What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tuesday 4 on Wednesday: Book Worms

 This is this week's Tuesday 4, and I didn't get around to participating until today,  Wednesday. Yesterday was a busy day, and I honestly didn't think I had anything to contribute to this dialogue, so I thought I would just let it pass for this week. However, then the *Library called me and said they had all the books I had ordered online waiting for me to come pick up...and I said to myself, "Self, you may have something to say here afterall...so go ahead and give it a whirl."  Better late than never...So here we go, and thank you to Annie for faithfully coming up with these discussions each week.  Perhaps you are also late to the "party", and maybe you would like to add your thoughts about this topic. The link up is still available at Tuesday 4 if you still want to join...or go visit the others who participated on time, unlike yours truly. LOL.  So here we go:

Book Worms

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we try and challenge you to think , discover and make new friends through blogging.

1. Did any book besides the Bible have an impact on your life or beliefs?  I would be hard pressed to come up with any other book that has had such an impact on my life as the Bible.  It is the book that tells the story of my very existence...and yours too!  It tells us all about our beginning and also our 'end'.    Other books that I appreciated in my life were varied and diverse.  I remember having as required reading in our senior year of high school the book 1984, by George Orwell.  I remember how we all discussed the predictions made in that book,  and this was in 1968...55 years ago.  The book itself was written in 1949, and what is amazing to me to think about now is how George Orwell thought up all the ideas he presented in his book...and even though he may have been off by a few years, I'm thinking we are seeing much of what he wrote about coming true now in this day and time.  What's interesting now to me is what my father's reaction was when I brought home that book to read. He picked it up and looked at it and threw it in the trash because it had some inappropriate language in it and he didn't want his daughter reading that trash!  I had to go fish it back out of the trash to take back to school, explaining to him that the book belonged to the school and I had to make a report on it or I would get a bad grade.  He was very upset about it and said he would talk to my English teacher and ask her why she was requiring us to read such garbage!  Bless his heart, he meant well...but I am thankful that he is not around today to see the garbage that our children and grandchildren are being  exposed to in our schools today.  I have a difficult time with it and if I had kids in school today, I think I might be reacting much like my father did 55 years ago.  Sadly, "Big Brother is watching you" is no longer a fantasy idea...

2. What books influenced you as a young person.?
To be honest, except for the book I just told you about above, I cannot remember what books I read when I was a young person.  I don't recall reading all the usual books that many have mentioned...I do remember reading "Little Women", and also loved the movie version with Katherine Hepburn as Jo.  
One book that my hubby and I used on a regular basis in our early years was "Streams in the Desert", 

a daily devotional book by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman.  It was always so amazing to us to see how the daily devotional always seemed to speak to whatever was going on in our lives at that time, and even when we would read it again the next year, it always seemed to fit our situation.  Here is a link to today's reading.  I was happy to see it hasn't changed.  The copy we have was published in 1950. The Copyright is 1925.    Here is an excerpt from today's reading: (July 19):

"The present circumstance, which presses so hard against you (if surrendered to Christ), is the best shaped tool in the Father's hand to chisel you for eternity. Trust Him, then. Do not push away the instrument lest you lose its work.

Strange and difficult indeed
We may find it,
But the blessing that we need
Is behind it.

The school of suffering graduates rare scholars."

3. Do you continue educating yourself by reading books or listening to podcasts or lectures?
I think it would be safe to say that the majority of my reading today, besides the Bible and a daily devotional, would be primarily for my relaxation and enjoyment.  I do not do well "listening to podcasts or lectures". I am too easily distracted to focus on audio type learning at this point in time. I am a hands-on, let me hold it in my hand and see it up close kind of reader. I do not use a Kindle or other electronic type of reader.  However, that being said, my eyesight is getting to a point where I cannot read for long periods of time anymore, so I have to read in smaller increments than before.  

