What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wordless Wednesday (Almost)

Happy Wednesday.  If you are a Facebook Friend, you may have already seen this today, but I wanted to share it with the rest of you who aren't out there in Facebook land.

"When the storms of life are raging,
stand by me; (stand by me)
when the storms of life are raging,
stand by me. (stand by me)
When the world is tossing me
like a ship upon the sea,
thou who rulest wind and water,
stand by me. (stand by me)"

(When the storms of life are raging, Stand by me)
Author: Charles Albert Tindley (1905)

This little tree frog traveled with us to the car wash yesterday. He held on throughout the "storms of life" raging all around him. Even when the waters pelted him and the wind assaulted him, he held on. There's something to be said about the tenacity of this little frog. He didn't give up, he didn't let go. He just stayed there until the storm was over, and then we rescued him and let him go to safer ground. Jesus is with us in the midst of our storms of life. We just need to hold on tight to His hand, and He will carry us through to safer ground. Don't let go of the Master's Hand! He will deliver you on the other side!!

I know this wasn't "wordless" at all, but thought an explanation was in order.  Have a blessed day my friends, no matter what this old world throws at you!!


  1. So true. Jesus is with us through the storms. Amen. 💙

  2. What a powerful testimony that wee fellow's exhibited! I'm in awe.

  3. Interesting that the frog 🐸 stayed on your side mirror on your car while through the car wash. I'm glad he survived and you found him a good place to be at safely.

  4. I love the pictures and the lesson from them!

  5. Such a tenacious little fellow, Pamela, and what a great lesson for us all: Cling to God and no storm can wreak its havoc on our lives. Blessings always!

  6. That would have been hard to watch. Poor little guy.

  7. At first I didn't know what I was looking at, but then when I saw it's little 'toes' I realized what it was. I'm hearing so many people talk about the storms they're going through. (Chuck and I are going through a few ourselves.) Hanging on to the Master's hand is the only way to make it through!

  8. I honestly don't know how people survive without God. I'm holding on to Him very tightly in these uncertain days that the entire world is living in. (At least the little guy got a nice bath!) Ha!

  9. I did see this on FB and it reminded me of the lizard that hung onto my car's right rearview mirror all the way to work (12 miles)!! I took him off and told him to enjoy his new home!! LOL There has been a frog on the outside of my front door window the last two mornings and it drives Casper to distraction. Blessings and hugs!!

  10. There’s a lot to be said about hanging on like that tree frog. Thanks for the anniversary well wishes, Pam, and belated Happy Anniversary wishes to you and John on your recent #55, quite an achievement.

  11. I did see it on FB, but it's worth seeing again. Great post.

  12. I am giggling and thinking that you and I should challenge each other to have a true wordless photo story. I for one have never been able to do that. I thought the frog was in a rain storm, it is even funnier knowing it was a car wash. glad you rescued the little loud mouth.. we have them and they sit on the edge of the pool or rain barrel and boy are they loud

  13. I too saw this on FB but am glad to read it again. What a powerful analogy and testimony. Definitely "Clinging" these days.
    Love your posts.


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