What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?

What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday Foto Friends and More

Good Friday morning everyone!  These sky photos show you how it looked this morning when we first put the flag out.  

Kind of the aftermath of an early morning shower, which surprised me when I heard the rain hitting on the skylight in my bathroom earlier while it was still dark...

Here's how it looked over Still Waters Pond...

And here is how it looks through the skylight right now as I am writing this around 8:45 a.m.:

Looks like it's going to be a lovely day after all!

I don't have a lot of photos to share today, so that's why I've resorted to pictures of the sky through my bathroom skylight. LOL.

I wanted to thank you all for your kind comments on my last couple of posts this week...I enjoy hearing from all of you, and even though I don't always reply back to your comments, I read them and treasure each of you.  

If you recall from my last post HERE, I mentioned that our modem was "dying", and we were having to wait until Thursday for the repairman to come.  Well, he came on Wednesday instead, which was great.  Glad we didn't take off for the beach or someplace fun that day or we would have missed him! LOL. As it was, when he called, we were 20 minutes away, finishing up our shopping at Publix, "where shopping is a pleasure"...(although I was NOT pleased with the high prices that continue to rise every time we go to the store...a puny head of lettuce for $2.99, that was not fit to eat! Come on, Publix, you can do better than that...and potatoes have gone up to $6.99 for a 5lb. bag of ordinary potatoes? What is going on here?)  Anyway, the internet technician called me and said he was on his way, and so we hurried on home to meet him, and he was already here!  After digging around in the dirt he discovered that the lines going into our house were not adequate for the speed of internet we've been paying for for the past several years...and he needed to rewire it to the inside of the house, requiring me to move some furniture around in my little "Room with a view" , etc., but when he was finished with his work I sat down to my computer and discovered that my computer was now running like a racehorse from page to page...no more long waits for the internet to come up, etc.  He said the modem was fine. It was all in the wiring.  Thankfully, no charge to us. Frankly, I think they owe us a refund for all the years of paying for extra speed that we were never receiving! But I will just be thankful it's fixed now and pray nothing else breaks down!

In other news of the week, let's see...well, our son Scott came home one night and spent the night because he had an early morning appointment here and took the rest of the day off from work so he could work on his car, which was having some issues.
He literally sat out there (or laid under the car) for hours, working on trying to get something loose that was stuck...I can't explain it, but he was extremely dedicated to the task regardless of the 90+ degree temperatures. I finally had to go warn him that a thunderstorm was coming so he could get out of there before it hit, especially because he was using an electric drill at the time...Anyway, long story short, he had to leave the car as is so he could go back to work today. He'll be back this weekend to work on it some more.  It was nice having him home for a little while. I baked him some cookies to take back with him, which he appreciated.  We also had Benton and Rose (and grandpuppies) over for a spaghetti supper while he was here, so it was nice having the whole family under our roof again. 

Switching gears...
This is a picture of our front porch,  taken from inside looking through the window. It was raining, and the porch was wet. I was looking at the color of the floor boards when they were wet, and thinking we need to re-stain our porch because, if you look at the posts on the left of the picture, you can see how they look when they are dry. I like the color of the floor boards when they are wet, so I am thinking we will stain the whole porch that color, kind of a reddish brown.  I had debated on painting it white, but decided that would require a lot of work to maintain it so gave up on that idea.

This is the view looking out through the blinds from the dining room, while it was raining.  I don't often open these blinds because we get too much hot sunshine through that window for most of the day, plus there is a road out there and people can see inside. The umbrella is open on the table to help shield this window and the front door from the blistering sun (when it isn't raining).  But I was enjoying this view in the rain. I would LOVE to put a roof up over the front porch so we can enjoy it more and keep the hot sun off the front side of the house better, but that is an expense that we can't afford for awhile since we just replaced the AC last month. It will be a while before we can do any other major projects.

Switching to the back porch...I had to change the hummingbird feeder the other day because this old one broke and fell to the ground:

And all I could find was this style at the Dollar General to replace it.  So far the birds seem to have adapted to it okay, so that's fine. It was only $4.00, so not bad:

And surprisingly, this little Wren was enjoying some birdseed from the new Log Cabin birdhouse I put up recently to replace the old one...I was surprised because Wrens rarely eat birdseed! They are more bug lovers! LOL.

