What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Friday Foto Friends: Being Renewed Day by Day

(Keep reading to find out what this picture is all about)

Hello Friday Foto Friends!  I hope you have all had a wonderful week and that you have managed to stay warm and healthy!  It has been a bit warmer here the past few days...I had to peel out of my sweatpants and flannels and dig out the short sleeves and capris again...but not for long. I hear cooler weather is coming back...Not like your cooler weather if you live north of the "Mason-Dixon Line", but cooler for us Floridians...Here's a few pictures of some of our little friends "cooling off" and peeking out to see if it's spring yet...

This little lizard poked his head out of the pipe he likes to hide in to say hello:

 This male Cardinal had quite a fun time taking a bath...he dunked himself under the water several times and just kept thrashing around in the water having a good old time:

These Robins have stopped over in their travels to rest up and get a drink and bath here in the bear pool...

 The camera caught this one in flight...(these were taken by the outdoor wildlife camera)

The wildlife camera also captured this young deer passing through the yard one afternoon...

But these are not the pictures I wanted to show you today...can you stay a little longer and visit a spell?
"Come into my kitchen and chat with me 
while I prepare a pot of tea..."  
(That needlepoint below was done many years ago by my paternal grandmother, and I just love it...)

You will notice in the picture above several pictures...the one in the middle is what I want to tell you about today:

This painting, painted years ago by my husband's Aunt Dorothy, tells quite a story.  Now, please don't be too critical of the artwork...it may not be perfect  in perspective and shape...but this picture is very special.  This little pink house belonged to my husband's maternal grandparents.  His granddaddy Martin (his mother's father) built this little house for their retirement home not long before my husband was born.  The tall magnolia tree you see in the front was actually planted by my husband's grandmother and  his mother not very long before my husband was born.  It grew to be very tall and beautiful, but sadly was struck by lightning about forty years later and had to be cut down.  My husband's family home was next door to this house, so he spent many childhood days in this house with his grandparents. Sadly, his beloved granddaddy tragically died as the result of an automobile accident when my hubby was just six years old.  His grandmother continued to live there until the day she died many years later.

The little brown doggy you see "climbing the tree" was our own dog, "Dusty", that we had gotten as a puppy.  Because we had moved frequently in our early years of preparing for the ministry, it became difficult for us to keep Dusty, so he went to live with "Nanny Martin" (hubby's grandmother) and he kept her company until she passed away.  Dusty was a very talented doggy.  He loved to chase squirrels, and when we would let him out of the house we would always say, "Go get the squirrels, Dusty!" and he would literally climb up the tree about six feet from the ground to chase whatever squirrel might happen to be (or not to be...he loved to climb the tree regardless!)  He did this at any house where we had lived as well as at this particular house.  Even up to his old age he would still try to climb the tree, but just couldn't quite get as high as before.

Nanny Martin with Dusty, the brown dog in front, plus other dogs Chita and Ringo
The reason I am showing you this painting now is because I just got it back.  Back, I say, because it had left our house for a while, and now it has come back to me.  Originally the painting was given to my mother in law by her sister Dorothy. Then one year my mother in law gave the picture to me for a Christmas present.  I was happy to have it because it helped me to tell the story about my husband's grandparents home and all of the things that we have from their home now residing in our home.  Anyway, several years after giving me this picture, my mother in law, during her time of progressing dementia, decided that she wanted it back and took it back to her house.  When she was no longer able to stay in her own home, she wanted the picture with her at her other son's home to remind her of "home".  Now that she is living in a nursing home, my brother in law graciously brought the picture back to me, (just this week!) and hence this story today.  My brother in law didn't really understand why I wanted it so badly...but I explained to him that this picture tells the story of where all these "things" my hubby and I have either inherited or purchased from his grandparent's home came from...so here are a few pictures of some of the furnishings that all came from inside that little pink house;

This China Cabinet and most of the dishes inside belonged to "Nanny Martin".

This Hoosier Cupboard, which stood in her kitchen and was a very useful part of her kitchen cabinetry: (Click HERE for more about this Hoosier Cupboard) (Also that little white chair came from her house, and our boys loved to see who could sit on it first at the table. It was a little higher than the regular chairs, so was perfect for young boys to sit on)

These are some of her cookbooks, tea towels, and the blue pitcher on the left was also hers. Oh, and that meat grinder on the right as well...

 This antique "secretary" desk was in their dining room,

and my husband can remember watching his grandfather open it up and sit and pay the bills from this...

These are pictures of his grandparents when they were very young...