4. Have you ever sat in a coffee shop/restaurant/cafe reading a book? What is your preferred place to read?
I do not like to sit anywhere in public reading, except while in a waiting room in a Doctor's office or something like that.  My preferred place to read is in my recliner, in the living room, next to my hubby, who is in his recliner usually watching something like sports on TV.  I like to be in the same room with him even though I am not watching what he is watching.  

*Now, on that note, this is what I am currently reading:
Yes, a stack of Amish Fiction books.  I may have read some of these before years ago, but long enough ago that I've forgotten the stories so I am enjoying them once again.  This is the stack I just picked up at the Library.

And I think these cozy Amish stories are having an influence on me.  If you have read any of those kinds of books, you know how they are always baking or cooking something...Shoo Fly pies, Whoopie Pies or noodles and meatballs or something else equally fattening but hearty and delicious.  The women spend a good bit of their time in the kitchen, rising up early to prepare a big breakfast for their hardworking men folk.  This morning I felt like an Amish woman as I rose up early and started baking right away...here's what I made...our favorite Blueberry Bran Muffins:

Here they are, fresh and hot out of the oven, bursting with delicious blueberries that I had put up in the freezer earlier this summer when they were fresh picked from the blueberry farm here in our town:
(I didn't pick them...they had some already picked that were fresh, and saved me the trouble! If I were a true Amish woman, I would have grown them and picked them myself LOL).

This reminded me of passage found in Proverbs 31:

"14 She is like the merchant ships,
She brings her food from afar.
15 She also rises while it is yet night,
And provides food for her household,
And a portion for her maidservants."

I didn't exactly provide a portion for my "maidservants", because I don't have any maidservants. Neither do the Amish women.  They have to work without the benefit of electricity or other modern conveniences.  I do admire them, but not enough to want to be one.  They have hardships we do not fully understand or appreciate, and even though I believe they have a true faith in God and Jesus Christ, they live with rules that I don't believe Christ ever intended for us to have to endure.  However, the way things are going in our world today, we might be wise to take some lessons from the Amish about how to survive without modern conveniences...

Okay, that's all I will say for today. I hope you enjoyed this little visit. I wish you could come and have a cup of tea and a blueberry muffin with me. Just let me know when you are coming and I will put the kettle on!    God bless you all and have a wonderful rest of your day!


  1. Pam: I used to work in a library. I was at the circulation desk. I had to know information about authors and the new books that we had. I started reading Beverly Lewis, There were others I read so I could help the people know what was good, Another author I enjoyed reading was Jennifer Chiaverini her series on quilting and the quilt camp she began. Sue Grafton wrote mysteries. Her titles that I remember all started with an alphabet letter (A is for Alibi, etc.). There was another mystery series that I liked. I have to investigate your muffin recipe. They sound good. Peace and blessings to you and yours,

    1. I do like cozy mysteries, still written from a Christian perspective. I will have to look up the Sue Grafton series. That sounds good. The muffins are good, but if I recall correctly, aren't you gluten sensitive? I guess you know what to substitute, etc. I have no clue. let me know if you figure it out! I hope you have a wonderful week, and stay cool!

  2. The muffins look delicious and freshly baked, right out of the oven is the best part. It's just too hot to bake - but I will keep your recipe for the Fall when baking resumes.

    I always had my nose in a book as a child - but I can't remember the titles. Books took me to places only my imagination could take me and I would think and ponder about the characters and their dilemmas. My eyes are also not what they used to be, especially after my cataract surgery. My eye site keeps changing and I am unable to keep up with it. I can't be purchasing new eyeglasses every six months. Extremely annoying but you live with it and make do.
    Take care -

    1. I know I read a lot of books when I was young...we had to do book reports in school...but I was more of an outdoor child and rarely sat inside for long reading if I didn't have to. But I've made up for it in my "old age". I do love to read, but, like you, my eye sight is not what it used to be and I find it very frustrating to sit and read. I don't have cataracts yet, but the eye dr. said it won't be too many more years before I do... Yes, it is too hot to bake now. I baked these muffins early in the morning before the sun came up to heat the house too much. So thankful for our new AC. I wouldn't be able to function very well without it. Take care and stay cool, my friend.

