What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Remembering Someone Special

Now, you may think this is kind of unusual...and it may well be.  But I woke up thinking about this today and it was like I was being prompted to remember and honor this dear lady today, on what would be her 104th birthday.  She's been in heaven for at least 12 years or more, I'm not certain of the date, but it occurred to me today that if I don't remember her birthday, I'm not sure just who will.  Perhaps this will prompt some of the rest of her living extended family to pause and remember her today if they see this, but her own descendants have already all gone on to heaven as well.  She just had one daughter and one grandson, and they are both already in heaven, along with her husband and even her daughter's husband.  There is a great-granddaughter living somewhere, but she does not stay in communication with any of the family.

This is my husband's Aunt Dorothy.  She's holding our "Baby Elva" in this picture, which was taken back in August of 2010.  I'm pretty sure she passed away later that same year, I just don't remember the date.

Here she is presenting me with a gift at a Bridal Shower, way back in 1969. Look at our hairdos!  I know I had a little hairpiece in the top of my hair to give it all that height and "style".  The bouffant look was the style of the day. We actually almost look like mirror images in this picture, even though we are not blood related. LOL.

These were all of my husband's extended family who attended our wedding that summer of '69.
Aunt Dorothy is the first lady on the left on the front row.  Her daughter Janice is standing behind her, and her husband, "Uncle Van", is the second man from the left on the back row. Everyone in this picture, with the exception of my husband's brother Billy standing tall in the middle, are in heaven today. 
Just for the record they are as follows
First Row, L to R: Aunt Dorothy VanZant, "Nanny Pearl Martin", my mother in law Vivian Steiner, her sister Nellie Kirk, my father in law William Steiner.
Back row, L to R:  "Cousin Hoss (John) Driver", Uncle Wilbur "Van" Vanzant, Cousin Janice VanZant, cousin Jane Driver, Uncle Charles Kirk, Billy Steiner, "Cousin Helen Humphrey", Great Aunt Lydia, "Cousin Herman Humphrey". 

Here are the "Martin sisters" with their mother, "Nanny" Pearl Martin"
Dorothy, Nellie, Pearl, Daisy, and Vivian

And here the "Martin Sisters" are again.
Nellie, Dorothy, Daisy, and Vivian (my mother in law).

Aunt Dorothy was a character, to say the least. All of the "Martin sisters" were lively and full of fun, but Aunt Dorothy seemed to be the one who would get into the most "mischief" in life.  I wish you could hear the laughter of these women around the table as they told stories and talked about all of the things they did growing up and even into their young adulthood and beyond.  There was never a dull moment I am quite sure.

Yes, Aunt Dorothy was my mother in law's older sister and one of my hubby's "favorite Aunts" (they were all his favorites).  I think because her birthday is in September like mine, I always tend to remember her birthday.  And she was a "redhead", at least that's the color she chose...LOL. And I was also a redhead, although it's long faded now. So we had that in common.  

Since all her immediate relatives have passed on, I just figured someone needed to remember her today on her birthday. 

This was the last picture we have of Aunt Dorothy, sitting next to her sister Vivian, my mother in law, and it happens to be at a birthday party...so they are both wearing birthday hats.  The picture was taken at my parents' home on the occasion of our son's birthday.  So lots of memories are attached to this picture!

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Aunt Dorothy!  We love you!  You are not forgotten!!

Yes, so many loved ones have already gone on before us to heaven...and they will be there waiting for us on that day when we enter heaven's gates....so these verses in Hebrews 12 seem to be appropriate for this occasion today:

Hebrews 12:1-2
1"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, 
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, 
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 
2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, 
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, 
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

So let us run the race with endurance...and one day we will be there with all the saints, rejoicing and celebrating with Jesus before the throne of God!
What a day, glorious day, that will be!!

Thank you for going along with me on this little journey back in time today. I'm sure Aunt Dorothy would be very surprised to know so many now are thinking of her today!  God bless you all, and have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


  1. Awwwww….you continue to amaze me. I send cards weekly to family and friends…I have several ladies in their 90’s. And some in 80’s…nice of you to remember. Prayers

    1. Thank you. I guess I just couldn't get her out of my mind all day and thought maybe some of you would enjoy some old family stories and memories. To me it is always so sad that once a person dies it seems like no one mentions them again...almost like they never existed. To me that is too bad. I do hope that we call can leave a mark for good and positive memories once we move on to Heaven.

