Just a few minutes ago. I sat down and looked at a new magazine that had come in the mail...
I don't get many magazines anymore...so many of them just have way too much advertising and not enough content. But Country Living still has some beautiful pictures and stories, and someone very thoughtful actually subscribed to it for me, so I will enjoy it as long as it lasts!
It's relaxing to just sit and peruse the pictures and dream a little bit about some of the things I see and the ideas they have for decorating and cooking, etc. Now that so much is online we don't get to actually hold a real magazine very often, and I do enjoy sitting back in my recliner and looking and dreaming a bit.
This issue had pictures of log cabins...just my style and idea of real relaxation!
2. What things do you find most relaxing ? How often do you get to do these things?
Of course, most of you know I find photographing nature to be a very enjoyable and relaxing thing to do. Our own Still Waters Pond gives me plenty of subjects to photograph. I try to take the time to look out there often and see whatever there is to see. Some days there is nothing much to see, but then other days we are blessed with beautiful creatures from God's Creation who stand and wait for me to take their picture as if they expect it! The Great Blue Heron stood very still for me this morning. I was most appreciative!

I'm always so thankful and blessed when God provides these beauties for me to enjoy!
I also love taking pictures of sunrises and sunsets. The sunrise the other morning was just gorgeous, and the Sand Hill Cranes made a cameo appearance in a fly-over while I was enjoying the moment:
Can you see them?
There they go! Off to wherever it is they like to spend the day, and then they come back here to our pond for the night.
It was definitely a beautiful way to start the day!
3. What things wind you up and keep you from relaxing?
Housework! LOL. Knowing it needs to be done, and not having the energy (or desire) to get up and do it, but feeling guilty that I'm not doing it. So I can't relax until I do. Now, these next pictures have a story. Saturday morning hubby said very sweetly to me that perhaps it was time I thought about cleaning out my side of our closet, as the clothes racks are starting to look overly full and crowded. I was a little bit put off by his "suggestion", and made a few comments that may not have been entirely sweet and demure in response, but after I thought about it, I decided that he was probably right. I hate to admit that ever...but yes, it was time I did something about my half of the closet. We won't mention the fact that the reason HIS half of the closet looks so nice is because he takes his extra seasonal things out and puts them all in the guest room closet, and I can't even hardly open the door to THAT closet because it is so full of HIS stuff...but we won't mention THAT! LOL. So moving right along...
And so, I started weeding things out of my side of the closet...and found many things that probably should go to the thrift store so someone else can get some use out of them because I am not wearing them anymore for various reasons. Among those items were some very special things that I have been holding onto for quite a few years...18 to be exact. Why? Well, these next items belonged to my mother. They were things that I saved out of her closet after she passed away, and I actually thought I would wear some of them, (and I have), but now I no longer wear them, and they really aren't my style, and they are still in excellent condition for being so old, (my mother had good taste and had some lovely things, but I only kept some that I thought I would wear or that I had actually given to her).
These two jackets I gave to my mother, and I can remember her wearing them, and when I was still working, I often wore them to work.
And she had some lovely little blouses with short sleeves...
I love this delicate pink one...but again...I just don't wear these kinds of blouses anymore.
I always loved the collars on these two blouses:
So anyway, I made up my mind that it was time to let those things go. It wasn't easy, but it's time. I pray there will be some dear person who will appreciate them and enjoy wearing them.
Here's the bags of items I gathered. They will go to the church thrift store tomorrow, and that will be that.
My hubby commended me for a job well done. I thanked him, but told him that he needs to get rid of about 5 or 6 suits from his years in the ministry that he will most likely never wear again, along with several winter jackets that we have no use for here in Florida. We live in a very casual area, and men just don't wear suits to church here. We will save one or two for possible weddings or funerals, but that should be enough.
But that's another story for another day. LOL.
4. When was the last time you treated yourself to something, anything that is special?Hmmm, I'm thinking...the trip we took to the mountains was pretty special, and I'd say that was a real treat. You've already heard all about that, however.
How about this? You'll think this is crazy. We took a little walk this evening, and we came across this bush that was blooming:
Turk's Cap or Sleeping HibiscusWith it's bright red flowers on the green leaves, it almost looks Christmassy, doesn't it?
Here's a close up of the flower:
So what's so special about that you may ask? Well...Here I am reliving a childhood memory from our days on the playground at school! There were always lots of these plants growing all around our playground, and the flower has a very sweet nectar that if you pick it off the stem and suck the end of it, you will get a delightful little sip of what the butterflies and bees love to much!
