What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Advent Saturday Wanderings

Here we are on the 16th day of Advent...two Saturdays before Christmas...and if you are like me, you've probably got a list a mile long of things you need to be doing to finish getting ready for Christmas.  Then again, I've discovered that a lot of people aren't like me...they seem to have gotten all their stuff done already and can sit back and enjoy this last week without much stress or rush to the finish line. Good for you, if you are one of them!  But for the rest of us who are still rushing around checking our lists, checking them twice...trying not to be too naughty but mostly nice...let's just take a moment to sit down and rest, pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee or hot chocolate if you prefer, and let's just drink in the peace and beauty of the Advent season surrounding us...the preparation for the birth of our Lord, who brings us joy and hope and love...and revives our spirits when we feel like we are on our last leg...

Like this Christmas cactus! I honestly thought it was dead. If you could have seen it a few weeks ago, you probably would have agreed with me.  It looked pretty sad. More than once throughout the past few months I thought I should just throw it away...it looked hopeless...no real signs of life except for a few weak looking stems that looked dehydrated and very close to death.  But then all of a sudden a few weeks ago I noticed new growth...little tiny buds were forming on the ends of the stems...so I watered it and left it out on the back porch where the nights were cooler than in our warm house...and lo! and Behold! Look at it now!

I know it isn't as big and glorious as many that I've seen, but to me it is amazingly beautiful! It has been revived and resurrected from the dead...given new life!  Maybe that is why it's a Christmas cactus! I know, we think of "new life" more at Easter, but Christmas is actually the beginning of that resurrection story...After all, isn't that why Jesus came to earth in the first place?  To show us the Way to new life...as well as to the resurrection from the dead and eternal life?
In the book of John 11:25-26, Jesus says to Martha at the death of her brother Lazarus:

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. 
He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 
26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Just after this,  Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and restored him whole back to his family...  Yes, the resurrection is a big part of the Christmas story...and so perhaps that is why this cactus is called a Christmas cactus (plus it only blooms at this time of the year!)

Amazing the lessons we can learn by just observing the things God has placed right before our eyes!

But now I want to take a little journey here inside the house and think about some different things that seem to stand out to me during these days leading up to Christmas...

Last year I saw this picture plaque and it really touched my heart with sweet memories, and so I brought it home with me.  I couldn't remember where I had put it after last Christmas and was disappointed it was not in with all the other Christmas decorations. Finally, when I started working on my Christmas cards, I discovered it in the dresser drawer where I keep my Christmas card list and old cards that I save (yes! I do save old cards...they are just too special to throw away, at least for now. Someday maybe, but not yet...)

This picture just brings back that nostalgic memory of Christmases past...

This past week at our ladies' Christmas fellowship,  one of our dear ladies put together this wonderful little verse with a spool of thread in a little package for each of us to take home.  I love it...

She is the same lady who gave each of us this cup and saucer and another poem a couple of years ago at our Christmas gathering:

I loved this idea so much that I actually copied the verse and found little cups and saucers to give to some of my family members that year,  along with a box of Christmas tea.  
The only sad thing about this is, that particular lady is planning to move away as soon as they can sell their house. They are moving, along with her mother in law, to be closer to their family in north Florida. Although I can't blame them for that, she and her mother in law will be sorely missed here in our little church.  She is the kind of person who is always doing so many nice things for others...and the first one to bring a meal for someone when they are sick or just out of the hospital. Those kinds of people are very special and hard to find in today's busy world. Yes, she and her mother in law both will be missed at our little church.

Speaking of little churches, I was taking notice to how many things I have that have pictures of little white churches on them (or little country churches in general).  Not sure which came first for me...the fact that we love our little white country church so much and so I am drawn to things that have little country churches on them, or I loved the idea of a little white country church so much that we ended up going to one and found it to be just as beautiful and special inside as it appeared on the outside...because the Spirit of the Lord is in this place...that's what makes it so very special.

