What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Wednesday Treasures

Hey everyone! It's August already!  Where did this summer go? I like what Jane Austen says in this picture on one of my calendars below:

(Susan Branch calendar)

Ain't that the truth?  It's been HOT everywhere this summer! And I definitely feel like I am in a "continual state of inelegance".  LOL.
Hard to feel very "elegant" when you are constantly sweating and trying to find ways to keep "cool". 

I do love this John Sloane Country Seasons August calendar picture...Such a beautiful garden and a lovely lady with her kitty and flowers and birds...However, she would never be able to dress like that here in Florida in the summertime!  At least not while she's outside cutting flowers in the garden! 
Seems as though all of my calendars are full of lovely garden pictures this month:

Even the Teapot Calendar has a garden theme:

Here's the quote from that calendar for this month:

Oh, speaking of "The Secret Garden"...I like what that says, because "if you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden"...even my little "Secret Garden"...it seems as though it's a secret to everyone that it is really supposed to be a garden...

Not much blooming there right now except for these little purple wildflowers...

And we do have lots of holly berries growing on the holly tree...they just aren't red yet...

Yes, it is the Memorial Garden as well.  I'm ashamed that there isn't much blooming that would be a very good memorial to our son in this garden, but he was a lover of nature and ponds, so I am sure he wouldn't mind this little memorial along the shores of Still Waters Pond.

The butterfly garden has been suffering in the heat of this summer, but I am thankful for the rain that keeps it alive.  We just planted the Bottlebrush bush to the right of the bird bath. Hopefully it will grow and thrive here.

Since I started writing this post today we have been out to eat with our sweet kids Benton and Rose for an early supper.  They had to take us in their  (quad cab) pick up truck because our car AC decided to malfunction today.  It comes on for a while and then shuts off and blows hot air. When the temperature outside is already 92 degrees +, we sure don't want to ride around in a car w/o AC.  Just seems like if it's not one thing it's another!  We have an appointment tomorrow morning to have it checked and hopefully repaired...but that's another major expense that we were not anticipating at this time. 

Anyway, these pictures were actually taken last year at the same place, around the same time...when they took us to "Johnny's BBQ" for our anniversary dinner.  Our anniversary isn't for a couple of weeks yet, so this was not a special occasion...just wanted to go out to eat with our kids...(we already had this planned before our AC decided to quit on us. We decided we weren't going to let that spoil our lovely time with our kids). 

This was last year...we had just opened up Dixie Cottage, and so we were wearing our Dixie Cottage t-shirts.  This year our family no longer owns Dixie Cottage, but I still have those t-shirts and I can wear them around the house for "house shirts". LOL. They were about worn out anyway.

And there's sweet Benton and Rose...last year.  Nothing's changed much...we all still look pretty much the same, so I figured these pictures would suffice for showing where we were today.

When we got back from "lupper" (lunch and supper combined, lol), our library called me to let me know that the next batch of books I had ordered online was in...so I took back the old bag full of books that I had just finished last night and picked up this bag full of books to keep me occupied for the next couple of weeks...yeah, still reading the Beverly Lewis Amish stories...I tell you I am practically speaking Amish/Pennsylvania Dutch after reading these books...they are so "wunderbar gut!" LOL.
I am so thankful for this sturdy leather bag that my dear friend Sharon Watson created for me many years ago when I still lived in the forest amongst the bears...
Here's a picture of us together...Sharon is next to me, then my niece Debbie and my sister Doris. Sharon made these wonderful bags for each of us for Christmas that year.

And sadly, here is a link to a post about Sharon back before she passed away from cancer (in the summer of 2019).  Such a very dear and precious friend whom I will never forget. I am so thankful for her friendship and also for this bag to remind me of her...along with many other special gifts she gave me back in those days. Sharon was a treasure for sure.

So, speaking of sorrows and difficulties and unexpected events, here is a great verse to remember:
This is on the Thomas Kinkade calendar for this month.  Always so inspirational.

Another great verse to remember.

Well, folks, these are my "treasures" for today! I pray you are looking for treasures in your day each and every day.  It's kind of like the quote above from "The Secret Garden",
"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden."

I say, If you look the right way, you can see treasures in the whole world all around you...

Have a "wunderbar gut" day!!


  1. Oh, Pam. You car's AC sounds like mine was acting. I needed a new compressor and it was not cheap. The AC works great now. We just can't be without AC in this weather, that's for sure. Hoping you get better news than I did!! I am sure your dear son would love his memorial garden beside your lovely pond!! xo

    1. Thank you, Terri. We figure ours also needs a new compressor. That really hurts the pocketbook, but you are right, we really can't be w/o AC in the summer here. I hope you are having a good week. Talk to you later, gator! LOL.

  2. I love your lumper. We call it linner for lunch and dinner. Do you miss your store? We owned a small Hallmark..Burke’s Hallmark. I do not miss it. It was not a franchise. We owned it. Some good years but oh the work whew. Love your blog. Brenda

    1. I do miss working the store a little bit. Thankfully, when we worked there it was usually only for about 2 or 3 hours in the mornings. We'd go home at noon when our son or DIL came in, and we could eat lunch and take a nap! LOL. If I had to be there all day I wouldn't have liked it much. I enjoyed the interaction with people and really do miss that. But there are seasons in our lives for everything...that was that season, and now we are in a different season (a HOT one! LOL) Thank you for visiting, Brenda. Hope you are enjoying your week.

