What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday Thankfulness and Friday Foto Friends and Good Intentions

 Might as well combine the two days as I doubt I will have time tomorrow to write another post. We have a busy day with an out of town Doctor appointment and then just getting back to "normal", whatever that is! I know I will be thankful for some "normal" again.  Things have been a little "abby-normal" here lately. (Who remembers that word from the movie "Young Frankenstein"? Ever since then abnormal has become "abby-normal" to those of us who loved that movie).  LOL. 

Moving right along...This was going to be a serious post, but somehow it isn't starting out that way! Maybe that's a good thing!  We can all use some levity during these highly stressful days in the world right now.  But yes, continued prayers for Israel and all that is involved with that horrific crisis. Our eyes are fastened on the Eastern Skies every day.

If you read my last post HERE, you may be wondering how I am putting my new "Listen" Journal into use.  Well, I started out with great intentions.  Yesterday afternoon I took my journal in hand and went out to the "Secret Garden" to sit and "Listen" for God to speak to me.  Here's what really happened:

There I sat, with my journal, ready to "listen" as I waited on God in my thoughts and prayers.

No sooner had I sat down and began to write one paragraph about how this journal had come to be than I looked up and saw this neighborhood kitty come running across the yard like a long lost friend:

He immediately began to wind around my feet and brush against my legs, obviously marking me as his personal property...

This cat is no stranger, but he doesn't belong to me. He's a "neighborhood cat"...maybe homeless, but seems to be well fed (a neighbor feeds several cats) and healthy looking.  He often shows up in our back yard, watching and stalking the birds (much to my displeasure), or taking a catnap on our back porch in my favorite wicker chair on the best cushion...

The next thing I knew he was giving me a very strong look right up in my face, with his ears somewhat pinned back...I wasn't sure whether to push him down or get up and run, so I just talked sweetly to him and cautiously began to pet him...

So he decided to stay awhile...

He kept a close watch over me, however, and every time I tried to open my journal and write, he nudged against me and kept me from it...

So I just sat there and enjoyed the moment of a warm, purring cat rubbing against me for a while...

You could tell he still wasn't too sure about my intentions, and kept giving me that "look"...

So I stroked his back a little while longer and talked to him like we were old friends, and he seemed to appreciate it.

He laid down and started to take a little catnap here on the swing, until I tried to open up my journal and start writing again, and then he jumped down and started batting at my ankles and even kind of tried to nip at me a bit, so I decided it was time to get up and go back inside the house.

I wasn't able to take any more pictures as he was basically tripping me with every step and blocking my path all the way to the steps of the porch. I really don't think he had any intention of letting me go back inside, and he wasn't being very nice about it either so I decided to get out of dodge before his behavior turned ugly.  Needless to say, I didn't get anymore writing done in my journal yesterday!
But I was listening!  Not sure what the message was...but after sleeping on it overnight I kind of settled on a couple of different thoughts...

Was this disruption to my good intentions of spending time alone with the Lord a message from God or a distraction from the devil? I mean at first I welcomed the kitty and enjoyed his company, but then things began to change.  Either he sensed my little bit of irritability at his interruption to my quiet time and then got irritable himself, or his full purpose was to keep me from spending that time in peace and quiet.  Was this a test of my will to stay tuned in to a task or a test of my compassion for another creature in need of some love and attention?

Sometimes we can get so caught up in our "good intentions" and doing good works that we overlook the needs right in front of us...for some it may be our loved ones or close friends or neighbors who are in need of our attention and we are too busy with what we think is important to notice...or it could be just the opposite...we get so caught up in doing for others that we neglect our time alone with God and our personal spiritual needs begin to fade into the distance...
Either way...it got me thinking. I guess God did get my attention after all.

This morning I made a more concerted effort to spend some quiet time alone with the Lord on the back porch and I believe it paid off. I will write more about that later.

Mark 6:31 
"And He (Jesus) said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. 
32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves."

Meanwhile, here's some pictures I took the other evening in and around "The Secret Garden"/Butterfly Garden, just at sunset.  The light from the sun at that time was so perfect that it made these flowers just glow...This is what I call "God's Garden"...He grew it without my help!

The Holly Berries are turning bright crimson now

The golden yellow wildflowers of October are showing up everywhere:
Even the Goldenrod is beautiful:

And these yellow flowers along the edge of Still Waters Pond lift their faces to the sun each afternoon:

Not sure what this is called, but it's another wild flower growing along the shores of the pond...