  3. So glad you joined in! 1984 was a very disturbing book and now we live in it. Sad times but, muffins can make it better!!

    1. Oh yes, muffins can make everything better, especially when they are hot and fresh, and slathered with butter! LOL. And washed down with a cup of hot tea! Yes, amazing how when we read 1984 we couldn't imagine how it could all happen, and now look at us sitting here at our computers (or on our phones) communicating with people we never would have possibly known before! Some things are good, and some things are not so good. We have to pick and choose wisely. Have a blessed day, my friend.

  4. You know, I may be the only soul in the universe who never read Orwell's 1984! Your father tossing it in the trash sounds like something my own dad would do. I'd not heard of this devotional before; that's pretty neat how it's accompanied you and John throughout your life. I've two such books, and you're right. Somedays it doesn't resonate at all; later, like it was meant totally for me.
    Honestly, listening to books (with my ear buds) is proving more challenging than not. I like that I can go about working in the kitchen, cleaning, etc. and listen -- but I forget to put them in. Like you, my eyes get really weary if I read for more than a few minutes and I want to nod off.

    1. Wow, I thought 1984 was required reading for all Seniors in our age bracket! Seems like it was pretty universal from what I've heard. Maybe your school was more intellectual than ours. LOL. We also had to read "Macbeth", and we read it out loud in class and I was "Lady Macbeth", and my famous line was, "Out, out, damn spot!" Everyone oohed and said I said a bad word. The only time it was permitted in school! LOL. I can't wear ear buds. They bother my ears and won't stay in and I don't think I could stand them for very long at all. Oh, the challenges of being "mature". (rather than saying "old") LOL.

  5. I love Streams in the Desert.....

    1. Oh, me too! Some of the writing may seem a bit old-fashioned today, but the truth is still there loud and clear. Hope you are settled back in at home and keeping "cool".

  6. Your muffins look delicious, Pamela, and blueberry has always been one of my favorites. The series of Amish books certainly look intriguing, too. I have always enjoyed learning about other cultures through novels, and I think these would be interesting and relaxing to read. I will write the author's name down so I'll remember to seek her out in our library.
    Have a blessed week!

    1. Beverly Lewis is an excellent author of Amish Christian fiction. Another good one is Amy Clipston. There are a lot of others, but always make sure they are "Christian Fiction" authors. And our library does carry quite a few of their books, so that is a plus. And thank you regarding the muffins. Let me know when you are coming to visit and I will make some!! Have a blessed day and week.

  7. Being able to read and discern true meanings, spelling, sentence structure and the like is a great knowledge to have that seems to not being taught in Schools anymore.
    Other than God's Holy Word, I've also had SO many books influence my way of thinking. Most in positive ways, others not. A positive for me was also "1984" and also "Animal Farm". One negitive influence during childhood was the Occult. I came outta that many years ago. That's why I'm so highly sensitive to the devil's deceptive ways (not that I haven't also messed up, 'cause, I have). I could do a blog post on all his "ism's" that are deceptivly insidious but look "nice" at first glance.
    Those muffins look SO good! Shame on you. *giggle* JK Bet they're great.
    Love ya friend. Keep looking up. xx

    1. I'm so thankful Jesus gotta hold of your heart, and He won't let you go! We are so blessed to be His children. My heart breaks for those who don't know Him or believe in His Word. They are missing out on so much peace and joy. Sorry you can't have muffins on your diet? These are healthy, made with bran flakes,(soaked in milk), applesauce, and fresh blueberries (well, mine WERE fresh before I froze them), plus of course egg, sugar, flour, cinnamon and baking powder and a little salt. But they are SO good. I don't make them often, but once in a while they are a nice treat. Well, I love you too and hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend. Jesus is coming soon!

  8. Pam, your blueberry muffins look so much better than the ones I bought at Publix last week!! I enjoyed reading your answers today and am so glad someone else can't do podcasts!! My mind just wanders!! Love & hugs!!

