What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Thursday Thankfulness Advent Window

 Today is the 7th day of Advent, if you count from December 1st.  Or do you count from the first Sunday of Advent, December 3rd? I don't know, so I guess we'll just open the window and see what's been going on today!

Oh look! I see beautiful reindeer dressed for Christmas, and a very interesting looking building that looks like it could be a fun place to spend this Advent weekday!

And look what we found inside when we opened this Advent window!  A lot of lovely smiling faces who look like they've enjoyed spending some time together as a family!
Yes, that would be the Steiner family, well, most of us. Scott couldn't join us as he had to work, but this is my hubby's brother Bill and wife Peggy and their two "kids", Nick and Shannon, along with my hubby John and our two "kids", Benton and Rose, and then there's yours truly with the redbird on her shirt (in case you couldn't pick me out of the bunch).  They were passing through our area on their way to Gatlinburg for a little pre-Christmas vacation.  We had a wonderful lunch at one of our favorite places and had a great visit.  This kind of took the place of being together for Thanksgiving, and is just a prelude to Christmas, which we will hopefully celebrate together sometime soon after the actual date.  They live about 2 hours away from us, so it is always a treat when we can figure out a plan to get together.

Niece Shannon found a little friend on the front porch...this is the resident cat who welcomes everyone to the restaurant. (and hopes for handouts when people leave. LOL)

Some of you may remember praying for Shannon a few years ago when she was involved in a pretty serious car accident that caused some severe hip and leg injuries, and also spoiled her opportunities for being able to accept a college scholarship for swimming.  However, she is now doing great, all healed, and is attending a local community college. She is also starting to get back into swimming with an adult swim team. She says she's just trying to get back "into the swim of things" and taking it slow and easy.  She's really a miracle child, and we are very thankful to God for healing her.

This is her big brother Nicholaus. I'd say it's a miracle I got this picture of him. He has never liked having his picture taken and it is a rare moment when he will let me capture his handsome face in a photo.  I think this is a moment worth celebrating.  Nick is a sweet guy, and is a junior at the University of Central Florida now. 
Both of these young adults are wonderful people and we are very proud of them.  It was a blessing to spend some time with them today.

Thinking about opening an Advent window...I opened this window and here's Pamela's Victorian Cottage! 

It appears that there are two angels standing on the front porch, waiting to be invited inside I guess.
There's a lot of hustle bustle going on inside the house...all the family has gathered and they are getting things ready for Christmas. It looks as though their Auntie from the city has arrived with gifts...

and apparently they can't hear the angels knocking at the front door...

It made me stop and wonder about how often there were angels "knocking" at our doors, or perhaps standing next to us,  or even being invited into our homes, and we didn't realize the time of their visitation...We didn't recognize them for who they were.  

The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13:1-2

1"Let brotherly love continue. 
2 Do not forget to entertain strangers, 
for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels."

Perhaps this is a good reminder to us during this busy holiday season to pay attention to those who may come into our homes, our churches, or wherever we may be...strangers who may go out of their way to lend us a hand or protect us from some kind of impending danger, or even bring us unexpected gifts of special blessings that we need and have no idea how we would ever be able to afford it or take care of it.
 Or perhaps someone who actually needs our help and we find ourselves going out of our way to help someone else in need and it brings us such joy to be able to do so.

We know about the Angels who played such a big part in the birth of Christ...The Angel Gabriel and his announcement to Mary, (Luke 1:26-38) and to Joseph in Matthew 1:18-25, and then of course the angels who proclaimed Christ's birth to the Shepherds in Luke 2:8-20.  

The angels were very busy all through the Gospels in preparing the way for Christ's birth and then protecting him when King Herod sought to destroy Him. (Matthew 2). 

I do believe that angels are still active today, watching over the children of God.  We may have encountered angels many times in our lives without knowing it.  
I hope someday to meet the angels who have been watching over me all these years. I have a feeling I will be surprised to find out how often they intervened on my behalf and I did not realize it.

I am thankful for God's provision of angels "unaware" in our lives...

