What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday 4 Summertime Easy Living?


Summertime Easy Living?

Hey! Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to give you something to blog about, something to think about and a reason to visit other blogs!

Summer time and the living is easy says the song. So how is summer going for you? Let's talk about it.....

1. How has it been so far?
Here in Florida is has been HOT, HOT, HOT! But that is the norm for us here in the Sunshine State.  However, to me it has felt hotter than normal, and lately it has been very dry as well. (but still high humidity).  This morning when we woke up it was 72 degrees, which is like a cold wave after the mostly 76-78 morning temps we've been having. It should only get up to 92 today, which is better than 97 or 98.  I know many in the southwest and far west have much higher temps than ours, but they don't have the high humidity, which does make a huge difference.  We were very thankful that, if it had to happen,  our AC broke down early in the summer, and we were able to have it replaced before the really hot summer weather got going. It has been a real blessing to have reliable AC for this heat. (However, it was a major expense we were not anticipating, so that kind of put the brakes on any further activities for a while). 

2. What have you been doing this summer?
Nothing special.  Mostly staying home and trying to stay cool. So far we've had one family funeral, my brother in law's birthday, and our 54th anniversary, which you've already heard all about. We've also had several Dr. appointments mostly for my hubby, who is still undergoing some tests and zeroing in on a future treatment plan. That has kind of tied us down this summer because so much of the testing, etc., has been spread out, waiting on different specialist's appointments, etc.  But I think we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully some decisions will be made soon on how to proceed. Thank you for your continued prayers. It's not necessarily life-threatening, at least not at this time, but it's one of those things we cannot ignore.  We are just very thankful to live near a major research and teaching hospital at the University of Florida, and we have excellent Doctors and facilities to work with.

3. What are you going to do? Any plans?
August is a busy month for our extended family, especially this last week of the month. On Saturday of this week we are going to meet up with our extended family at a restaurant about an hour + away and
 celebrate our son's birthday, 

our nephew's  21st birthday 
(also on the same day, just 31 years apart!),

 my husband's brother and wife's 25th anniversary, 
Billy and Peggy then....

And now:

and my niece Debbie's birthday:

(She was our flower girl at our wedding 54 years ago!)

Also, one other major thing I will be doing actually on Wednesday (tomorrow!).  I am having "Stem Cell Therapy" on my left arm (bicep and shoulder).  I have been dealing with a tear in my bicep and shoulder ligament for about a year. I had physical therapy for a few months, which really did nothing for this because it is a tear and a tear does not heal itself no matter how much PT you do.  Thankfully it is a "small tear", or it would have been unbearable. But it is debilitating in many ways, especially because I am left handed, and I always want to use this arm to do everything and I really can't.  So, this procedure will be very interesting, and I pray it works. They will remove via "liposuction" some fat cells from my belly (Hooray! But not enough to make any real difference in my belly, boo. LOL), and process the adipose cells with my own blood, and then return it to my body in my arm where the tears are.  The whole procedure takes about 3 hours. I will be awake. This is supposed to stimulate healing in the arm, so we shall see what develops.  It's not supposed to be painful, but my belly and my arm may be sore for a few days.  I am thankful that Benton and Rose are taking me, since it is about an hour away from home. They can go shopping and out to lunch while this is going on. Hubby would not be very comfortable waiting around in a doctor's office for me for 3 hours, so they offered to take me. They are the best!!!

4. It's been hot in most of the country but here on the Jersey coast (Where Annie lives, our hostess) it's been perfect so far. Not too hot, not too cool but just right with breezes. How are you weathering the heat. Any tips on staying cool on hot, humid days? Clothing, food, drinks, fans, air conditioning? Let us know your secrets to keeping cooler.
Of course we mostly stay indoors in the AC, watching birds from inside the house mostly, taking rides in the cool car when we can't take walks because of the high heat, reading, watching TV, and avoiding going out during the hottest parts of the day.  We try to run all errands early in the morning and get back home before the high heat sets in.
I was watching our Sand Hill Cranes early this morning out on the marsh island in Still Waters Pond. There were only three of them, but probably because Daddy Crane had already flown away. He does that sometimes, and then the rest of the family flies to wherever he is and they spend the day walking around and eating, and then they fly back here to the pond for the night.  

And here they go...flying over our house and away for the day to wherever it is that they go...

I also saw this armadillo ambling along in the yard early this morning, rooting for grubs and ants and whatever he likes...

Off he goes into the shady woods for the day. He will probably be back out at night when it's cooler.