    1. I would have to be VERY interested in the subject to do podcasts, etc., and at this stage in life I find that my attention span is not very good. My hearing isn't that great either, so that may be part of the issue. LOL. Thank you re: the muffins better than Publix. I think they are better than any I've had elsewhere, especially when they are still hot from the oven! And slathered with butter. LOL.

  9. I enjoy Amish Fiction! The muffins look so yummy!!

    1. Come on down and we'll have muffins and tea or coffee for you and enjoy the fact that we have air conditioning and electricity and that we're not Amish! LOL.

  10. I've read those Amish books before too and it always makes me long for a simpler way of life, but I like my air conditioning and modern conveniences too much. Also, I know a few former Amish people and from what they've told me, they have a lot of rules and not as much Bible knowledge as people think. It's sad really. The community is wonderful and they way they help each other, etc.
    Those muffins look so delicious. I would love to be able to sit and chat and have a muffin with you.

    1. Yes, I think they are not permitted to have Bible studies outside of their church meeting, and of course, everything is in German, so that makes it difficult...except I guess that is what they speak (or Pennsylvania Deutsch)most of the time in their homes. At least that's what I've gleaned from the books I've read, which of course, are fiction, but hopefully somewhat accurate.
      Oh, please do come and visit and we'll have muffins and tea or coffee if you prefer! Blessings to you too.

  11. Those muffins look really tasty.

    We had to read 1984 at school. Also Shakespeare and Chaucer amongst others. I tried to read Chaucer in the original language. I did not like Shakespeare because there are no car chases in any of his plays. I suppose it was difficult staging them on a stage!!!

    God bless, Pamela.

    1. LOL. come on over for muffins next time you are in the area. And tea...must have tea! Oh, we read Macbeth out loud in class. I had the part of Lady Macbeth, and my famous line was, "Out, out! Damn Spot!" and everyone giggled and and said "oooh, Pam, you said a bad word." LOL. The only time it was permitted in school.

  12. So enjoyed reading your post. The blueberry muffins look delicious! I love the Amish books and have read many of them. It's been awhile though and I'm thinking it's time to read another one.

    1. That's what I was thinking as well. I've read many of them from different Christian authors. It has been a while, and so far the ones I am reading do not sound familiar, so I guess I'm on the right track...or else my memory is much worse than I thought! LOL.

  13. Those muffins look delicious! I enjoy Amish fiction but, like you, I do not enjoy reading while I am out. Have never considered reading at a coffee shop or other cafe type restaurant. But I know many who do:) (I would enjoy a nice blueberry muffin at said cafe though!) I am a read before bed kind of girl! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!

  14. My late husband was an avid Science Fiction fan with many paperbacks of them on his library shelves. While I did not share his appreciation for them, I have found it interesting that many of today's realities were initially thought up by sci-fi novelists. Tom said that many times.

  15. I remember streams of the desert book. I may read it years ago. I like Jane Kirkpatrick books as it's about life of history of women. My husband likes science fiction books and a magazine but he's not going to renew his subscription as it's not as good anymore. I like muffins as well. Yummy blueberries. I make banana bread. I make banana pumpkin bread as well that people like. I had a busy day Thursday especially after I got home from shopping and getting a pedicure in another city. Had to put chicken thighs in freezer bags and same for ground beef. Fish in fridge as I'm cooking a portion of it today. Rest will in freezer. Enjoy your day and God bless you both. 🌹 Becky

  16. You have beautiful posts. I love all the Scripture you choose. Those muffins look yummy. Rebekah has a recipe from Mimi's Cafe and so we often make those. I had a batch of huge juicy blueberries so I tried a new blueberry pancake recipe. They are not attractive looking pancakes but boy are they tasty. I think I had Maine Wild Blueberries and unsure where I bought the. hahaha. I am praying extra for David and Linda. They have been through so much and I am sorry he lost his brother. All we can do is pray and know we will see all those we love someday again. May God bless you richly today and always.


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