What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tuesday 4~ Gone With The Wind

 Gone with the Wind

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday4
I came across this Photoshop that I did a few years ago in which I replaced Vivian Leigh's head with my daughters head. She is a huge Gone With the Wind fan.
It was an epic novel and a big silver screem hit .

1. Have you read the book or seen the movie Gone with the Wind and what did you think of it?
Oh, yes, I've seen the movie several times.  And even though I do have a very ancient and worn copy of the book (that I picked up at a school library discard book sale for 30 cents about 40 years ago), I don't believe I've ever actually sat down and read the whole book in its entirety.
I think you can see why it was in the "discard" pile. LOL.  The copyright page says the book was copyrighted in 1936, but this particular edition was the seventy-first printing in 1961!

Although I don't have a doll that is considered to be "Scarlett O'Hara", these dolls that I call "The Martin Sisters" (after my husband's mother Vivian and her three sisters Daisy, Nellie, and Dorothy), could be reminiscent of Scarlett and her friends...  Vivian is the one in green, and although she is blonde, it's interesting that it just hit me that my mother in law's name was Vivian, and the actress Vivian Leigh played the part of Scarlett! So there you go!

2; Which character was your favorite? If you didn't read it or see it. who is your favorite fictional character from a book or movie and why?
Well, certainly the most memorable character was Scarlett, but Prissy, the house servant (Butterfly McQueen) had one of the best lines that I remember in the movie: 
  • "Prissy: Lawzy, we got to have a doctor. I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies."

That's just how I felt when I was told that our cat, "Blackie Sue" may be expecting kittens! LOL.

And of course, Rhett Butler (Clark Gable), telling Scarlett, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn", has to be THE most remembered line of the whole movie. LOL

3. Are you a fan of big epic films like Dr. Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, etc." If not what kind of films do you enjoy the most?
I do love those old epic films. The ones I remember most are the Charlton Heston movies, "The Ten Commandments"and "Ben Hur",  and also The Sound of Music with Julie Andrews.  Those were movies that were classic films, the like of which I don't think we'll ever see again, and it's too bad! 

4. The Ante Bellum era is indeed gone with the wind. Is there an era in history that you are interested in or that you have a good deal of knowledge about? Perhaps there is an era you would like to learn more about?

I wouldn't say I have a great deal of knowledge about any particular era in history. I'm intrigued by the 19th century, but know that I couldn't live like they did without some modern conveniences, unless I was wealthy enough to have some servants. LOL.  But I loved the look of that era, the clothes, the horse and buggy, the homes, the elegance and peacefulness of the day. (Prior to and after the Civil War)  But that era is also "Gone With the Wind", and will never come back. We've gotten too modern, too much in a hurry to get places and do things...we don't know how to slow down and just enjoy the ride anymore.
This would be more the way I'd love to be...
(from the June 2025 John Sloane Country Seasons Calendar)

Psalm 121 NKJV

1 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
2 My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.

3 He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
8 The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

Good place to stop and say that I hope you all have a lovely day!  Thank you, Annie, for coming up with these questions each week! Now let's go see what others are writing about, shall we?  Bye for now!


  1. I loved both the book and the movie, Pamela. There are so many memorable characters in the story, and I like that you focused on Prissy. She was iconic, for sure. Have a blessed day, my friend!

    1. I now need to sit down and read the book! I can't believe I never did. It's just so LONG! I hope you have a wonderful day too my friend.

  2. Love that Psalm! one of my absolute faves being the mountain lover hiker I am!! :)

    I loved Prissy too but my fave is Mammy and Melanie.

    The book was WAY better than the movie.

    How could I forget The Ten Commandments!!! I did mention Ben Hur and the Sound of Music though :) We own all of them.

    Enjoyed your answers...my oldest would love those dolls and would love to dress like the woman in your pic!!

    1. Oh, how old is your daughter? Does she have a doll collection? She sounds like my kind of girl! Oh, I loved Mammy too and Melanie. I need to read the book now I guess. I hope my old copy will hold together long enough for me to read it! LOL.

