What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Advent Thursday Thankfulness

This has been a busy week, filled with lots of Christmas activities and blessings!  

Yesterday (Wednesday), was our church United Women of Faith's annual Christmas luncheon and fellowship!  We also call it our "Happy Birthday to Jesus" party, and there is always a special cake for the occasion and we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.  That was a tradition started many years ago by a dearly departed and much loved woman in our church, and our ladies have carried on that tradition in her memory.  Her name was Elaine, but everyone lovingly called her "Miss Elaineous" (miscellaneous). When we first came to this church "Miss Elaineous"  was still living, but I never really got to meet her or get to know her before she very suddenly passed away one Sunday morning. It was a shock that left everyone at a loss for words, except for to continue to say how much "Miss Elaineous" meant to them. She had made a huge impact in our church that continues today.  And actually our church is greatly indebted to Miss Elaineous, as she left her house and the bulk of her estate to the church, which turned out to be an amazing gift.  It took some time and a lot of effort to settle the estate because her will was lost in the shuffle of many things in her home, and also because certain things had not been updated as per her spoken wishes.  But thankfully, over time and with God's help, the estate was settled, and her gift was a very big part of helping our church to have the necessary funds to get through the disaffiliation process from the UMC.  And now we are officially a part of the Global Methodist Church and so very thankful to God and also to "Miss Elaineous" for her gift that keeps on giving.  I am certain when "Miss Elaineous" made the decision to leave her estate to the church she never had any idea of just how much that gift would bless our church for the future generations.  We know that God was certainly the impetus behind her in making that decision.  We give thanks to God for His marvelous gift...as you see in the picture above: "Amazing Love, God's gift for all".  Jesus, the Baby born in the manger...the Savior of the world!

Just one of the little decorations at the church.  I thought it was photo worthy.

And here is the collage of pictures of all the ladies who were present for the party:
(plus one man, our Pastor, who came and gave the blessing and then graciously left without even getting any food! )

Yes, such a lot of happy faces and warm embraces! We had a wonderful time.

Here's a few extra pictures that were taken that I thought were fun:

This is me with my friend Pamela...We are "P1 and P2", or double trouble. You can tell there's always mischief brewing...

And I was SO happy my sweet daughter in love Rose was able to attend. She sometimes has to work and can't always get the day off, so it was great that she could be there...
Someone kept snapping these pictures as we were enjoying a mother-in-law, daughter-in-law moment:
Someone said something about "don't stick your tongues out at each other, and got Rose to laughing...
I think it made it her blush because maybe she was thinking about doing just that...LOL.  She's a sweetheart and I thank the Lord for bringing her into our family right when He did. He knew how much we needed her and would love her, and also of course how much our son needed her and would love her. Such a joy and blessing to us.

In keeping with the ladies Christmas party theme...Here's "The Martin Sisters" having their Christmas tea party. I've told you the story about The Martin Sisters before HERE.  

And of course Lily Grace and her friends are having their Christmas Tea party too. They even have a birthday cake to celebrate Jesus' birthday!

Here's my little coffee/tea station...
Yes, that's my morning cup of tea there, waiting on me to finish taking pictures, hopefully before it gets cold!
Just some pictures of some tea settings that are ready for a Christmas tea...

And here's some close ups of the little teacups on the the Teacup Tree:
My sister Doris has gifted me with these wonderful little tea cups and tea pots throughout the years.  She always finds the best little gifts, and she knows me so well. 
I am thankful for my "little Big Sister".  I call her that because she is littler than I am, but she is my "big sister". LOL.
One more thing. On Tuesday night we went to the annual Candlelight service at a nearby church in Florahome.  They are also a small Methodist Church, (and yes! They have also disaffiliated from the UMC and are now a part of the Global Methodist Church!  Actually every UMC church in our country (that should have said COUNTY*) has now disaffiliated!  We are so thankful to God for the faithfulness of our people to His Word.) *Roughly 35% of the UMC churches in America have disaffiliated from what I understand. 

