What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday Foto Friends

Good Friday Morning, everyone!  I hope this day finds you enjoying whatever beauty God has provided for you...whether it be outdoors in your garden, yard, or neighborhood, or inside your home where things are cozy and warm and comfortable. Wherever you may find yourself today, I pray it is a day filled with God's blessings and much joy.  It's there...if we look for it.  Turn off the TV, step away from the computer and the cell phones for a bit, and watch for the beauty around you.

The other afternoon I noticed this Gulf Fritillary butterfly flitting about the milkweed in the butterfly garden.  I'm so glad it happened to be there while I was outside and watching!  So often they come and go before we get a chance to see them and enjoy their delicate beauty!  I felt honored to be there at this moment!

I also felt thankful that the milkweed was still blooming and looking so healthy this fall, and that the butterfly garden continues to attract butterflies for us to appreciate!

This morning's sunrise!  Nice, huh? I was a little late getting up and putting the flag out, so I was thankful that I hadn't missed this morning's event!

While I was out front putting out the flag, I thought perhaps it would be a good time to take some pictures of the chrysanthemums that I just purchased this week. 

I figured it was about time as Halloween is next week and I hadn't even put out our scarecrow or bought a pumpkin! So there you go! This is the extent of our Halloween decorations. No spooks or hobgloblins here...just a friendly scarecrow to welcome the kiddos when they come trick or treating next week. I have purchased what I hope will be enough candy to take care of them this year. Last year we ran out and I had to turn off the light and shut the door while there were still kids coming. I felt bad about that. We enjoy seeing the children in their cute costumes. Our neighborhood seems to be one of the few neighborhoods in our community with paved streets and houses closer together where the children can come and safely do their trick or treating. One of the community churches also does a nice "Trunk or Treat" fall festival for the kiddos, so all in all it's still a fun and safe activity for our little town's children.

No, I'm not necessarily a fan of "Halloween" itself, especially the darker side which focuses so much on the occult, but the traditional fun of putting on costumes and going about with your parents to trick or treat is a happy memory for many children, and as long as it is kept that way, it is not a bad thing in itself.  We used to have harvest parties in our churches and bobbed for apples (yes, everyone sticking their faces in the same bucket of water to snatch an apple with their teeth...and no one drowned or died from it that I know of...), and played other fun games and the kids wore suitable costumes (nothing demonic or satanic), and we had a really good time.  Those are happy memories that I am thankful for.

So this morning after watching the sunrise I sat on the back porch with my cup of tea and journal in hand and "listened" for the sounds of nature waking up and giving their praises to the Creator God.

There were many birds coming and going...

This female Cardinal sat there at the log cabin bird feeder for a long time, enjoying her breakfast and watching the activity in the yard.  At one point an armadillo scurried across the lawn, too quick for me to get a picture. I think he was out partying all night and was in a hurry to get home before his family woke up and wondered where he'd been. LOL. I never saw an armadillo run so fast before!

I was trying to take a picture of this dove sitting on the branch by itself, and my intentions were to name it "Lonesome Dove". But just as I snapped the picture, Mr. Blue Jay flew in photo bombed it! LOL.

Then he proceeded to fly down to the bird bath for a little drink and visit with "Bobby the Squirrel".

Mr. Cardinal flew in to say good morning as well.

If you look at this picture closely, you can see autumn leaves on that maple tree in the background.

So it's been a mostly uneventful week, although we've had several doctor appointments, lab work, etc. Benton and Rose brought over a spaghetti supper Wednesday night! Rose cooked the spaghetti and garlic toast and I made a salad. It's always a blessing to have them come over.  We didn't know it, but apparently it was World Pasta Day, (October 25), although I see that National Pasta Day was on October 17th.  Anyway, we did our part to celebrate even though we didn't even know we were supposed to. LOL.  