  3. Nice colorful calendars you have. I have a few that I have in our house. One I made via Shutterfly of photos I have taken, most are from 2022. I have one from the hardware store that has lovely pictures and scripture verse on each month. It is supposed to be 96 degrees next Monday. A friend from church has invited us over to her house outside, in the shade, with appetizers and drinks late afternoon then we all go to church for Bible study. I hope the go to her house and have fun with sisters in Jesus. More to do than just being at Bible study we go to, which is good. It has touched my heart and mind a lot lately. I hope your air conditioning works again or don't have too pay lots of money to do it. My husband is sending his car radio to a place that will fix it as it quit working and it's the best thing to do for now. At least it isn't too expensive to get it fixed. Stay cool and hope you had a good time for dinner. God bless,Becky

  4. I love that leather bag! I love the whole post! Beverly Lewis is one of my favorite authors. Love how you cherish and celebrate FAMILY. September is just 29 days away! Not that the temps will change much then but still......

    1. You are right about September coming, but yes, here in Florida and I suppose where you are in TX, September is really still summer. October starts getting a little better, but Nov-April are our best months. And yes, I do cherish friends and family...just as I see you do! They are our best "treasures" here on earth...and the good news is, we will see them again in heaven for eternity! That's the best news of all, thanks to Calvary!! Have a blessed time at the cabin in the mountains. I know you are loving it! I would too!

  5. Y'all look so good. I enjoyed this post with all the pretty flowers too. I'm looking forward to October because usually the temps and the humidity drop and then the living gets easier.
    Love xx

  6. "Lupper", my new word! bahaha I love that and it fits Mr D and I. Great calendar pictures today, so glad August is here and we can get her over with and be closer to cooler weather.

  7. I always love seeing photos from your various calendars, Pamela - so cheerful and comforting! And I agree that God's gardens are all around us each and every day. May we open our eyes and hearts to see them.

  8. Oh, those calendar images look dreamy!
    .....And just look at your smiles! That's a shame about the blooms; my favorite chili farm in New Mexico posted something last night that the extreme heat has dashed their hopes for a great harvest. Maybe, once the temps cool, your blossoms may yet revive. I almost feel they're living in holy soil.
    PS - I just saw your car's good news on FB! I had a similar blessing recently with my Camry's transmission. Nice to know there's still GOOD people out there.

  9. Pam, I loved reading your memories here. The flowers are beautiful and so are the bags your friend made. I also love to read the Amish books. Enjoy!

  10. Your calendar pictures are beautiful. I especially love the one of the lady in her garden. My flowers are just as tired as us of the heat. Sunshine yes, but the heat has been extreme. Sorry to hear about the car A/C. It does indeed seem like a lot these days. I suppose it means we have to do a lot more looking to our Lord.

  11. How did I miss the part about no longer owning Dixie Cottage? What happened?
    Those leather bags are wonderful.. how talented she must have been.
    I hope you get a good deal on the AC or find it is a very simple fix.

  12. Pam: I remember reading Beverly Lewis when I worked at the library. I really enjoyed her books. Our women's group at church had its annual picnic today and there were some ladies who could not come. We had a nice time. We had a few 'cooler' days but today it was hot again. Glad you got to spend time with your kids. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  13. I enjoyed seeing your little garden and the beautiful bag that Sharon made you. I have all of those Beverly Lewis books in my own little library! When we downsized a couple of years ago, we got rid of over 500 books, but I just couldn't give them away. I have 30+ books of hers. Also lots of Janette Oake too.
    I'm so sorry about your A/C problems in the car. I can't imagine with the heat and humidity this summer, how we would survive without it. The "feels like" temperatures have been ridiculous this summer.
    It's been a REALLY expensive year for us too. When we bought the condo, we knew that unless our apartment was rented, we would have to pay rent, utilities and full insurance on it until Nov. 1. Plus the condo dues, insurance & utilities. Well, there are 24 vacancies at the apartment building and they sure aren't going to rent ours first when there is already guaranteed rent coming in for a few more months. We just couldn't pass on the condo though, because they come available so rarely. Then, my portion of my cardiologist visit two weeks ago is $574.00. So ridiculous. We have the airline tickets to London for the wedding, rent on an air bnb there for a week and the rehearsal dinner to pay for too. We feel like we're bleeding money this year. Plus, we had put a deposit down on a cruise over a year and a half ago with our best friends in Spokane, long before any of the rest of this came up. It's in January 2024 and the balance is due in October! Today we had to take the camper in because a semi threw a construction lane divider into the trailer on our way back from the Black Hills after Dennis's accident. We're waiting on the estimate to fix that. It damaged both sides of the front of the camper and left a hole in the front so we can't put it off! And now Dennis has to have surgery again on his hand when we get back from London. It never rains but it pours!
    I'm trying very hard to be grateful that nothing really life-threatening or serious has happened, but you know how it is when you're retired and money isn't coming in like it used to, but it sure flies out doesn't it?
    Sorry to be a downer, but know that you're not alone. God will work it all out for both of us and in the end, we won't remember any of the trials, just the joys that accompanied everything. :-)
    Have a wonderful Friday,

  14. Your garden looks so peaceful. Sorry your AC went out. What happened to Dixie Cottage? I like stores like that. I enjoyed your calendar pictures too!

  15. "continual state of inelegance"--ha, thanks for that. Wishing you a beautiful day friend.


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