Anyway, I love this pretty little church and it is always decorated so beautifully for this special service.

We sing carols and our choir and another church choir sing songs from our Christmas cantatas 
and then we proceed outside for a candlelight walk to the outdoor Nativity Scene while we sing Silent Night.  It's very special and moving.   Afterwards we are invited into their fellowship hall for a wonderful little time of refreshments...lots of good finger foods and they even had hot cider! It was great!  One of the highlights of the season for us out here in the country churches!

Well, I must apologize because I need to get a move on. Still working on Christmas cards and shopping and on and on...hubby is waiting for me to finish this so we can go to town and do some shopping.
I have been lax in getting around to visiting and participating in the Tuesday 4 meme, etc....
But the most important thing is that in all the rush to get things done, I am so very thankful for these precious moments we have to do the extra things with others that are so meaningful during this season.
Christmas is coming, and Jesus is coming too!
So let us prepare Him room in our hearts today.

Until next time,
Peace and Joy unto you!



  1. Love love the pictures. Your d in law is a sweetie. I dislike the tradition of costing to get out of an affiliation. I have been so many denominations with the longest being American B and S Baptist. We started a S Baptist and it is going strong in Ohio. I have to admit I enjoyed my Daughter’s bigger church not affiliated. I like the independent. Now I won’t mention the music lol. Sounds like you are busy. A friend and I discussed how Christmas comes at the same time every year, and we are glad they we are planners. I keep lists and a planner. So no stress. Enjoy enjoy enjoy. Your blog is always delightful. Prayers I was saved age 8 in Church of God and attended that church or Methodist until I was ten. Mike and I married in Baptist. We loved the pastor and he loved us.

  2. Brenda above
    Won’t let me post my name again sorry

  3. What a fun and wonderful post. The other Pamela looks like a fun person to be around. Your ladies tea sounds great as did the evening with the other church. Of course the photos of you and Rose are so fun. You can tell that the two of you love each other very, very much.
    I'm so glad that your church has broken it's previous affiliation. Following the Bible and not mens rules is the most important thing in my opinion.
    I hope you're enjoying all of your preparations for the birth of our Saviour.
    Blessings and love,

  4. I loved the story of Miss Elaineous, Pamela. What an amazing, faithful person she was! That money from her estate enabled you all to afford disaffiliation is the icing on the cake, for sure. It just shows that God can use our gifts given to bless those who follow us.
    The photos are lovely, too, and I really liked the ones of Rose and you. She has definitely been a blessing to your family, and I'm sure she will continue to be.
    Have a wonderful week!

  5. Your pictures are all so wonderful and I love you and your daughter in law. Really sweet. So glad she could attend luncheon and the cake is lovely. So nice having the photos of everyone who attended.

  6. A love the little teapot attached to the big teapot! 😀

    You and your daughter-in-law look a lot alike! 🌹🌷

    Cute puppy in photo 10. 🤗

    And a big question. Where did your friend find those adorable lime green shoes?? 🥰

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, Pamela! 🌺

  7. Pam: I love the pictures of the tea services. Your women's group looks like you have a lot of fun. I am glad that Rose was able to be there with you. Your dolls are a treat to see in their holiday dress. There is city about 20 miles northeast of us. I believe that almost every UM church disaffiliated and joined the Global church. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  8. What lovely photos of you and rose! Your tea Area is so inviting have you been able to find Christmas tea? I have searched all the stores and even Publix for some reason no one is carrying. I thought I found some on line placed the order only to get notified it was cancelled because out of stock. I hope you continue to enjoy the many blessings of the season

    1. Did you try Twinings? That's where I got it last year, but I haven't tried this year. I will have to check it out. Merry Christmas!!!

  9. I'm so sorry you never got to know Miss Elaineous, but what a treasure! Her legacy is sure something! So far reaching, and a blessing when those monies were most needed to disaffiliate. God definitely had a hand in this, didn't He?
    I love my own DIL, but your and Rose's bond is enviable. The two of you are so cute ..... I can't wait to meet y'all in person some day!

