What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wednesday Treasures...Or Things I See!

Happy Wednesday!!  We are half way through the week and I am feeling "thankful and simply blessed".
I actually found these two "camp mugs" (that's what they are called) at the Dollar General store yesterday.  Hubby and I both decided it was time for some new mugs for our morning coffee (him) and tea (me).  His choice of mug is on the left, and mine is on the right. Appropriate messages for the fall season, don't you agree?

And speaking of the fall season, little by little I am changing some things inside the house. I took off the more summery tapestry throw and pillows that I had on the sofa 

and exchanged it for these, which may not be exactly "fallish", but at least they aren't "summerish". LOL.

The mornings have been a little cooler lately, so we've been trying to take our walks in the morning. I just saw this poem on a little devotional calendar for yesterday's date, and it made me think about how I feel when I go walking through the woods:

(also goes along with my One Word for 2023, "Listen")

Here are a few pictures from my walks this past week...this bright green moss on the woods floor just stood out to me as being beautiful...

These trees are actually from the lot next door to our house, which actually adjoins our property...

"God is here...from every tree
His leafy fingers beckon me..."

I am not sure what kind of berries these are. They don't turn red like holly...but they are in low shrubs along the woods of our yard, and I am sure the birds enjoy them:

Switching gears a bit...Sometimes I am enjoying my food so much I just have to take a picture of it! LOL.
This was a pork tenderloin, baked sweet potato with a little bit of brown sugar, cinnamon, and chopped walnuts (and butter) on top, and zucchini and onions.  It was a really delicious meal, if I do say so myself!

And recently I also made this "taco salad", with black beans. The only thing is I put too much sour cream on it. Otherwise, it was wonderful...

Okay, this is just for fun.  Yesterday we were driving home from our morning walk, and this car pulled up beside us on the road at the traffic light. I was shocked to see "Chuckie" staring at me from the back seat.  Apparently the driver of the car noticed me staring back at Chuckie, so he rolled down the window so I could get a better look at him. We had a fun time going on down the road after the light changed (hubby was driving so I could do this safely).  The teenage boy driving the car could see I was having fun looking at Chucky so he stayed beside us long enough for me to get this picture, then he took off. 

Yes, it was pretty creepy, but we got a good laugh out of it.  That's the reflection of my arm in the picture on my window. I guess I should have rolled down my window too, but I was in too much "shock" to think that fast. LOL.  We must be getting close to Halloween and the pranksters are getting an early start.  Crazy stuff.

Well, it's time to get a move on for the day. Our United Women of Faith group meets this morning for our monthly meeting and lunch.  
I pray that you are also "thankful and simply blessed" today.
We certainly do have much to be thankful for.

Psalm 46:1-3, 10-11
"1 God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear,
Even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
3 Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling. Selah"

10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

11 The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah"



  1. Good morning Pam! I was supposed to start a Bible study with BSF, Bible Study Fellowship this moring, but since we both came home from London sick, we figured I better say home. Uninhibited coughing would not be welcome. We found out a few wedding guests have tested positive for covid, but we self-tested and are negative, however we both have bad colds. We'r trying to just take it easy for a few days and adjust to the time difference .
    I enjoyed your poetry and the thoughts along with it. When we or the kids were sick, we stayed home and didn't spread it around to all asunder.

    1. I just went over and read your post and was so sorry to hear about your being sick and actually missing the wedding! Gosh!!! That is really sad! But I am glad you are back home safe and sound and hopefully on the mend, and so glad it wasn't the dreaded c word. Just take your time recuperating and don't push it. I actually ended up not going out today to our ladies' fellowship. Hubby was not feeling up to par this morning and I just didn't feel like I should go off and leave him. I kind of needed the rest myself, so all's well that ends well. Take care and be blessed, and get well soon.

  2. Oh my gosh, so much goodness ... where to start?!
    Did you know, coffee/tea mugs are my weakness? A few years ago I took myself to task and purged most of my collection; now, I think a visit to Dollar General is in order. Are the microwave safe? Being a huge fan of black and white, I love the 'new' look of your sofa. Lately, I've been thinking about doing a pork loin (or two) in the slow cooker. Your plate looks so yummy -- at first I thought your sweet potato was squash. I've never been a fan, but your 'adorning' it with the brown sugar (etc) is giving me pause. I may have to try that, just because.
    LOL on seeing Chuckie. That was nice of the young man to let you grab a picture!

