What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Monday, July 17, 2023

Rainy Days and Mondays...and songs in my heart...

Rainy days and Mondays don't really get me down, in spite of what the song by The Carpenters said so long ago...(didn't you love their music? Such a great loss when Karen Carpenter died so young).

Actually,  I kind of like a rainy Monday (or any day, for that matter) now and then.  It cools things down a bit and keeps Still Waters Pond healthy and happy

This evening I took a little walk around the yard while it was still just a little bit drizzly out, but it was so pleasant I really enjoyed feeling the cool rain drops that kept falling on my head...(I must be in a musical mood! LOL Another oldie but goodie).

I would have loved to have sat in the swing for a while, but it was kind of wet and the mosquitoes were starting to bite, so I decided to head back inside before they had me for supper...

One last look at Still Waters Pond as the sun was filtering through the clouds, casting everything in a golden glow.

I came back inside to my little "Room with a View" just in time...it is pouring down rain again as we speak...
Some of my newer readers may have never seen that sign below before, "Let Heaven and Nature Sing"...

My son Benton created that sign for me back at our previous house, and it always hung above the kitchen windows. 
For many years it was the banner photo for this blog, "Closed Doors, Open Windows".
(Kitchen windows in our previous home)

These days as I sit here at my computer in "My Room with a View", I am often blessed with varied and interesting views of the world going on outside this window and overlooking Still Waters Pond.
Right now not only is it pouring down rain, but it is starting to get dark. However, this is the current view:

What you see there is the wind chime that a dear friend created for us when our son Matthew passed away in 2014. It has a dove of peace at the top, a moose, (because he lived in Maine and had actually been on a Moose hunt with his son during the time that he was battling cancer. I've shared that story before, but HERE it is again for those who may have missed it.)  Then there is a fish, because Matthew loved to fish, and then the wind chimes and a beautiful sunburst at the bottom. I love to hear it when it chimes...it always makes me feel like Matthew is very near.  
But anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk about, even though it is a very special place in my heart...

Recently we've had lots of hummingbirds coming and going to the feeder that is hanging further over on this porch.  But very often one of the hummingbirds will stop and perch right here on the "tail feathers" of the dove, while she waits her turn to get a drink at the feeder.  I love how they do that while I am sitting here inside watching. It's almost as if they do it on purpose as a way of blessing me...or perhaps to say thank you for feeding me!

Just one of God's sweet little blessings and another way to "let heaven and nature sing."

Speaking of special music...

Last night as I lay down to go to sleep, just after saying my prayers, I could hear in my mind's ears and heart the beautiful strains of the beloved song "The Lord's Prayer".  There is a special story here...

The summer after I graduated high school I spent the summer volunteering as a counselor at what was then known as "The Methodist Youth Camp."  It was a beloved place to me, because I had been going there to camp every summer since my junior high days, as well as attending fall retreats there.
HERE is a previous post written about that place if you'd like to know more. I have many special memories from there as it was the place where I truly turned my life over to the Lord.
But one of the most meaningful memories from there for me was what took place every single night at bedtime. 
All campers were divided up into cabins.  The boys camp was on one side of the property and the girls were on the other. There were usually 12 campers to each cabin. These were very rustic cabins, with old metal bunk beds that squeaked every time you moved, no air conditioning (summer in Florida!), and we had to go to a bath house for showers, etc.  The rules were very strict, and all campers had to be in the cabin and in their bunks by a certain time. We had devotions and prayers together, and then when we could hear the hymns starting to play on the loud speakers throughout the camp, we knew it was time for "lights out". No more talking or moving about. It was time to settle down and go to sleep.  But the best part of all to me was after several hymns played, the very last song we would hear was "The Lord's Prayer".  What a beautiful way to drift off to sleep, "singing" the Lord's Prayer in my heart.
And so last night when I "heard" that song in my mind before I fell asleep, it gave me such a sense of peace and comfort and a feeling of the Lord's Presence very near.
I woke up this morning still singing that song and had to look it up and listen to it again.
Here is one version that I found on the internet that I think you may enjoy. May this be a blessing to you as it was to me...

Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version

9 After this manner therefore pray ye:
"Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, 
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. 

Good Night, and May God be with you.



  1. What a wonderful memory, Pam! Singing the Lord's Prayer gives me goosebumps every time! What a blessing!! xo

    1. Thank you Terri. Yes, the Lord's Prayer is such a beautiful prayer already, and then when put to music it just fills my whole soul with such peace. Definitely a blessing.

  2. What bitter sweet memories. Made me smile and tear up all at once. Sometimes I want to be with Jesus all the time so bad ... but, we must wait. It's His call. Amen?!
    You have a nice view of the pond from the computer area too.
    Love ya friend. Keep lookin' up. Jesus will be back soon. xx

    1. Thank you, Sparky. Yes, tears and smiles are often close together. I am thankful for the sweet memories that gave me the faith to get through the difficult days ahead in my life. And yes, I am so ready to be with Jesus...this old world is not our home and we are just passing through. I am looking forward to that day when we hear that trumpet call!! Amen!!!

  3. Lovely, lovely post my friend!!

    1. Thank you, Annie! I'm so glad you came to visit. My heart was full of that song all day and it still hasn't left me...but what a wonderful way to go through our days...singing the Lord's Prayer in our hearts...