Anyway, let's walk around and see what I am talking about with Christmas decorations and especially Christmas cards...

This little flag greets visitors to our front porch.

We've been receiving several Christmas cards already that have this same beautiful theme...

But while I am looking at beautiful Christmas cards received (and surprisingly there have been quite a few...especially from you dear friends in "blogland". Thank you!  

This one may not be a little white church, but it is a hand painted picture (but reprinted for her cards) by one of our very dear blogging friends, Linda Chapman at Linda's Life Journal. She is a very accomplished artist, and paints these magnificent Santa pictures every year for her Christmas cards, as well as she usually does a give-away drawing for an actual large canvas of her painting for the year!  I feel honored to have been included on her Christmas card list!! Thank you, Linda. I will cherish this!
I love this scene of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. I do think Linda kind of paints the faces of herself and her beloved Louis Dean into these Santa paintings...

And this is another special creation by a dear friend of mine, not a blogging friend, but a wonderful friend I've known for over 40 years...She makes all kinds of beautiful greeting cards and it is always a blessing to receive one of her special creations in the mail. Do you understand now why I can't just throw away cards??? I consider them all, whether hand created or store bought with a purpose, as a blessing and something worth keeping as a memory of that special friend.

Now back to the little churches...my current Christmas mug that I use for my morning cup of tea and sometimes my evening cup of hot Ovaltine is a Thomas Kincade design of a beautiful church:

These are just a few of the little church ornaments scattered around the house...

This little bird house church hangs on the grapevine tree on the front porch. It looks a little weather worn, but is still beautiful:

And actually, I have just brought that grapevine tree inside for now as we are expecting some very severe weather to hit us later today and tonight, with lots of rain and wind.  We are praying nothing worse comes out of this storm for people in its path.

Looking around further in my little room with a view where I sit and write, I have this Christmas box sitting nearby with this picture on it. I've never noticed before if it had a church in this scene or not, but surely it must as most little snowy villages always have a little church somewhere...look closely...I found it...did you?

Yes, there it is, way back in the back!

Well, maybe it is time to close out this little Advent Saturday Wanderings post and get it posted! But I've saved the best for last...this isn't exactly a little church, but it is perhaps the very first real church ever...the stable where "Jesus the Savior is born"...and the Shepherds saw, the Angels Sang, and the Wisemen came to worship... (although we know from history that the Wisemen actually didn't come to the stable, but showed up about two years later after following the star for two years, at the little house where Jesus and his family were staying in Bethlehem): 
They all came to worship the new born King...

O Come All Ye Faithful,
Joyful and Triumphant,
Come ye, come ye to Bethlehem
Come and behold Him, 
born the King of angels,
O Come Let us adore Him,
O Come Let Us adore Him,
O Come let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord!



  1. Hi Pamela, I enjoyed reading your post. I like your church collection. We have a Peanuts Nativity I put up a few days before Christmas. I have several garden flags. I am almost through with my Christmas shopping. My dining room is a mess! But I hope to have things in order by Sunday. I am off to my grandkids Christmas performance. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing that poem by John Paul Moore, I love it.
    Yes, I believe in God's promise in John 11: 25-26
    He sent His only Son to take on all sin, past, present and future, to pay the price for us to be able to spend eternity with Him. I'll never take that great gift for granted.
    May His wonderful love wrap around you this Christmas and always.
    Connie :)

  3. Lovely Christmas Cactus. I don't have inside plants anymore for which I'm sure all plants are grateful. They used to tremble in fear of my name 'cause I tend to kill 'em. I'm much better with the "wash and wear" kind that stay outside and can fend for themselves. *lol*
    The decorations, cards, etc. are great. Your place is so festive.
    Love & Blessings. xx

  4. I've always had a "thing" for small churches painted white; perhaps that's why I was attracted to Shiloh, the church we now attend. The Holy Spirit is definitely dwelling in that building when all are gathered together for worship. And that's what truly counts, doesn't it?
    And that cactus, Pam? It is beyond beautiful! Such a great reminder that Jesus breathes new life into us every single day, and that when our time comes to leave this earth, He will usher us into His everlasting kingdom. What a joyful day that will be!
    May He bless you with all goodness today!

