What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ It's For the Birds!

 It's For the Birds

Hey there Tuesday 4 fans. It's so good to have you back. I hope your week went well and if it didn't then I hope the coming week is stellar for you.

Can we talk about the birds today? Did you know that birds sing all day long but particularly 3 times a day which correspond to the prayers of Daniel the Prophet. His 3 prayer daily corresponded to the 3 daily services in the temple at Jerusalem..
No, I never knew that before. Very interesting bit of information!!

1. Do you have a favorite bird?
Wow, I would have to really think about that one. I guess it has to be the Bluebirds that we've enjoyed watching so much here in the spring, but I also love Cardinals, Chickadees, Woodpeckers, Ducks, Canada Geese, Sand Hill Cranes, Great Blue Herons, Eagles, Barred Owls,  well...just about any bird I see, except maybe vultures. Not fond of vultures or crows either! LOL.  Here's just a sampling of some of the birds we've watched this year so far:
Great Blue Heron

Male Cardinal

Bluebird family...

That's the Baby in the house, with Daddy trying to coax him out.

An "angry Bluebird".

The Sand Hill Crane Family...
With the new babies in the spring..."Pat and Val"

And a little later as they were growing bigger and stronger:

Hungry Goldfinches in the spring:

And hungry hummingbirds:

A Red Bellied Woodpecker:

A family of Ring Necked Ducks in the winter:

Great White Egret:

Red Shouldered Hawk:

And the Canada Goose (one of many)

2. Do you find singing birds comforting or annoying?  I enjoy hearing the birds sing.  I truly believe they are singing their praise to The Creator, God Almighty, and thanking Him for each new day.
This little Wren was lifting up his head and singing his loudest praises one morning. For such a little bird, he has a very loud voice...and I am quite sure his songs were reaching right into heaven!

3. Can you recognize the songs of particular birds or is it all the same to you?
I can recognize quite a few of the more common birds around here as well as some of the more unusual birds when I hear them, like the Barred Owl "Who who who cooks for you?"  Or the Pileated Woodpecker, and the Sand Hill Cranes. They all have very distinctive calls. Oh, and definitely the hawks...

4. Every year many birds die from being fed too much sugar. Grape jelly glues shut the beaks of birds and honey , corn syrup or other substitutes to white sugar does the same to humming birds. We are warned to use only white refined sugar for humming birds. Do you feed the birds or provide water or shelter for them?

I do make my own nectar for the hummingbirds, using 1/4 cup white sugar to 1 cup of water. Always boil the water first to make sure it is purified, and dissolve the sugar and let it cool completely before putting it in the feeder.

(Always use refined white sugar (regular table sugar). Never use honey, corn syrup or raw, unprocessed sugars. Powdered sugar (also called confectioners' sugar) often contains additional ingredients, such as cornstarch. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in creating hummingbird food)

I also feed the other birds with regular mixed birdseed in one feeder:

And I use white Safflower Seeds in this feeder to keep the  squirrels from bothering it. They do not like Safflower seed, and I don't want them jumping on this pretty glass feeder and breaking it:

And you've seen many pictures of the Bluebird houses that we provide for our little friends and their families...

And yes, we do provide water for the birds as well...This flock of Cedar Waxwings was quite happy to find our birdbath this spring while they were passing through on their way back up north:

Just as I was beginning to work on this post this evening (Monday night), these young Cardinals came flying up onto the back porch and right up to the windows to say hello!

There was a lot of young Cardinal activity going on in the yard and at the feeders this evening.  They are such fun to watch. 

You've seen this picture before...the sign above my computer desk here in my little "Room with a View"...That says it all...
"Let Heaven and Nature Sing"

Thank you for visiting with me and the birds today! I hope you enjoyed this little view into the world outside my window. Now let's go over to the link up for Tuesday 4 and see who else loves the birds!!

Psalm 104:10-13
10 "He sends the springs into the valleys;
They flow among the hills.
11 They give drink to every beast of the field;
The wild donkeys quench their thirst.
12 By them the birds of the heavens have their home;
They sing among the branches.
13 He waters the hills from His upper chambers;
The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works."


  1. Oh Pam, these are some of your best pictures EVER....I sure enjoyed! Love all of them. Could never pick a favorite bird, I love them all. Yes, we provide food, water, shelter, treats for all the birds we see here. We enjoy them so much. I make the hummingbird nectar too, with boiled water like you do. They are going through it SO QUICKLY here the past week!!---I think they are gearing up for their big migration trip that comes at the end of summer and "powering up". We will miss them, I do so love to watch them whooshing and swooping about! This past week they've been very agressive about the feeders, swooping at each other. Still can't believe how BIG PAT AND VAL got, so quickly!! Oh my goodness, I'd LOVE TO SEE a bunch of those beautiful cedar waxwings come to visit OUR birdbaths!! They are very pretty. And you know how I feel about the bluebirds! We only had one family nest this year, maybe we'll get more fledgelings next summer. Right now we have ALOT OF dragonflies, and butterflies all over. Hope your week has started off real good! Despite the dang HEAT, I still love summer and will miss it. Fall sure FEELS BETTER tho, right? LOL

  2. Yes, many places in the bible talk about animals and all creation praising God! Isn't that just so wonderful? I love that photo of the angry little bluebird. Just makes me smile to see his grumpy little face. Thank you for joining in.

  3. Let Heaven and Nature Sing ... I love that sign; like yours is a sanctuary!
    Like my mother, the Cardinals are my favorites. Silly perhaps, but I always say "Good morning" or, "I miss you." in the event it's a loved one, gone before. Having watched their first tentative steps (here), you know I'm enormously fond of Pat and Val. The bluebirds on the other hand, not so much. One, in particular, seems to take much delight in dive-bombing and scaring the girls. Perhaps he/she's guarding a nest?
    I hope you're enjoying a blessed day!

  4. You have a great collection of bird pictures and I loved them all. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. ♥☺

  5. You know we love birds! Our place is called Red Bird Acres, in fact.
    Funny story about the Great Blue Heron (great photo, by the way). Steve once worked with a fella that made jokes about everything and watched old Japanese movies. He called them Rodan because of the call them make when taking off. That makes me giggle everytime I hear one now. "Look, honey, it's Rodan!" lol
    Great photos, especially the Cardinal. Nice.
    Summer's almost over! Yay!
    Love xx

  6. I always love seeing your photos of all the birds who stop by and visit. Your place seems to be very bird friendly. Love the sign over your window.

  7. I so much enjoyed this post. All those photos...what a wide array of birds and colours.
    When we see a heron it's very special!!

    Within a fortnight I will be in England, the south. Near a park with wild birds. So no hunting is allowed in the area. It's nice to see the special birds flowing over our heads..looking for mice.

    Thank you for the wonderful post.

  8. I love all the photos of your birds. I like the adlib stories you tell in between the photos. They always make me smile. You're so So creative.

  9. Pam, your backyard and that pond make a great bird sanctuary! I bet the bird chatter is crazy, them telling each other to check out Pam's house for a safe respite and good food!! I love the photos you shared!! This was a fun Tuesday 4!! xo

  10. How fortunate to have so many different birds visiting your garden. Over here we have a lot of pigeons, starlings, seagulls, magpies and every now and then when I'm working in the garden a robin comes by to feed of the worms in the soil.

    I wrote about a robin I once met here:


    God bless.

  11. Late to commenting. Love your answers and all your bird photos. Your bird feeders are so fun. I love the sign above your desk too. I have a Christmas sign that says that and there is a tree with cardinals in it. I love it.


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