What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Wednesday Treasures

 My heart is full of joy and gratitude tonight...I have a lot I'd like to share, but I might split it up for a few days.  We had a WONDERFUL day today visiting with our special "Your Friend From Florida", Terri, and her amazing heroic son, Joey!  Pictures will follow...I don't want to steal her thunder as she said she would have to wait until Friday to post her pictures. I don't know if I can wait that long! LOL. Okay, here's just one sneak photo:   Yes, the sun was very bright. It was a very beautiful, bright sunshiny day, and actually too warm and bright to stay outside in that sun for long!

But, I think I will wait for Terri to share her photos on Friday, and I will share a few more then too.We had a very lovely LONG visit over a very LONG lunch at Corky Bells...they were PACKED, and let's just say our lunch became "lupper"...(part lunch and supper) because we were there so long, but it was still great because we had plenty of time to visit with each other and with our family. Oh, yes, her son was with her, and I had my hubby and also my son and sweet daughter in love Rose! All of us! So it was truly great. Okay. I'll wait for the rest of the photos before I share more.

When we got back home I went around the pond to check on the progress of the Sand Hill Crane Family, and guess what?  I bet you guessed it! Yes! There is a baby crane! One "colt" has been hatched, and there is another egg waiting to hatch! They usually hatch a day or two apart, so that is normal. Of course I took pictures!!

Here's the first view I had of the new baby crane:

Mother Crane is tenderly prodding at and checking the other egg, probably checking for any signs that it is about to hatch.

Meanwhile, baby #1 toddles around on the nest, viewing his new world first the first time:

I am always amazed at how big these "Colts" are when they are born. (A "colt" is what a baby crane is called).  

Uh oh, here comes the nosey neighbors to see the new baby...that Muscovy Duck family has become quite at home here on Still Waters Pond.  Apparently they heard the good news and went to check it out.

It was probably this one who was spreading the news!   "Quack, Quack Quack! You gotta see the baby!!"

Here they come around the bend...Mother Crane doesn't seem to mind. She's too busy trying to prod that other baby to hatch...

The ducks glide by quietly, but I think it's nice that the other water birds on the pond always are very curious about the new baby Cranes.
It certainly is something to be excited about!
Looks like Baby is getting tired and ready for a nap, and mother is looking at me like she's saying "Why don't you come back tomorrow and give us some peace and quiet for now, okay?"    I said, "Sure, you can count on me to be back tomorrow, in hopes of finding another new baby!"

Speaking of those ducks...I never know where they are going to show up next...
This morning I walked out into the front yard and I noticed some of their webbed footprints on the sandy driveway, so I figured they'd been waddling around the yard already.  Something caused me to look up, and here's what I saw:

Yep, this time they were up on top of the shed, saying "Good Morning!"

Oh, did you see these pictures of these ducks yesterday? I put them on Facebook:

They were having quite a discussion about something on our back porch.  

I just found their expressions and actions so comical...

Can you imagine what they must've been talking about to each other?

You are welcome to come up with your own captions...

finally they just got tired of arguing about whatever it was...

And took off in a flying leap back into the pond...

They really are fun to watch, but I just don't want them to make a "mess" in my yard! You know what I mean???

Oh, We are still having fun with Sunshine and Blackie...and they are becoming quite at home here.

When Terri was here today, I had her look at Blackie, because Terri is very experienced with cats.  I wanted to know if she thought Blackie was a "he" or "she".  Although Blackie was a bit indignant at Terri trying to politely "examine" the derrier...Terri said she thinks Blackie is a SHE, not a HE!  
Uh Oh!  I was getting curious because her tummy looks kind of lumpy.  Scott said something about that when he was here on Sunday...so now I am wondering if we are going to have some more kinds of babies here on our little "farm".   Oh, I still don't know about Sunshine for sure either...and she/he wasn't here when Terri was here, so I couldn't get her opinion, but I've thought she was a she and Blackie was a he, but now I don't know for sure.  Oh, Blackie has pollen on her fur in the picture above after laying on the glass table where there was a LOT of pollen. LOL. Anyway, things could be getting more and more interesting around here...stay tuned...

One more thing that is a special "treasure" today...
Terri brought this beautiful Cardinal to me today...

This is what the tag says:

She brought this to me in memory of our Matthew.
Isn't it absolutely beautiful?  I am just in awe of this, and of her thoughtfulness in bringing such a beautiful gift.
I am speechless after receiving this. 

So this is a good place to pause for tonight. There will be more pictures and things coming in the next couple of days, I am sure.  And thank you all for so many wonderful comments on my recent posts. I am trying to visit each of you as I can too. You are each so wonderful and special to me. Thank you for being precious friends.

I would like to close with this special prayer of St. Francis of Assissi. It just really speaks to my heart during this season of Lent:

"Lord, make me a channel of thy peace,
that where there is hatred, I may bring love;
that where there is wrong,
I may bring the spirit of forgiveness;
that where there is discord, I may bring harmony;
that where there is error, I may bring truth;
that where there is doubt, I may bring faith;
that where there is despair, I may bring hope;
that where there are shadows, I may bring light;
that where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to
comfort than to be comforted;
to understand, than to be understood;
to love, than to be loved.

For it is by self-forgetting that one finds;
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life."