  3. I've never seen the movie, but I did read the book. I love your old book!
    The weather service in our area sent out a meme yesterday because it's been so windy here. It had a Gone with the Wind background but it said "Done with the Wind"!

    1. LOL! I love that, "Done with the Wind!" I do understand that...we had a really windy week last week too.

  4. People who have never read the book miss so much!! Scarlett was married three times and had more children than the one, Bonnie, with Rhett in the movie. I can't imagine how long the movie would be if it included the other marriages, children, and so many other characters from the book (like Scarlett's sisters) who have much bigger roles. This is a fun Tuesday 4!!

    1. Wow, now I have to read the book!! Thank you for inspiring me to do so!

  5. Sometimes you just have to get ready for the cotillon and then go outside and sit in the shrubbery.


    "Psalm 121"


  6. I really need to find my old copy of GWTW! Definitely, Ben Hur and Sound of Music. 100% agree, the likes of Classics aren't apt to come our way again. Remember the goosebumps we'd get when the theater curtains would begin to part and the symphonic music filled the air?
    I so love your interpretation of #4!

  7. I did love the movie and the book of GWTW and probably because it was set in the Civil War and we could see the contrast of the before and after life of the wealthy southern plantation owners.

  8. I love your dolls, and I think your Vivian makes a great Scarlett, blond hair and all. I read that Psalm 121 was one of Billy Graham's favorites and I love it too. Maybe that's Scarlett in the calendar picture :) ♥

  9. I watched Gone With The Wind back in either junior high or high school on our family's black and white television. I found it to be "just okay," which was my answer to my best friend. I had a copy of the book, but never read it. I like John Wayne movies as much as my hubby does. My dad gave my hubby ALL his collected John Wayne movies that were ever made, which included the originals from the 1930s. Thus, I like westerns (Gunsmoke, Rawhide, The Rifleman, Bonanza, etc.) and I have the complete set of Little House on the Prairie shows and the Civil War documentaries thanks to my daughter-in-law. I would have liked to live in the late 19th century. Just put me on the prairie!

  10. I too love your dolls and their personalities. Growing up I was such a doll girl. Had a ton of them, all named and played with constantly. I kept some of them to give to hopefully granddaughters to come...My 2 grands were never into dolls and only played on occasion with Polly Pockets..I really was sad. But each generation has their own tastes and hobbies.
    I am embarrassed to say that I don't thin I ever watched the movie all the way through and I used to be a avid reader but don't think I read GWTW either. Guess I lived under a rock. I did love the classic movies like Ben Hur, Sound of Music, and I loved the adventure stories, westerns and of course Laura Ingels Anne ( with an E) of Green Gables..
    Loved the times of long dresses and all that went into that but I will take modern conveniences over the "outhouse", chamber pot, and everything by oil lamp and candle light. I am happy to be sitting here typing on my laptop, chatting with friends from all over the world. Great questions today and I think I veered off the subject a bit but that's the way my brain is wired this morning. Now its back out to pull more weeds before the temps get into the high 80'sF this morning. Got to get more done before we have rain on Thursday?

    1. Oh, at least you had some granddaughters! I have ONE grandson, who is now 25, and no sight of any great-grands anytime soon. My dolls will probably all go to strangers someday, but I enjoy them in the meantime. Yes, I love Laura Ingles and definitely Anne of Green Gables...I've mentioned many times that I was named after her...my middle name is Anne with an e, and I was born a redhead, so my mother wanted me to have that name as she loved those stories so much! And yes, I could not live without indoor plumbing for certain. I could probably manage without electricity, but not the indoor plumbing. When I was born we lived on a farm in PA, and we had an outhouse, and I have some stories to tell about that, but thankfully we left there for a more modern life in Florida when I was just turning 6, so I was spared all the indignities that would have afforded for me as a teenager, etc. LOL.

  11. On the subject of movies, yes, I’ve seen Gone With the Wind a number of times and although I had the book, I never got around to reading it. Tom, however, who was a voracious reader, did read the entire thing.