This old Singer Sewing (treadle) machine, that she used to make many dresses for her four daughters. She also made many quilts to sell as well as to give away to family members... (but those she made by hand)  (To learn more about the history of these items go to The page "A Few Of My Favorite Things")

This Dining table (the original chairs are long gone)...but oh! The stories this table could tell if it could talk....

And this buffet, which held her table linens, silverware and various other items (and it still does that for me, except for the silverware...I mostly store a lot of candles, table decor, napkins, etc. in there, and because I can't fit it in our current dining room, it serves as the welcome center in our foyer, where I ask our guests to be sure and sign the guestbook before leaving!)

So, now can you see why I enjoy having that painting of that sweet little pink house?  I wish I had pictures of the inside of that home before it was sold and totally renovated.  It was so special.  Hubby's grandfather built the house from materials he received from tearing down a very large old drug store building downtown Apopka, FL. (Sheppard's Drug Store).  He used the antique beadboard walls, antique doors with glass doorknobs, heart of pine floors, and it even had a claw-foot bathtub. It was a very unique little house, and it really was too bad that the new owners tore all of that out to create a new "modern" house to lease out to people, who have since pretty much destroyed the house...

However...These things are just that...things...and as I reflect on all these memories and mementos of the past, I am reminded that all these things are temporary...just like that little house, it no longer is the same as it was when family lived there and love reigned within those humble walls.  The dear grandparents who lived and loved inside are no longer there...they have gone on to their eternal reward...where their worn out, ravaged bodies have been exchanged and renewed for new.  Someday all these furnishings will fall apart and eventually end up on the trash heap...but we have a far better future...

My One Word for the year is "Renew"...and this verse sums it all up:

"Therefore, we do not lose heart.  
Even though our outward man is perishing,
yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, 
is working for us a far more exceeding 
and eternal weight of glory, 
while we do not look at the things which are seen, 
but at the things which are not seen.
For the things which are seen are temporary, 
but the things which are not seen are eternal.
For we know that if our earthly house, 
this tent, is destroyed, 
we have a building from God, 
a house not made with hands, 
eternal in the heavens.
For in this we groan, 
earnestly desiring to be clothed 
with our habitation which is from heaven,
if indeed, having been clothed, 
we shall not be found naked..."

II Corinthians 4:16-5:3

I apologize for this being such a long post.  I hope you enjoyed this little tour of the family "museum",  as I lovingly call our home...but more importantly, I pray that you (and I) also are building your treasures in heaven,

"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also..."
Matthew 6:20-21

Have a blessed and glorious day, dear friends.

Now, let us all travel over to Deb's place  at Breathing in Grace, and see what "treasures" in photos our friends are sharing!

Just a quick postscript: (I'm always thinking of other things I meant to say after publishing!) I was going to say that each of those pieces of furniture from my hubby's grandparents' home has gone through its own kind of being "renewed day by day"... trust me, most of these pieces did not look like they look today when first received...they needed refinishing, cleaning from years of standing in one little house, stripping of many layers of paint (the Hoosier), and general refurbishing.  God isn't finished with us yet, either. We are also in need of being renewed, refinished, cleaned up from years of standing in one place..stripped of the many layers of years of neglect, not taking good care of ourselves, or whatever the issue/sin may be...and only Jesus can do all of that!  When He takes us on as His special project, He washes us white as snow with His own blood, and gives us a new heart, and renewed spirit and eventually even a new body!!  That's all very good news, amen??  


  1. I love the painting, it is so pretty. I love watching birds bathe in the birdbath and tub, and that dining room table is beautiful Pamela! All the furniture is just gorgeous!

    1. thank you, Sylvia. There have been times, when we've had to move all this furniture zillions of times, that it has felt a bit like an albatross around our necks, but we have enjoyed it and especially all the memories attached make it special. Not sure who will want it after we are gone...but I don't worry about that...I'll be dancing in heaven!

  2. I enjoyed reading every word of that story. Like you, I have 'connections' to things that mean a lot to me so I certainly get your connection to that picture and all that it means to you. I am just thrilled that you got it back and that it will stay with you now.

    What great bits and pieces of china and furniture and books to have as part of your home now.

    Great pictures of your birds, too...AND...we also had a dog named Dusty but he was a RABBIT chaser-we didn't have squirrels. lol xo Diana

    1. Thank you NanaDiana, for stopping in for a visit today! Trust me, if there had been a rabbit nearby, I am certain Dusty would have chased it too. It just seemed that chasing the squirrels up the tree was what he loved best! So funny that you also had a dog named Dusty! It just seemed to fit...when our Dusty was a pup he looked like a little brown dog that had rolled in the dust, with a white spot on his chin and underbelly. He was a good doggy. have a blessed day!!