This is certainly something to think about during this holy season.

To close out this Advent thankfulness window, why don't we sing along with this wonderful Christmas song, "Angels We have heard on high"

Thank You, Lord, for the angels who have been active in our lives, whether we have been aware of them or not.  And thank You for the angels who announced the birth of our Lord and Savior, and also who watched over Him when the evil king Herod sought to have Him destroyed.  It makes me wonder how often my enemies would have tried to destroy me had it not been for God's angels standing in the way protecting me.  I look forward to meeting them someday, but most of all, I look forward to the day that I meet You, Jesus, face to face...for we know that it is You who has directed the angels to watch over us.  Thank You, Jesus.  Amen.

Good Night Friends. Sleep in heavenly peace...



  1. It looks like a fun place and a good time with family! So glad your niece is doing well.

    1. Thank you, Mari. It was a wonderful day, and we are very thankful that Shannon is healed and doing so well these days. She had a rough time for quite a while, but I believe God is at work in her life and she is on the "upswing" now.

  2. Yes, Pam, I'm convinced that angels are in our midst, even when we fail to recognize them. I do know that when I almost died, as did my son, in my first delivery, that the doctor who entered the room and gave explicit orders to prepare me for a C-section was one of God's angels. The entire experience took me from lukewarm God belief to a monumental acceptance of Jesus as my only Savior and Lord. Still today, I can't recall this incident without tears of gratitude for the miracle that happened that day.
    And we can become like angels when we give to others with hearts of love and gratitude, can't we?
    Angels we have heard on high can be right in our own backyards, blessing us, our families and our friends. Blessings!

    1. Oh, Martha! That is quite a story. I did not know about that, but yes, I do believe God sends His angels sometimes in the form of doctors or nurses or other emergency people who know exactly what to do in the face of a crisis while others may be standing around not knowing what to do. Praise God for His intervention in your life and also in the life of your son. Yes, sometimes we just need to open our eyes and see what/who God has provided for our need at the perfect time. Amen!

  3. What a lovely family photo. I enjoyed looking at each and everyone of your photos. So cute. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Debby. I'm so glad you came to visit. Praying you are doing well and enjoying these Advent days. I have been praying for you!

  4. Pamela, Your prayer at the end is beautiful and one I would pray too. I also believe that our angels are around us at all times. I believe that there is a very thin veil that separates us from the angelic realm so that we can't see the battles that are fought every single hour of every day. There are two forces at work in that place and I'm very grateful that the angels are there for each of us. Prayer is a mighty important part of their power.
    I enjoyed seeing your family photos. You were right, your nephew doesn't seem thrilled with the pictures. You are so blessed to have family close by.
    I hope your Friday is a wonderful one.
    Blessings and love,

    1. Thank you Betsy. Yes, I wonder how we would feel if the scales were removed from our eyes for just a moment, and we could actually see through that thin veil! We would be astounded and would probably understand why the angels always greeted people with the words, "Fear Not!" But praise be to God they are there just as God directs them to be, and we are truly blessed to be His children. And yes, we are thankful for the family God has blessed us with who are nearby. It's always a joy when we can be together for even a short visit. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!

  5. Beautiful.

  6. What a beautiful thought, Pam! How often I, myself unaware, have entertained angels. Like that splendid Alabama song (which always brings tears to my eyes), I believe there are angels among us.
    Your tree looks so lovely, as does the Victorian Cottage and its residents. How I'd love an opportunity to visit a life-size cottage such as this, dressed in that fashion. Wouldn't that be fun?

    I'm so glad y'all enjoyed a family meal; Shannon is looking so well, isn't she? Prayers answered!

    1. Oh, that would be such fun to visit such a "Life-sized Victorian cottage, dressed in that fashion". That would be so much fun! We could always pretend. LOL. And I love playing dress up. Thank you for visiting, and maybe someday we really will visit in person! That would be so lovely!!

  7. Pam, I thank God every day for my Guardian Angels and I do have a few Angel experiences. I know they are always around us!! A beautiful post!! Happy weekend!


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