What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday Foto Friends: Welcome September!

Welcome September!!!  The first of the "ber" months! All my favorites!
Actually, these pictures were taken yesterday morning, on the last day of August, but this morning was too cloudy for a good photo, so I figured we could say "farewell to August" as we welcome September!

Do you see the "super moon" in the photos below?  That was taken around 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning, as the moon was sinking down beyond the horizon and Still Waters Pond.

I thought it was quite "picture-worthy", don't you?

I'm so glad I got to see it, as it was hidden this morning behind thick clouds.  These photos were taken the day AFTER Hurricane Idalia had made her way up the Gulf Coast and across the Big Bend and Northern section of our state and on into Southeast Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. I hope she is fizzled out in the Atlantic ocean by now!  My heart goes out to those who lost so much in this storm.  Thankfully there was not a high death toll anywhere, but a lot of damage especially along the coast due to storm surge.  We are so very very thankful that it bypassed our area and barely even left us a puddle to wade through or a tree limb to pick up. Quite a miracle, I'd say!

So now we truly welcome September, and pray that she doesn't have any more surprise storms awaiting us.  We don't dare let our guard down until after October!

But meanwhile, we can enjoy the beauties of this beginning month of autumn. Also my birth month, so it definitely is a special month for me.
As per my norm, I like to share pictures of the different calendars I have throughout the house for each new month.  This one above is the John Sloane Country Seasons calendar.  This painting is called 
"A Taste of Summer", with the jars of freshly canned vegetables from the garden sitting in the sink and on the windowsill.  I wish that was a photo from my kitchen, but alas! We do not have a garden and I never had really learned how to can vegetables, etc.  I've made jellies before, but that's about it.  We left the farm and moved to Florida when I was 5, and then my mother had to go to work as a secretary when I started school, and so the farming/gardening way of life became a thing of the past.  I'm sorry I missed out on it.

Seeing that box of Ivory Snow in the picture above made me think about this jar of Ivory "Flakes" in my Hoosier Cupboard.  It's very old...I've never used them...just have them on display in the cupboard for old times' sake.  
I haven't started my fall decorations yet...it's been too hot and with all the hurricane prep and other things I've been going through lately, I just haven't had the energy or time.  Hopefully when Scott comes home this weekend he can bring in the tubs of decor from the shed and I can start working on it next week.  So these photos from inside the Hoosier Cupboard will be a little nod to September/fall for now!

Yes, it's a bit of a hodgepodge of old stuff...kind of a part of the family "museum" here...LOL.

I love this little Susan Branch calendar...it has such fun and homey things to say about each new month:

Thomas Kinkade always captures the most wonderful scenes in his paintings as well...look  at all the detail in this one entitled "Country Living"...I think I'd love to live there...how about you?

Yes, faith without works is dead...  If we are not willing to back up our faith with some positive action, then we will probably not see too many prayers answered... Kind of like the old saying "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step..."   Take a step of faith and you will see great things happen...

Wow, this is a lovely teapot on the September Tea Pot calendar...
Interesting quote...I never thought about there being "connoisseurs of blue" before, have you?  I do like blue, but I don't think I'm a connoisseur of it...what would that look like???

And the last, but not least, of my calendars...this one hangs in my bathroom where I can write down all the appointments for the month.  It helps to be able to see it every day when I wake up (or when I sit on the throne to contemplate important issues of life...LOL)  Wouldn't this be a lovely place to sit and dream?  It reminds me of my Aunt Margie's garden in Crafton, Pa.  I know there's a picture somewhere showing her beautiful flowers like this in bloom...but I doubt that I have it.  I need to ask my sister Doris to look for it in the family albums...Doris, if you are reading this...do you know where to find that picture??? LOL.  I will let you know if she finds it...but it may take a while...

What a lovely surprise to receive these beautiful cards in the mail this week from a couple of you dear blogging friends!  I tell you, blogging friends are the best people in the world!! All of you, whether you remember to send cards out or not...I love having regular "conversations" with you here in Blogland...every day is like finding a nice letter in the mail!!  I don't know who invented blogging, but I'm so glad we all found out about it!

Now, it wouldn't be September without this creature!!!  My hubby looked outside and saw this guy today and said "it must be September because I've seen the first love bug of the season!" Just like clock work, they show up in September and May!  This one is still alone, but it won't be long before it will have a mate...and they will "mate for life", which may not be very long, and lay their eggs somewhere in the trees or dirt or something so they can hatch in the spring.  They don't bite, and they serve no useful purpose that I know of. They mostly like to fly around in swarms near the roadways and stick to the grill and windows of automobiles,  making a huge mess and also eating the paint off the hood if you don't keep them washed off.  If you've never experienced the semi-annual "plague" of the love bugs, be thankful!!  They mostly stay in the south, primarily here in Florida.