  1. I knew that you would seeing Terri today from her post I read earlier, Pam, and I'm so very glad for your time enjoyed together! What a thoughtful gift she gave to you, indeed, knowing your love for birds and especially the cardinal. Not to dismiss the excitement of your visit with Terri, but I'm thrilled that the first of the Sand Hill Crane colts has appeared! I'm sure the brother/sister won't be far behind, and know you will keep us apprised of their development. Have a blessed week!

    1. THank you, Martha! We really had a beautiful day and time together. Terri is such a thoughtful and lovely person, and her son Joey is wonderful. We had so much fun. Oh yes, I am quite anxious to go see if the 2nd baby colt has appeared yet. I will probably wait a while to go see... at least wait for the sun to come up! LOL.
      More to come!

  2. How wonderful that you had such a nice long visit with your friend Terri. I didn't know that you and she lived so close together. I love the beautiful cardinal she gave to you and the meaning behind it. xx

    1. Thank you, Penny. Actually, Terri lives about a 2 &1/2 hour drive away! So that is quite a trip. It was really nice that her son was down visiting and they came together! I forgot to mention that she was bringing up an antique hope chest for our son Benton to refinish for her so she can give it to her niece. I will have to say more about that in another post!

  3. I was so happy for both you and Terri when I heard she was coming today. What a treat to spend time with her and Joey, and have your family along too. The cardinal is such a special gift!
    So exciting to see one egg hatched, and now the fun to watch the other.
    The ducks really are funny. You are turning into an animal haven! I guess time will tell about possible kittens...

    1. Yes, when I said this was becoming "Pamela's Wild Kingdom", I didn't realize myself just HOW wild it could become! LOL. Yes, our visit with Terri and Joey was so much fun. I will share more about that later!

  4. Joey and I had such a great time with you and your family, Pam!! It was a truly lovely day. I looked back at our first in-person meeting and it was Christmas season in 2017. I will post a picture from then on Friday as well as some we took today. Thanks for organizing our lunch at Corky Bell's and it was so nice meeting Rose for the first time. Sending more hugs!!

    1. Oh, that would be great! Hey! I forgot to take a picture of you with the hope chest! I will have to go over and get a picture of it "BEFORE" so you have a before and after picture! Regarding the "organizing our lunch at Corky Bell's", I'm not sure I want to take "credit" for that since it was so crazy there, but it did turn out really nice and gave us all an opportunity to get better acquainted. Benton and Rose enjoyed getting to know you, and hubby really enjoyed talking with your son. They had a great time. Joey is a lot like his father, isn't he? Very special indeed. We all thank YOU for making this happen! You're the one who had to travel so far to get here and then back home again! Thank you thank you thank you...and my cardinal is hanging in the kitchen window where I can see it every day! Wow. I am still amazed. Thank you. Love you.

  5. So glad you were able to get together with Terri and Joey. The cardinal she brought you is beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Jan. It really was a special day. I will share more about that later!

  6. the cardinal is beautiful and the perfect gift for you. you both look happy to be together and can't wait for the rest of the story/pictures
    LOVE the colt and I am thinking those ducks are gossiping about the new Colt in town on thother side of golden pond. maybe discussing how they can't see the colt from the ground, but from the shed there is a decent view of the cranes

  7. What a wonderful visit you and your friend, Terri, surely had just from the excitement in this post. Looking forward to reading more in a future post, Pam. The cardinal sun catcher was a lovely and thoughtful gift with such special words on the tag. Wonderful to see the first photos of the new crane family and also the duck visitors. It seems to me those ducks on your porch were possibly gossiping about the neighborhood, although I didn't come with any specific captions.

  8. What a joyful visit! I'm so glad to see that there is a chick in the nest--exciting stuff! Too funny about the ducks-I like how they are comfortable around your yard--you've been accepted!

  9. Hi Pam! Gosh, it sounds like you gals (and guys) sure enjoyed a sweet time together. That glass cardinal is gorgeous; what a thoughtful addition to your home.
    How I'd love to see that new lil' colt up close and personal. Can you just imagine it's awe? Perhaps the same way we'll be when we get to glimpse Heaven for the first time.

  10. What a wonderful get together you had. I can just feel the joy that is in your heart, and oh my that cardinal and the thought is just beautiful. What a treasure.
    I did make some comments on the duck photos on your FaceBook page. Too funny .
    Love coming here and thank you for printing out that prayer. Its mine too.

  11. Good pic of you and Terri. I'm glad y'all are getting to know one another. You're both nice folks.
    We had cats once. I noticed that "Tom's" (males) have larger heads. That's another way of telling which is which. Plus they tend to be more aggressive if not sterilized.
    I enjoyed the bird pics too. Lots of life showing up now that the weather is warmer. We'll have Summer Tanager's this year. They're all over our property in the woods and we have Mulberry Tree up against the woods.
    It's raining here right now that makes the day extra nice!
    Blessings. 😎

  12. Those ducks are cruising over to welcome the new colt and give her a " baby shower" ha ha 😆 🤣. You love watching the birds and animals just like we do. Best entertainment ever, better than tv we always say 😊. I think Blackie looks like she's expecting!? Might want to sit a box or basket out there with some old towels or blanket just in case-- if she's expecting she'll sure appreciate it and know its for her. ❤ Real glad Terri and son got to come visit and of course CORKYBELLES is the best place to go! 😊 . So glad yall had a good time and your new cardinal is beautiful! Debbi at debbisfrontporch


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