  3. Hey Pam(ela)...lol. When you get a chance would you send me a direct email so I have your email addy so I can reply directly to you. You come through as No Reply when you leave a comment. Thanks--my direct email is dianakos1@gmail.com

    1. I wish I knew how to fix that. Do you have any suggestions? I will email you my email address. Thank you.

  4. What beautiful memories and wonderful things that painting (which I think is lovely as a painting made with love is always perfect in my eyes) brings to your life dear Pamela. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm still not feeling up to par but hopefully soon. Have a day of blessings my friend.

    1. Thank you, Toni. Yes, it is the memories and the love that make that painting perfect in my eyes as well. I do pray you will feel better very soon.

  5. What if we get to heaven and it looks just like Grandma's house?


    (Grandma: Well, I'm glad I kept the place clean!)

    "that sweet little pink house"

    My grandma had a pink house too! Can I post a picture in a comment? Maybe not. May do a post. I did one a while ago and used the photo. I will look back...

    I was really touched by how the painting found its way bak to you. (And how you let it go be with her!)


    1. Little pink house:


    2. Thank you so much Sandi. I will go check out your little pink house too! Isn't that interesting? I just realized something else, my own paternal grandmother also had a pink house when they retired to Florida! I never thought about that until now!! What is it about pink houses and grandmas? I don't think I will ever live in a pink house...but you never know! LOL. As far as my letting my MIL take that picture away from me, she didn't give me any choice. She just took it, among some other things that she had given to me. When she was going through stages of dementia or whatever it was, she went through a LOT of mood changes and difficulties...now that she is in a nursing home she is actually MUCH better mentally than she was for years before. Could be a medication issue, or it could be that she is finally just settled down and content with life. At 94, who knows? We are just happy she is happy now. That means EVERYTHING to us!!

    3. I just read that post, Sandi...I left you a comment there...but that was so amazing. I find myself wanting more of that story...more of Hikaru the time traveler...have you written more? That was so good...and I am SO glad you shared it with me! I am delighted!!!

    4. Thanks, Pamela. I responded on the post, but I am not sure you will see it there. Thank you! You make me feel like a real writer.

    5. That's sad about your MIL and how she took the painting. Maybe everything just seemed different to her, like it was okay to take it or like....well, you know how something can make sense to one person but no one else gets it? I want to send you a hug. That would have rattled me. I have a painting my grandma (of the pink house) painted of her SIL's house, even has a little dog in front of it! ...Do we have the same grandma??... Anyway, I would be very unhappy if it went home with someone else.

      Which reminds me... your story of the returned painting reminded me of this. I had to call my SIL in the Netherlands to get the link, but here it is:


    6. Sandi, thank you for telling me about the "lost painting"...that was quite a story! I LOVED it!!! Amazing how God works, right???

  6. Pam: I enjoyed reading about the pink house. I dearly loved seeing the antique furniture. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Thank you Cecelia. I love the old things too...that's why I won't get rid of them even though they do take up a lot of space and are heavy and cumbersome to move...but they have so much character and memories attached. I've told my kids that whatever you do with them after I die is up to you. I've enjoyed them, but I can't take them with me, and I really won't care when I get to heaven!! I am thankful to have them to enjoy for now.

  7. I think the painting is quite good, perspective or no perspective, it is well done and lovely. It is so nice that you treasure these things. So many today don't. I can see why she wanted that picture around. It would provide comfort and a safe link with the past. Sometimes that is so important.
    Lovely post :). Happy Friday Foto Friends Day!

    1. Thank you Annie. Coming from you, one whom I would consider to be a very accomplished artist, I know "Aunt Dorothy" would feel very complimented. She did do a lot of painting in her later years, mostly of flowers and seascapes, but this one was the one I wanted. And yes, it did give my MIL much comfort to see her parents' home that she loved the way it used to be. She doesn't seem to miss it now that she is in the nursing home. She seems very content...and just loves to see her family when they come, which we try to do very often. Thank you for your kind words. Happy Friday to you too!!

  8. Thank you, Pamela, for sharing your home and your precious family memories with us. What gorgeous pieces of furniture, treasured even more because of the sweet grandparents who once owned them.
    Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, Martha. Yes, these are "precious memories" and happy days. I am thankful that I was privileged to get to know my hubby's grandmother before she died, and to enjoy many family meals in that little pink house with all the family. I feel honored to be the keeper of the family "treasures" while here on earth. They have served us well also.

  9. I remembered Grandma Mursch's pink house when your friend said her grandma had one too! It must have been the "in" color of the era!

    1. Ha Ha! I wonder what it was about pink houses and grandmas!! I know our Grandma Mursch's house was pink because that was a popular Florida color in the 50's for houses. I just can't imagine painting a house pink today. But, you never know!!! It's a happy color!!

