What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Monday with Debby the Hurricane

 This may be a quick/short post. The internet is playing games with me, blinking in and out. So this may or may not get posted tonight.  I just wanted to touch base and let you know that we are fine after a day spent with Hurricane Debby.  Thankfully where we live we are more inland and did not get the full brunt of the storm that those on the coast have gotten.  So far we have not lost power, but after a long day of wind and rain, it keeps making little blips now and then, so we shall see if anything changes.   

I posted some videos on Facebook today of the storm on our Still Waters Pond.  I can't seem to transfer it here to this post as they exceed the limit.  So here's a couple of photos showing how much water there is in the pond after raining all night and day. I don't have a rain gauge, so I am not sure how much rain we got. Our phone weather app says we got about 3 inches here, but I think it's more than that.

Well, so much for that. The internet seems to be down again and I can't post any pictures. 

So I will just close this post and see if it will post. If it does, you will see it and know that we are doing fine.  If you don't see it you will always wonder what happened.  But hopefully I will be back when this internet is fixed and everything is back to normal...whatever that is! Right?  

This may be the first post you ever had from me without any pictures. LOL.

We are very thankful that God has been with us in this storm, and we praise Him for His love and mercy and grace.

Isaiah 25:1 says:  

"O LORD, You are my God; 

I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name;

 for You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness."  



Good night friends, and May God be with each and every one of you, no matter what storms may be in your path.


  1. I’m glad you checked in. Happy you weathered the hurricane well.

  2. 3 inches is a lot of water, and I am sure the pond likes it. Stay safe!

  3. Glad you are safe! Been praying for you and others in the path of the storm.

  4. Thank you so much for letting us know you're okay! This morning I asked my Bible study friends to hold my Florida sisters in their prayers.

  5. a very slow moving storm headed north slowly.. slowly. I hope things turn out for the good for you. prayers your way.

  6. I've been praying for you as Debbie traveled across Florida. I'm glad that nothing serious has happened where you are and that Stillwaters Pond is refreshed and full. I'm looking forward to seeing those pictures! Our church still had no electricity after the storm we had last week. Hurricane force winds did a LOT of damage as you well know.
    Take care and I'm glad you're all safe and sound. Praise the Lord!
    Blessings and love,

  7. So glad to see an update from you! Thankful y’all are alright and hope the worst is behind you!

  8. I saw the videos on FB so I do have pictures. we were without power for 90 minutes yesterday, until 3 pm. hope yours is on and you can read our comments. so glad you are safe and sound, as are we.. we got a 6 minute squall rain thrown sideways at 6 am today, but sun is out now. they said there will be off and on all day. I pray now they are wrong.we have no damage but the Easter part of our county about 10 miles from me, is under water and horses are trapped by flooding. if it keeps raining they will drown. they tried to get them out, but could not. the manatee dam flooded yesterday afternoon and put a lot of people under water, we got the IMMINENT flood on our phone, but they could not get out...we have much damage in Tampa Bay area, all cities have flooded homes and streets. but also have places that are good.

  9. I've been praying for all of you, Pamela. Looking forward to seeing those photos of Still Waters Pond in your next post.

  10. Bet y'all are glad that storm has moved on. It's over us again today. We're over 6 inches here at Red Bird Acres. Pierce (our county) is so swamped that roads are disappearing, even the paved ones. One collapsed completely. We had to cancel all our appointments this week. So have many others. It's a mess! I sure hope the rain stops soon or I'm gonna build an Ark. *lol* Guess I outta post something at the blog. Can't seem to get motivated lately. Summer does that to me. It'll pass. 💙

  11. I wondered if it was affecting you and your family. Most of what I read called it a tropical storm. You were blessed.


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