there waiting to be picked up.

And here's why she wanted them:

This very talented lady makes these baskets out of pine straw, to give as gifts to people. This one was for a dear friend, and I would say she must be very dear to her, to work this hard to make such an amazing gift!  But not only that, this sweet young woman also puts together special baskets (not the pine baskets) to give to people who are fighting cancer and are going through chemo. She puts things in the baskets that they can use for their comfort, along with little cards of encouragement.  I can only imagine what such a gift would mean to someone who is suffering the ravages of cancer and treatment. I know it would be a wonderful blessing to receive.  This young lady has lost a dear loved one to cancer, so she has a special reason for wanting to do something for others who are going through this.  I know I was blessed just hearing about it.  

#4.  Thankful for some unexpected gifts from unexpected sources. God always has ways of blessing us when we least expect it.

#5.  I heard from my brother (from North Carolina) recently. Sadly, his wife's brother just passed away, and he lived not too far away from where we live.  They will be coming down next weekend for a kind of celebration of his life with my sister in law's family, and then they hope to come visit with us on Saturday morning before they head back home to N.C.   Although I am sorry that it is under such sad circumstances, I am glad that I will be able to see my brother and his wife. We haven't seen them since last fall.  Clifford is my next to the oldest brother, but our oldest brother passed away several years ago, so now Cliff is my oldest sibling. Our sister Doris is next in line after him. (and then me, the baby).  Anyway, this has also encouraged me to get busy on some projects that need to be done around this house before "company comes".  

#6.  Just thankful to God for our health and for the ways God provides for us on a daily basis.  Each day is a gift from God, and that we are well aware of.  

Romans 11:33-36  NKJV

33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! 
How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has become His counselor?”
35 “Or who has first given to Him
And it shall be repaid to him?”
36 For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things,
to whom be glory forever. Amen.

And with that I will close this post for tonight.  I pray that your day has been blessed as well. Perhaps you can share something you are thankful for today.

Good Night dear friends!  


  1. Always such beautiful photos of God's handiwork. Those baskets are so pretty and such a great idea.
    I am glad you will get to see your brother.

  2. Such beautiful photos you shared today! God gives us beauty in so many varieties and it just shows his majesty!
    I'm sorry about your loss but thankful you get to spend some time with your brother.

  3. Your beautiful photos always make me smile.

  4. Your sunrise photos are so beautiful, especially the ones with the sunbeams from behind the trees. There is always something to be thankful for isn't there? I've been so preoccupied lately with Mom and trying to spend lots of time with Piper before school began again. I'm so grateful for that. I know that she will most likely go through a phase where staying with Grandpa and Grandma isn't "cool" anymore, most teenage girls do, so I just want to soak her up before then. Also, the world and it's woes has burdened my spirit and I really have been spending a lot of time in prayer for those who don't know Him yet. I have a feeling there might not be a lot of time left to make a decision for those people so I pray a LOT. I know you do too my dear sister.
    I'm glad you'll get to see your brother and sister in law, even if it is a short visit. Any time is better than none, right?
    I hope your Friday is a wonderful one and I appreciate your sweet words to me today.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. Once again, these photos gladden my heart! #6 made me think of an angel flying with her face looking down. Your young friend's basket initiative is so dear; I love that thought.
    What a mixed blessing -- your SIL's loss prompting an in-person visit. Lifting my prayers for their travel mercies AND a sweet visit, too.

  6. I have never seen of heard of the baskets and what a great idea. the basket is beautiful and boy do we have a lot of pine needles. each time I rake them and pile them were they will cover dirt that used to be grass, i think of my cousin in Savannah who used to buy bales of pineneedles to put around her flower beds.
    we woke up to a cool 76 this morning because we had no sun at all yesterday and 4 inches of rain in one hour. the poor people here that flooded are now flooded again.

    we are fine. when i walked Beau this morning at sunrise, we were cool for the first time since April. I just love where you live.. when I was younger would want to live there.

    1. oops forgot to say so happy you can see your brother, and sad for their loss. I last saw my brother in person, as not facetime, in 2008. we are 10 hours apart and they don't travel and we can't either. I did facetime with him and his wife on his birthday

  7. Lovely photos and good thoughts to meditate on for today. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your brother. I have a friend who makes baskets, though not lately as her hands are failing a bit. Its nice to see what talents people have!

  8. Your young friend's basket is amazing, Pamela! I would have never thought pine straw could be woven in such a creative and appealing way. Of course, your photos and your scriptures filled me with joy as I read the post this morning. As others have stated, I'm glad you will be able to see your brother and his wife soon, but the loss of a loved one is so difficult. Prayers lifted for all of you, my friend.

  9. This is such a beautiful and encouraging post. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Your Moonrise is stunning, especially over Still Waters Pond.
    Wow on those baskets. So lovely and the hands that created it are so creative.
    Today our weather is taking a breather and not going above 75F. Makes me so happy. It will return to the 100's a few more times but for now I am planning on enjoying the cool to the fullest.

  10. Amazing column
    I firmly maintain that words are easy…actions are not. You seem to make both work. When a person professes to be a Christian and her words and actions are not a testimony to that, it is all for nothing. You are a great encourager to others. Keep it up. Prayers Brenda. You are indeed an amazing example.

    1. Thank you, Brenda. You are a blessing to me. I am happy to know that you apparently finally made it back home safely from your travels during Hurricane Debby. Hope all is well on the home front now. Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. As usual lately, I am late getting to read posts. I am sorry for your family's loss but happy for the reunion with your brother and sis-in-law. The rain this evening brought cooler temps and a nice breeze! I stood out on my stoop for a bit enjoying it! Your photos are always so beautiful, Pam. You capture God's beauty so well, in photos and in your chosen scriptures. Those pine needle baskets sell for over $100 at art shows I've seen them in. They are labor-intensive but are so beautiful. Happy weekend!!

    1. Thank you, Terri. I can well imagine the pine needle baskets being well worth over $100.00...they are definitely labor intensive! But this gal does them only for gifts. To me, that's true love!! Have a wonderful weekend!!


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