    2. Brenda
      My comment about the cards

    3. I kind of figured that out. Thank you, Brenda!! Always good to hear from you!

    4. I thought you would know. You also have your own writing voice. Love your blog Brenda

  2. What wonderful memories, Pam! I had a precious Aunt Dorothy too. That newspaper article is so great! How nice that local newspapers used to print news like that instead of the garbage we read in today's papers. Awesome!

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, living in small towns meant that you might actually make it in the local newspapers for something nice back then! Nowadays I don't think the papers give up space for local society news like they used to, at least not for free!! It was a different era for sure.

  3. Now I will remember her birthday. It's the same as my mother-in-law's. 🎂🎈🎁

    "There is a great-granddaughter living somewhere, but she does not stay in communication with any of the family."

    Why not? Not to pry (🙂) but you should initiate contact.

    1. It's a long story about the great granddaughter. Her father was the adopted son of Dorothy's daughter Janice and her husband. He and his wife divorced while the daughter was still quite little, so she wasn't really with the family all that much growing up. Then her daddy died quite unexpectedly. Janice tried to stay in touch with her granddaughter throughout the years. Then Janice's hubby died, and a couple of years later Janice died. The granddaughter and her mother came to the funeral and stayed long enough to receive the inheritance as everything was left to her, although she was not quite yet 18. Since Janice had been an only child, apparently the inheritance was somewhat sizeable. The not quite 18 year old granddaughter immediately spent a large portion of $$ on taking her friends to Disney and going on cruises. And that's the last anyone has heard of her or her mother. They lived in another state. It was hoped that she would use the $$ to get a good education and move in a positive direction with her life. I pray that is the case, but I really have no way of knowing since we had no further information about her once she left town...We can only pray! God knows where she is and hopefully He has been able to steer her life in the right direction. That's my prayer.

  4. What a beautiful picture of you and Aunt Dorothy, and so sweet of you to remember her with a blog post. She sounds like she was a joy to be around.

    1. Thank you. She was always a fun and "interesting person". There are some stories I could tell that were funny, but probably wouldn't be understood by people who didn't really know her...so suffice it to say she was a real "character", and she will not be forgotten!!

  5. Happy heavenly birthday to Aunt Dorothy! What a beautiful tribute to her. Thank-you for letting us learn about her today. ♥

    1. And I believe you share her birthday, right? I think that's what I saw on your page. She was an amazing person.

  6. Happy Heavenly birthday Ms. Dorothy. Such a beautiful memory, smiles.

    1. Thank you, Linda. She was a character in a lot of fun and interesting ways.

  7. My heart! This is such a wonderful tribute to a beautiful soul -- you made me wish I could have known Dorothy. Yep, I sure remember those little hairpieces -- 'wiglets', weren't they called? That image from your shower looks like Lady Bird Johnson and Luci! Did anyone ever tell you that?

    1. What an interesting thought...Lady Bird and Luci! No, I must say no one has ever said that before! I do see what you are seeing, however. One would have to have been from that era to see it. Very interesting indeed. Thank you for your perception...it has given me pause for reflection this morning!

  8. Pam: I really enjoyed reading this entry. The pictures are priceless. Those times will always be etched in your memory. I think it is wonderful that you remembered your aunt. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, Cecelia. Yes, I was thrilled to become a part of this family of my husband's relatives. They were lively and fun and full of so many stories! It was never a dull moment around that family! Oh, and so very southern!! Lots of hugs for everyone!! I hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable weekend.

  9. What a touching tribute to Dorothy, Pam! I'm so amazed by the amount of family photos you have of relatives from days gone by. I'm still not sure whatever happened to many of ours; my brother may actually have some that he can eventually copy for me, but he's not the most efficient at getting things done, though he means well.
    A blessed birthday in heaven to beloved Dorothy!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I am thankful for all the old family photos. It makes me wish that I could print all the pictures I take today, but alas! They are mostly on little flash drives and memory cards and in my computer. Someday my descendants will wonder where all the photos went from the time I got a digital camera onward. But it is too expensive to print them anymore, and no place to keep them. That makes me sad. So I share what I have now and hope they bring others some joy as well. I love looking back at the way things were! Sweet memories. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful week.

  10. Beautiful.

  11. Beautiful memories - thanks for sharing. And yes you two beauties do look like mirror images!!:)

  12. I love all the photos and your beautiful memories. Yes I see a resemblance. Two Pretty ladies. Enjoy the weekend.


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