What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Tuesday 4 Planning


Seeing Ahead

Welcome back friends to Tuesday 4!

A wise man once said that most people fall into their lives. They don't plan and carry out what they would like to do, they just fall into things through circumstances. Others plan and prepare for life. They know the kind of person they want to spend their life with, the kind of family, home or job they wish to have and make a concerted effort to follow through.

So what about you?

1. Did you plan to be where you are right now in life or did you just end up where you are?
I really don't think I had a whole lot to do with it. My life has been entirely in God's hands since the beginning of time. I may have thought I was the one making the plans, but come to find out it was God all the while.  It was nice of Him to let me think I had something to say about it...but in reality it was totally up to Him all the time.
Psalm 139:13-16
"13 For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from You,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them."

2. What plans did you make for your future and what plans do you have for the future now or are you just marking time?
Well, again, I know this probably doesn't make sense to a lot of people today, but truly my plans were not my plans.  We kept thinking that one day we would end up living in a certain place and working at a special place that we always dreamed about. My hubby spent a lot of  his years of study and career "plans" preparing for that hoped for event. After many attempts to reach that goal only to be rejected time and time again we finally realized that was not what God's plans were for us at all. Those were our dreams, but in hindsight we can now understand why it was not the best thing for us and we are thankful that God protected us from doing what we thought was right when it really wouldn't have been right at all. 
Isaiah 55:8-9
“8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
9“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."

Our plans for the future now are to live life to the best we can each day, giving thanks to God for His provision and protection and health.  We are very thankful for the ways He has provided for us in our retirement years, as we truly did not have a plan.  We served God in the pastoral ministry for the majority of our working years, along with also working in the field of education. We did not end up with a good pension plan due to frequent moves and being in very small churches, etc., so what little we were able to attain has been taking good care of us, again thanks to God's provision and careful budgeting.  However, we do not regret living the kind of life that we lived. It was interesting and fulfilling and rewarding in ways that are way beyond our earthly expectations.   I believe the best is yet to come.

3. Do you live where you want to live or would you have done things differently when planning where to live?
We enjoy living where we live now primarily because this is where our kids are, and we have a good church and a convenient community in which to live. It is affordable and peaceful.  If we could have planned differently or had more financial ability, we might have chosen to live in the mountains or someplace "cooler" than where we are now, or at least where there is more of a change of seasons.  But we have learned that every place has its good points and drawbacks.  Yes, Florida has hurricanes. However, thankfully we live in the part of the state that rarely is hit by the full force of hurricanes. We are in the more north/central part of the state, at least an hour's drive from either coast.  It seems to be the best place to be to avoid the brunt of those storms. We are very thankful for that.  Oh, and it was 69 degrees this morning when we woke up! That's a good sign that fall is on its way! Of course, it made it up to 90 degrees by the afternoon...but still, we will be thankful for what we can get!

4. What is planned for this coming Autumn? Trips or plans with family or friends?
vacations? holiday plans?\Reading list?
I am excited that we are actually going to be taking a little trip later this month.  We have a family reunion coming up in North Carolina, at my brother's daughter's home. 

(pictures from their home when we were there before)

We have done that several times in the past, but the last one was in the fall of 2019, 

before the big ugly "C" word.  We haven't been all together again since then.  We will be traveling with our kids and then after the reunion is over we will head over to the mountains in north Georgia for a few more days, staying at an Airbnb with the kids.  We are really looking forward to that...and pray the weather will be a bit cooler...and maybe we can get some fresh apples and enjoy some fall fun around the firepit and make some s'mores.  

That's all the plans we have for now, which is really a lot for us!  

I am writing this on Labor Day evening. We had a lovely day...again some things were planned, and some things were not.  We started out the morning by laboring as we rearranged some of the living room furniture, per hubby's request. He wanted to move his recliner and side table closer to the TV because he seems to be having difficulty seeing it from a distance. So we moved everything around, switching chairs, tables, lamps, etc.  He lived with it for most of the day, and then this evening he decided that it really wasn't working out the way he hoped it would. And so we put it all back the way it was originally.  One good thing was we were able to sweep up the dirt from under the chairs and tables and clean the floor a bit better! LOL. 
And then the best part of the day was the kids came over for supper, bringing most of the stuff to make spaghetti and garlic bread and dessert (a pumpkin roll!! Yum). I made a salad.  We had a lovely evening...a fun way to end a laborious  labor day. LOL.

I hope your day was filled with some joy and relaxation, if at all possible!!

Thank you for joining in to make Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 a success.


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers Pamela. I look forward to hearing about your upcoming trip once it's happened. I'm wondering whether your DH has had cataract surgery. If he hasn't I'm thinking that may be why he can't see the television screen as well. The cataracts cloud the vision. I agree with you about our plans and God's plans. His ways are always best. Praise His name. God bless your week ahead.

