"When morning gilds the sky, our hearts awaking cry:
"May Jesus Christ be praised!"
in all our work and prayer
we ask his loving care:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
2 To God, the Word on high,the hosts of angels cry:May Jesus Christ be praised!Let mortals too upraisetheir voices in hymns of praise:May Jesus Christ be praised!
3 Let earth's wide circle roundin joyful notes resound:May Jesus Christ be praised!Let air and sea and skyfrom depth to height reply:May Jesus Christ be praised!
4 Be this, when day is past,of all our thoughts the last:May Jesus Christ be praised!
The night becomes as day
when from the heart we say:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
5 Then let us join to sing
to Christ, our loving King:
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Be this the eternal songthrough all the ages long:May Jesus Christ be praised!
I hope you enjoyed singing that lovely old hymn of praise with me this morning. When I look at the skies in the morning and the evening I often break out into songs of praise for God's majesty and His masterpieces painted in the skies. I just can't help it!
This Psalm also declares what human hearts have felt since the beginning of time...
Psalm 19:1-6
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.
In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
6 Its rising is from one end of heaven,
And its circuit to the other end;
And there is nothing hidden from its heat.
And so these are my photos for this Friday. When I woke up this morning I bemoaned the fact that I had nothing new to share with you. Then I looked outside and saw the sunrise...and also remembered the pictures I took a couple of nights ago of the sunset...and then a couple of the full moon in the early hours of the morning the other day...and God put it all together! I love it when He reminds me that His beauty and glory is all around us...we just have to open our eyes to see!
The only other new photo I had was this one: This little visitor came up on our back porch yesterday and stood there looking in at us like she was seeing into another world...
And when she got bored with staring at us she decided to jump back down off the porch and go on her merry way, stalking birds and lizards and other more interesting things...
She is one of several neighborhood kitties that wander around in search of interesting prey. They are fed by one of the neighbors, and possibly belong to someone, but they like to come and visit us and our pond every so often. I don't mind as long as they stay away from our birdies...
So, I have some wonderful news and answers to prayer from my
last post: If you recall, I told you that our car AC had gone out and we were going to most likely have to replace it yesterday. Well, Praise God! When the repairman did the diagnostics on the system he couldn't find anything wrong with the AC itself at all! The only thing he did find was our cabin air filter was VERY dirty and somehow had gotten twisted and stuck up under the dash board or something like that...and so they put in a new cabin air filter, and the AC works perfectly!!! The charge was less than $100., as opposed to possibly more than a $1000.00!!! Now that's what I call a big answer to prayer!! We definitely did a happy dance when we got that news!!!
Also, in reading some of your comments on that previous blog, some of you expressed that you were not aware that our kids had sold Dixie Cottage. Apparently you missed a post way back on
March 30th,, where I told you about it way at the end of the post. You most likely got side tracked by all of the cute photos of the then baby Sand Hill Cranes and other birds, etc., and didn't read the news at the end. Our kids had decided that they wanted to sell the business because they had other things they wanted to be free to do, like spend time with our DIL's Dad up in Minnesota, etc., and so thankfully, one of the vendors in the store decided she would like to take over the business when she heard it was available...and so that happened on April 1st, and she has been running it ever since. It it still known as Dixie Cottage and is in the same space, etc., and our son does still put furniture in the store for sale. But at the same time, when a business owner in the next city over heard that Benton was selling the business, he asked him if he would like to come build furniture for his store. He set him up with a nice woodworking shop in the back of his place of business, and provides all the equipment, wood, etc., and Benton builds unfinished pine furniture to sell there at the business called
"Son of a Doodle". (I know, strange name...but it works!)
These are some examples of the furniture he has been building:

Rose still works at Home Depot, and in their spare time they also still have their Etsy site:
BRCoastal Rustic Decor, for which they create coastal rustic bathroom shelves and ship them all over the country! So they stay quite busy!!
So that's it for today, folks! I started out with nothing to show, and little by little, with God's help, there's quite a lot to see!
I pray that you and yours will have a lovely and beautiful day and weekend. When you think there's nothing new out there or that life is boring or dull...take a look around you, and you will see that God has something waiting for you everywhere you look!!
Pam: This is proof that God takes care of His children. He took care of you and John with the air-conditioner issue. He also took care of Benton and gave him an outlet for his furniture. He gave Rose time to spend with her dad. God HAS blessed you many times over. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteGod always has something magnificent to show us when we pay attention to Him, Pamela. You and I are on the same track when it comes to this!
ReplyDeleteBenton's furniture is amazing, too. What a talented young man! I know you are so proud of him.