Hubby also remembers doing this as a child. I think every child who grew up in Florida in our era had this experience. And so we both enjoyed this little treat very much! It took us back to our childhood!
Here's a Psalm for the day:
Psalm 145:14-19
"14 The Lord upholds all who fall,
And raises up all who are bowed down.
15 The eyes of all look expectantly to You,
And You give them their food in due season.
16 You open Your hand
And satisfy the desire of every living thing.
17 The Lord is righteous in all His ways,
Gracious in all His works.
18 The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
19 He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him;
He also will hear their cry and save them."
And so with that I will conclude this edition of the Tuesday 4 meme for this week. If you wish to join in the fun, you can do so
HERE! I hope you found this "relaxing" and enjoyable! See you again next week!
I love your photos!!!♥ There was a flower here in Texas that we used to suck the nectar out of, for the life of me I can't remember which one! lol I've never seen a Sleeping Hibiscus, the name is perfect for the bloom. We pretty much have the same climate, wonder why we don't have them here? hmmm Happy Tuesday 4.
ReplyDeleteWe kids did the nectar thing with honeysuckle! Those blouses you no longer wear are Sunday go to Meetin' blouses. Very pretty with the collar details. Lovely photos too. Of course the herons and etc don't stand still for me! They sense my lingering hostility since they raided my pond for my fish!! They snacked on the big 15 inchers too. Little piggies. I am still miffed at them as I had those fish for over 25 years. Yes, I bear a grudge they can sense! Country mag is a nice one. Lots of photos of things we wish we had/could do. I used to love Victoria magazine too. Thanks for joining in this week. It's 9'45 AM and I am going to go back to bed for a couple of hours. I was up way way too early today. ZZzzzzz.
ReplyDeleteThank you for finding verses that speak to my weary soul. Love you friend.
I enjoyed reading your answers. I too do the whole house cleaning thing. lol Hope you have a great day.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were kids, we did the same with honeysuckle blossoms, Pamela. You brought back some sweet (literally) memories for me today. I don't subscribe to any magazines, but I still love sitting with a good book to relax and entertain myself. Blessings always!
ReplyDeleteYes, I enjoy relaxing with a good book much more often than a magazine. That just happened to be handy at the right time! Blessings to you dear friend!
Deletethe hibiscus brings back memories of my Grandmother, my mothers mother. her house is here, where my mom was born. she had a hedge that ran between the house next door, not fence, just 10 foot high hedges. 1/2 of it was the cherry bushes and the other half this hibiscus. I did not know about the sipping from the flower, but I did love them. out the bedroom window of the room I slept in was a view of all those drooping red flowers. she also had 3 mango trees, orange trees, kumquats and the other small orang thing I can't remember the name of.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you that every day of my life now, I do the things I love to do, write, draw, play with photos, and it doesn't bother me at all that the housework is not done. I am slightly OCD and drove myself crazy trying to pick up the mess two boys made that were 2 years apart, they pulled the books from the book case, I put them back. Until the last 3 years I did feel guilty. now I figure how long can I live at age 80 and I do the things I love and do lots of it... I say read those magazines, tomorrow may never come. anything that gives you joy do it... yes there is a lot of dust in the house but no one sees it but bob, me and the dog. the dog just came in from rolling in the black dusty dirt of our new an unimproved back yard, so that means he cares not one whit the house is dusty.. in fact I just dragged out the little 17 inch tree and started taking the lights off.
Bob said what are you doing, its not even Thanksgiving. I just kept removing the lights
next question why are you taking the lights off. I did answer that one. because the lights in the nook are warm white, this tree is cool white and last year it drove me nuts to have cool and warm lights in the same nook. OCD? ha ha.. I am going to put the lights on it and plug it in, who knows that trumpet might blow before Christmas and I will have missed the matching lights. this should tell you how to justify reading a magazine.
I totally agree...life is too short to stress over the mess...but I agree...you need the same color of lights in the same space. LOL. That would bug me too! LOL. And yes, I pray that trumpet might blow any day now. Would be great joy to be called up to heaven with Jesus rather than have to dust here again!! (God knows my heart and that I'm not being sac-religious...just silly, but still, I do mean what I say!).
DeleteI just love your style of writing. I feel like I am right there having a conversation with you.
ReplyDeleteI have to giggle at the cleaning out the closet answers. You must be listening to Dave's and my conversations. I too have things that I kept from my Mom, thinking I would wear them also. Here they sit or hang in my closet never worn. I do think it is finally time to part with them. Thanks for the nudge.