Another sweet purple marsh flower:

A kind of Honeysuckle in the butterfly garden...Oh! There was a hummingbird on this flower just before I took this picture! I thought they were all gone now, but I guess not!

These are "cats whiskers"!  How appropriate for this day!

Milkweed continues to bloom:

Beauty in the Butterfly garden at sunset...

Okay friends, that's all for today.  I will be back when things are settled down a bit after tomorrow if not sooner.  Peace and blessings to you and yours...


  1. Thank you, Pamela, for all your lovely pictures and for describing your latest adventures with Mr. Kitty. He does seem to have a split personality when it comes to wanting attention and then demanding it, as his "attack" on your legs testifies. It's a mystery to me when cats act out in these ways that don't seem compatible, at least in our minds. Sorry he interrupted your quiet time!
    But God knows the intentions of your heart, and I'm sure He understands.
    Hope your appointments coming up go well!

    1. I am not a real "cat person", and because this kitty is a bit "wild", I just really wasn't too sure about his intentions...and he probably could sense my fear. I enjoyed him while he was good, but when it was time to go, I was happy when I got back inside my house unscathed. LOL. Yes, I am thankful that God does understand the intents of my heart. Where would we be if He didn't???

  2. I would take him in in a minute. Outside cats have a terrible hard life and don't live long. He would be on the alert for mice! I miss having an animal friend with me but not sure I could keep up with one anymore. Have a happy weekend.

    1. This cat has been wandering around the neighborhood practically ever since we moved here 4 years ago. He's friendly, but also aggressive and a bit "wild". I don't know if he could become a house cat very well. I'm not going to try. I'm not really a cat person. I tend to love them from a distance better than up close and personal, especially when I'm not sure of their intentions. But it was an interesting experience for a few minutes! Thank you for visiting!

  3. I enjoyed your thoughts. It is hard to know sometimes which one of those scenarios is the right one, but we just have to carve out time for the Lord when we can. We know He is close and the little kitty was cute. I always look forward to your thoughts and photos.

  4. What a strange encounter! I think I may have been a little put-off by his/her aggression, too. Knowing little-to-nothing about cats, I've nothing to suggest, but want to come back and see what others have to say.
    The holly berries and honeysuckle look almost too beautiful for words.
    Prayers lifting for travel mercies and a good doctor's report!

    1. I am not a "cat person" per se', my sister is the cat lover in the family (along with the green thumb). Frankly, I was a little intimidated by his actions, and I think he could tell. So I tried really hard to relax and just enjoy the moment, but when I needed to get up and move, he wanted to be in control...well he wanted to be in control the whole time. Since he's not a "house cat", I was a bit concerned about his wild side and what he might do next. I do much better with kitties who have been taught proper manners. LOL. Thank you for your prayers for tomorrow. I appreciate it very much.

  5. The cat looks just like the one that Steve and I rescued back in the early 80s. Same colors, eyes, everything. I named her Tasha. She was super smart and very vocal. Little Tasha-roo. *sigh* I'm not really a "cat person" either, not anymore, anyway. Also, maybe the cat was part of the "listen" from God. Nothing happens by chance ya know. God is in the little, quiet things it seems. *wink*
    Blessings. xx

    1. Tasha is a good name for a cat like this. I don't know if this is a male or female...I didn't look close enough. I just call it Black Kitty. There are several neighborhood kitties around..."Yellow Kitty", "Calico Kitty", and "Black and White Kitty". There used to be a "Gray Kitty", but I haven't seen it in a long time so it must be a Heaven Kitty now. And yes, I agree about God in the little quiet things..."God-Winks". This must have been one of them... Blessings to you today too!

  6. When I went back to write I was only in my fifties. It was easily done as I had just graduated college and was working on Masters. I compiled over one hundred of my columns for a project and worked on journals. I did get rid of the columns and after that I just started emailing them and never saving. I wrote for the state newspaper for years. Quit and then started writing for my tiny home paper in WV. I believe the column resonates with the readers because it is emotional and positive. As to my journals my grandsons will want some of them. I have an emotional family who treats MOM Nana like a queen. I have been blessed by the lord more than many. The boys went to Scotland and Ireland this summer at age 11 and 8 with parents. Nana can’t do the trips. Keep jour along. Don’t worry about punctuation or style. I write with the page sideways sometimes. I do my thing. I pray pray pray. As I said nothing bad. But then I would never say a bad word about any person. Thank you for writing. Enjoy your time alone. Prayers sweet girl. Brenda

    1. You are blessed to have such a loving and attentive family! I would say that my "boys" (men!) are very loving and attentive also, but as to my writings, I'm not too sure they would take the time to read them like a "girl" would. But I could be surprised. Once I am gone, it will be up to them to decide what is worth keeping. I will be in heaven and not too concerned with earthly things anymore...but hopefully my legacy will be "written in their hearts". Have a blessed and beautiful Friday.