May Jesus Christ be praised! Yep, I was singing right along (in my head). Such a blessing, your auto's A/C was almost a painless fix. Since Tom's been dragging his feet, I'm going to go out online and order one. It's been several years and with all the leaves and 'stuff' around the parking pad, I'm sure mine's stuffed. (Cross fingers I remember how he showed me to do it.)
ReplyDeleteNow I'm off to check out the kids' Etsy site! Have a blessed day!
Well, I wish them all the best in their "new" endeavors. He sure does nice work! Love the photos too.. so very pretty. Every minute of every day holds something lovely, something special, something we didn't see before. Nature is ever changing, yet unchanging as well. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI like the Jesus Christ be praised. Amen to that. Even when bad things happen, amen. He is still awesome, loving, perfect and our Saviour.
ReplyDeleteA cat wouldn't last 2 minutes in our yard with the 3 dogs. They stay away from us. *lol*
Wonderful photos.
Love. xx
Benton is SO talented!! I'm glad the new owner of DIxie Cottage is hanging in there and hopefully doing well. I always enjoy your photos, Pam. Wishing you a blessed weekend and week ahead! xo
ReplyDeleteI confess I am one of those who had missed the news of the sale of Dixie Cottage. But it sounds like a good decision at the right time and I am so glad Benton and Rose continue to be successful in all they put their hands to. They both are so very skilled, talented, and brave. I wish them the very best.
ReplyDeleteThe furniture is gorgeous. I do not read many blogs anymore. Google makes it difficult to respond. I appreciate you so much. When we were starting a new Southern Baptist Church years ago, our interim pastor and his lovely wife traveled for the day to us. We all took turns having him for Sunday lunch and dinner. Since 24 of us started the church and that might have included kids, we had them often. Delightful couple. It seems to me, during the years, that church people like to meet and eat. Lol. I have taken so many covered dishes…unbelievable. I do not do that anymore. Keep writing…prayers. Florida here on the coast is hot but lovely. No hurricane here for 100 years…some remnants but not the big one…we keep praying it won’t happen.
ReplyDeleteSo thankful to read how God answered prayer for you! MERCY! Less than 100$ compared to a $ 1000 is BIG! Love the beautiful pictures of God smiling at you through the lens of a camera and giving you YES, something to share! His Majesty! I pray the kids will enjoy the sale of Dixie Cottage and enjoy other things in life that they wanted more time to do. In all honesty, a business is a very time, consuming thing and I only know this from my husbands parents owning a small country store years ago. I done photography PT for years with working a full time job and finally decided I would rather work for someone else! I didn't like working for me!!!! LOL! So happy for them. Hugs and blessings, Cindy
ReplyDeleteI am glad your a/c in your vehicle is working now with a new filter. Praise God for hear our prayers. I like photos you shared with the song I've known for years. After church and lunch, we went to a celebration of Settlemier house. It's older than 50 years of celebration and man was the one who started our town. Interesting story, music and delicious refreshments. Good to see the house indoors again. We've been there Christmas time when you were able to sing with person who was playing the old piano of Christmas songs. Good memories!!! Have a blessed week, Becky
ReplyDeleteI did miss that post about Ben and Rose selling Dixie Cottage, but I was wondering about it because the facebook post changed, the comments just didn't seem to be from them. Well, now I know. I wish them all success in whatever life brings their way. During the beginning of your post, all the beautiful pictures and the words you wrote had me singing the Doxology to myself. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Prais Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. That was great news on your a/c, ours is old and I pray God keeps it running for us.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos! I just love morning pictures...well, I just love mornings:) thanks for sharing your answer to prayer - I love those too! Have a wonderful week ahead!
ReplyDeleteYour son makes such beautiful furniture and I'm glad it worked out with the store. The sunrise photos are gorgeous! Enjoy your week my friend. Keep those fans on high! lol Hugs, Diane
ReplyDeletethose sky pictures are gorgeous, Pam! love them. We enjoy sunsets on the porch here.....well, not so many lately---it's TOO DARN HOT to even porch sit, ha ha LOL. Only if it's really late we might. I am real glad to hear the good news on your air conditioner, amazing answer to prayer. Is it still working great? Benton's furniture looks great----he is talented for sure. Did y'all have a nice weekend? We pretty much stuck around the house, doing house projects. One is a big one, I'll send you a pic! Hugs, stay COOOOOOOOL AND HYDRATED my friend. love ya!
ReplyDeleteI love how you end your blogpost. Thank you so much, Pam.
ReplyDeleteI love how you finish your blog post. And what a nice answer to your prayer. Thank you Pam, for all the nice photographs.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post Pamela - each sunrise and sunset is so full of God's glorious skies as a gift to us. Sweet visit from your neighborhood kitty! And your son's furniture is amazing, wow! Thankful for the answer to prayer for your car's AC! God is so faithful!