Speaking of bugs...the termites finally destroyed my Secret Garden sign.  Hopefully my son will create a new one for me sometime when he has time...

Oh, another thing we did was clean out from under the deck, where a lot of old stuff was accumulating, like old empty flower pots, misc. junk, and Benton and John took it to the dump. That was nice!

So that's all the excitement from around here this summer that I can think of.

How about you? What fun are YOU having this summer?  I hope you're having a relaxing and happy time, what ever you do!

This song speaks how I feel about how God has taken care of us this summer (and always)...
"Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
(Carrie Underwood and CeCe Winans)

1 Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
there is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
as Thou hast been, Thou forever wilt be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
all I have needed Thy hand hath provided:
great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

2 Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest;
sun, moon, and stars in their courses above
join with all nature in manifold witness
to Thy great faithfulness, mercy, and love. 

3 Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow:
blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside! 



  1. Praying for your procedure tomorrow and that all will go well and that it will work just as it should. Love that song...my cousin and I played it for offertory this past Sunday morning.

  2. Pam: I have been ultra lazy this summer. The heat is here with us this week. Jim got the window AC in the living room to kick in when the room's is higher than what the thermostat is set. Friday, I am planning to take my best friend, Martha, out to lunch for her birthday. (It was actually last week, but she had a busy week.) I've not been perking lately. Had to start taking another supplement to get some relief for my knees. Next month, I have three special things going on. Plus, Jim's birthday is the end of September. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Indeed, great is the faithfulness of our Lord!

    I have begun to pray about your stem cell surgery tomorrow. Wow. That's a big deal. I pray it makes a wonderful improvement in the painful area and that you soon feel much better!!!

  4. I'm glad you're on my prayer list! You'll get extra ones tomorrow for the procedure. It will all go well, I'm sure. I couldn't be hooked up for 3 hours without a break because I'd have to tinkle before the end of it. *giggle* I've learned to live with it. Anyway, we'll all be waiting to hear how it went once it's over.
    We've been rid of unnecessary items too. It feels SO good to lighten the load.
    A/C stays on in our house 24/7, sometimes even during the winter if it's not super cold. I like cool weather. I'm glad our electric here so cheap (a local nuclear power plant supplies it).
    Love and Prayers xx

    1. Thank you, Sparky. Actually, I won't be "hooked up" all that time. They told me to bring a book to read and something to keep warm because it's cold in there...I guess they take the fat cells and then I have to wait while they mix it with the blood and apparently that takes a while to "mix", so they said I'd be up during that time. Thankfully. Yeah, I can't go more than an hour, if that...you know what...LOL. Thanks for the prayers.

  5. Happy birthday to your son! Enjoy your dinner with him.
    Praying your procedure works out! Keep us posted. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. I enjoyed these. I'm excited for you with this stem cell procedure for tomorrow and pray it helps. Medicine sure has come a long way - I remember back in the 90's when stem cell procedures used aborted fetus. Praise God, we can use our own from our own bodies and that is a medical miracle because I know they were pushing this back in the 90's. I had a mom whose daughter was in my daycare and she worked at a stem cell place and it always bothered me. I was reading about it, and it has promise and good results. That is something perhaps I could look into, for my other shoulder that has a rotator cuff tear. It is definitely something to look into.

    Oh dang, I wish I lived closer before you hauled away all your junk. I love other peoples junk. (my husband, not so much) I didn't know you had armadillos in Florida. I thought they were in the southwest and Texas. I remember in Arizona, sitting at a rest stop and seeing them all over the place. We don't have them here; perhaps in the California desert. They are a bit freaky. I admit, I much prefer, soft and fluffy critters.
    I must have missed a post about your husband - I'm happy he has a good medical team that can help him manage or cure or whatever. I'll include him in my prayers and for your procedure tomorrow. Take it easy for a few days - put your feet up and just cool by the AC.
    God Bless

  7. Great song to end with, Pam. I pray for you and John every day but will add your stem cell surgery to my morning devotions/prayers. I have heard good things about stem cell healing so am anxious to hear how yours progresses!! God is good! Have a fun reunion/celebration coming up and do please share that with us as well!! xo

  8. It was 89 when I woke up and 100 degrees by the time I had my first cup of coffee out on the kitchen deck. TOO hot for me!!! Prayers for your surgery tomorrow. I am writing a note now to remind me.

    1. Yes, that's too hot for anyone!! I don't envy you your weather, for sure! Thank you for the prayers. That means a lot!!!