And here's some pictures of Pamela's Victorian Cottage and friends...just because...

The little family stays busy year round...and you are always welcome to come visit!
(If you want to read more about "Pamela's Victorian Cottage", be sure to click on the link under "Some Special Topics" in the right column of my blog page.)

These are their little farm friends who live 'down the road' from them...

Here's how I feel about this...

And with that, I will close this epistle for today. Since I started writing this morning I've left home to go practice some music for Sunday at the church and came back home again. Now it is time to think about fixing some lunch...so I will say farewell for now and enjoy your day and weekend!

It's going to be busy...we have a Community Breakfast at the church in the morning to attend, 

and then we also have a 5th Sunday Potluck Dinner after church on Sunday.  Not sure yet what I am going to take for my covered dish...I guess I'd better quit playing and think about that!
It will also be in the Fellowship Hall:

Okay, that's all folks!!
God be with you until we meet again:

"1 God be with you till we meet again;
loving counsels guide, uphold you,
may the Shepherd’s care enfold you;
God be with you till we meet again.

Till we meet, till we meet,
till we meet at Jesus’ feet.
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.

2 God be with you till we meet again;
unseen wings, protecting, hide you,
daily manna still provide you;
God be with you till we meet again. 

3 God be with you till we meet again;
when life’s perils thick confound you,
put unfailing arms around you;
God be with you till we meet again. 

4 God be with you till we meet again;
keep love’s banner floating o’er you,
smite death’s threat’ning wave before you;
God be with you till we meet again. 




  1. Our hummingbird feeder is similar to the replacement you just bought. The hummers seem to like it just fine. They seem to adapt to new situations quite rapidly.

    1. Yes, they do seem to adapt. When I have to take the feeder in to clean it and refill it, they just sit in the tree and wait patiently for me to bring it back. LOL. They are such fun to watch! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  2. You have a skylight?? Wow!!

    Do you have an Aldi nearby? Much lower prices! 🌸

    1. Ha ha. I never really thought about the skylight being a "wow" factor! LOL. It came with the house! But I do love it. I don't have to turn on a light in my bathroom most of the day, and I can tell the weather from inside there as well! LOL. When there's a full moon I can often see it through the skylight at night. It is cool. No, we don't have an Aldi near us. We live way out in the sticks. Our choices are very limited. I would have to drive at least an hour to find an Aldi, and by then, the prices aren't really that much savings when you factor in the gas. But it's a trade-off. We like living in the country. Have a blessed weekend!

  3. Wonderful photos. Isn't God's creation grand?! And your place always looks so very nice and comfortable. I wanna sit on the deck with y'all to watch the birds and wildlife too. It's like here. So pleasant.
    We have so many Ruby-throated Hummingbirds every year that starting about 5 years ago I've been planting Bottlebrush, Butterfly Bush, Honeysuckle, and Trumpet Vine all over the property. They can feed themselves. I can't keep up! *lol*
    I hope Scott's car is fixed. It's too hot to be doing much outside. I worry about anyone exerting themselves out in this right now. I pray he paces himself.
    It's raining here. Yay! I love rainy days.
    Hope y'all have a glorious remainder of the day.
    Love From SE Gawga. lol xx

    1. I would dearly LOVE to have you come and sit on the porch with me. Come in the fall/winter, when it is cooler, of course. But then the hummingbirds are gone farther south...but then we get the geese and the cranes and lots of other interesting winter birds, so there's always something to watch. I have a new bottlebrush plant waiting to be planted, if Scott could come out from under his car long enough to dig me a hole. LOL. We'll see what develops this weekend. I expect he'll be still working on that car, so I don't pressure him. Thankfully we got more rain today to keep the plant watered! Scott works outside all day at a golf course doing lawn maintenance, etc., so the heat doesn't really bother him. Thank you for caring, however. I appreciate that. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. xoxox

  4. The skylight is so cool! I've only seen one other in a bathroom (during a thunderstorm at an estate sale) and was mesmerized. Your deck is lovely, and I agree about the darker stain. Even our white (poured concrete) patio out back shows every little spill and stain. Sure wish I could join y'all for that community breakfast! One of these days, perhaps!

