What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Wednesday Treasures and Special Memories

 Dear Friends...I can't believe it's Wednesday already! This has been a very busy week so far, and I really haven't had time to do much reading or writing, so I know I am way behind in saying hello to everyone.  I missed the Tuesday 4 meme yesterday altogether...so very sorry...but like I said, it's been a busy week.

Sometimes I think I would like to be like this Cicada...leaving my shell behind and flying about taking care of things and singing as I go...Maybe that's what it will be like when we die...we leave this old body behind...and our soul/spirit breaks free and flies away!!! I expect there will be a lot of singing on that day...

Cicada Exoskeleton (click the link for more info).

Speaking of flying, our Sand Hill Crane family occasionally flies in for a visit...yes, all four of them fly in for a landing on the pond out there on that green island...and they often spend the night there. In the morning, just after sunrise, they take off into the air again , calling loudly as they fly over the house to go exploring in other places for the day.  On this particular day they flew over to our shore and came up and visited a while before they took off again.  It's such fun to see them still all together...Mom and Dad and "colts" Pat and Val...

Sunday morning was really sweet at our church. We took in a lovely group of new members! So exciting to see our little church growing. 

And then to see the littlest "members" of our children's church standing up and singing "This is my Father's World" (every verse!) was really sweet.  They did a super job!

On Monday hubby, son Benton and I drove a couple of hours away for the funeral of our "Cousin Jane".

I didn't take any pictures at the funeral except for this one, after the service was over.  This lady and my hubby are distant cousins, and she was the flower girl in Jane's wedding and my hubby was the ring bearer. They were both about 5 or 6 years old at the time.  I don't believe they had seen each other since that wedding so many years ago!  Somewhere there is a picture of them at the wedding. I don't have it, but I've asked for a copy to be sent to us if anyone finds it.

After the funeral we went to a little restaurant in The Villages, "Culvers", for those of you who know it, and had some supper with hubby's brother and wife, Billy and Peggy.

Billy's birthday was last week and we had not had a chance to celebrate together, so we took this opportunity to spend a little extra time together before heading back to our respective homes in different directions. 

This is Benton and "The Birthday Boy".  

Three Steiner men.

You just never know what you're going to get when you start taking pictures. LOL.

Yesterday hubby and I had to go out of town for a medical appointment, so that kind of took up all of that day.  Today was our monthly "United Women in Faith" meeting,

We honored our outgoing Treasurer after five years of service...but then she said she would continue until the end of this year to help train another lady to do the job, but she still gets to keep the plant. LOL.

Here We are finishing up our business meeting before we had lunch. I didn't take any pictures of that, but it was good!!

Oh, and then I left a little early as I had a mammogram appointment this afternoon.  Of course you all know how much fun that was! LOL.  Just a routine annual check up. Praying that's all it will be!

Today would be my father's 105th birthday! He's been spending his birthdays in heaven for the past 12 years. Just couldn't let the day go by without remembering him.

This was my sister, Daddy, and I taking a walk together after a Thanksgiving dinner many moons ago. Such a sweet picture, right?

Then, when the person who was taking the picture told us to turn around, this is what we did:
The true personalities come out. LOL.

I love this picture of my Dad in his workshop. I borrowed this one from my sister. I hope she doesn't mind:   He was always building something special. A true craftsman.

Of course, this is one of my favorite photos of Daddy and me, taking a little snooze on a Sunday afternoon:


And here he is, walking me down the aisle to give me away many years later:

This was our family when I was about 3 years old....

And here we are again, many years later. This would be the last family picture taken together the year before my mother passed away...

Sweet memories.  Yes, precious treasures.

Exodus 20:12
12 “Honor your father and your mother, 
that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you."

Another favorite photo...My Dad, "The Champ", after winning a game of horseshoes!
I think I will leave it there.

Have a wonderful evening my friends. I hope to get back around to "visit" with you soon. Hopefully tomorrow will be a calmer day.


  1. I just love seeing all of the old family photos, Pam!! Your dad looks like he was so fun! And that must be where Benton gets his work-working/building talent!! It runs in the family! I've missed you!! Happy to see your post! Love & hugs!