We have been so saddened and appalled by the horrific mass shooting that took place in Maine this week. When I saw that on the news my heart jumped into my throat because we have family in Maine. Thankfully this was further north from where our family lives, but still it was too close to home.  Our prayers go out to all those affected by this terrible crime. Praying they can find the perpetrator soon and bring him to justice...but that will never make up for all the lives lost and the heart ache and grief for their whole community and state. 

We also continue to pray for the terrible war in Israel and Palestine. It's a much bigger picture than we can even begin to understand...but for those of us who believe God's Word, the Bible, we know that God is in control and we will continue to pray for the salvation of Israel and all of God's chosen people.

As I was closing out the day with prayer last night, this song came into my mind and I laid on my bed singing it in worship and praise to our Savior:

"Jesus, name above all namesBeautiful Saviour, Glorious LordEmmanuel, God is with usBlessed Redeemer, Living WordJesus, name above all namesBeautiful Saviour, Glorious LordEmmanuel, God is with usBlessed Redeemer, Living Word"

There is something about praying the Name of Jesus that brings great peace and comfort to my soul.  There is peace, power and healing and strength in His holy name. That is my prayer for you and our world today...peace, power, healing, and strength in Jesus' Name.  Amen.



  1. I do not watch the news I had a blip on my
    Phone about Maine. Prayers. When you journal and are stressed, try writing about the past. When you met your sweet husband. Your first date with him. Etc etc etc our first date was sept 14 1963 and we celebrated always. Mother let me go with him because she knew him and we doubled I was two weeks before sixteen. I remember what we wore. We went in one of the family’s Falcons. PUTT PUTT growing up at that time was fantastic, but I believe now is fantastic also. I live every day of my life and my family despite stress often. Keep writing your lovely blog dear girl. You always touch my heart with your sincerity. Brenda

  2. First, I've got to say how 'UPlifted' I feel by your posts. I don't spend nearly enough time out of doors as I should; and on those early mornings when I do, the birds calling to one another never fails to stir me. What a joyous choir they make.
    Your mums and garden flag are beautiful! We've neither, and I'm not sure why. I did put a few bags of candy in my WM cart -- in case. Since moving here 5 years ago, we've had no littles come by. I think that's because both the front and left sides are empty, overgrown parcels. Spooky even to this 70-something resident.
    Joining you in prayer for our world!

  3. Pam: As always, beautiful pictures grace your blog. I didn't know milkweed blossoms had color. I learn something new every day (My mom used to say that.) Glad you did your part for Pasta Day. I had Spaghetti Squash for lunch yesterday, does that count as my doing my part? Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. ๐Ÿ’™Amen.

    Pamela, how is your family in Maine?

  5. This is such a beautiful post, Pam. Thank you for sharing all the wonders that God let you see today. Hope you have a blessed weekend.

  6. That gorgeous milkweed reminds me of lantana, also a flower that attracts bees and humming birds. That butterfly is a priceless capture! The mums add a touch of elegance to your fall display, too. We would love to have kiddos come to the door at Halloween, but since our driveway is SO steep and in need of repair, we don't need anyone trying to navigate it after dark. We douse the lights and close the blinds. I do have such happy memories of past Halloweens, though.
    Like you, I'm praying all the time for Israel and this horrid latest terror in Maine. I try to hand it all over to God, but I still encounter my fair share of worries. So glad your family is okay!
    Blessings, my friend!

  7. I have not heard that song in such a long time! Such a simple, classic, yet powerful song! I love all the animals that wander - or fly into - your yard. You know, I don't think I've ever seen an armadillo in real life! Maybe at the zoo? But never running through my yard!

  8. I love that song! Our church sings that. We are praying to for Israel and the world. You are right, God is in control. I like your yard sign. I have several fall yard signs. Glad your family in Maine is safe!