    2. It seems to me you have a fantastic family including your lovely daughter in law. I bet they would cherish every handwritten word. In face, should you ever have the inclination, you could write a book about being a pastor’s wife. You are the epitome…prayers

    3. Thank you for your very kind words, Brenda. Yes, I do have a lovely daughter in law, and perhaps she would treasure them. Time will tell! About writing a book...I had many good intentions of doing so back before I started writing this blog. But I got discouraged by the cost and many other issues, and decided that writing a blog would be my book...it's free to all readers and doesn't cost me anything either. And I am not as limited as I would be if I tried to put it all into one book! But thank you for the encouraging words! I do appreciate them very much!

  7. I miss my black cats. Your neighborhood black cat is beautiful. They can be insistent when they want attention. Your flower photos are lovely! Peace and love to you and yours! xo

    1. Maybe you should come get this one! :) But I think he would miss being outside. He loves to wander about looking for "treasures" in the woods and along the shore of Still Waters Pond. I don't think he would be happy being a house cat, although I can imagine being YOUR housecat would be wonderful!

  8. You make such a good point, Pam, about how we spend our time. I've grown to rather dislike the word "busy". More often than I care to admit, I find myself being irritable if there is an interruption to what "I" have planned on my to do list rather than seeing them as opportunities to be used of God.

    Your pictures are beautiful. I love holly berries! Our hummingbirds left about a month ago. I miss seeing them.

    1. Thank you, Dianna. So happy to have you back in our blogging community! Your voice is very welcome here! And yes, I need to work on that "irritable interruption" part of me. That's probably what God was trying to tell me by sending the cat to visit. Oh, and yes, I thought our hummingbirds left around Labor Day, but apparently there's at least one still out there! I took in the feeders back in September, when we had that hurricane coming near. Hopefully this one will find enough food in the flowers that are still blooming. Happy Friday! Blessings to you and yours.

  9. I think God may have sent the kitty to you for some reason. I like the photo of him looking at you with a fierce intent expression, and all your flower photos. I have recently found that one way I listen to God is by reading his Book where He shares a lot with us.

    1. Thank you, Terra. I guess God must have sent the kitty to me so that I could really think about what God was trying to tell me through the kitty, and so that all of my friends out here in blogland could also share their thoughts about what this was really all about. It has been enlightening! And yes, I do read God's Word when I journal...He leads me to where He wants me to go and it is always such a blessing. Blessings to you today my friend!

  10. Looks like the kitty wants attention. I wish I could go out and journal, but the mosquitoes are still around. These ankle biters are out all day. I combined two things at my blog too with lots of pictures. Happy Friday Pamela!

    1. Ah, the mosquitoes! Yes, I came back inside with a bite on each elbow! I didn't realize they were still out there, but they found me too, along with the kitty! And yes, the kitty sure got my attention...and everyone else's now too! Have a blessed and Happy Friday!!

  11. Praying for your good health, Pamela.

    Thank you for the lovely photos. I enjoyed them. As for that feline, you should have told him you were writing a monologue not a catalogue!!!

    God bless.

    1. Oh, I love that..."not a "cat-a-logue!" Very punny!!!

  12. This was such an interesting post today. :-) I really do think the kitty was trying to give you a message of some sort. He definitely looked intense. Apparently he likes to be in control of the situation too, based on his batting at your feet and not wanting you to move. God definitely sends us messages in unusual ways and it sometimes takes time to decipher them. Much like some of the parables.
    Israel is never far from my thoughts and prayers. I find myself falling asleep praying for the people there. My eyes on on the Eastern sky too. Just waiting and watching.
    Prayers today for you and for safety too.
    Blessings and hugs

    1. It's funny how one encounter with a determined kitty can give me and others so much to think about! That cat has been on my mind ever since! As well as my reaction, etc. Yes, I think God was in the heart of it all...and I'm still learning. Continued prayers for Israel and all. Blessings and hugs to you and yours today too.