    1. Thank you for liking the skylight. It is pretty cool! I can even see the full moon through it at night! Oh, I do wish you could come and enjoy that breakfast with us...and stay for the potluck on Sunday! Wouldn't that be a hoot? Take care my friend. Let me know when you're coming and I'll bake a cake! LOL.

  5. Part of living in Florida is high price…my friends across the nation do not pay what we do. I am lucky with my Publix. Fresh fresh…helpful people. Plus I save tons on buy one get one free. I am a vegetarian so do not buy meat. Maybe there is a better Publix near you. Hope so. Plus they have that program and give me back 3 dollars occasionally. Every little bit helps. Good luck.

    1. I am glad you have a good Publix near you. We live out in the country, and have to travel 15 miles to our Publix, and it is a good one usually. The prices are going up everywhere. I was just disappointed in their selections of produce and prices. That's why I went there, and I came back home to our neighborhood to our local "Hitchcocks'" store, which usually isn't all that great, and they had better deals this time than Publix. We would have to travel at least an hour to find a different Publix. But we love living in the country, so it's a trade-off. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Singing along to your song!! You gave me all the words!! :) I enjoyed your post, Pam, and wish I was close enough to pop in and enjoy breakfast tomorrow!! Glad your internet was fixed and all is well. Happy weekend!! xo

    1. Oh, Terri, I'm glad you are singing along with me! I love it when you put hymns on your page and I have to go looking for the rest of the words. LOL. I wish you were close enough to pop in for breakfast and/or our real pot luck tomorrow! The one you came to was puny compared to this one with the whole church! I hope you have a lovely weekend, whatever you do...and try to stay cool!

  7. You have a good weekend too. We are on the Gulf Coast. I go out of complex and have my Publix. There are tons here. When my son returned to Florida in 2015, to the Gulf instead of back to Miami on the Atlantic…they lived in CA and then SEATTLE also on Pacific…I was shocked at Florida prices when I came four times a year from 2015 u til I moved here. So different than the north. I learned to pick and choose…to use a little outdoor market…and to grab the deals at Publix. I have moved 31 times…and must say it is a favorite. That being said, most stores here on the Gulf in prime vacation land are fantastic. It is gorgeous here and breezy. Heat bothers me and I could not live inland. Love your blog. Love the fact you respond…sweet…prayers…

    1. Thank you, Brenda. I am glad you enjoy living on the Gulf coast. I know it is beautiful (except during hurricanes!), and I can imagine the gulf breezes are so lovely. I have not spent much time on the gulf even though I've lived most of my life in central Florida. We always went to the Atlantic coast to go to the beach. We are blessed to have two awesome choices for beach going on either side of our state. Florida is truly a lovely place to live...no wonder half of the country keeps trying to move here! LOL. Have a wonderful weekend.

    2. I chuckled out loud…half the people…that is so cute. Your writing voice is fantastic. I have been to Atlantic from Maine to Miami…always when vacationing. Pacific lots but the Gulf is magical. I live here ONLY because of the family. However it is gorgeous. I have traveled 46 states…overseas and Canada..when I see the ocean here, I always think…God did that…He can do anything. Prayers to you always. Wish you still had your store. I think you enjoyed it.

  8. We have our 5th Sunday potluck this Sunday too as well as having some members of the congregation returning while they're on their sabbatical from missionary work in Kenya. It will be good to see them again.
    I'm glad your internet is working again and at a much faster speed. That's always nice. I also like the darker red of the wood on the porch when it's wet. That would be very pretty. There's always work to be done when you have a house isn't there?
    Take care and enjoy your weekend!