Well friends, this ends the first blog post of the month of September, 2023.  Hopefully it will be a month of much joy and many blessings for all of us.  (and no more hurricanes!!)

Psalm 5:8,11-12
8 Lead me, O Lord, in Your righteousness because of my enemies;
Make Your way straight before my face.

11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.
12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
With favor You will surround him as with a shield.



  1. Pam: Beautiful calendar pictures. I didn't see the super moon up here because I don't get out at night or early in the morning. I got out and purchased a few things for a meeting to be at church in about two weeks. Also purchased some items for a couple of writing projects I would like to get done. Please don't take this wrong, you can keep the "love bugs", we have enough of the other kinds up here :) Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. We are not in love with the love bugs. I wish I could send them somewhere else, but I wouldn't wish them on you for sure! LOL. At least they don't bite. That's their only redeeming quality! I hope you have a lovely weekend...and also that your writing projects get accomplished on time and as you desire to have them be. Maybe we will see ??? have a blessed weekend.

  2. Good pic of the full moon. We couldn't see it 'cause all it's done is be overcast and rainy in our 'hood. So glad y'all did OK through TS /Hurricane Idalia. We did well too. Only lost a few limbs. *whew*
    Such pretty calenders. None of mine are worth sharing or keeping but I buy cheap ones nowadays.
    We've been fortunate that the Lovebugs have been far and few between. Gosh, I don't like those things. Yuck!
    Blessings. xx

    1. So glad Idalia is long gone. I assume you have your power back on and things are getting back to normal. Re: calendars...most of them were gifts from different family members or friends. The only one I buy for myself is the Country Seasons one, because I love the pictures so much. It is my little Christmas gift to myself each year. I save them and sometimes use the pictures for backgrounds for different stories for the Pamela's Victorian Cottage family. I haven't done much of that lately, however. I've gotten lazy in my old age. LOL. We are not in love with the love bugs either. They are a nuisance, and even the birds won't eat them. I don't even think the lizards or frogs like them. LOL. What a pest! I'm just thankful they don't bite! Have a lovely long weekend.

  3. We have TWO love bug seasons?!!! One is enough!

  4. I love seeing all your calendar photos. The only calendar we have doesn't have a big picture just some pretties around the edge and a big pocket on each month to hold important things. I do think the John Sloan painting is my favorite. It reminds me so much of growing up. My dad always had a huge garden and this time of year we were always busy canning and freezing....which I absolutely hated at the time, but now it seems like such a simpler and slower time. Pretty mugs in the cabinet!

    1. Yes, the John Sloane painting is kind of like the Amish books I like to read...they are always gardening, canning and cooking and baking...all w/o electricity...a lot of hard work, but the benefits of all that wonderful fresh/canned food is so good. I wish I had that kind of energy! Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a lovely long weekend.

  5. The super moon is beautiful. I didn't even know we had one so am happy to see your photos!! I am actually glad it is September now and love your calendar photos. Yes, I could live quite nicely in that Thomas Kinkade photo! Yes! I saw my first lovebugs yesterday (August). It is time. Happy weekend!

    1. I know, with all the clouds/stormy weather this week, the moon didn't get to shine quite as much, so I am glad I saw it too, even though it was already going down. Oh, I know...that Thomas Kinkade picture would be a lovely place to live, if we had young strong men around to take care of everything. LOL. As much as I love country living, I know how much work is involved in maintaining such a place, and so we keep scaling back to simpler places as we age...However, I don't think I could ever live in an apartment. LOL. At least not yet. Have a lovely weekend. I hope you get to relax and enjoy it!!

  6. That moon was absolutely gorgeous! I couldn't stop staring at it the other night. And thank you for introducing me to John Sloane! I love his work! Hope Scott can help you get your decor out soon! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. Yes, that moon was gorgeous. I'm glad the clouds broke long enough for me to see it. We've had such a cloudy week because of the storm, so the moon didn't get to shine in all its glory for long. I'm glad you like the John Sloane paintings. He is amazing!! I save the calendars each year because I love the pictures so much. I hope you have a lovely long weekend too!!

  7. 60F tonight here along the coast. I hope your cool weather comes sooner than later. The calendar pictures are so homey. I like that honey look.. I mean a picture you wish you could be inside of. I looked up love bugs.. it said "redistribute essential nutrients back into the ground that are beneficial to plants and the environment." So they seem to have a good purpose especially when grass is keep cut as long as you do not sweep up the cut grass. I found that interesting. Anyway, Lovely photos as always. I hope your weekend is cool, relaxing and that you are healing nicely.