  13. Hi Pam. You have such beautiful pictures in this post. I enjoyed reading about your journaling time with your kitty friend. I love your word for 2023 - LISTEN is a great word. I am now starting to think about my 2024 word. I hope you have a good weekend. I am still having a hard time commenting on your posts, but will keep trying. See you again soon!

    1. I'm thinking this kitty has become so popular that I hope he comes back again and gives me more blogger fodder! LOL. Yes, Lord, I'm listening!! Regarding a word for 2024...I usually start thinking about it in December and start watching for the clues God sends me through His Word and the things around me. It's always an interesting process how it comes to be. I will pray for you and your word for 2024. To me, it's more than just a "word"...it's a whole lesson in life for a new year. I am sorry you are having difficulty commenting on my posts. I do have comment modification so that I can see the comment before allowing it to post. I've had too many spammers and that's the only way I can keep them from littering up my posts with their comments. Thank you for persevering and commenting anyway! I always appreciate hearing from you and also reading your posts. Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Blessings my friend. Regine

    1. Thank you, Regine! And blessings to you as well my friend.

  15. Awww.. lovely kitty. I love the flowers! Always something beautiful to see in nature.

    1. Thank you, Annie. The kitty is lovely, as long as he isn't stalking my birds! LOL.

  16. As to cats no thank you…allergies…as to black cats no no no.

    1. I don't have allergies to cats (that I know of), but regarding this black kitty, he is very handsome in his own way. He has very strong and beautiful eyes.

  17. Pam: We all have those days where things seem to interfere with what we intend to do. God understands those times. Maybe He allows those times to teach us something we have to learn. Israel is on my mind, along with Ukraine. Israel has had to fight for it's existence since 1948, that's 75 years. I ordered a book that I used to have but gave away. It's by Jimmy Carter, its title is Blood of Abraham. It's a slow read for me. But I intend to get through it.

    1. Yes, I do believe God understands our good intentions and our interruptions in life. Life is what we are here for...He created us to live it, with or without the interruptions. They are growing seasons for us. And yes, Israel (and Ukraine) are very much on all of our minds and hearts and in our prayers these days. I know that God is in control, but I do hate to see innocent people being captured and tortured and killed. Praying for the peace of Israel every day.

  18. That's quite the cat story that you shared on this post. I'm glad you didn't fall due to the cat being between your legs. That would happen to Phil as the cat we had did it a few times. At least one time Phil wound up falling and he had a tool kit he was carrying to take to work with him. We no longer have a cat. I rarely write I'm a journal I need to do it for my own sake with Jesus included 🙏. Nice flowers. The autumn 🍂 leaves are changing colors ❤️ 😍 have a good weekend 😊!!!~~Becky

    1. Thank you, Becky, for writing and sharing your thoughts about the kitty and journaling, etc. I don't like to handwrite anymore as I just don't do it very well these days. But I am trying to get back into practice as I realize that the handwritten word will outlive the computerized version. Technology changes and things are lost into cyberspace, but the written word on paper seems to last much longer. I hope you have a lovely weekend too my friend. Yes, I am so glad that autumn is here. Not as pretty here in Florida as it is in other places north of here, but still the weather is cooler and we are very thankful for it!

  19. I love cats but they can be quite contrary. TO me, it looks like he got a bit overwhelmed - too stimulated. My cat sometimes will give me a love bite. It's like, she looks at me and her love for me swells and she can't help herself and then the next thing I know, CHOMP! I like my foot outside the covers at night and I am awakened sometimes with her rubbing on my foot and I get a little tense...

    When you watch cats play with their cat loved ones, they get rough - and bite and play attack. I think the cat likes you. He just doesn't know how to do it without being rough.
    Anyway, that is my take on the cat.

  20. Hmm...on that cat, grin. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

  21. Oh, what a beautiful cat. But quite a party pooper, I must say. Now you couldn't write. But you could certainly enjoy the presence of such a lovely creature. In the past, during the Middle Ages, black cats were considered harbingers of misfortune. There are still people in the Netherlands who view black cats that way. But I broke away from that belief when I found faith. That cat just wanted to teach you a lesson. It liked you, needed company, and was seeking attention or simply in the mood for interaction.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. The flowers are quite different from what we have here. Pamela, warm greetings from me. I hope you had a good Saturday and Sunday. The sun is already setting here. It's 18:24.


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