  5. I love little white churches and often on vacation we'll drive around and I'll take pictures of as many as we can find. Blessings to you my friend.

  6. Your Christmas cactus is really beautiful. That a color is gorgeous!

    And as you said, it is amazing what we can learn by observing the things God has placed right in front of us.

    Your little church ornaments are wonderful. All of your decor is homey, comfortable, calm, delightful.

  7. Linda at Linda's Life Journal does those gorgeous gorgeous paintings. She addresses hundreds of Christmas cards...decorates her house so much...helps with her grands...takes care of her ill husband..sees friends...cooks...helps others...and she is about my age...we are in our 70's...she never complains...she gets it finished...She is an amazing woman and her husband is darling...I love that painting of Mr. and Mrs. Claus...it is one of my favorites. I also love the little white churches...anytime we drove south to Myrtle Beach...I always saw so many of those little churches in NC and Va...amazing...I went to one in WV as a little child...before moving to "town" and going to Baptist with my friends...a bigger church. Your pictures are lovely. Enjoy your prep this last week...I have always enjoyed every step of the journey for the holidays.

  8. I want to wish you a wonderful holiday week ahead! Merry Christmas my friend, Diane

  9. Pam: I loved the poems you included here. Thank you for sharing them as well as the pictures. I have three small statuettes of the Holy Family that I keep out all year long. \We are slowly getting ready for Christmas. While Roger is with us, we plan to give him is birthday gifts. Poor guy, his birthday is 13 days after Christmas. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  10. 🎄Merry Christmas Pamela,
    What a glorious post... Your love for our Lord, as well as your dear friends
    and family, is in each picture and every word. I truly appreciate you sharing all this.
    We're expecting the storm here in SC too and it's already quite breezy. Do take care.
    Blessings, Linda💗
    Ps. It's been awhile since I've commented but I always enjoy reading your lovely blog. Hugs..

  11. A beautiful post, Pam! There is something so peaceful and nostalgic about a little white church with a steeple. I enjoyed my visit here this evening!! Love and hugs! Happy Sunday!

  12. Happy Saturday night Pamela! I've enjoyed reading your post today and your thoughts on the Christmas cactus are very insightful. I can't wait until one day I wake up in Heaven. Oh what a glorious day that will be!
    I've been drinking out of my saucer too because the Lord has given me a cup that is overflowing with blessings. That is a great poem.
    We had Dennis's work Christmas party tonight. I think it's funny. He only works one day a week, if that, but they insisted we come. We had prayer and the beginning and end of the party with lots of references to God during too. Very unusual in todays business world. It was very nice in a fancy, schmansy hotel ballroom. They even paid for rooms for anyone who wanted to spend the night. We came home because we're keeping Lizzie for Mandy & Brad so they can stay. Piper is at her other grandparents for the night.
    Well, that's probably more than you were interested in wasn't it?
    Blessings and love,

    1. Never too much information...I always enjoy hearing from you and what you are doing! Sounds like a wonderful party!! Thank you for sharing and visiting!!

  13. Thank you for the wonderful hymn. I never was able to make the Christmas cactus flower. They always died - perhaps too much watering. I really love your selection of Christmas cards with churches.

    Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

    God bless.

  14. Beautiful, Pamela, thank you for sharing. We are very waterlogged here in Ocala, grin. I hope you all didn't have any trouble with the weather last night. smiles

  15. Oh, that 'thread' and friendship poem is so dear! What a treasure she's meant to your church family, and I know her absence will be felt sorely. I'm so taken with the images of small churches on these cards' faces ... yes(!), I spotted the one at the back. And now I've a new Thomas Kincaid mug that's tugging at my heartstrings. Will one of it's siblings come to live with me? Only time -- and Santa Claus -- will tell!


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