  9. I love that song, thanks for sharing the video. I pray your procedure goes well. I have been dealing with similar issues. I have PT tomorrow for it. That is cool how they can take your own cells for it. Heaven knows I have plenty of middle. I wish they would transfer some to my flat rear!

  10. Pam, I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s health issue and your torn ligament. So glad he is getting the testing that hopefully provides the perfect answer and the proper corrections can be made. This all must be a strain on you all though. And especially with the limitations your arm is on you, wow , medicine has come such a long way in our lifetime. Praise God ; your procedure sounds amazing. So glad it isn’t
    Invasive! We also had to replace our whole a/c system. The unit outside and the compressor upstairs. It really set us back, too, but we’re so happy because our old one barely kept a regular summer day a bit comfortable. God is good to us to provide good a/c for the extreme heat we are experiencing this season. I pray that after your procedure and recovery that the weather will behave and you will have a lovely autumn with your dear husband!

  11. Good Morning Pam, it's 7:20am and I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee, trying to catch up with my blog friends. I watched/listened to the video you shared, what a wonderful way to start my day. The words to that beautiful song, is a devotional as well as praise for our Lord. What a wonderful way to start my day. Thank you sweet lady for sharing. Sending prayer for you and John to be healed of all health issues. ((hugs))

  12. What an amazing August -- both celebratory and stressful. I guess Real Life's like that, huh? I'm fascinated by the procedure you're 'enjoying' (?) this morning. Isn't modern medicine wonderful! Lifting prayers right now, both for you and John.

    PS - Pastor Janet's hubby sings this song each Sunday as part of the offering. Nice to hear this pretty rendition!

  13. Good Morning Pam. I hope your procedure goes well and takes care of any pain you have. It's nice of the kids to offer to drive you. I enjoyed reading all of your news this morning.
    We're having a bit of a trial here. My day yesterday: woke up to Mom calling that her heart monitor was beeping. Had to jump out of bed and go charge it for her. When we woke up we realized that our AC was not working. Called a technician and no one can come for a day or two. Then, off to Dennis's surgeon appt. to discuss rescheduling his first botched hand surgery. Now they are going to have to literally cut off his thumb and reattach it. On the way across town to get Mom's prescriptions, I had a flat tire. It was 99F with a "feels like" temperature of 119F at that time. Needless to say, it was a very frustrating day. Last night was miserably hot in the condo with the low at 89F. Oh, did I mention that the AC is only 10 months old? The seller doesn't have the paperwork on the warranty any longer so it's up to us to fix it. *sigh*
    Today HAS to be better.

  14. Hoping and praying that the stem cell surgery will work beautifully for you, Pamela. Getting older is NOT for sissies! We just got back from our vacation to see the grands, and we sure wish we could have done that in cooler weather, but all in all, the visit was wonderful! The girls are growing up way too fast, and I'm already looking ahead to the next time we can see them.
    Keeping you and yours in prayer!

  15. I hope that both you and hubby find solutions to your discomforts and that your stem cell therapy goes really well today. You will be in prayer and thoughts.

  16. Right there with you on hubby's health issues. It isn't easy, is it? We, too, are still seeking answers and have appts set up with 3 more specialists. Praying for YOU and US that they can come up with some definitive answers and a plan to proceed.

    I am glad you got your AC up and running before the worst of summer hit. We are close to 100˚ here today. Our normal summer temps are in the 70s...with a few days here and there 80ish.

    I hope you have a good Wednesday and keep me in the loop about your hubby's health. xo Diana

  17. How did the procedure go? Are you feeling OK now. I hope it helps.
    It's a real problem dealing with muscle and ligament problems, especially as someone else in the family needs care too.

    Living near a good hospital makes a huge difference.
    I hope everything works out well.

    I've enjoyed the photos.
    Please send the car... I need some things taken away too! LOL!

  18. Did Blogger eat the comment I left this morning? (*Pouting*)
    I hope, perhaps, it made it into your e-mail.

  19. So many celebrations all at once. Best wishes to you all. May God bless you and your family always.

  20. Pam, what a fun, delightful blog. I enjoyed it. I've never seen an armadillo here in the Netherlands. Can it bite? Brrr... it looks spooky. 😄🦔

  21. You probably don't need this warning, but armadillos carry leprosy. So don't go out there and try to catch it or anything. Although...I would pay good money to see that!

  22. You have definitely had a lot to celebrate. I have never seen an armadillo alive...haha. When we've visited FLorida I've only seen them dead on the side of the road.


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