    1. Good Morning Penny! Thank you for your thoughtful comments...actually my hubby does have the beginnings of cataracts, but the eye Dr. said they are not quite to the point yet for surgery. We are keeping an "eye" on them to monitor their progress. And yes, God's ways are always best. He sees the things we cannot see and steers us into the right direction. We are very thankful for His loving guidance throughout our lives.

  2. Hi Pamela. I totally know what you mean about God's plans. They are often not the same as what we have planned at all. I admire how you and your husband have an attitude of gratitude for your blessings, even though the blessings you have may be different than the ones you planned on. This was a good post. I hope you have a good week!

    1. Thank you, Deb! God's plans are always the BEST plans. Sometimes we just have to wake up and realize that and learn to 'go with the flow' of God's loving guidance. Have a wonderful week back at school!

  3. God's plans are always perfect and the best, amen!? For years I thought I was planning and I'm sure God laughed. I thought I was being the mover and shaker in my own life, but, it turns out His plans were unfolding. Praise Him that He guided me (and Steve) to where we are, during this time and in this place. That we are in the location He wants us to be. May His will always be done to bring Him the glory. When we allow Him to take the reigns, only good follows. It's taken me years to realize that. I'm so grateful for His patience and tender mercies.
    Wonderful post.
    Keep looking up! I feel like we're closer than ever to seeing our Lord in glory.
    Love & Prayers xx

    1. Amen to your last statement!! Yes, I keep my eyes on the Eastern Sky...for our "Redemption draweth nigh". Maranatha.

  4. I think I remember your last trip to Carolina. I hope the weather holds nice for your upcoming trip and Im so glad you didn't get damage from that awful hurricane! Thanks for joining in again this week.

    1. Thank you, Annie. I pray so about the weather holding up as well. It seems like we hear of new storms brewing all the time, but we will just keep moving forward by faith. Our last trip to Carolina was actually a reunion and a celebration of my oldest brother's life, who had passed away earlier that year. It was a very special time around that campfire as we remembered him. The older we get the more we realize we need to try to get together more often as we never know when it will be our last opportunity.

  5. Your upcoming family reunion and trip to the mountains sounds wonderful! I feel we also have followed God's plan for our life and that we are exactly where we are supposed to be for now. I hope you have a really great day!

    1. Yes, you have indeed followed God's plan and have served Him well. You were blessed in that He allowed you to stay in the same location all those years. He gives us each what we are able to do with His help and blessing. We are thankful for His amazing grace.

  6. Pam: In answer to the questions, we are not able to plan our days. I have two things planned for this Thursday. But Jim does not seem able to get out to do anything special.
    Roger will be home on the 23rd and 24th, there again those plans could change. I have found I practically live one day at a time. And then those plans could change. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I do hope that Roger will be able to come home as planned. I know you've had to change plans frequently due to health or weather or whatever. It's good we can be flexible and trust God for the outcome. Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week.

  7. God's way is the best way. As always I enjoyed my visit today. I love reading your answers, they are very inspiring. ((hugs))

    1. Thank you, Mary. Yes, God's way IS the best way, always! Even when we don't understand it at the time...we can trust Him to do what is best for us no matter what. Thank you for visiting. You are always a blessing to me.

  8. I am a planner
    Always have been
    Others were surprised when I went to college full time in my forties to become a teacher
    A dream of forty years
    They were more surprised when I received Masters age 60
    Worked on doctorate until health issues oops
    God has been taking care of this woman from day one. Miracles miracles
    My best career out of all…
    Mom and nana love your blog. Brenda

    1. How wonderful that you were able to accomplish such amazing goals, especially even in your "later years". That is something to truly be thankful for, and give God the glory for His enabling you to make it happen. Yes, miracles and miracles...I totally understand that. Without God's working of miracles in our lives, we may never have made it this far! Thank you for sharing your story. That is truly amazing!!!

  9. Gosh, Pam, your response to #3 might well have come out of my own mouth. What a pity, however, it took me so long to realize. This 'uber planner/control freak' had it all worked out -- so I thought. Thank goodness it took a couple face plants to wake up and thank God for all He was protecting me from.
    Your upcoming getaway sounds absolutely wonderful. A bit envious, yes, but I'm thrilled for y'all.

    1. Yes, I tend to be a bit of a "control freak" as well...but God has truly taught me through the years that all of my careful planning and controlling doesn't mean a thing if God's not in it. His ways are way beyond my comprehension at times, but I know I can trust Him to do what is best and right always. Thank you for visiting. I hope you can take that trip you wanted to take sometime in the near future...the one here to Florida to visit all of your fans!! Love you.

  10. I am so thankful that God has been with me through all the storms of life! beautiful post. I am most definitely not where I thought I would be at 56 but this is where God took me! I am a spur of the moment type gal, if I want to go someplace I get in my vehicle and go. I plan out of state trips as that is a little more complicated. I hope you are doing well and I pray for you daily.

