What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Treasures~"Listen"

Way back in January of this year I decided upon the word "Listen" for my "One Word" for 2023. (You can click on that link if you'd like to go back and read about that.)

These were a few of the Bible verses that God brought to my attention at that time to reinforce this decision:

Isaiah 55:2
"Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance."


"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left."
Isaiah 30:21


Isaiah 43:18-19
18 "Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
19 Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."

Well, here we are more than 3/4 of the way through the year, and I must say that I have been "listening" for God's voice in so many places and areas of my life. It has been a year of "hearing" new things and perhaps hearing some old things over again that I didn't quite get the message right the first time.  Life is full of learning and re-learning, isn't it? As long as we are alive we should be listening for God's voice speaking to our hearts and showing us "the way..." so that we will "walk in it", and also so that we will know which way to turn when the road gets confusing.

Well, it may be a little late in the year, but I just found something extra special to help me in this journey of "listening" for God's voice...

You know how I love to sit in my Secret Garden and "listen" for God's Voice among the sounds of His creation...the birds that sing in the trees, the leaves rustling in the wind, the "still small voice" that whispers in my soul "Be Still, and know that I am God"  (Psalm 46:10),

Well, guess what I discovered recently?  My wonderful blogging friend Susie Klein over at her blog Walking Butterfly, not only is an accomplished author as she wrote the book "Walking Butterfly; Comfy Cocoon to Flying Free"

but she has now added to her publishing prowess several lovely little journal books for sale on Amazon.   You can read more about her new "creative venture" HERE. When I saw that she had one entitled "Listen", I heard a voice in my heart saying, "Yes, I hear You, Lord, I need that journal!"   

My journal arrived the other day, and I have been so excited to share it with you!
The cover of the journal is from Susie's own photograph...and the inside is a blank journal with lined pages.  Very simple, and yet profound. I am so proud of Susie for "listening" to God's voice prompting her to expand her creative gifts and sharing these unique journal notebooks with the world. God spoke, she listened and obeyed His voice...and I do believe that God is going to use this new venture to be a blessing not only to Susie as they are sold on Amazon and give her a little bit of income, but also they will be a blessing to others as we open our ears and hearts to God and "listen" for His voice around us and record those messages on these empty pages. May these journals become a blessing to each who use them and those who may perchance read them in the future.

These thoughts for the day are on a little devotional daily calendar that I've had for years. I noticed this one a couple of weeks ago and meant to share it then, but things got busy and it's taken me a few weeks to catch my breath and get back around to following through with my good intentions.

Oh wow! While I was sitting here trying to put this post together I heard something very special outside!
The familiar "honk honk honk" of the Canada Geese flying onto Still Waters Pond for the first time this fall!

Before they were done, there were at least a dozen of these beautiful birds paddling all around and enjoying their breakfast on the pond.

I had been watching for them because I noticed in my writings from last autumn that they had arrived around this time of year! So now the fun begins!

1 "All creatures of our God and King,
lift up your voice and with us sing,
"Alleluia! Alleluia!"
Thou burning sun with golden beam,
thou silver moon with softer gleam,
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

2 Thou rushing wind that art so strong,
ye clouds that sail in heav'n along,
O praise Him! Alleluia!

Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice,
ye lights of ev'ning, find a voice,
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
(Pictures of the sunset over Still Waters Pond)

3 And all ye men of tender heart,
forgiving others, take your part,
O sing ye! Alleluia!

Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,
praise God and on Him cast your care;
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

4 Let all things their Creator bless,
and worship Him in humbleness;
O praise Him! Alleluia!

Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,
and praise the Spirit, Three in One;
O praise Him, O praise Him!
alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!"

Job 37:14
“Listen to this, O Job;
Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God."


So now my challenge is to use this new little "Listen" journal to write down special thoughts that the Lord gives me while I wait on Him in the Secret Garden.  I used to do that back at our last home where I started the "Secret Garden Chronicles".  You can find many of those under the tab for "secret garden" on the right side of this blog page.  The original writings go way back to earlier years.  I need to get back into that habit again, and this little journal is going to help me (please, God?)  Or maybe I don't have to be in the Secret Garden to hear God's voice.  I just need to "listen" more carefully wherever I am.  He could be speaking to me through you, or my family, or random strangers I meet in the marketplace...literally anywhere, anytime.  I just need to "listen".  