    1. 1. Yes the mugs are microwave and DW safe. I made sure of it before buying for a whopping $3.00 ea. LOL. 2. That was a pork tenderloin, not to be confused with pork loin. This should not be cooked in a crock pot, but can be cooked in about 30-40 min. in a 400 degree oven. Some people cook them on the grill. They are really nice on a rotisserie, but I don't have one. They are very tender, but should not be overcooked or they will dry out because they are so lean. They were on sale at Publix so we splurged. Actually cheaper than ground beef, and much better for us! No fat! 3. The Sweet Potato is easy to cook in the microwave, and then just put butter, a little bit of brown sugar, cinnamon, and chopped nuts on it, and it's like a sweet potato casserole from Cracker Barrel, only better and less fuss to do. They are also just as good with just butter and cinnamon if you don't want to add the sugar and nuts. 4. Seeing Chuckie was a surprise. The kid driving the car was obviously having a good time with it and enjoyed seeing me taking pictures. I am not a Chuckie fan by any means, but how often do you see him riding down the road beside you??? LOL. Hope you have a happy rest of your week.


  3. Great post Pam! I'm loving your new mugs and now I'm considering going to Dollar General to see if they have them up here. I also like that pillows and throws you put out for fall...beautiful! Hope you have a great day!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. The mugs were just $3.00 each, and are microwave/DW safe, so a great bargain, I'd say! Thank you for your kind thoughts. I am really trying to get into the fall spirit!! Even if it is still almost 90 degrees! LOL Have a great week.

  4. The Chuckie doll is creepy, Pamela, but it's humorous at the same time. I love it when people show their lighter sides.
    And that poem from your calendar? It says it all! If we can't see the hand of God in nature, then we must be blind.
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Yes, Chuckie was definitely creepy, but the kid in the car was having such fun showing him off to me that I knew it was a chance of a lifetime! LOL. And yes, I agree about the poem...that really spoke to me!! I was getting ready to flip the page to today's date when I took time to read it and thought, now, that was there for me! Thank You, Lord! I hope you have a blessed week too.

  5. God is here.


    He came to get Chucky!

    1. LOL. I do believe God came to get all the "Chuckies" of the world. He came to save sinners like you and me and give us new life and hope and peace and joy! Yes, God is HERE, right now!! Amen!!!

  6. Nice saying by Madeleine Aaron. Even though those of us who Believe don't worship the creation, I too feel like His creation seems to draw us yet closer to Him. So sweet. Praise God for His tender mercies.
    Wonderful post. Very edifying.
    Love & Blessings. xx

    1. Thank you, Sparky. No, we don't worship the creation, but the CREATOR. When I see a lovely tree or flower or bird, I thank God for His creation and majesty. When I see a magnificent sunset or sunrise, I give glory to God because I know He did it just for us to enjoy and to remind us of His love for us each day. We are blessed to be His children and to know that everything He made is good. Love to you too my dear friend in GA.

  7. It is amazing how you answer each person who responds to your blog. The dialogue is important instead of someone posting a blog. Others respond and that is it. Love this Brenda

    1. Thank you, Brenda. I try hard to do that, but I am not always able to keep up. Sometimes "life" gets in the way and I get behind. But I do enjoy and cherish every comment and especially every person writing the comment. It truly means a lot that we have this opportunity to make friends here!

  8. I love your mugs!! And all the pretty pictures of what you are seeing lately! And I love your FALLISH sofa setting! Now - your FOOD! Oh, your FOOD looks amazing! I love seeing what my friends are fixing for meals. I am thawing out something from the freezer that I BELIEVE to be chicken! It's an adventure but I don't want the freezer stuff to get away from me. Yesterday I thawed out some BBQ and LD had two sandwiches of that and there's still some left - just incase the 'chicken' turns out to be scraps for the possum!!

    1. Wow, Linda, coming from you I feel so blessed...your food always looks SO delicious and interesting. I am not a great cook...I do the basics and am thankful we have food to eat. But it is fun to make it look more appetizing and fun when I can. And I understand about the freezer stuff... some things just get lost in there and pop up when we least expect them and we wonder what on earth they are. I hope your "chicken" turned out good. BBQ is always good in a pinch. I can put BBQ sauce on most anything and make it taste better! I hope you are having an amazing week. I am a little behind in reading. But I have seen your paintings on FB and I know you are busy creating beautiful stuff!! Can't wait to see the finished products! have a lovely rest of your week.

  9. Those mugs are so pretty, the color, the saying. And you got them at Dollar General? Ya can't beat that! I love that poem 'I touch His robe... I breathe His breath...' so personal. You know, reading this has truly brought a smile to my face thinking of the Lord and how much He longs to spend time with us. May He richly bless you.