    1. Thank you, Terri. Yes, Benton inherited much of Daddy's abilities in the woodworking shop...even some of his tools! Makes me very happy to see that gift continuing on in the family. Love and hugs to you today too!

  2. Oh, I did enjoy catching up with you tonight after a very busy day. I had my annual physical this morning and next week will my turn for the FUN mammogram! I sympathize with you my friend. :-)
    Love the photos of the twins and their parents coming back for a visit at the pond. I wonder how long they'll stay together? Do they typically stay in Florida in the winter. I sure would if I could. Ha! But seriously I would.
    Great family photos. Your family looks like it sure enjoys it's times together, both in the past and now. I love seeing that. My own family is so spread out, we rarely get together so I take great joy in seeing the love in others.
    Wishing you a wonderful Thursday.
    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Good Morning, Betsy! Re: the Crane family: this is a Florida resident family. We have many who stay here year round. This particular couple nest here on our pond each year...the young ones usually move out on their own after 10 months, which will be around December or January if my calculations are right. Not sure if Mama and Daddy will raise more babies next year or not...they sure do keep busy with their little families. Oh, and yes, our families do enjoy getting together as often as possible. As we get older it is getting more difficult. My sister and her family still live in Florida, but my one brother and his family are in NC. The oldest brother has passed away. We are planning a family reunion in NC this fall with all of our extended families that can be there. My hubby's brother and family live in Florida too, and we try to get together with them as often as possible. Life is just too short to not at least try to make it happen. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful rest of your week as well.

  3. Oh, I love your likening our homegoings to the Cicada!
    As ever, your photographs bring a big smile to my face. What a wonderful sense of humor y'all inherited, I'm imagining from your father. Where is it written, I wonder, that at some point in our lives, we leave being silly in the rear-view mirror.
    Praying all's well with the mammogram (*groan*). I do have the best tech, however, who always makes me laugh. Last time she apologized, "I'm being all over you like a monkey."
    Wishing you a blessed, uneventful day!

  4. Wonderful pictures. I know those are precious memories.

  5. I always enjoy your family photos, Pamela. Happy Birthday to your Daddy in heaven! The photo of you both taking a nap is priceless. So glad you have these and can savor the memories.

  6. What wonderful pictures. I especially like the one of you and your daddy all those years ago. Isn't it funny how funerals reunite families? I see people at family funerals that I never see at any other time...and then it is like no time has passed at all.

    I am so glad your church is growing. That is always a good sign and a blessing. xo Diana

  7. Pam: I always love seeing your pictures of your family. Those Sand Cranes are beautiful. Glad you got to celebrate John's brother's birthday, even if it was after that lady's funeral. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  8. So sorry for the loss of your friend. I LOVE the Cicada analogy. I plan to be singing on my way to Glory if the Lord allows me. I can't wait to worship Him in His Holy Temple and be with all our loved ones that believe. Amen!
    Great photos like always. Enjoyed this post lots.
    Blessings. xx

  9. Pictures of your family and the Sand Hill Crane family. Happy families -- everyone!

  10. What wonderful memories, love the ones of your daddy, those are always priceless, I have one similar to the one of your and your dad in the chair. The cranes are looking well, and glad they come back to see you. I am back to blogging believe me understand about busy!

  11. I always enjoy your family photos, past and present. That is a good picture of your hubby with the flower girl, such a sweet memory they have. It is also nice to see the Sand Hill Crane family still together, they must love to come for a visit to see what you and John are doing. LOL Hope you have a very blessed rest of the week, and pray good results from your 'ouch' test. ☺

  12. So sorry to hear about your loss. Please accept our sincerest condolences and prayers for all your family.

    Thank you for sharing fond memories in photos. It is good to remember our loved ones and to thank the Lord for their role in our lives.

    God bless you and yours always, Pamela.

  13. Hoi Pam, it's evening here for me now. I think it's morning for you, and I just wanted to say I've calmly scrolled through your photos and looked at your family. 😊 Yes, as we grow older, we lose many of our older family members, and we ourselves don't stay young forever. Still, it's nice to see family again, even if it's at a funeral. Your family photos are beautiful, funny (😛), and I believe you're blessed with such a lovely family. What a treasure. It hurts to see that what once was is no longer there. But cherishing memories, that's something we can do every day. Lots of love,



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