    1. Oh, how I envy you your cooler temperatures already!! Yes, ours will get here eventually...tomorrow morning is only supposed to be 73! That's progress. LOL. Interesting info you found about the Love Bugs...I didn't know that. I guess that should make me happier they have a purpose in life...but they still are a nuisance to keep off the car windshield and front of cars. Really messy little critters. LOL . Thank you...yes, I am healing nicely, although my arm still hurts a bit. Dr. said it could take a while...so I must be patient. Now we know why those who visit doctors are called "patients". LOL. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

  8. Hi Pamela. I am so glad that you didn't have any damage from the storm. I love your beautiful calendars. What a great idea to have one in the bathroom! You sure have a lot of interesting things in your cabinet. Being from the West, I have never heard of Love Bugs before, except in the old Disney movie about a VW named Herbie! I completely agree with you about blogging and bloggers. The friends I have made in blogland are some of the nicest people anywhere! Happy birthday in September!! Our daughter's birthday is today, September 1, so tomorrow we are going to take her out to breakfast and give her a little gift to celebrate. I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

    1. Oh, I remember the movie the Love Bug! I should name these creatures "Herbie" I guess. LOL. Happy Birthday to your daughter! I hope you have a nice breakfast together this morning. That's a nice way to celebrate! Have a lovely day!

  9. I don’t have those bugs…here on the coast, we have tiny yucky lizards…
    Glad you are okay.

    1. Oh, lucky you not to have love bugs...but we also have yucky lizards everywhere too! And tree frogs, and lots of other insects/reptiles, etc. It's Florida, after all, so it is to be expected! I am glad you are okay...I pray your condo did not sustain any flooding or other damages? So thankful!!!!

  10. Yep, the season of love bugs, it seems the storm has brought them, at least my car window says so, lol. Have a beautiful weekend my friend.

  11. Happy September Pam! I enjoyed seeing all of the calendar for the new month. Thomas Kincaide is a favorite of ours too. We have a couple of his prints on our walls and one is even a numbered one that Dennis and the kids got me years ago for Mother's Day. In Lahaina, at one of the galleries they had several original Kincaides. A snow scene I hadn't known existed, an ice rink with people skating under the stars and a few others. The prices were astronomical. I'm guessing they burned like everything else. So very, very sad.
    I'm glad there are reproductions everywhere in the world so his work will be remembered.

  12. Thank you for taking the time to respond to us.

  13. P.S. I have a large snail mail group of prayers…friends and families…I have a text group of prayers. After an anxiety filled August…sleepless nights…serious issues…we are thrilled that God has answered three huge huge prayers. God is good…glad you received snail mail. I send tons of cards a month. My grands even get cards for all kinds of things from Nana. Inexpensive way to show we think of them…thank for living that of which you speak and profess.

  14. I wish you a very good month en I come around the corner to wish you a nice Saturday and a blessed Sunday in advance. I always find it so cozy on your blog.

  15. I always enjoy seeing the photos of your various calendars, Pamela. They truly do invite us to enter the world and landscape they represent, and encourage us to daydream about both the past and the future. It amazes me that you still have your own container of Ivory Flakes, too! Certainly not something one would think would generate nostalgia, but they certainly do!
    The Super Moon is awesome! Because we have so many trees around us, it's hard for us to get a good glimpse of the moon at any time, and I sure wish I could have seen this one in person.
    Blessings, and Happy Labor Day!

  16. Love the photos of the moon. I've got that Lipton tin. Actually I have a large collection of tins. Love them! The calendar photos are pretty. Have a beautiful September.

  17. love your beautiful calendars :) I have that same lipton tin, and various others (nabisco cracker can I still use it) The Super moon was so beautiful I took lots of pics. I hope you are doing well after your procedure! So thankful you were safe from the storm. Hope to see you visit soon. Blessings, Gina

  18. Good morning, Pam. I just came back to see if the comment I left the other day made it -- but no; I guess it's floating out there in cyber space, maybe hovering over Still Waters Pond. Anyway, I've quite forgotten all I had to say, but LOVE these calendar images, especially that Updike quote. Happy SeptemBER!

  19. That moon was just beautiful, your pictures turned out great. I enjoy pretty calendars too although I only have one for this year. Calendar pictures are always so pretty. Yikes, love bugs are a nuisance. They haven't gotten here yet, but they will eventually. I do rejoice in the Lord and shout (sometimes quietly) for the joy He puts in my heart. Shout to the Lord
    All the earth let us sing
    Power and majesty
    Praise to the King
    Mountains bow down
    And the seas will roar
    At the sound of Your name
    I sing for joy
    At the work of Your hands
    Forever I'll love You
    Forever I'll stand
    Nothing compares to the promise
    I have in You


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