What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ Art (and Family Treasures)


Tuesday 4

Hi Friends and welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we give you 4 questions each week to ponder and answer. It also gives you a chance to see how other Bloggers feel about things and an opportunity to make new friends.

This week let's talk about art.

1. Are you artistic in any way and if so, how so? Knitting, crochet, drawing, painting, writing lovely word art, home décor, lovely meals? There are many ways to be artistic.
I used to be more "artistic" than I am now. When I was young I did a lot of drawing, but never really learned to paint.  Horses and Portraits were more my specialty.  I don't have any examples of the horses I used to draw now (without doing some digging in boxes in closets where no wants to go...) But there is one example of the portraits I used to draw:
I drew this of our first son Benton, when he was about 3 months old. However, I drew it from a photograph because a 3 month old baby would never be still long enough for anyone to draw a portrait of them! LOL.  It was my intention to draw a similar portrait of each of our sons when they were about the same age, but what I soon learned was that with each subsequent baby, there was no time left for me to do much artwork!  And now that it would seem that there would be plenty of time, I don't have the skill anymore.  If you don't use it, you lose it!

So now my art work is primarily what photographs you see on my blog posts...nature photos especially. I enjoy taking pictures and sharing them with you all here, but I seldom ever print them as it is just too expensive.  Here's a few of the ones that were deemed "frame-worthy":
This picture is entitled "The Angel of the Woods".  I took this photo as the sun was rising up through the trees in the woods near our last home in Salt Springs, FL.  After posting it on Facebook there were several comments about seeing the "Angel" in the picture.  It was one of God's special gifts to me while we lived there. I would walk by this spot every day and always had a sense of God's Presence watching over us and protecting us, literally, through several bad storms and other difficult situations that took place during those years.  Of course, we know that God is always with us, but this was just an added little "sign" of His Presence.  This photo now hangs in my bathroom, where I can see it every day and am still reminded of God's Presence. It's very comforting.

Deuteronomy 31:6
6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Here's a few other photos I took while living in the Ocala National Forest:
(with the exception of the Barred Owl...I believe my sister actually took that picture at my Dad's house, but that's another story!)

This little bear was contemplating how to get the bird seed out of that feeder. If you look at one of the pictures above, you will see how he did it.  After that we had to move the bird feeder into an enclosed/fenced area, but that still didn't always ensure that the bears would not get to them. They'd just tear down the fence if they were hungry enough!  Click HERE for more about that!

So yes, I guess that is my kind of artwork.

2. Does any art hang on your walls or grace your tables or shelves at home? How about your front door or windows.. what about your yard?

Yard "Art"...

Walls and shelves at home...Are you ready for this?
Last week when I wrote about my husband's Aunt Dorothy, I should have included this painting above, which was painted by her.  The painting is of my husband's grandparents' home. You can read more about that HERE.

And these paintings were painted by my dad, and have special significance, and of course there's a story about that HERE TOO!

Another painting by my Dad, but no story attached for this one. It's just one of his special painting of a barn, and was a Christmas gift to me one year. 

Needlepoint picture by my paternal Grandma (Mursch):  (Seems like there's a link to just about everything in my house that I've written about at some point in time!)

This Indian Brave hangs in the Guest Room, a painting by our son Matthew when he was about 11 years old:

And this cross-stitched picture also hangs in the guest room, a gift from a dear friend:

Our sweet daughter-in-love Rose created these signs for us as Christmas gifts...

And our son Benton built this log cabin "birdhouse", originally for my dad, but then I inherited it:

It was modeled after this drawing by my Dad of his family cabin,  and of course there are stories about that too!

Our son Scott created these "Dove Candy Wrapper" people as special gifts for us:
and also this beautiful copper angel:

3. Do you have a favorite artist or artists and do you have a favorite piece of art?
Can't say that I have a favorite artist or piece of art, except for what I've just shared with you above. My favorite artists are those who took the time to lovingly create something special for me throughout the years, and it seems as though I've only scratched the surface as I look around me.   I do love Norman Rockwell, Thomas Kincade, and John Sloane (the artist who paints the pictures on my Country Seasons Calendar)

4. Home décor can be art. When you bought things for your home did you plan out the décor or did it all just fall together. Was there a theme?
No theme to our home, unless you want to call it Vintage Family Heirlooms...  Here's a link to an old "Tuesday 4" post that gives a pretty good description of our home decor.    

Sorry to have so many links to previous posts in this post, but the more I look around, the more I realize that I've already written about so many things in this house that go along with this theme, so I just couldn't help myself. LOL.  It will give you some fun reading to do in your spare time if you want to go back and look at all these posts.   Of course, you've probably already seen most of them before anyway.

Thank you, Annie, for coming up with these questions again this week. I hope this didn't drive everyone crazy with so much stuff!!!  Praying you all have a wonderfully blessed week.

