What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Wordless Wednesday~For Those Who Missed it Last Night:

 For those of you who missed it on my Facebook page, this was last night:

And after all that fiery beauty, it started to rain and I had to go back inside:

Jeremiah 32:17-18
17 "Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. 
There is nothing too hard for You. 
18 You show lovingkindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them—the Great, the Mighty God, whose name is the Lord of hosts."


  1. Beautiful photos, Pamela. Thanks for sharing

  2. Such a beautiful sky!

    "You show lovingkindness to thousands, and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them..."

    This verse raises questions for me. You show loving kindness. I like that! And repay the iniquity of the fathers...um. Ouch. What? Why are those two verses together and that sounds like sorrow with lovingkindness. I think I need to look it up and research, but you may understand what it means. Do you?

    1. Thank you, Sandi, for your thoughts and your question. I would not presume to fully understand the meaning of that section of Jeremiah 32:18, so I am going to copy this explanation here that I found in a Bible commentary online: Jeremiah 32:18
      "Thou showest lovingkindness unto thousands
      Not to thousands of persons only, but to a thousand generations, even such that love, fear, and serve him; see ( Exodus 20:6 ) ( Psalms 105:8 ) ; this is very properly added, for the further strengthening of faith; for though the omnipotence of God assures us that there is nothing but what he can do, yet it gives us no certain encouragement he will do this, or that, or the other, in a favourable and gracious manner; but this his loving kindness, experienced by a multitude of persons in all ages, gives reason to hope for: and recompensest the iniquities of the fathers into the bosom of their
      children after them;
      it is added in the decalogue, from whence these words are taken, "of them that hate me", ( Exodus 20:5 ) ; and here the Targum adds,

      ``when they go on to sin after them;''
      when they imitate their fathers in their wickedness, and commit the same sins they have done, and continue in them; wherefore, having tilled up the measure of their fathers' sins, they receive a just and full recompence of them into their bosom; which denotes both the certainty of it and the fulness of it: the prophet formed in his mind just notions and ideas of the divine Being, as being not only gracious and merciful, but holy, just, and righteous; and it may be he strikes at the Jews, who might complain of God, as they sometimes did, for being punished for their fathers' sins, as if they themselves were innocent and guiltless: the Great, the Mighty God, the Lord of hosts [is] his name:
      "great" in all the perfections of his nature, and greatly to be praised, loved, and feared; "mighty" to do whatsoever he pleases; and who, agreeably to his name, has all the hosts and armies of heaven and earth at his command; and what is it that he cannot do?"

      I hope this helps to explain it better for you, as I believe it does for me as well. Thank you for making me dig a little deeper! It's good for the heart and soul as well as the brain!

  3. Such awesome photos, Pamela! The fire of a sunset is unforgettable. Blessings always!

  4. Your photos are gorgeous! And Still Waters Pond looks so good with more water!

  5. So very beautiful! I really appreciate the verse you shared with the photos.

  6. Beautiful with the perfect scripture to go along.

  7. How beautifully you've captured the light. Thomas Kinkade would be envious!

  8. Gulp ... swallow. I think my comment just got eaten by the spam monster.

    1. I rescued it! Not sure why it didn't go right through. Thanks for letting me know.

  9. Absolutely beautiful, Pam!! What a great view you have!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. These are some of your most beautiful pictures ever, Pam!! I so enjoy the peaceful scenery and THOSE COLORS!!! That second one looks like golden sun kissing the tops of the trees. Debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous lol

    1. That is exactly what was happening in the 2nd picture, which was across the street from us. The sun was "kissing" the tops of the trees for certain!

  11. I've had you in my prayers. My family and friends all up and down the west coast are fine. My friend lives close to you in Citrus County. The photos are lovely, even with a storm coming. Your property and home is such a peaceful place!

  12. the pond is so beautiful full to the top and that view of the sun is amazing. hope you are drying out so they can finish the home, I am waiting with bated breath to see what it looks like when ready to sell

  13. We've had some spectacular sunsets this week! We had wind and rain but no damage, thankfully. Enjoy your day sweet lady!

  14. You captured God's beautiful artwork perfectly in your photos. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  15. Pam: I love the pictures. Are you and your family safe from the elements?

  16. Perfect choice of verses for these beautiful scenes.

  17. Such gorgeous photos to go along with the hymn. They just make the verses better.


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