  9. Lovely butterfly ๐Ÿฆ‹ ๐Ÿ’œ. We get swallow tailed butterflies in our area. I enjoy hearing and seeing the birds ๐Ÿฆ in our trees. We don't give trick or treat candy anymore for years. We keep shut our automatic outdoor light off. At times we get a door knock or 2 if we're in the living room. We don't answer the door. Sad to hear about people being killed or wounded in Maine. There was an accident on the freeway close to our area on Saturday afternoon that was weird due to one man misbehavior and wound up dying later as he was hit by a vehicle. Too much to write. All about himself and possibly on drugs or alcohol? I need to go shut my two windows ๐ŸชŸ and go on a walk. Have a blessed weekend ๐Ÿ™ ✨️ ๐Ÿ’–, Becky

  10. The butterflies are so pretty!
    I just do fall decoration too, no scary stuff!
    We are out in the country and no one comes to trick or treat here,
    The news is full of sad and unable to understand things.

  11. What a beautiful post, Pam. I enjoyed the bird pictures and also hearing about the armadillo hurrying home. You and I could have some fun between our imaginations. :) Thank you for sharing Jesus Name Above all Names. I learned that song probably close to 50 years ago now and I, too, find it brings me peace and comfort as I sing the names of Jesus. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  12. I have never seen such a beautiful butterfly, Pam. Your photos highlight the beauty of God's creations! What a blessing to live where you live with nature around you. Perfect song, too. Thanks for sharing. PS... every day is a pasta day in my mind!! LOL

  13. Hi Pamela! Amen to praying in Jesus name! It is one of the first things I do every morning and the last thing before I go to bed. You always have such lovely bird pictures in your posts! I completely agree with you about Halloween. We are not into the scary stuff at all - but just the fun trick-or-treating for little ones. Our church had a trunk or treat tonight, but we didn't go. We will give out candy at our house on Tuesday. Like you, I have some little scarecrows up and orange lights in my window and that is about it for Halloween. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend! See you again soon!

  14. Your post is so beautiful today. So much to tell you that I appreciated, but it's 1:00 a.m. and I need to go to bed! The birds are gorgeous. You have so much beautiful wildlife in your yard. We don't have trick-or-treaters in our building as it's a secure building, but I'm going to pass out candy at Mandy's while she takes Piper out. Brad will be out of town for work. I enjoy seeing all of the costumes so I don't mind at all.
    The horrible shooting in Maine just breaks my heart. I just saw on the news a couple of hours ago that they found the man, dead. What a tragedy on all levels.
    I'm not sure what to think about the war in Israel. Lots of people saying it's the beginning of the prophecied times and I'm not smart enough to know! All I DO know, is that I love Jesus and can't wait for Him to come and take me home with him, so I'm ready for that. Just not sure what will happen first. :-) I fall asleep praying for Israel every night for the past three weeks.
    Take care my friend and I hope you're weekend is a lovely one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. Amazing photography. Especially the close-ups of butterflies, flowers and birds. Thank you Pamela for cheering me up.

    God bless always.

  16. Beautiful photos...and I hope that John is doing ok, smiles.

  17. Thanx Pamela for visiting my Blog. I have replied on my today's post about what we will wear in Heaven.

    God bless.

  18. These beautiful flowers make Fall even more enjoyable. Our roadsides are also awash with color right now. Makes me smile just drivin' down the road.
    Lovely photos. Hope you all are doing OK.
    Blessings. xx

  19. Beautiful examples of autumn in every picture here, Pam. With each passing year, now that I no longer live in a cold climate, I see more of Fall here in Florida.

  20. With the exception of the Munsters Village, I only decorate for Fall. I used to do all of that when my kids were young - I never cared for the really gross and scary stuff. Seems now days, this culture of death in the younger generations, thinks of it in a fun frivolous way and if you notice, each year the decorations get scarier.
    Your photography is outstanding. You should enter some contests. Just beautiful!

  21. I'm not much of a decorator for seasons or holidays (except Christmas) although I enjoy seeing what other people do to celebrate.
    Autumn is a beautiful season to appreciate the decorating that God does. Everything from flowers and butterflies to leaves and birds.


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