Okay, that's my challenge. What about you?  Do you have any special "challenges" on your mind today? I look forward to hearing from you.  Have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week.


  1. "Listen"...it's essential, and then to be obedient to what He nudges us to do. Wait, listen, then react...that's a good recipe to handle life's situations. We heard recently in church that the reason we feel so weak when we're in our trials is because we didn't ask for help. When we ask, He answers, and we can overcome! I love visiting you here, have a really good day!

    1. Wonderful insights, Della. And yes, "when we ask, He answers, and we can overcome", IF we LISTEN and act upon His words of wisdom! Sometimes we ignore His answer thinking we can come up with something better if we try hard enough. But then we get ourselves into trouble. God's way is always the BEST way, so we really need to LISTEN and OBEY! Thank you for visiting. I hope your day is blessed.

  2. H my goodness Pam! Thank you so much! I am so proud of my new little creations, but even more special is seeing them in use in such an important space. I love you my friend.

    1. Love you, too, Susie...you are one of my first blogging friends from back in the Random Journal days. I think it is fitting that now you are creating your own journals and that I should have one of them!! "You've come a long way, baby!" Remember that commercial, although it was for something we don't need, but I still remember the commercial. LOL. God bless you dear friend. I pray this little venture will lead to many happy connections!

  3. I love the idea of a listening journal, Pamela. I'm actually pondering using the word "listen" as my word of the year in 2024! I will probably order this journal to help me record the things God tells me when I actively, or passively, listen for His still, small voice.

    1. Thank you, Martha. I know the discipline of listening and actually obeying what we hear is the key...and I hope you and I can both follow through with our good intentions both now and in the new year to come. Sometimes that is a big challenge, but with God's help we can do it!! God bless you dear friend.

  4. "Listen" is a good word to live by. A good companion to His Holy Word of "Be still and know that I am God". Listening is a good praise for our Lord to open our hearts to His will.
    Wonderful photos as always. You've done so well in making it peaceful in your little 'hood. Ours is peaceful too. It's a nice "waiting room" for those of us close to meeting our blessed Saviour face-to-face. He is so good, always. Amen?!
    Love xx

    1. I would love to see your beautiful peaceful homestead. I love the pictures of the birds and butterflies, flowers, etc. from your yard. Yes, we are blessed with a nice "waiting room" for the return of the Lord. Yes, I do believe His return is soon...all the more reason to focus more on His voice and Word as we see the day approaching. Yes, He is so good, always, amen!!

  5. What a beautiful post! Love your new journal and all the photos of the geese. I wonder if any of those are some I've seen fly over or by our house. Looking forward to seeing all you pictures of them this winter. Have a blessed day.

    1. Thank you, Cathy. I'm not sure where these geese came from. There are some who stay in the area year round, but don't come to our pond except in the winter...so maybe they are the migrating ones from Ohio! I'll ask them if they know you! LOL. Good to hear from you again. I've missed you, and have been praying for you and your family. (((hugs)))

  6. I also like the idea of a journal. The one your friend designed is gorgeous. You chose the words to one of my favorite hymns. Thank you for the idea of a challenge. I need to give it some thought.

    1. Thank you, Betsy. I know we all have "challenges" in our daily lives already, just in keeping up with everyday issues, appointments, aches and pains, etc. But sometimes we need to refocus on the things that are really important...listening for God's voice above the noise, helping us to see things through His eyes. It's not always easy, but we have to start somewhere. I hope you have a blessed week.

  7. Oh Pam, you've no idea how I needed to read these words ... the verses you've chosen. Some time ago, I began the early morning practice of laying quietly, still there in bed .. inviting the Holy Spirit to come and speak to me. Somedays it was just a single word, ie, "wait."
    Unfortunately, of late I'm having a challenge shushing out the noise, the distractions. The worry and what-if's. You're giving me courage to begin again!