    1. Thank you, Cindy. Yes, I got the mugs at DG for $3.00 ea. And they are microwave and DW safe! So great deal. I'm glad you liked the poem. It really touched me as well. Yes, Our Lord wants to spend time with us every day. He's always there waiting...we just have to take the time to recognize Him there. May your day be blessed as well.

  10. The new cups are so nice, a wonderful message to see each morning while having you coffee and tea. Trees are so majestic, loved your pictures and the poem with them. God gives us so much to enjoy. I don't know about that Chuckie, looked mighty freaky to me. ☺☺☺

    1. LOL. Yes, Chuckie was freaky and creepy, but funny too. The kid driving was just having some fun and so I played along. Thank you for your kind words and visit today. And yes, I am enjoying my "thankful and blessed" mug right now with my morning tea while I write to you! I am truly thankful and blessed. xoxoxo

  11. Chuckie is pretty funny and also creepy!! Cute that the driver played along with you! I loved your post, Stacy!! xo

    1. Hmmm, me thinks you got me confused with someone else...LOL. I'm not Stacy, or are you Linda??? LOL. That's okay, some days I don't know who I am either. LOL. Love you Terri. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.

  12. Howdy girlfriend, your new mugs are adorable! Love how you changed out your couch too. I've got all our Fall decor out, My goal every year is September 1st and I pretty much made it this year, yay! LOL Love seeing the outside pictures of your walks too. So many people DO RUSH on by, and don't take much time these days to stop and notice the beauty God has made for us. We love bring outside. It's HARD in the worst of the summer, so we are hoping for cooler weather sometime soon. Loved your garden pictures too. We are now planting things for a Fall harvest and Round Two of flowers, and my seeds came up last week, I'm excited for new blooms! We had pork this weekend too, Mr. Front Porch grilled and smoked it outside then finished it all day in the crock pot. We've been eating on that for almost 5 days now, we love leftovers, and pork sandwiches. You and Mr. Front Porch make your sweet 'taters' just the same, ha ha LOL. Hope your week is going great, take care! Hugs!

    1. Good Morning! So wonderful to hear from you!! I hope you are having a wonderful week as well. I would LOVE to see your fall decorations! I am still working on it a little at a time. Scott finally came and brought in the tubs from the shed for me, but still it is a work in progress. Some things I don't put out until October for the Halloween season (although I am not big on that...just some scarecrows, etc.) and then in November I do the pilgrims and turkeys, etc. I am happy you are having a "round two" for flowers and fall harvest. I wish I had your green thumb and energy! It's still too hot here, even tho it is starting to cool down a tad. I just can't be outside for long in this weather. Your pork sounds good...grilled and smoked first and then so tender in the crock pot. Was it a butt roast? They are so good. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Lily Grace sends her love to you and Tracie and all the gang!

  13. PS, I loved your dragonfly pictures!!

  14. What a nice blog you have created again!
    I like the mugs, but the poem on the 12-Sept. I like the day best.
    More and more moss is growing here, everything is becoming greener.
    Hilarious, the photo of the "car"
    Kind regards, from the Netherlands.

    1. Thank you for visiting all the way from the Netherlands! I always love hearing from you!! I hope you have a lovely day in your woods!!

  15. I don't live in or near Florida, but those white berries - maybe that is the White Indigo Berry? Randia aculeata. Is the pulp of the berry blue?

    1. Thank you, MaryB! So glad to hear from you again! Who are you and where are you? I appreciated your identifying the "St. Andrews Cross" on my other post. That was exactly right! On this one, no the pulp is not blue. And I am not sure if these berries turn dark in the fall or not. I can't remember from last year as we had not let the bushes grow up as tall and so did not have so many berries. I will have to let you know later as I watch them to see if they change. Right now the pulp is white like the berry. Thank you for visiting. Please come anytime, and especially as you seem to like identifying plants, I appreciate that so much!! Have a lovely day!

  16. Pam: I found this on Thursday. Wednesday was not a good day for us. I love the mugs. and the nature scenes. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I am sorry to hear that yesterday was not a good day for you. Praying things are better today? Sending up prayers and sending you (((hugs))). Take care my friend.

  17. That is so funny....Chuckie! Makes you glad you can take a quick pic! I've been looking for mugs that have a wide bottom...if you know what I mean! I love these. Enjoy your afternoon!

  18. Hi Pamela! I love you new mugs and the new fall look of your couch - especially the pillows. Your meals look so delicious and make me hungry! Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

  19. Cute mugs! Wonderful photos. I love your devotional calendar and the sweet poems.


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