    1. Oh, I guess we will both be filling up our tummies with all kinds of good stuff tomorrow after church! No matter what kind of church you belong to, they always seem to have really good cooks! And how wonderful to have some missionaries from Kenya coming home for their furlough. I am sure they will have some stories to tell! There was a time in our early ministry years that we actually prayed about going to Kenya as missionaries, but the Lord closed that door and sent us back to our home state instead. But we've always prayed for and supported many missionaries in all parts of the world through our churches. They are special people, set apart by God for a very special ministry. May the Lord bless them and keep them always. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. We're having a potluck at our church tomorrow, too, Pamela. What a coincidence! I'm so glad that the guy who fixed your internet was able to pinpoint the problem and fix it so efficiently with no cost to boot! Now I can count on you being around. :)
    Thanks for the photos, too. I love seeing clouds and blue skies in the beautiful state of Florida.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. I guess 5th Sunday potlucks is a "thing" among many churches, especially in the south! Enjoy your dinner and I know I will enjoy ours. Too much good food, but also good fellowship. Have a blessed day!

  10. Pam: I love the hummingbird feeder and the log cabin bird feeder. It is HOT here as well. We are receiving rain off and on. We are in a waiting mode with things health wise.
    Next Thursday, our women's group meets for a picnic. Our church has a roofed pavilion on its property. There seems to always be a breeze out there. We enjoy it. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. How lovely it would be to have a real picnic outdoors in the summer! Here it is so hot and humid, it would not be very pleasant at all. Our picnics need to be in the fall and spring. I hope you have a wonderful time and a good turnout. Maybe you could take some pictures and share with us? I do hope the weather cooperates! I understand about 'waiting mode with things health wise.' We have that going on here as well. It seems to take forever to get appointments anymore. One day at a time...and always realizing that God's timing is always perfect...and He is in control. That's what I try to remember! Have a blessed weekend.

  11. I think prices are just going up everywhere. I know we pay a little more at Publix, but nothing beats the customer service and the knowledge that the employees have. Wishing you a beautiful week ahead my friend.

  12. What a fun newsy post! Your surroundings are just so lovely!

  13. On the subject of birds and nature, my husband wants to cut out some unnecessary growth in one of our palm trees (no ladder required -- smile) but Mr and Mrs Dove have a nest tucked in there. I check on them daily, seeing one of them sitting on the nest. I always ask them about "the kids" as they just sit there, watching me. Once that chapter of their lives is done, we'll be able to clean up the palm.

    1. Good Idea! Let the babies get big enough to fly out on their own, and then you can remove the nest! Kind of like human life...

  14. 📖🐦 What a delightful blog, Pam! I'm writing from my other blog and just stopped by to take a look at yours. Those little birds are so special to me. I think it's because we don't have them in the Netherlands. I would love to see them in real life, but I believe that will only happen on the New Earth, don't you think? I'm not much of a traveler. Dolls and dollhouses, so much fun! They awaken the little girl inside me. So lovely. Wishing you a blessed week. 🌸🕊️

    1. Thank you, Aritha. Always a treat to hear from you all the way across the sea! Yes, in the New Earth I believe we will have and see all kinds of beauties we never dreamed possible on this earth. We don't do much traveling either, so enjoying one another's blogs/surroundings from my armchair is a great way to see the world! And yes, we need to allow our "little girl" inside of us come outside and play now and then. I think it is very therapeutic! I hope you have a blessed and beautiful week as well.

  15. Beautiful photos...such of nice reflection of the beautiful life you have created there next to Still Waters Pond!! Thanks for letting us visit so regularly! Happy Monday to you and I hope your week is off to a wonderful start! I'm just back from a bit of vacation and getting back to the routine of Mondays:)

  16. I love hearing your stories. Your collectibles look like the store our kids took us to at Estes Park this weekend. That gentleman has anything and everything you could want or dream of. It was so fun. Your son is sure dedicated and I liked your comment earlier about Benton & Rose serving at church.. we've been listening to Hannah & Jakes pastor from Western NY. He preaches the bible with passion and he certainly has a way to get peoples attention speaking the truth from the Word. Our original church is so far away and now there is one half as far. We will go for holidays and special occasions but we enjoy Hannah's community. They are even going to give her a baby shower. I pray our new grandson will make his appearance before year's end. I hope you have a wonderful day and stay cool and safe.


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