The Windy Month
Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try to have fun answering questions about various subjects.
March, they say, comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. It is called the windy month like Chicago is called the windy city!
1. Has March come in like a lion or a lamb in your neck of the woods?
I would say it has been mostly a lion, at least these past few days, with a LOT of wind and a stormy weekend. It was warm in the high 80's yesterday, and today it was in the 60's, but the wind made it feel much colder.
2. There have been some awful storms of late.. have you suffered through them or have you ever suffered through a very bad storm in your life? (if so we wish you well)
Speaking of physical weather type storms, again, we are thankful that the predicted tornadoes for yesterday did not materialize here in our neck of the woods, but it was definitely a stormy afternoon. Regarding other kinds of storms in life, yes, I've had them...haven't we all? I believe everyone goes through different kinds of storms in life...and we really can't compare them with each other because whatever it is/was, it was a hard time to go through for each one of us. But I am SO thankful that I know the Lord and that He has always been there for me in every kind of storm...oftentimes He has had to carry me when I just couldn't keep going on my own, but the beautiful thing is He did not ever let me go.
3. Spring begins March 20th and ends with summer on June 20th this year. Any plans for Spring in general? How about the spring holidays?
No special plans that I am aware of at this time. It would be nice to take a little spring trip to the mountains or the beach, but I doubt we will do either one. We just don't do much traveling anymore unless our kids go with us and do the bulk of the driving. Easter is always a very special time for us, but we don't travel. We usually spend Easter with our family here at home and have dinner after church. Our church choir usually presents an Easter Cantata, and this year will be no exception. We are already working on it and it is always a blessing for those who participate in the singing as well as for those who come to witness it.
4. What are your favorite springtime flowers? Trees or shrubs?
How about a song with a springtime theme to it that you enjoy?
Right now we are enjoying the azaleas blooming everywhere we look. And yesterday at church I noticed for the first time a beautiful wisteria vine blooming over the fence in our parking lot. I had to go take some pictures as they were so gorgeous:
The reason I'd never noticed them before was because this fence is behind where the old log cabin building stood on our church property for 100 years,
before a tree fell on it during a hurricane a few years ago and we ended up tearing it down. If these flowers bloomed last year, I just must not have been looking at the right time!
A link to another post about the log building.)
This little
spiderwort flower was blooming everywhere too:
I have been very happy that the Hibiscus plant we planted recently is blooming very nicely:
Of course, I love many spring flowers, but a lot of my favorites don't grow here in Florida, like daffodils, lilacs, peonies, tulips. Some areas do have lovely dogwood trees that bloom in spring and many other beautiful flowers.
A song with a springtime theme? Hmmm, I'm drawing a blank. I may have to come back to this later. While I'm thinking about it, I am writing this on Monday evening, which is St. Patrick's Day! I didn't do a St. Patrick's Day post today, but couldn't let the day pass without sharing these cute pictures:
Lily Grace was all ready today for St. Patrick's Day, and she had some special friends to play with as well:
Her cute little Fairy Friend was also wearing the green:
These sweet little Madame Alexander dolls, Miss Irish on the left, and Miss Scotland on the right, are ready for an Irish Tea Party:
But the most exciting thing for Lily Grace today was that she finally got to meet Blackie and Sunshine up close and personal:
Blackie was giving Lily Grace the sniff test to make sure she was safe, and not going to bark at him like those puppies did yesterday! LOL. Aww, I think he's giving her a sweet kitty kiss:
Then Sunshine also had to check her out and make sure she was safe:
I think they both gave her their kiss of approval!
And I think Lily Grace gave her seal of approval too! So now they are all friends! Hooray!
Oh, and true to my word, I went around and checked on the Sand Hil Crane couple today to see if there was any "news", but so far it appears that Mama Crane is still sitting on the nest:
And Daddy Crane is still keeping a close watch nearby for intruders:
So for now, no new babies for St. Patrick's Day!
Okay, to close this post, I just thought of a "Song" for Spring, but it isn't exactly a song set to music (that I know of), but it is known as the "Song of Songs" or "Song of Solomon" ,
Song of Solomon 2:11-13 NKJV
"11 For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
12 The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.
13 The fig tree puts forth her green figs,
And the vines with the tender grapes
Give a good smell.
Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away!"
Oh, Pam, those photos of the kitties "checking out" Lily Grace are so sweet! It does seem that they want to be reassured that she isn't a threat as the grand pups were earlier. Favorite flowers in the spring for me have always been daffodils. How ironic that they began to wither on the very day that the family went back to their home in NC. We still have some jonquils blooming, so I will certainly enjoy those while I can. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
ReplyDeleteI've always liked those beautiful verse from Song of Solomon!
ReplyDeleteI love Wisteria. It doesn't grow in our area though!
It's been so windy here too, guess that means March goes out like a lamb, right?
The pics of the kitties and Lily Grace are so cute!
Wisteria here will bloom sometime in May or June. It's everywhere in the woods and I have scads of it in my backyard. Looks like the kitties have adopted you and now little Lily Grace! And the voice of the turtle dove is heard in the land.. I am hearing it here now and thousands of peepers.. which can drive you nuts when you live around the water. They are only thumbnail sized but their voices are LOUD! Thanks for joining in.
ReplyDeleteA lovely uplifting post. Lily Grace looks very cute in her Irish garb, did she do a jig? Did you do a jig? Blackie and Sunshine seem to have adopted you now, regardless of the telling off they had from the pups yesterday. And thwarted once more by Mr and Mrs Crane :) One day soon they'll all come visiting, maybe.
ReplyDeleteLove this springtime post and also yesterday's!-- happy birthday to Scott and looks like yall had a great time! The lasagna looks delicious, I can almost smell it! We surely did have some big storms yesterday morning before church-- big thunder and some wind. Today was cool and 🌞 sunny. Love Lily Grace's pretty dress and those little SHOES are so cute. Yes, I love the wisteria too, Mr. Front Porch won't plant it here as it's very invasive but it sure is pretty. No azaleas here yet-- I remember some years they are in full bloom by valentines day but not this year. Your hibiscus is doing great! Yes i love lilacs too but they don't grow here, think it's too hot. Hugs!!
ReplyDeleteThat's me above, debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous! Ha ha ha 😆 🤣 😂
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have seen Wisteria. Our climate tends to be dry and we get a short spring and then lots of heat. My roses and plumeria do well. I like your Madame Alexander dolls. I am excited to see your baby cranes! Our Bible journaling group added wedding pictures in their Bibles last June to go with Song of Solomon. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteThe wisteria is so pretty and your Easter service preparations sound like fun. I understand what you mean about travelling less these days. I too am travelling a lot less. I just find one needs energy and I simply don't have enough to do everything I would like to do though I'm hoping once I'm done with certain things, I will still be able to take a trip now and then.God only knows. xx
ReplyDeletei can't pick a favorite today, all the photos are my favorite. Lily Grace of course has her own category with the cats.. all of the dolls are so cut wearing the GREEN.. the wisteria takes me back in time to my aunts place in Savannah, it was everywhere there. Just like the pink house on my blog took you back to your grandmothers pink House. I do love the painting. to me its special and all those things that belonged to her flipped me down throught a time machine to my childhood. maybe that is why I love these old frame homes...
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty cheerful post!
ReplyDeleteHow fun to have that doll collection. My daughters have saved their American girl dolls and all the accessories (they live in my basement because they both claim there's no room in their apartments for their dolls hahah sigh).
GREAT scripture to use in place of a song I forgot to answer part 2 of #2. But yes,...totally agree with your thoughts. I'm going through my own storm right now...could never get through the day without the strength and peace of my Redeemer.