  10. I loved reading this. It's too bad you never got to meet Miss Elaineous, but her legacy lives on. God is continuing to work through what she left. What a blessing! It's also encouraging that all the churches in your county left the UMC. God does have his remnant.

  11. That is wonderful about Elaine and her gift for certain on disaffiliating. My little home church that I grew up in was able to go out on the first wave and is Global Methodist now. I was sad to hear the local Methodist churches in Fort Walton Beach didn't get when they first could. Now 2 of the 3 are in the lawsuit going on about it. I think the 3rd will stay where they are. I agree it was all a mess but much needed.

  12. I love my visit here today, Pam!! Great photos and I am happy that so many churches have pulled away from the UMC. Those pictures of you and Rose are so great!! Merry Christmas to you and all!! Love & hugs!

  13. I really like this post. When I see your daughter-in-law in the pictures, she is always smiling and always looks so happy. She seems to be a real God-send to you and your family. I'm so glad you were able to disaffiliate.

  14. loved all these fun pictures, Pam! You look adorable in your Christmas outfit, love the vest and what are all the pins on it, I can only see maybe one really well. Looks like a super fun luncheon, wow!-----ALOT SHOWED UP! love that collage you made, with a picture of each lady on it. You could make a bunch of those up, reprints, and give them out to the ladies on Sunday, I think they would LOVE THAT!, a nice keepsake of the fun day. That cake sure looks yummy. Enjoyed the pictures of the Candlelight service at the other church too, a very pretty church and sounds like the music was great. Loved the pictures of your teacups and teapots tree too, very pretty. I loved seeing all your pretty decorations and tea displays in your home, and of course the pictures of Lily Grace and friends! Hugs! P.S.--cute pictures of you and Rose!

    1. Good Morning Debbi! The pins on my vest are a variety of Christmas pins that I've accumulated over the years. I figure I may as well put them on there and wear them while I can. I wear that vest once a year at Christmas, so it has lasted over 25 years I think! LOL. As far as the prints of the pictures, I always email a copy to every lady, also a copy of their individual pictures. I really can't afford the ink to print so many pictures and I don't have time to send them to Walmart or wherever. I guess I could, but my gift to them is taking the pictures themselves and putting together the collage, and then they can print them if they want. I do print one for one lady who does not have the internet so I can't send it to her. And I post the collage on our church Facebook page and also our church worship leader puts a copy of it up on the big screen during the announcements on Sunday morning. If printer ink weren't so expensive I would LOVE to print more photos, but it just goes too fast and you can't print very many pictures with a new ink cartridge. So I am thankful we can share pictures through email, etc. and here on our blogs. Thank you for enjoying the pictures. Lily Grace is all dressed up in her pretty Christmas dress you sent her (the 1st one). She loves Christmas time! Hope you are having a wonderful time! Talk to you later. Love ya!!

  15. I like story you shared about Miss Elaineous. Lovely tea cups and tea pots you have. I drink tea as well. I get alot from Plum Deluxe that's made in Portland, OR. A few other teas I like as well. Looks like a fun time together while friends at church gathering. I hope to the one this Sunday evening. I plan on making fudge to take with me. I finally got my post put on my blog yesterday. Sorry it's taken me awhile to do it. Our son and family coming over on Sunday to be with us. Looking forward to his homemade pizza he's going to make. Have a blessed weekend. 🎄

  16. Your church is decorated so beautifully for Christmas! And the party looks like a wonderful time for everyone! Hope your weekend ahead includes more Christmas joy!:)

  17. Miss Elaineous! I love it! How wonderful to leave such a legacy behind! I had a similar friend who was my small group leader, Patsy, who passed away suddenly. She was so well loved.
    I love the snapshot of you and Rose looking at each other. It deserves a frame!
    Your church is decorated so pretty and I love your tea decorations. I have a section of my counter for my Mr. Coffee and coffee and favorite cup. When the Christmas decorations are put away, I'm going to set up a tea station.


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