What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sunday Evening


Genesis 2:2-3
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Just a quick check in on Sunday evening...It's been a lovely, peaceful day, although a bit wet! When we came out of church it was pouring down rain in buckets, and we did NOT have our umbrellas with us because it was perfectly clear when we got there this morning at 8:00 to prepare for our Sunday School Class...Yes! After "springing ahead" last night that 8:00 a.m. was really our normal 7:00 a.m., and I told my hubby that I doubted very many would show up for Sunday School this morning. We were very pleasantly surprised that actually we had a larger than normal class this morning! "Oh ye of little faith!" I said to myself!  I was totally surprised to see so many come...and on time even!  Some of those same folks had a difficult time being on time at the normal hour before daylight savings time! LOL. I think everyone was determined to not let the time change keep them from coming, and so they were on time and ready to study God's Word! That was a very pleasant way to start the day.

I just went back and read all of your wonderful comments from my yesterday's post about my neighbor's situation. Thank you all so much for your thoughtful words and also for remembering her in your prayers. I've been in frequent communication with her daughter as she has been staying here at her mother's home while she gets things settled and organized there and also making preparation for her mother to go to a rehab facility most likely this week when she is discharged from the hospital.  She mostly has been in a lot pain from some apparent small fractures in her back from her fall. It sounds to me like she must have osteoporosis as her bones were very fragile and broke without any sign of bruising from the impact. So they have been keeping her comfortable with pain medication and running tests, etc. Yes, it is hard to "get old" and especially if you live alone.  I chuckled the other evening while I was sitting with her awaiting her daughter's arrival, and she said to me, "Don't get old!".  I chuckled because I told her that was exactly what my daddy used to say to me, "Oh, Pammy, don't get old!".  And I would reply to him, "Well Daddy, what is my alternative?", and he would think for a minute and then kind of smile and say, "Oh, I see what you mean..." and we'd both laugh together. Sweet little memories.  But this experience sure makes one think about the consequences of getting older and living alone without any family close by.  That's why we've told our kids that if they move, we will move too, because I don't ever want to be in that position of not having family nearby when we get old and feeble. Even if they have to put us in a nursing home, it would be nice to have them near.  

So, anyway, I'm rambling on here. Thank you for hanging in there if you are still following along.  Speaking of following along, I spoke with the daughter about making the transfer of the care of the kitties this weekend if at all possible.  I had to wait until both kitties showed up at the same time to eat. Sometimes one will show up and the other doesn't appear until later after I've gone, but I still have left food there for both, and apparently they have made sure that each other gets something to eat. They seem to be good buddies.  

Anyway, I decided to try and get them to follow me home this evening.  In order to do that we have to cross the street, which can be tricky when you are trying to get two cats to follow.  I wish my hubby had taken pictures of me trying to get both of those cats to follow me across the street.  Blackie had no problem, but Sunshine was reluctant to follow and kept turning back, especially if he /she? (I still don't know for sure which he/she is!) heard a car in the distance. Plus he/she tends to have a weak hindleg/foot and limps sometimes. I had their food in a plastic container and kept shaking it so they'd hear it and then I'd open it and let them smell it, and they would follow a little further.  Finally Blackie came with me all the way home and Sunshine was still afraid to cross the street. But after a minute or two here he came running around the shed and up the steps to join us.  We gave them a little extra treat with their supper for being such good kitties.

Here they are, gobbling up their food on our back porch tonight:

And then after supper they both found comfortable places and enjoyed relaxing and watching the birds...which may be a problem, but one thing at a time...

Blackie loves to watch the birds and is already quite familiar with our back porch

Sunshine loves to relax in the grass down along the shore of the pond...and watch the birds...
He looks quite comfortable there...

These were the last pictures I got before darkness fell...
Sunshine decided to move up to the porch.  I expect now that it is dark they are probably going to be out making their nightly rounds in the neighborhood.  
We'll see how it goes in the morning...if they realize they need to be here for breakfast, or will I have to go round them up again from the neighbor's house? We shall see.

Some of you asked how Benton did at the Farmer's Market on Saturday...well, he actually did quite well and sold quite a few items and will be busy again this week making more for another Farmer's Garden Market next weekend.  These garden/flower pots, etc. seem to be something people are looking for right now! Hope that lasts for a while!

How about we close this post with some thoughts from God's Word for the day:

Galatians 6:7-10
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 
8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. 
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Our choir sang this song today,  but here is the Gaither Vocal Band singing, "Singing with the Saints".  They kind of sing it a lot clearer so you can hear all the words.  It was a fun song to sing, so this is a good way to end this post....(and we didn't quite sound like them at all...LOL)


Heaven's getting ready for an end to it all celebration
To begin eternity with a righteous congregation
This world's comin' to an end and it won't be long
The party's gonna start and go on and on and on

I'll be singin' with the saints at the morning light
Ringin' in the day, 'cause there is no night
Sayin' goodbye to the heartache, trouble, and pain
I'll be sittin' at the throne with an angel band
Shoutin' hallelujah to The Great I Am
If you think it's a dream, well, it ain't
I'll be singin' with the saints

The tambourine's ringin' and David starts to feel the rhythm
Paul and Silas are hummin' a tune they wrote in prison
When Gabriel hears the music, and he picks up his horn
It's just another glory, Hallelujah morn

I'll be singin' with the saints at the morning light
Ringin' in the day, 'cause there is no night
Sayin' goodbye to the heartache, trouble, and pain
I'll be sittin' at the throne with an angel band
Shoutin' hallelujah to The Great I Am
If you think it's a dream, well, it ain't
I'll be singin' with the saints
I'll be singin' with the saints at the morning light
Ringin' in the day, 'cause there is no night
Sayin' goodbye to the heartache, trouble, and pain
I'll be sittin' at the throne with an angel band
Shoutin' hallelujah to The Great I Am
If you think it's a dream, well, it ain't
I'll be singin' with the saints at the morning light
Ringin' in the day, 'cause there is no night
Sayin' goodbye to the heartache, trouble, and pain (trouble and pain)
I'll be sittin' at the throne with an angel band
Shoutin' hallelujah to The Great I Am
If you think it's a dream, well, it ain't
I'll be singin' with the saints
I-I, I'll be singin' with the saints
Yes, yes, yes, yes
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Daryl Kenneth Williams / John Rowsey / John Starnes
Singing With the Saints lyrics © Centergy Music, Centergetic Music

Goodnight to you all....God bless you everyone!! 


  1. Oh I’m so pleased the cats followed you and that it was just across the street. I was thinking it was quite a way. They may go and visit but cats are smart. You only have to show them once; where to eat and where the little box is. They really are beautiful cats!🐈‍⬛ 🐈

  2. I laughed at the "don't get old" comment. My Dad always used to say that to Bob, so now whenever we have any issues, we always say "don't get old!" with sweet memories of my Dad.
    Glad the kitties followed you over!


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