    I share your taste in movies with Charleton Heston. The Ten Commandments is a definite favorite of mine, as well as Ben Hur. Years ago Tom and I had lunch at the inn built and maintained by the Von Trapp family in Stowe, Vermont. (https://www.bookonline.com/hotel/trapp-family-lodge?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABov2Pa7AcCmaSX_eNhdOPmPgqvL1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqIm_BhDnARIsAKBYcmu9AVeDVGUAUdUaOKXNRY8UOGbwJebciTL6Kk6XGege6sHpezGWBPIaAsBOEALw_wcB)

    I’m definitely NOT a fan of Dr. Zhivago and I don’t like the theme song. It angers me that the doctor’s infidelity was made so romantic.

    As for an era in history that interests me, Bible times, of course, and also (like you) the Ante Bellum era. Years ago PBS did a series about a family in the UK that for some time actually lived like the 1800s. It was very interesting. What caught my attention the most was how the mother and teen daughter struggled to deal with their hair without the modern conveniences of curling iron, blow dryer, and wonderful shampoos and conditioners. For them, that was a real problem. (I tried to look that up but found there have been a lot of similar projects by different people.)

    1. Yes, I know it would be difficult to live like they did back in the 1800's. I know I would miss indoor plumbing for sure most of all. I could probably live without electricity, but indoor plumbing is a must! LOL.

  12. Yes ive read GWTW and watched the movie a few times. My favorite movies are from the " Golden Age of Hollywood " , my favorites being the 1930s and 1940s. You know I'm a big Judy Garland fan and I also loved the 🧜‍♀️ Million Dollar Mermaid--- Esther Williams . I love the old singing/dancing musicals with Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers, Eleanor Powell, Ann Miller, Mickey Rooney , Van Johnson, Vera-Ellen and Gene Kelly etc. And so many of the books I enjoy are set in the 1940s and the War Era. Being the huge history buff I am I guess I would be most knowledgeable about Antebellum, Civil War, and Reconstruction Era in Charleston. When living there we were literally walking in history every time we walked the street. If you dig back in my blog you'll find LOTS of Charleston history and the families who lived there and out on the big plantations. I like to read boring history books! 😆 🤣 LOVE seeing your pretty dolls! Loved yesterday's post so much---- the fluffy adorable babies are here!!! They are so precious and I love the names you chose!! 😊 you got alot of good pictures of them. And they GROW SO FAST!! Hope yall are having a great day-- it's hot and sunny here and we hung up the hummingbird feeders, hoping they arrive soon! Debbi at debbisfrontporch. Hugs!

    1. Yes, I know you love the old Antebellum era...you would have fit right in with it, I am certain! Sometimes I think some of us were born too late, but God's timing is always perfect. Oh, it is hot and sunny here today too, and our hummingbirds came back a week or so ago! I haven't been able to capture a picture yet...been too busy watching the Cranes and the Cats. LOL.

  13. One of my favorite book! Yes, lost of famous lines. I hope to read the book one more time. I have my mom's copy and I need to see who in the family would want it. I like you doll collection!

  14. I enjoyed your answers Pamela and seeing your old copy of GWTW. I did like the lady Hattie McDaniel's in the movie too and who could ever forget Rhett Butler's famous line.

  15. I Love Ben Hur and the Ten Commandments (oldies but goodies) one of my all time favorites is It's a Wonderful Life. This is GINA

  16. Loved Gone with the wind, I saw it when I was a teenager. I'd gone to the movies with a new boyfriend and cried all the way through it, he didn't know what to think :)
    I'm a fan of musicals and when I was younger cowboy movies. Now we don't go so much, it's hard to know what to go to.

  17. I saw the movie at the theater sometimes in my teen years, can't remember when, I was so aggravated with Scarlett by the end of the movie, I never even attempted to read the book. I did try a few months ago to watch it to see if I would dislike it now, but could not get past the first half our. I have always loved westerns, all westerns and anything with action in it, my aunt, mothers sister, had a huge collection of everything Gone with the wind, a whole room full of it.. she owned the movie and watched it over and over.


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