    1. Thank you, Gina, for your kind words. Yes, I know that you have experienced a lot of what I am talking about...God's careful protection and provision even in the midst of difficulties and sorrows. He's always there for us. We just need to trust and rest in Him. He will never lead us astray. I pray you are doing well and enjoying life a bit more these days. (((hugs)))

  11. The longer I've lived, Pamela, the more I've seen God working in my life, always for the better! He has gently, but firmly, put me back on His paths when I've gone astray, and for that, I am so very grateful.
    I'm glad your family can get together soon for a reunion, too. North Carolina is so beautiful any time of the year, but it should be especially so when you are there. And I'm happy that you all can spend some days in the North Georgia mountains. They are amazing, too.

    1. Thank you, Martha. You are also a wonderful example of God's amazing grace and love. He never leaves us nor forsakes us, regardless of what we do or don't do. He loves us too much to let us go too far astray. I wish I could say we would be able to visit you while in N. Ga., but you know how it is when you are with your family. We hope the weather will cool down a bit by then and we can enjoy a taste of fall! Take care and may God bless you and keep you always.

  12. I think most of the people that are part of Tuesday 4 will understand how you say your plans are not your own. I get it. God's plans are the best. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


    1. THank you, Lori. Yes, God's plans are always the best. We just don't always recognize that until later, in hindsight. But the more I walk with Him, the more I know He is leading me exactly as He planned all along. No better place to be.

  13. The end of your Labor Day sounds just about perfect!! This is an interesting Tuesday 4. I agree with you completely... God's plan and in God's timing. Amen!! xo

  14. howdy Pam, the family reunion up in North Carolina sounds GREAT! I bet y'all can hardly wait to get there and see everybody. It will be fun and such a blessing to catch up with everybody. Please be sure to make plenty of pictures.....they are more important nowadays than ever, the way life can change so quickly. Love that picture of y'all around the fire pit, that is one great picture! I love reading about your family and seeing the fun pictures. I bet you're ready to start PACKING NOW, LOL. ha ha Y'all are going to have a great time and I sure hope you DO GET TO go pick some apples! Hugs! PS.....your Labor day supper sounded delicious and yes, we've done the exact same thing with furniture move-arounds as well. LOL

  15. Good post to read about life and how God has given us things in life to do that are good in my life. We've not been traveling lately. We did go to the coast for one night at a hotel as we were at Chinook Winds Casino for a evening of comedians. One man for sure was a believer in Jesus. We were able to talk with him afterwards. No bad things much except a couple things said were boo-d by the crowd. Delicious dinner prior to the show, at McMenamins Lighthouse. Delicious seafood 😋. We watched a movie on Monday afternoon and then I drove over to a pizza 🍕 store for our dinner last evening. Yummy. Enjoy the rest of your week. God bless you 🙏 ❤️ Becky

  16. The story of how you spent Labor Day is entertaining -- moving the furniture and then putting it back the way it started out, and cleaning the floor under the furniture in the process. Isn't that just the way life is sometimes?!

    Your travel plans sound wonderful; I'm glad you have such a good trip planned.

    And your Labor Day supper must have been perfect!

  17. Enjoyed your answers. A family reunion sounds fun. My moms family used to have them but then I guess as the older generations passed on, no one kept them going...so sad. We also moved to the west coast and it was too much to travel back to Ohio often.

  18. Maybe your hubby needs new glasses?

    Thanks for the memories. We used to have a larger livingroom and my friends were always eager to visit and see what I had changed. I loved to move the furniture around and have a different feel in the room. But with autistic children that creates a lot of unrest. They couldn't even deal with a few christmasdecorations in the room.

    So I just go with the flow, see where I am needed and try to keep my health not to become too much of a problem.

    It was great to read your blog again. Enjoy your week!

  19. Thank you, Sylvia, for visiting and for your comments. Hubby probably does need new glasses...that is a long story. He got some new ones, and they really didn't work well. The eye Dr. said to keep trying them for a little while and see if you adjust...well...anyway, long story short, he never went back and he won't use the glasses...so there's the truth of the story. Plus, he does have the beginnings of a cataract, but not quite ready yet for surgery. However, he's content now back in his original spot and is not complaining, so I say we'll leave well enough alone until he changes his mind again. LOL. I did not realize that your children were autistic. I can imagine there have been unique challenges, but it is wonderful that you are able to meet those challenges with flexibility, love and appropriate understanding. That is what is needed most. And yes, maintaining your own health is vital. You continue to amaze me, the more I learn about you. I hope you have a wonderful week. Take care and may God bless you and keep you.

  20. Have a beautiful day. Many blessings and much love. Regine

  21. It's good to look back and see how God has led you through the years. For most of us, it's not at all how we started or planned. I hope you have a good weekend! I saw some birds high in the sky in a v....wonder if they were cranes! Hugs!

  22. "My life has been entirely in God's hands since the beginning of time."



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