  4. Thank you for truly loving your faith. Brenda

    1. Thank you, Brenda. My faith is such a huge part of me that I could not exist without it. I don't know how other people live without faith in God!

  5. Hi Pamela, sure enjoyed your post. As a teen, I went to MYF, Methodist Youth Fellowship. From 7th-12th. Our church family went to Camp Colby or Lazy W Ranch. You described the cabin and bathrooms. We stayed with our families until Jr high. Then we could go to youth cabins. I met my husband when he and his friends visited our youth group. His parents did visit our church too. We last went to camp the summer after graduated from high school. Our youth group meeting always ended with us holding hands in a circle and saying numbers 6, May the Lord bless you and keep you. So many good memories, that we both share.

    1. Oh Susan, we always ended our youth group meetings in the same way exactly!! Sounds like your youth group was a lot like ours! How neat that you met your hubby at your youth group! God certainly planned that well! Happy memories!!

  6. Good morning Pamela,
    What precious memories you shared in this lovely post. Your faith is beautiful and so encouraging. I have A. Bocelli's Christmas cd which includes"The Lord's Prayer". (Maybe I'll play it now ❣️) I only went to church camp once but I do remember it being very similar to your description.☺️
    Blessings, Linda 🪴

    1. Thank you, Linda. So wonderful to hear from you again! Yes, get out that CD and play it...it will be very uplifting, I am certain! I'm glad you had a positive experience at church camp. It was "rough" in some ways, but the spiritual outcome was what mattered most to me. Have a blessed day!

  7. Oh, I love the backstory of your windchime and the moose! The first part of your summer camp is so like my own (right down to the bathhouse!), but sadly we had no music to usher us into sleep. The Lord's Prayer is so fitting, and I love Bocelli's rendition. Have a blessed day!

  8. Rainy days can be peaceful. Your swing looks so inviting. Love the sign your son made. I would love to be listening to that pouring rain.

  9. Pam: Thank you for sharing that video with us. I had never heard him sing before. What a beautiful hymn to hear, It will be playing in my mind probably the rest of the day and into the night. I love the windchime, such a beautiful gift. I love the picture of the bluebird sitting on the peace dove. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  10. Oh my that is a wonderful way to drift off to sleep. I might need to try that one night soon:) I love your room with a view. And you are blessed to have such lovely views and visits from nature so often! Your wind chime is so very special. So personal - what a wonderful friend to have made such a gift! I pray it brings you comfort so very often! Have a beautiful day!!

  11. What a lovely selection of photos. And what a wonderful place you live in. I liked your bird homes and feeders. We don't have hummingbirds over here.

    Such a beautiful Blog and interesting stories. I really enjoyed the Lord's Prayer.

    God bless always.

  12. Such a moving hymn, Pamela, and what a blessing to have it stuck in your head. And what great memories it brought back for you.
    The rain on Still Waters Pond is so lovely to see, and I'll bet it's just as lovely to hear. You most certainly live in an idyllic place, my friend, with all the birds and wildlife.
    Have a blessed week!

  13. I think this was one of my favorite posts Pamela. The walk around the yard, the story of the windchime and hummingbirds. We listened to a lot of the Carpenter's while on our trip the past few weeks. We really enjoy their music and like you, feel it was a terrible loss when Karen Carpenter died. Your sign is beautiful over the window too. Finally, the Lord's Prayer is such a beautiful song. I often fall asleep with a hymn going over and over in my mind.
    Dennis bought me a new windchime in Montana to put on our balcony. I'm looking forward to his hand being better so he can hang it for me.
    I hope you're having a wonderful Tuesday.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Love the window in your room, how nice to be able to sit there and enjoy Heaven and Nature sing!! Reminds me of a video lesson from Lou Giglio about nature singing to the Lord. https://youtu.be/Hd_iK6IMHCE Hope a the link will open for you. I love rainy days and I also enjoy walking when it's sprinkling, feels so good.

  15. Howdy there Pam! So glad to see a post from you. I like rainy days too, unless we need to be out doing something outside. We often walk in the rain, unless it's BAD...we don't let it stop us. I sure do remember the Carpenters and all their hits, loved them, and singing along at the top of my lungs....even without any talent like Karen had. ha ha LOL! Yes, I used to sing that Raindrops keep falling on my Head song too. Songs, hit songs.....popular music was just SO DIFFERENT back in those days, wasn't it? Families could even listen to music together and sing along to the happy hit tunes. "music" these days is PLUM VULGAR. There were no swear words or vulgar cussing back in our happy pop songs back in the old days. And bands played REAL MUSIC. You had to know how to play a guitar, drums, piano, flutes, trumpets etc. These days their "music" is mostly computer generated I think and something called "auto tune" to fake their actual voices because what we hear live is totally different from the recorded versions and alot of them cant even actually SING worth a hoot, ha ha ha LOL!! Alot of the popular "singers' of today dress vulgar too and dance vulgar. I guess you can tell I miss the old days, LOL. Glad I was young when I was, and not now. I wouldn't want to be raising children these days either. Love the pond pictures! and thats a lovely windchime in memory of Matthew. I see your John Sloane calendar on the wall....aren't they just the PRETTIEST? I love mine! Take care my sweet friend, and stay cool in this summer heat wave!

  16. A beautiful banner and a beautiful view! We had The Lord’s Prayer sung at our wedding and it was so beautiful!


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