Note from Annie:
If you are interested in learning about art, may I recommend Sister Wendy from the BBC? Her lecture series on art is available on YouTube HERE and are quite enlightening and entertaining. She will help you see art in a brand new way.


  1. Your photography is definitely art. Love the Angel in the Woods and the drawing you did of your son. It looks to me as if you have lots of talented family and friends, including yourself. Hope you have a great day Pam.

  2. The sketch of your son is quite good! Too bad there was no time to keep up drawing. And your Dad!!! Wow, he had talent! Well done. Those are the kind of paintings and such that I like looking at and to have hanging on the walls. What a gift!
    Fun post. I enjoyed it.
    Love xx

  3. Wow! Quite impressive. I love the sketch of your son.. He was so precious. The animal collage is very like what are were trying to achieve in our home.. and I Love the Americana and Indian art.. it all tells an amazing story ; Very interesting !!!!

  4. Pam: I have, in the past, taken pictures that made it to a shelf in our living room. One even got enlarged and professionally framed to put on a wall. My phone camera does not want to share the pictures with my computer and my fancy camera never did work for me. I just found out that my phone carrier has a store within two miles of our home. I am considering purchasing a new phone, a GOOD phone. I have also made wreaths in the past. I have fall leaves to make a fall wreath for our front door. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. Gosh, Pam ... I'm in awe! Seriously.
    First, I'm touched how each of these pieces has a back-story. I think that makes them even more heart-worthy. Right away, I recognized baby Benton. Perhaps I'm most drawn to your photography-turned art. That angel! Neither of us is particularly trained to recognize art, yet early on we discovered we both love art photography. So, over the next few years we began collecting a piece of two each year. Those are probably my only nod to a theme; the rest is all hodgepodge. (But it still makes me smile.)

  6. Your drawing is lovely! Its so nice you have Matthews painting and the wonderful paintings by your Dad!!

  7. It's so much fun, Pamela. Thank you. You're truly a creative person. I believe you have many more creative ideas in your mind.

    About the photo with the angel: I read somewhere that Jesus is the sunbeam of God's love reaching down to Earth. I find that thought beautiful too. It's what I think of when I see sunbeams in the forest, streaming down through the mist.

    Lieve groet,

  8. It seems that artistic talent of all kinds runs in your family, Pamela! I did love your sketch of little Benton and your framed photos, too, especially the angel. And what talent your dad had! Much of our artwork are framed photos that Danny has taken over the years, but I also have several paintings that hung in my parents' house that I dearly loved, and they are now in ours. Such great memories!

  9. There is definitely an artistic gene passed down through your dad to you and your boys! Lovely work!! Another fun Tuesday 4 from Annie. I love seeing your photos, Pam!! xo

  10. Hi Pamela, that is an awesome picture you drew! I enjoyed all your other pictures. I love all the picture you take and share with us! Your backyards is an example of seeing God's creation! Have a great week!

  11. I do remember a lot of the artwork that you included here from previous posts. Your family is very talented indeed. I have a lot of my cross stitch pieces hung around the house. Also, a couple of drawing that Mandy did in school that I think are extra special. I have two paintings from Cindy at the "Delighted Hands" blog. She painted them with her left hand when she injured her right hand and couldn't use it. (She's right-handed.) Of course I have lots of family photos around too We have a hodgepodge of furniture and definitely have no theme. :-)
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. I love all your art works Pamela. I like your drawing too of Baby Benton.

  13. What a talented family you have. I like your drawing of the baby and the many photos you post here. Thank you.

    I wish I had any talent.

    God bless.

    1. Oh jeepers...you who are a published author wishing he had some talent. LOL. Good one, Victor!!! Talent comes in many forms...and I'd say you have plenty of it!!!

  14. Wow you have so much talent and it obviously runs in the family. Beautiful photos.

  15. Paintings, drawings, photographs, dove wrappers, wire... you have a very talented family! The photo of the angel, that was the first thing I thought of too. A very holy photo.

  16. Whatever you want to call your style of home decor, I've been in your current house and the previous one and I can attest that your style is very homey, comfortable, and beautiful. You have a good sense of taste.

    And you can draw, girl!!! My goodness, that drawing of Benton as a baby is excellent!

  17. Gosh, Pam you ARE ARTISTIC. Loved that portrait of Benton! Seems like alot of your family is artistically gifted. Not me....I can barely draw a stick figure or anything else, LOL. I love that picture you made and yes I immediatly saw the angel in the sunbeams! Hope y'all are doing ok down there. The mornings are getting cooler here. The days are still hot but not as bad....so that is progress, right? Enjoyed this post. Our decor is 100% "vintage family heirlooms", just like yours! LOL. PS...love that painting John's Aunt Dorothy painted of the Grandparents home....that is so pretty. And so old fashioned.


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