  10. Just love all your treasures, especially the painting and the story that goes with it. I have a hoosier hutch that is at my daughter's. Now that we have downsized I just don't have room for it.

    1. Thank you, Mary. I am glad that at least your Hoosier is at your daughter's home. I'm sure that she is enjoying it and you can see it there and know that it is loved. I know my day of "downsizing" is coming...and we will have to make some difficult decisions when that happens...but for the time being we are happy to use these "treasures" for God's glory here.

  11. Your photos are delightful. Unfortunately the cold front did come down to Florida yesterday and I am staying in. The cold wind takes my breath away.

    1. Yes, it is quite chilly here...frost on the lawn again this morning! I covered my camellias and other fragile plants last night. It will be a chilly week, but we are still so fortunate not to have to battle the snow and ice our northern friends are dealing with. I am hoping for sunshine today!!
      Have a blessed, warm and cozy indoors kind of day!

  12. Wow! You've inherited or bought a lot of things that all come with precious memories. They make a home special and I can see why the painting also means a lot. The little red cardinal was so cute taking his bath. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. Thank you "Joyful", for your kind thoughts. After reading about your mission and friends in Kenya I feel somewhat selfish to have these "things" about me...but God has actually used them to be a part of our ministry to others throughout the years...and even before when they were a part of my husband's grandparents' home...they provided a place for a home ministry with traveling ministers back in the day...and we have actually done the same thing here...so God uses whatever we have to offer Him for His glory if we just open our hearts and homes to let Him in. One Lord, many people with many different gifts sharing His love and gospel wherever we are called to go. Thank you for your faithful call to missions. You are a blessing.

  13. I'm so sorry I'm late to comment... but this post was so awesome. We share a love for the sweet birdies and all things nature. And we have in common a love of antiques, but more importantly where they come from and the sweet memories they hold. Thank you, sweet Lady, for being so faithful to link up each week for FFF. Hope you're staying warm... it's cold again here in Tennessee!

    1. It's a chilly morning here in Florida...frost on the lawn again...but the sun is shining, which brightens our day and makes us smile! You just reminded me, I need to go put my bird feeders back outside. I have to taken them in at night because of the bears...but the birds are out there waiting for me to feed them this morning!! Have a blessed SONday!!

  14. This is a very sweet painting and a lovely story. It is an heirloom to your family. I'm so glad you got it back and may it bring you great joy. Thank you for sharing it with me.
    God bless,

    1. Oh, Thank you, Lisa, for stopping by for a visit. Yes, sometimes it's the "little things" that mean a lot to us and bring smiles to our faces and hearts. Perhaps we cannot always explain this to others...it is a personal, inside, fills a little empty spot kind of thing that brings about a sense of joy, satisfaction, and contentment. Other people may think it's not a big deal at all...but God knows...and He loves to bless His children with these little "love gifts" along the way. I know you understand. Have a blessed day, dear friend!

  15. The pink house is very similar to my grandmother‘s here in Florida except hers had a porch on three sides that was screened in with a swing and rocking chairs. It was always white never pink, but I would’ve loved it in pink. The sideboard in the dining room is almost identical to the one that was in my grandmothers dining room, and it was so full of treasures and what I would come as a child. All I wanted to do was open the drawers and the doors and look at everything in there, and if daddy was with us, and thank goodness, he rarely came with us, he would fuss at me and told me to stop, but my grandmother knew that I loved all those things that would not hurt anything. I would just pick them up and look at each item and as long as I put them back like they were, she did not care.
    So many beautiful things here and I would have loved to see the inside of it like it was and I agree that these beautiful little houses that they’re modernizing like the pink pink one on my blog I don’t want the inside to look like that I want it to look like it was meant to look, but the new young people don’t care about that Not the past they just want everything modern

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you regarding the "young people" today. They don't appreciate the beauty and quality of the 'vintage' items that we cherish. Your grandmother's house and your grandmother her self sound really special. I'm glad you had that experience. Sweet memories!!! I wish I had some good pictures of the inside of my hubby's grandmother's house. What few I have don't really show much of the house, but it was special with a lot of memories attached to it. I am thankful I came into the family in time to know his "Nanny Martin" and to appreciate her and her home, and that we ended up with so many of her things because no one else really wanted them. So that is why our home has become the family "museum". LOL. Oh, I bet your grandmother's porch and swing and rocking chairs were really wonderful! That's what I would love...an old fashioned house with a big porch and swing and rocking chairs. Sounds like heaven to me! Thanks for writing!! We have a lot of things in common!


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.