I hope your anchor is grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's Love today. Amen.
Welcome to my "Open Window"...a place of hope, encouragement, and adventure as we journey down the road from "Closed Doors" to the new opportunities God places in our pathway. I hope you will take the time to go back and follow the trail of mixed blessings and fears, failures and triumphs from the past and side-trips in the present. Perhaps it will conjure up some of your own special memories, and be an invitation for you to share with others. I look forward to spending this time with you!
What Do You See Outside YOUR Open Window Today?
Remember: "When God closes a door, He always opens a window!" You never know what might be out there waiting for you!
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Thankful Thursday and Hymns of Praise
I hope your anchor is grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's Love today. Amen.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
Wednesday Treasures~Hawk Eyes and Wisdom
I thought I would take the day off because I really didn't have any new "treasures" to share with you. We've not been doing much this past week since we've been sick, but we were finally feeling good enough to make a trip to Walmart this morning. Had to stock up on some essentials like toilet paper and Kleenex and stuff like that. Spent the rest of the day recuperating from the exertion. LOL. Thankfully we have been able to take short walks each afternoon. It's been pretty warm, but we try to walk in a shady area and at least there was a nice breeze this evening. We just need rain. Every time our forecast says we are going to get rain it seems to take a detour around our area and keeps on moving further away.
So anyway, we just got home from our walk a few minutes ago, and I could hear a hawk calling from somewhere around Still Waters Pond. I grabbed my camera and headed out the back door to see if I could spot him somewhere in the trees. He sounded like he was out there where I probably wouldn't be able to find him and I almost gave up and came back inside, but then I noticed this, sitting in a tree right in our yard:
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Tuesday 4 and More..."Looking Back"
Good Morning Friends...I was a bit "awol" yesterday...been dealing with some health issues and finally went to the doctor. Praise God! I do NOT have the big ugly C-virus, but have had a bad sore throat and sinusitis this past weekend. Now I am on antibiotics and hopefully this too shall pass. My hubby has also been sick all last week with bronchitis, and he is finally on the mend as well. So we just want to give thanks to God for His comfort and healing.
So now it is Tuesday and time for Tuesday 4..., so buckle up and here we go:
Looking back...Hello friends and once again welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. I am so happy to have people joining in and making this so much fun.
"I am listening to a nostalgic music channel right now with songs of the 40's and it made me think that perhaps we could discuss some
nostalgia here. I hope you will enjoy thinking about these questions this week." (per Annie, our hostess)
1. What music were your parents listening to when you were a kid? Does that music bring back memories for you?
2. What was your favorite meal and beverage as a teenager? Is it still or have things changed for you?

3. As a teen did you live in a city, country, small town? What was it like for you there. Tell us about your hometown please?
4. Would you like to live in your hometown today? Why or why not?
Friday, June 24, 2022
Friday Foto Friends~A Surprise, and an Answer to Prayer!
Here it is Friday, and I have come up short in the "foto" department! I guess I already used them all up in previous posts and things haven't been too exciting around here this week with hubby sick and it being too hot anyway to go anywhere or do anything. Good news...hubby finally went to the Dr. this morning to be tested, and praise God! The test was negative. However, they didn't have any open appointments for further evaluation today, but basically he's doing all they can do anyway...taking mucinex and tylenol and vitamin C. Hopefully he will start feeling better before Sunday, or we'll have to miss church. But at least it's not the bad "C" word. Praise God!
So, I started out this post a few minutes ago with no new pictures to share, but I was hopeful that something would develop before I had to call it quits for today...and you will never guess what is going on outside my "Room With A View" window...