Again I am like you with the house cleaning battle that goes on in my mind. Our dining room table is my office for eBay things that I am researching, photographing and wrapping for shipping. It drives me nuts but it has to be done. At least we sold 2 things that go in the mail today, 1- Antique metal candle Christmas Tree holders. These were Dave's Grandmother's and well used. But time to purge and someone thought they were just what they needed. Win/win...
The other is a Blue glass decanter in the shape of a duck or goose. So glad to have it gone and not taking up space at our place. We actually don't have any idea where it came from. Things just "appear" in our house from years of collecting and haunting yard sales.
Whew..I didn't mean to go on and on..
All that to say, enjoy your sunrises, the cranes and herons and sipping from the flowers.
Whooboy, I can relate to the 'closet wars' episode. I don't know what the builder was thinking when he designed this house because it's really closet poor. Thankfully, now that I'm retired I don't need so much. I do love those blouses you've showcased; several look like those my own mother used to favor.
ReplyDeleteI never heard of sipping from the flowers! The closest I came was when the neighborhood children would pour honey on the lilac bushes and eat the flowers. Thanks for recreating and sharing that memory!
Hi Pamela! There are some lovely pictures in this post. You live in such a beautiufl area. You have inspired me to get more out of my closet. I have weeded out a few things, but I need to do even better about passing along things that I don't wear any more. I have a couple of coats that I plan to donate now that the weather is cold here in Utah where I live. I hope you are having a good week. I enjoyed this post! See you again soon!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this post. We have 2 closets in our room. A walk-in and a regular closet with a sliding door. I had the big one but the way it is laid out I never cared for it. I had too much space and I would tend to just put things in there. So I suggested a switch which shocked my husband . It’s worked out fine. I also got rid of my dresser and put everything in my closet in bins. Very organized and neat. Now, the shoe is on the other foot - the husband is challenged with his bigger closet and periodically he has to sort it out. I wish he would get rid of his chest of drawers - We could then have room for 2 nice chairs instead.
ReplyDeleteThat is a “sweet” little flower. We had some flowers as a kid we would suck on but they were yellow and the other were a lavender color. Then we had these stink beans that grow on the coast. The boys would grab them, and then crack them open and the classroom would have to clear out which was what they wanted. lol.
I am sure someone will appreciate the clothing you are donating.
God bless
I enjoyed the photos of the heron family flying and also visiting the pond. I used to be so persnickity about having a clean, clean house. The older I get, the less I worry. I still like it clean but I don't obsess about it. My saying is "I like it clean enough for people to be comfortable, but dirty enough for people to be comfortable." Make sense to me! :-)
ReplyDeleteThat is one of my favorite magazines too. I used to get it but don't have any subscriptions now. They just got too expensive for me.
After my Mom died almost 35 years ago, (I was 29), my sister and I took a lot of her clothes and purses. We were desperately trying to hang onto her. Some essence of her. We only had just less than 3 weeks from when she had her first heart attack to when she passed. Not much time to prepare for losing your Mom. We were both devastated. With all of our moves, I've gradually passed on some of her things to Mandy and other nieces. The clothes I've given to the Thrift store. I've kept a few of the special things that I remember her wearing. I just can't part with them yet. Including her bottle of Windsong perfume, even though it kind of stinks now because it's so old.
We have a walk in closet here in the condo. Both of us have hanging rods that are over 7 feet long plus lots of shelves. I use about 2 feet of mine for dresses, robes, shirts, etc. Dennis uses about 3 feet for winter/summer shirts and dress pants. We don't have many clothes or shoes at all. Again we've learned through our moves. We only wear a handful of items, over and over. The shelves hold our camping gear that came from the camper this fall and our Costco toilet paper and paper towels. Lots of empty shelves which is really nice.
Sorry this is so long. I love talking with you this way.
Blessings and hugs,
What fun, sipping the nectar from the flowers!! I learned something new today!! Pam, I just took FIVE bags of linens and clothing, and three boxes of other 'stuff' to the Children's Home today. It sure felt good to get it out of the house and to also hope it will all bless someone else. Your hubby needs to get busy with his side of the closet!! xo
ReplyDeleteEnjoying nature and taking pictures is a great way to relax. Love your answers! Have a nice week.
Hi Pamela, I just love your beautiful yard. I could spend hours out there enjoying the nature you share with us. I understand holding onto things that belonged to your mom. I have to clean out my closet. Yes, housework gets to me. Mostly because I can't keep up with it like I used to. I will probably have to break down and get some help. It will have to wait until next year! Enjoy your week!
ReplyDeleteOh, yes...photography relaxes me too...especially because it's just for fun. So is blogging. That flower sounds neat. Growing up my grandma had honeysuckle and we loved gently pulling the center out to get that one tiny drop of nectar