What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tuesday 4 ~ Teenage Years

 Teenage Years...

Hey Kids! It's time once again for Tuesday 4 brought to you each week in memory of Toni Taddeo! So, settle down with a cuppa and a pink cupcake (they fix everything) put on your thinking caps...You've got homework to do!

1. Did you have a teen heart throb? Wanna tell who it was and maybe why? Maybe there was a teen actress you looked up to?
I'm scratching my head and trying to remember back that far.  I really don't remember any particular "heart throb". I thought Ricky Nelson was really cute, (Ozzie and Harriet), I loved the Beatles, and George Harrison was my favorite. Not the cutest, but I liked him the best. I like Annette Funicello on the Mickey Mouse club and in her movies, but again, I can't really say that I was "over the moon" on any of them.

2. When you were a teen, what song made you happy when you heard it playing? Did you and a boyfriend/friend have 'Your" song?
I love the song "Surfer Girl" by the Beach Boys. I always wanted to be a "surfer girl", and I actually tried to surf a couple of times, but quickly learned I didn't have what it took to become a "Surfer Girl". I was more like a drowned rat in the ocean kind of girl. LOL.  I don't remember any particular "song" that I liked with a particular boyfriend.   I do remember dancing with a special boy to this song, (see below, "If I Fell", by the Beatles) but he lived too far away to ever become a real boyfriend. He was visiting his cousin who was one of my best friends, and whenever he'd come to visit we'd see each other, but distance and being too young made it too difficult to last. Funny story about him....many many years later, maybe 40 years...we ran into each other unexpectedly at a place where he was working. I recognized him before he recognized me, (because he was introducing himself to another customer and said his name out loud), and was shocked to see he was much shorter than I remembered him, and he had white hair (with a bald spot) and a bit of a pot belly. He was still "charming" in his smile and personality the way I remembered him, but definitely not in looks.  I had to make him "guess" who I was as he was not recognizing me at all. When he finally did, he said, "Oh, I would never have recognized you!"  And I was laughing and wanted to say, "Well, you should definitely look in the mirror, because you sure don't look like the cute boy I remember either!" But I didn't...I just laughed and thought to myself how happy I was that God had a better plan for my life with my tall  handsome husband. Oh, btw, they are both named "John", and both have green eyes, but that's as far as the comparison goes.  LOL. 

3. Were sleep overs a thing in your area? How about sweet 16 parties? Were they the thing to do or not?
Yes, we used to have sleep overs and campouts with our friends.  I really don't remember any "Sweet 16 Parties", however. It seems like by the time we were 16 we had all finished having birthday parties when we were just kids.

I am not in this picture, but this was at a Slumber Party at my girlfriend Rhonda's house back in 1963.  Notice the curlers in their hair...LOL.
Some friends doing the "Limbo" at the slumber party. It was a lot of fun. My friend Rhonda is doing the Limbo.  She had a big house with a huge screened in back porch,  and I think there had to be over 20 of us girls spending the night! I don't remember doing much sleeping, however. We were only 13!

This was a campout in my back yard...my two friends Sue, Carol, and ME! All slept in that little pup tent! We probably didn't do much sleeping either. We were probably 13 years old.

Fun memories...

4, You are suddenly transported back in time and you are 16 years old. You've got school tomorrow.. lay out your outfit for tomorrow and tell us what it consists of:

I have no clue.  We wore dresses to school back then of course.  When I was 16 the skirts were starting to get shorter, but never extremely so. We weren't allowed to wear mini skirts to school. 
That's me on the right. Actually I was only 13 or 14 in this picture, and it must have been spring time since we are wearing short sleeves. This was taken at school.  

When I was 16 I was sewing most of my own dresses, and they were more of an A-Line shift style, if I remember correctly, because that was easy! LOL.

This was a fun walk down memory lane.  So thankful to be fully grown now, but I sure could use some of that strength and vitality and youthful resilience today.  

I am very thankful for this truth from God's Word today:

Isaiah 46:4 NKJV

4 Even to your old age, I am He,
And even to gray hairs I will carry you!
I have made, and I will bear;
Even I will carry, and will deliver you.

Now let's go see what everyone else can remember!!  Thank you, Annie, for a fun Tuesday 4 today!


  1. Fun memories today. I love all your photos! I'm impressed that you were sewing your own dresses at 16.

  2. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your answers and seeing your old photos. You have so many old photos and they all show you have a great old time as you were growing up. Precious memories. I laughed out loud at you running into your old ex and thanking God that he had a better plan for your life. God is good. ;-)

  3. Oh my goodness...I so enjoyed your photos...takes me back to some wonderful memories of way back then times. I am still laughing at your story of the nice looking guy who just might need to look in the mirror. We all change don't we? This was a fun post... Hope your day is totally amazing...

  4. I love seeing you at your young age, and and you look as happy in that tent as you are now on your pond... I tried to make a sheath dress with a zipper in he side in home ec and got an F because on the 3rd time I had to rip out the zipper I tore the dress in half and tossed it.

  5. What a beautiful growing up memories! I had one sleepover when I turned 12-it was great! I participated in a sit-in when in 6th grade to allow us to wear slacks! So long ago....

  6. Yours is such a fun post, Pam. You knew, didn't you, how many I could identify with. What was it about George Harrison I wonder, that so many of us were drawn to him.
    Chuckling about you running into your former beau and what he said/what you thought but were too polite to say. God's always has a better idea!

  7. I just love all of these teen photos. They bring back so many memories. I think I will have to dig out some of my old photos too and do this prompt. Fun stuff.
    Slumber parties were all the rage for us too. Not much slumber for sure.
    Seeing someone from high school days now that I am in my 80's is always a shock. Some people never seem to change and others can't be recognized ..haha.. Of course I never changed NOT..haha..

  8. Such wonderful memories of Back Then. That's wonderful that there are photos to refocus the memory. I was a huge fan of The Monkees, especially their lead singer Davey Jones. I was SO crushed when he married. LOL
    Blessings. 🍀

  9. Wow. Your memories brought back memories for me, too. Those were the days!

  10. This was a very fun Tuesday 4!! Great pictures of you and your friends!! You have so many photos from those years. My family wasn't into photos, I guess. I have some, but not as many as I would like to have, documenting so many fun times. xo

  11. I enjoyed all your pictures. Especially the one of you and your friends in the tent with your train cases. I have a few of those. I bring then out when my Bible journaling group does "camp" during June and July. I am doing a Lent study now.

  12. Love these memories, and the photos!

  13. I was going to do join in but decided I didn’t want to go down that memory as it might seem as if I was glorifying all the sin and rebellion. The teen years were not good for my parents. For about 2 years I was out of control. I turned 13 going on 16 in 1967. I look back now and can see the hand of God protecting me.

    Enjoyed your good memories! I often wonder how I would have been had I not been influenced and lived by San Francisco’s Haight Ashbury.

  14. I like looking back and remembering the good times! Thanks for sharing your memories. and for joining in! No, mine was not a uniform.. just an ensemble I put together for the blog based on some clothing I had at the time. We also had the denim wrap around skirts that were popular then and of course shirt waist dresses were very big!

  15. I loved this post and the fun Pictures and the memories. I remember black velvet chokers, Puka shell necklaces when David Cassidy started wearing them, bell bottoms, maxi dresses, granny boots, love beads, record albums, white go-go boots, Twister, mini skirts and culottes, Seventeen magazines, Hawaii Five-O, Room 222, skating rink every Friday and Saturday , Homecoming and Prom, corsages, the inventions of pantyhose and lipgloss, American Bandstand!! Debbi at debbisfrontporch. HUGS!!!


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