    PS - That journal cover is so lovely; I'm wishing Susie all the success she deserves.

    1. I totally understand, Myra. I think we all go through seasons of being able to focus on the better way and then struggling with the distractions all around us. Seems like the older we get the more distractions of aging and other concerns keep us "out of sorts", so to speak. So I am needing this challenge for my own self, and I hope it is encouraging to others as well. Learning to listen for God's voice above the noise is not easy, but so rewarding when we pay attention. Thank you for sharing this with me. (((hugs)))

  8. Your photos are breathtaking.

    We were talking about this just this morning in my bible study about taking the time, out of our busy lives to LISTEN.

  9. I will go to Amazon and look at your friend's journals. Thanks for the introduction. As always, I enjoy your photos so much and am happy the Canadian geese have returned. The cold is chasing the birds down our way, finally. Hugs!

  10. Pam, your photography is absolutely beautiful! But I enjoyed even more reading about your adventure with "Listen". What a special word that is. My phrase for this year has been "quiet contentment" and it has been a journey. Your Secret Garden is such a special place. I remember when it was created.

    I have often thought of you over the years since I quit blogging...and have thought of your grandson and wondering if he is still in Maine. We spent two wonderful weeks in Maine in the spring of 2021 when our oldest granddaughter graduated high school.

    1. Oh dear Dianna! I've missed you! I was wondering about you recently when I was reading some comments on old blog posts and saw your comments. Thank you so much for coming out of "retirement" to comment here again! I would love to see what you've been doing lately. Are you coming back to blogging? Yes, our grandson is still in Maine. He is engaged to a lovely young woman. They came and spent some time with us this past spring and it was so nice getting to know Dawn and also spending time with Noah. If you go back and read my posts back in May you might see some pictures from that time. Please do stay in touch. I would love to hear how you are doing. God bless you dear friend.

    2. So happy to hear about Noah. We will be making another trip to Maine this coming spring as our youngest granddaughter graduates high school then. I will go back and check out your posts from May to catch up a bit more.

  11. Such a beautiful post! Thank you for being such a blessing!

    1. Well, thank YOU, Linda, for also being such a blessing! I love seeing what you've been up to each day or whenever you write! Always such a treasure trove of interesting and inspirational activities! (((hugs)))

  12. I adore these journals. I journaled every day of my life from age 15. In 1992, for certain reasons, I got rid of them. When my eldest grand asked me about my journals in 2000’s, she asked me to do it again. I went back to age 16 and caught up. I journal daily. More than once with many prayers. I have boxes of them which will go to grands. I am happy to say that every word I have written can be read by anyone. There is nothing critical or hateful. Wish I could say the same about the blogs I used to read. I appreciate your positive true Christian blog. Friends and family buy me journals as do I. I will certainly check these out again. Brenda

    1. Amazing that you could go back to age 16 and write your journals at a later time in life. I can hardly remember what I had for breakfast, let alone what I did at age 16! LOL. I do have some scrapbooks from my teen years that have some highlights of my activities, and a few photos, but nothing like the photos I take today. We had to actually process film back then, as you know, so taking pictures and having them developed wasn't as easy as it is today. I really didn't start journaling until I was an adult, and even then, it has been sporadic. Now my blog is my journal, but I doubt it will be available in the future as technology changes. I try to save the important ones, but I doubt anyone in my family will be that interested in reading them in the future. Maybe if I had a granddaughter there would be some interest, but boys just don't take the time to care about such things. Thank you for visiting here. Always a pleasure to hear from you.

  13. Its so important to be able to withdraw to a quiet place sometimes and it looks like you have a beautiful spot to do it. I'm not consistent enough in my journaling so I decided to stop worrying about the times I've missed and just write when I can or feel inspired. My walks and time in nature inspire me. Its also a good prayer time seeing Gods creation and letting that speak to my heart. I love the hymn you posted.


Thank you for visiting here today. I would love for you to sign my guestbook and let me know you stopped by. I always enjoy reading your comments and words of encouragement! May you be blessed as you go on your way. Please come back and visit again soon.